Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 17: Surprise


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"Well, not really..." she replied to my amazement.

I had given her a route out, but she hadn't taken it. Was Alice really contemplating our first wife-swap?

Sensing her uncertainty, Hilary gave Alice a strange grin and beckoned with her finger. She leaned across the table, a puzzled expression on her face, holding back her long hair as Hilary whispered something in her ear. Alice's expression changed from puzzlement to disbelief as she sat back in her seat.

"Seriously?" she asked the older woman.

Hilary nodded.

"Oh yes. It's quite... unusual.

"Well..." Alice's reluctance was crumbling.

"You won't regret it, I promise," her friend whispered just loud enough for me to overhear. "Can we have some more drinks, Clive? Better make them soft ones."

Clive and I exchanged glances and frowns but of course both rose to go to bar and refresh the girls' glasses before it closed for the night. When we returned, they had clearly been talking about us because there was a girlish, highly sexualised frisson between them. They kept looking at the pair of us and giggling.

"Is she always like this," I asked Clive jokingly, nodding towards his wife.

"When she's in that kind of mood, yes," he replied with an exaggerated air of exasperation.

Hilary rose rather unstably to her feet. My wife followed suit.

"And I'm in that kind of mood tonight, boys. Alice and I are going up to the room for ten minutes," she announced in a slurred voice, taking her newly-arrived glass in her hand. "We'll send you a message when we're ready. You two can keep yourselves amused down here. Talk about cars or something boring, okay?"

I looked at my wife who seemed to have become a teenager again if the giggling was anything to go by.

"See you later CB," she said, running her finger under my chin in the style of a 'fifties American movie.

And with that the two skinny girls meandered their unsteady was across the bar towards the lift; the older woman in the short, tight-fitting dress arm in arm with the younger, sexy piece in tight jeans and boots.

The next half hour (when did girls ever get ready for anything in ten minutes) was one of the strangest in my life. How on earth do you make conversation with a man whose wife's cunt you expect shortly to fuck perform cunnilingus on, while he sits there in the expectation of fucking your own wife at the same time?

Thankfully, as a more experienced swinger, Clive must have been in this position many times before and was adept at putting me at my ease without in any way ruining the sexual frisson that had built up between the four of us.

We chatted as the bar finally emptied around us. It seems he and Hilary had first become swingers in Islington in the eighties; a wild time when London was full of crazy people and plenty of money despite the recession on the rest of the country. As he had moved up the corporate ladder they had moved north and had tried to maintain their alternative lifestyle but with limited success.

It was only once they met Carmen and Steve that things had started to improve; it seemed Hilary and Steve were no strangers to each other's bodies. She and Alice had that in common at least.

"No-one gets inside Carmen's knickers though, do they?" he laughed. "And I should know; I've tried hard enough! Hats off to you for getting as far as you did!"

I blushed though it was a meant as a compliment. Was there anyone Carmen hadn't told about that night in Spain when I had brought her to orgasm with my mouth?

"Hilary hasn't stopped talking about you and your... skills," he grinned sheepishly then thought for a moment.

"I've never seen her do that before," he continued. "I've heard of it of course but never actually seen in."

I guessed he was referring to the way his wife had squirted in my face as I licked her clitoris and energetically fingered her g-spot. It had been my first experience of female ejaculation too and to be honest had been quite a shock.

"I'm pleased we ran into you," he added. "Maybe she'll shut up about it if you do it again."

I blushed then began to feel nervous. What if my performance didn't live up to Hilary's expectations? We were all more than a little drunk; what if I couldn't deliver what she wanted?

My flash of anxiety was interrupted by a beeping sound as Clive's mobile phone received a message. He pulled it from his jacket pocket; even from where I sat I could see it was from 'Hilary Mobile' and contained only two words.

'Ready Boys!'

My tummy churned. I looked across at the older, rather overweight man whose wife I was about to take and who was about to make me a cuckold for the umpteenth time. He grinned back.

"Don't be nervous. It'll be fine. Shall we go? Mustn't keep the ladies waiting, must we?"

Downing the last of our drinks we stood -- a little unsteadily as the girls had been -- and made our way to the lifts. Clive ushered me in first then pressed the button for the sixth floor. We ascended in silence, my tummy filling with butterflies; it was buzzing with nerves by the time we reached the door to their room and Clive slipped his key card into the lock.

"Ready?" he grinned, looking at me over his shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I nodded.

"Relax and go with the flow," he said reassuringly then led me into the bedroom.

