Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 08: After Eight


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My swollen, rounded head brushed against her slit and she winced.

"Still sure?" I asked. She bit her lower lip and nodded.

I carefully rubbed my smooth end up and down her red, puffy, angry slit until I found the entrance to her vagina then pressed gently forwards. Her inner lips parted astonishingly easily and in a single slow stroke I slid smoothly my full length into my wife's vagina, halting only when my curly pubic hair ground against her newly hairless pubic mound.

There was a soft squelching sound from below. I looked down to see that my incoming shaft had forced some of Mitch's copious semen out of her body where it had formed a pale sticky ring around the base of my shaft.

"Is that ok?" I asked, looking into my wife's eyes. She nodded then closed her eyes and I saw her fists grasp the sheet at if bracing herself.

I pulled myself back and thrust into her again, still carefully but with a little more force. I slipped easily in, her vagina practically gaping, the flood of her juices and Mitch's semen the best possible lubrication.

I had never felt her body this loose around my shaft - even after the kids had been born her vagina had been tighter and drier around me.

Again there was a wet slapping sound as I thrust into her and another spray of semen spattered across my upper thighs and belly - add to that the taste of their coupling in my mouth, the smell of recent sex in my nostrils, the sight of teeth marks on her tiny breasts and my head could do nothing but spin.

I began to thrust harder, passion rising within me as it had the first time my wife had been unfaithful, my cock churning the juices within her into a foam around its base. Faster and faster I thrust, feeling her hands on my chest, then my sides, then my back.

"Please... no more..." she begged and I felt her clamp down on my cock as hard as her exhausted, stretched vagina would allow as if desperately trying to bring me to a climax quickly.

There was a look of pain on her lovely face and I knew I had to end it soon -- but that was a foregone conclusion anyway. I lowered my mouth to her pretty face and kissed her hard on the lips, thrusting my tongue between her teeth; seeing her eyes widen at the unfamiliar taste of her own copulation passing from my mouth to hers.

It was enough. A knot appeared in the small of my back and fire burned my inner thighs as my own orgasm overtook me and I began to ejaculate in my wife's wet, slimy, gaping vagina, adding my own contribution to the pool of semen that was still inside her vagina and by now had probably seeped into her womb too where I silently prayed this time no egg would be waiting.

For a minute or two, my cock throbbed as it delivered its hot, sticky cargo into her flaccid, spent body then seeing her exhaustion, I withdrew, kneeling between her limp thighs, above which an angry red gash now throbbed and glowed.

I kissed her once on the tummy, then once on each battered breast, then on her forehead before rolling onto the sticky, semen-encrusted sheet alongside her and enfolding her in my arms.

Alice's eyes were closed.

"Thank you..." she began but her voice trailed away.

I hugged her tightly, feeling her fit, athletic body lying limply against mine, her legs against my legs, her tummy against my flaccid, sticky cock.

"I love you, Hotwife Alice," I whispered into her blonde hair.

Then I fell asleep.


There was very little traffic on the road that morning as Carmen drove us back to the airport. Alice dozed in the back seat, her pretty head leaning against the window, her eyes closed. I had washed, dressed and packed as quickly and quietly as I could so as to let my exhausted wife sleep as long as possible. There had simply been no time for most-mortem discussions about the incredible fucking Mitch had given her but no doubt she would be more forthcoming when we had returned home and both her mind and her body had recovered a little.

When I had finally woken her with a cup of tea, Alice had been tired and dreamy but had greeted me with a pained smile.

"Thank you," she said, taking the hot mug from me.

"How do you feel?" I asked lamely.

"I'm not sure yet," she said blinking, "very, very tired and very, very stiff."

I took her hands and helped her sit up in bed then swivel until she was perched on the edge of the mattress with her feet on the floor. She yelped under her breath as the rough edge of the divan rasped against her sore vulva.

"Jesus!" she exclaimed, holding her bottom away from the sheet with her hands "just how many times did I get fucked last night?"

She was grinning and I suspected the question was rhetorical but answered it anyway.

"At least four times to my knowledge -- five including me." I smiled, "who needs Steve?"

"Oh my God!" she flushed with embarrassment, "And Carmen...?"

"She's fine. She's in the kitchen making us a bit of breakfast, but we don't have a lot of time to catch the plane. I've packed most of our stuff but..."

Alice took my hand and rose unsteadily to her feet.

"I'll be as quick as I can," she said then to my surprise kissed me directly on the lips, "I think we just moved into a new phase of our life, don't you?"

"If it's as exciting as the last phase then I'm all for it!" I said only half jokingly.

I watched her stumble across to the en suite bathroom. As she took off the remnants of her red dress - which now surely would have to go in the bin - I could clearly see the marks on her sweet body of the comprehensive fucking that she had enjoyed.

There were dark rings around her pretty eyes and several dark hickeys were beginning to develop on her neck and breasts as well as on and around her badly bruised vulva, from which her inner lips and clitoris still protruded obscenely. Both were an angry red colour and I noticed her wince when she dried herself down there after her shower.

I couldn't help but wonder what her body would look like when we went to bed at home that night, and what signs of her latest infidelity would be visible to me -- and possibly to anyone else with an imagination -- over the coming week.

During our brief breakfast, Alice had said little and eaten less, still completely exhausted. Despite being so very tired and achy, she had still automatically dressed sexily in a short sun dress and heels.

Unsurprisingly, Carmen mentioned nothing at all about her and my encounter in her bedroom and the climax I had given her. Was she ashamed of what we did? Afraid Steve might find out? Pretending it hadn't happened? I couldn't tell but only half an hour late, we drew out of the apartment's gateway and headed off towards the airport.

As the hard, dry landscape flashed past us I saw her looked at my wife in the rear view mirror as if checking she was asleep. I smiled at Alice's innocent-looking face.

"It's really good of you to take us to the airport," I said, "we could easily have caught a taxi."

"With Slutwife Alice in this state?" she asked, "I need to see you both safely to your plane."

"Are you going straight back home afterwards?" I asked Carmen.

"I'll go for a coffee or two then Steve's plane is due in," she smiled.

I looked at her. Something wasn't quite right. When I had booked in on line and checked the flight time had I noticed that the only arrival within the next two hours was a transatlantic flight from Chicago. There weren't any other flights from the UK until late afternoon which was why it was so important we didn't miss ours.

"Steve... never was... going to be here, was he?" I asked slowly and quietly as realisation gradually dawned on me. "He's not been at home at all. He's been in the US on business..."

Carmen smiled, her eyes as bright and full of mischief as I had ever seen them.

"His plane was always due now, right?" I stated, "You made up those delays, didn't you?"

"When did you work that out, Mister Cuckold?" She replied archly.

"Um... recently..." I hesitated, unwilling to show the She-Devil just how thoroughly she had fooled us with her little scheme.

"I bet it was!" She laughed out loud in the darkness.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, again quietly.

"You're not complaining?" she asked, "Your lovely wife seemed happy enough last night."

Indeed she had; the images of Alice being fucked senseless by Mitch were still vivid in my mind.

"I wanted to know if she was ready..." Carmen continued, "and as you can see, she was!" she laughed.

"Ready for what?" I asked stupidly.

"Ready to be more than just my favourite Hotwife," she continued, checking once again that my wife was still asleep behind us. "Ready to be a Real Slut."

"You mean..." I began to ask, unsure of myself.

"I mean that up to now she's just been an unfaithful wife with a Cuckold for a husband and a boyfriend with a huge cock," Carmen continued.

This was certainly true but I hadn't understood there to be a distinction. As far as I was concerned, I was a Cuckold married to a Hotwife -- and loving every minute of it.

But she went on. "I wanted to see if I could make her a Real Slut; I wanted to know if I could get her to fuck a stranger just for the pleasure of it. Any decent sized cock would have done, but when I knew Mitch was going to be out here without his girlfriend, well I knew I had to set you both up."

"How did you know it would work?" I asked, aghast at how we had been fooled yet again.

"Alice and I talk, you know that," she said, "I had a pretty idea she would go for it, especially if I could make her desperate enough." She paused then looked at me.

"Your sweet, innocent wife has really changed, you know? More than you think or she realises. She thinks she's 'in lust' with Steve to use her words, but in reality she's addicted to fucking now."

After what I had witnessed the previous night it was hard to deny any of what Carmen was saying.