We entered through a narrow corridor in which their empty suitcases were stored. In the near-darkness I nearly tripped but steadied myself and went into the room. At first I thought it was tiny but then it opened into a much larger, rectangular space. A cigarette lighter flared to my left and a hidden hand began to light half a dozen candles while my eyes adjusted to the low glow.


There in front of us stood two visions in white. In my half drunk state they appeared like angels but as my night vision gradually improved I could see that they were in fact our two wives, dressed in nothing but the hotel's short white bathrobes.

Alice's hair had been let down and brushed until it fell smoothly over her shoulders. Hilary wore a band that held her hair back from the features of her pretty face, on which any age lines were completely invisible.

Both the girl's robes were hanging open, the naked bodies within tantalisingly visible. Both girls were slender to the point of skinny; neither of their robes was much disturbed by their almost invisible boobs. Both were hairless between their upper thighs.

I looked from one to the other, stunned. Alice looked as sexy and natural as she ever had and although Hilary was old enough to be my mother, you wouldn't have guessed it from the vision of loveliness that stood before us.

Without a word but with a broad smile, my wife stepped over to Clive and took his hand, leading him across to one of the two small but officially double-beds that filled most of the room. Taking her cue, Hilary took the few small steps required to stand in front of me.

Her head rose towards mine, her eyes were closing, her mouth was opening... and then it had all started. Before I knew what was happening, Hilary and I were kissing passionately, her arms around my neck as my hands instinctively exploring her bony body from her firm, hard buttocks to her tiny breasts.

In return she hung from my neck, grinding her groin hard against my thigh which I instinctively pushed forwards to make her pleasant task easier. Our tongues were writhing together like two snakes, my mouth filling with the strangely pleasant minty flavour of toothpaste.

Alongside and from the corner of my eye I could see my wife and Colin in similar pose, though even from this distance I could tell that the passion of their embrace was considerably less intense than Hilary and mine.

We kissed like teenagers for a long time, my hands enjoying the soft smooth skin before me as my tongue enjoyed the hot mouth into which it plunged over and over again. A short while later I sensed a movement to my right and caught sight of Alice's bathrobe falling to the floor leaving her naked in Clive's embrace.

As if taking her cue, Hilary shrugged her robe from her shoulders too, and a moment later both girls dropped to their knees at the same time. Hilary looked up at me; her cheeky, sexy but slightly glazed eyes fixed on mine as her hands rose to my belt and began to unfasten it.

I glanced to my right to see my wife's hands equally active at Clive's thick waist. His paunch was clearly making her job much more difficult, but she persevered and a few moments after my waistband popped open and my trousers fell to me knees, I heard Clive sigh as the strain on his belly was released too and his trousers were lowered.

My unglamorous underwear exposed, I returned my attention to my partner. My eyes locked again onto Hilary's as her fingers caressed the growing bulge in my briefs, massaging my hardening erection until it began to peek out under the elastic at the top of my thigh. Then, her grin widening, she slipped her fingers under its waistband and slowly and deliberately lowered my underwear to join my trousers around my knees.

As the tight fabric slipped over its swelling head, my cock flew outwards and upwards, making Hilary's head fly back in surprise.

"Ooops!" she grinned, her eyes returning to mine as she took my shaft in her slender, delicate fingers and pretended to inspect it. "Hmmm. Not bad; not bad at all!"

My body jumped as her tongue shot out of her mouth and flashed across the tip of my cock. She did it again then ran the flat of her tongue the full length of its underside from my tightening sack to my smooth sensitive tip; all the time her mischievous eyes were looking upwards, fixed on mine.

"Hilaryyyy!" I moaned.

She simply smiled up at me then proceeded to give me simply the best oral sex I had ever received, her mouth, tongue and fingers working as a well-practised team on my astonished body. From its hairy base to the tiny lips on its tip, every last millimetre of my erection received the fullest attention from her mouth while her fingers worked their magic on my tightening sack.

One moment the tip of her tongue was licking pre-cum from my smooth, swollen head, a minute later the same head was buried deep in the back of her throat as her lips ground against my pubic hair.

The woman was an expert! Nothing my wife had ever done to me came close to the extremity of arousal Hilary's mouth and tongue induced, and all the time, no matter how my knees trembled or my body shook, she kept me agonisingly and expertly just the right side of ejaculation.

The action taking place on the bed alongside me simply added to that arousal, though I found it hard to concentrate on anything but the sensations emanating from my loins. Alice was clearly giving Clive her own version of the amazing job his wife was giving me and, if the noises were anything to go by, he was enjoying it as much as I was.

But all good things must come to an end and eventually Hilary pulled her head back, releasing my now rock-hard erection. A trail of saliva mixed with pre-cum dangled between her open mouth and my rounded head as she beamed up at me mischievously.