"She's hooked!" she added.

"What was all that nonsense about Mitch being shy?" I asked, "He knew exactly what he was doing. He didn't need any help from the two of us!"

Carmen laughed wickedly.

"Steve isn't here so I thought, why should Alice have all the fun?" I stared at her in astonishment. She really had fooled us completely. "Besides, Mitch knows Steve is my husband and would have been afraid to try it on with your wife in front of you unless we gave him a clear message that it would be ok."

It made sense and had certainly worked if the enthusiasm of Mitch's fucking had been anything to go by. But Carmen still hadn't finished.

"And as for Mitch, well I've heard him fucking his girlfriend out here several times. She's so loud -- or he's so good -- that when she cums you can hear it inside our bedroom! When she's not there, he's tried it on casually with a few of us -- me included -- so I was fairly sure he'd try and seduce your pushover of a wife."

Once again I couldn't argue. Alice had been an easy and enthusiastic conquest for the youngster, once he'd had the confidence to try.

"How does it feel to be married to a Real Slut, Mister Cuckold?"

Although her words were harsh there was a twinkle in her eye and I understood it was her way of teasing me. I couldn't lie to her.

"Even better than I imagined," I replied, meaning it. "Thank you for... Well, for tricking us once again! You're a kind of She-Devil, you know that?"

Carmen laughed aloud and I heard Alice stirring in the back seat.

"Is that how you think of me?" she asked, grinning broadly. "I think I like it!"

"Well you've certainly had your fun with the two of us this weekend, haven't you?"

"I'm not the only one who had fun though," she replied. "Not by a long way, from what I saw. I suspect you'll be having a lot more fun very soon - and not just with us!"

We drove on in silence for a while.

"What will Mitch think when he finds out his new girlfriend isn't around anymore?" I wondered.

"He'll be fine," Carmen smiled, "he's just had the best sex of his life with an older, mystery woman. He's leaving the villa with his Mum today for the last time. He won't ask many questions."

A thought crossed my mind but Carmen was obviously a mind reader.

"Yes, I can get you his mobile number if you really want it," she added, amused at my predictability. I felt pleased and, turning round to look at my sleeping wife once again, smiled.

"Take good care of her," Carmen said, nodding towards the back of the car, "she's had an amazing night and it will take a while for her to get back to normal -- whatever 'normal' means for you two now."

I nodded again. "I will. I do love her, you know."

"I know you do, it's obvious. And she loves you too, but once she's got over the guilty feelings about last night, she's not going to be satisfied with just Steve any more. She's going to want more cocks and bigger cocks and you'll have to help her find them." she smiled wickedly. "I'll help as well of course!"

"That's the least you could do after what you've turned her into..." I chided, hoping she wasn't joking.

"You'll need to make sure she doesn't do anything -- or anyone -- that she shouldn't!" Carmen carried on, ignoring me.

"I'm sure she..." I began.

"She didn't even think about using a condom last night, did she?" Carmen cut in, making me shiver, "And neither did you Mister Cuckold! If she's going to be a Slut -- and believe me she IS going to be one - there's a lot more to worry about than just getting knocked up!"

I stared at her.

"Yes I know what happened. Your 'Sweet Innocent Alice' might not have put two and two together yet, but you and I both know she was carrying Steve's baby for a few weeks!"

I was dumbfounded. Carmen was absolutely right again; condoms hadn't crossed either of our minds last night, there was no mystery about that, but how on earth had the She-Devil found out about Alice's maybe-pregnancy?

There was no point asking so I sat in contemplation for a while feeling the rumbling of the tyres on the motorway.

My wife was going to be a Real Slut! No question! Over the past few months, under my nose and with my compliance, Carmen had turned her from a sweet innocent housewife and mother of two into a cock-hungry Slut! Our lives were about to change yet again!

But there was one final surprise to come. As we turned off the motorway and onto the airport slip road, Carmen looked into the mirror again as if checking Alice really was asleep before glancing briefly towards me.

"Last night..." she began, "you were very... understanding." I smiled in response, unable to think what to say. "I needed an orgasm badly and you gave it to me without thinking about yourself."

I was about to speak but she carried on.

"The way I was feeling... well, if you had pushed it, I probably would have let you fuck me. But then we would both have regretted it afterwards. As it is, it was a perfect end to the day. You're a very perceptive man, Mister Cuckold!"

There was a short pause and she lowered her voice even further.

"You really are very good with your tongue, you know?" she said quietly. "It seems little Alice isn't the only one who's full of surprises." I glowed with pleasure at this unexpected compliment. "I'll have to remember that when the four of us next get together, but for the moment let's keep it as our little secret, ok?"

I nodded. That was all she had to say on the matter, but it was more than enough for me.


"Come on, Sleepyhead," I whispered into her ear as I woke my stiff, aching wife and helped her out of the car at the terminal, "we're here now".

Alice slowly surfaced, then unfolded herself from the rear seat before tottering a little unstably on her slender legs in the bright sunshine. She pulled the hem of her dress down over her tiny panties and I noticed three small bruises on her pale buttocks which hadn't been there the night before. Their darkness and the knowledge of how she had acquired them thrilled me. I looked at my watch.

"We'd better get moving," I said, "there's not that much time."

We kissed Carmen our Goodbyes. It had been a great break after all.

"Thank you for... for everything," Alice said in a slightly dopey voice but one that meant every word as she kissed her best friend on the cheek, "will you be at the gym next weekend?"

"Of course," Carmen replied, "I want to hear all about last night, straight from the horse's mouth!"

Alice blushed and smiled. "Give my love to Steve," she added turned towards the terminal's sliding doors.

I stared after her, amused to think that the man who had first seduced her and even impregnated her might already have become something of an afterthought.

"Does he know about... all this?" I asked Carmen, waving my hand at my wife's slim, sexy, if rather stiff figure as she passed into the hall. "Steve, I mean. If Alice is so special to him..."

"Then he'll just have to concentrate on me for a while, won't he?" she replied firmly. "Besides, it will do him good to have a bit of competition for your wife's cunt. After all, it's done you the world of good, hasn't it?"

And with those coarse words, she gave me a long, deep kiss on the lips, squeezed my crotch one more time then walked calmly out into the sunshine.


"Feeling better?" I asked as Alice's eyes slowly opened and she stiffly sat up in her seat.

"Mmmm," she replied, stretching her arms forward and rolling her head from left to right. "Have I missed the coffee?"

Alice had slept through most of the flight home, her pretty blonde head resting on my shoulder, my right hand on her long, bare thigh. The flight wasn't busy and we had managed to find a row of three seats to ourselves.

She had looked so sweet and innocent as she slept it had been hard to believe that the past twenty four hours had happened and that even now, traces of another man's sperm were probably still inside her womb.

I bought two coffees from the trolley as it passed on its final run down the aisle.

"Oh my God!" Alice croaked as she sipped the hot liquid, "that's disgusting!"

"You're just spoiled by the Spanish coff... Jesus that's horrible!"

We both burst out laughing excessively as if all we had needed was an excuse to release any remaining tensions between us, though to be honest there were very few. The family in the row behind us must have wondered what the joke could possibly be.

I put my arm around her shoulders and she raised her lips to mine. We kissed briefly, aware of the audience but it was a good, light-hearted kiss.

"So," I asked once we had settled back in our seats, "was the holiday all you wanted it to be? In the end?"

She thought for a minute before replying and when she did reply, her words were carefully chosen.

"It didn't start so well but the end was better than I imagined possible."

"You enjoyed it?" I asked, pleased.

"More than I've ever enjoyed a... holiday... before," she paused then looked directly at me, "I think... for me at least... I feel as if I've gone through a kind of barrier... started something now..." her eyes were a little dreamy and I'm sure it wasn't just tiredness, "are you sure you're happy with the way things worked out? I'm only happy if you're happy too," she asked.

It was my turn to think carefully.

"It wasn't... what I thought would happen but to be honest, it was even more... exciting than I had imagined possible too... in the end."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, her hand in mine.

"Would you... would you want to go there again?" I eventually asked.

The look on my wife's face told a thousand words.

"I need a while to recover," she laughed, looking round to make sure no-one was listening, "but if you wanted to show me other... new things, I would be very pleased to go with you."

By now my trousers were bulging painfully.

"With the same friends?" I added. Alice seemed to think for a long time.