"My turn now," she grinned.

I took her hands in mine and helped her to her feet. She backed towards the bed then sat on the mattress, scooching back until her pretty bare feet were off the floor.

"Time to get to work, Mister Cuckold," she said, using the name Carmen routinely called me.

For a moment I wondered what else the She-Devil had told Hilary, but with a pretty, willing woman in front of me, her legs open wide and her vulva already glistening, there was no time for side issues. It was time to get down to work!

Kicking off my trousers and shoes and shedding my shirt, I knelt on the bed and crawled on my hands and knees towards my goal. Hilary smiled broadly in anticipation, leaning back against the padded headboard as my mouth closed in on her inner thighs.

Just before Hilary's rising thigh obscured my view, out of the corner of my eye I saw Clive pulling the clothes from his over-sized body and moving towards the bed where my own wife was waiting. Alice's legs were parted for him just as Hilary's were, waiting for me.

Taking my time, I planted a series of soft, light kisses along the inside of Hilary's right thigh, working my way from her knee towards the crease where her thigh and vulva joined. As my lips passed over that sensitive fold, I drew my tongue upwards along its full length from the base of her buttock to her hip.

"Mmmmm!" Hilary moaned softly. "That's nice."

I repeated the actions along her left thigh then moved back to her right again, feeling the heat from her body against my face; smelling the juices of her increasing arousal tantalisingly close to my nose but as yet untouched. Abandoning her inner thighs, I paid close attention to those creases over and again, teasing her, only my hot breath touching the folds of sensitive flesh so close to my mouth until I could see and smell the glistening evidence of her mounting arousal.

Then, without warning, I drew the tip of my tongue in a straight line the full length of her slit from her puckered anus to her shrouded clit.


The squeal that emanated from Hilary's lips was all the confirmation I needed; I had hit the sweet spot first time. Encouraged, I began to tongue her weeping vulva at a brisk but long-legged pace, taking care not to leave any part of her inner core untouched while keeping her just the right side of a premature climax.

From its salty base by her anus, I worked the tip of my tongue upwards, along the warm, wet folds of her flesh, dipping into and around her sweet entrance then moving confidently upwards to toy with her clitoris, still half-concealed under its hood.

"Mmmm Cliiiive!"

The voice to my right was familiar; my wife was moaning softly in the bed alongside ours. My view blocked by Hilary's inner thigh, all I could do was imagine what her overweight lover was doing to her and for her.

Whatever it was, it was working! I tried hard not to listen and to concentrate on the female body before me; the changing taste of Hilary's wonderful juices telegraphing more about her increasing arousal than mere words or noises ever could.

I began to tongue her in earnest, drawing the flat of my tongue across the underside of her clitoris while my fingers began their important work on and around the entrance to her vagina.

Suddenly I felt a movement to my left; I glanced quickly across to the other bed where Clive's mouth had apparently abandoned my wife's vulva in favour of a rapid and, if her encouraging moaning was to be believed, an imminent and very much desired penetration.

His fat body loomed over Alice's skinny supine frame, his chubby legs between her widely spread thighs; his cock obscured as he thrust his pale, flabby body forwards. Once, twice, three times then...

"Oh my fucking GODDD!"

Alice squealed aloud as Clive's erection was forced into her vagina.

"JESUS IT'S HUGE!" she squealed.

From above my head I heard Hilary chuckle.

"I told you!" her voice was maliciously sing-song, but breathy. "Hey! Don't stop down there, Mister Cuckold!"

Hilary's hands flew to my hair, pulling my face hard against her vulva. I resumed my work with a vengeance, trying desperately to read my lover's body as her arousal grew and grew. My task was made all the harder by the distracting noises coming from the bed nearby; a mix of low animal grunts, creaking bedsprings and half-crazed female wailing.

Clive was clearly giving my wife a fucking she wasn't going to forget any time soon. The sounds were having an effect on his wife too if the changing taste filling my mouth was anything to go by. Tonguing the length of her slit with all the concentration I could muster, I could taste the sweetness in her secretions becoming earthy and bitter as her arousal increased; the sure-fire confirmation that my work was progressing well.

"Yes! Yes! Yesssss!"

'Creak! Creak! Creak!'


The sounds coming from alongside made it clear that Clive was progressing well too. Although nowhere near climax yet, my wife was clearly enjoying the effects that the older man's thick, cock were having on her body.

It was time for me to change gear. Placing both thumbs at the top of her slit, I carefully raised the hood covering Hilary's clitoris, exposing its tiny shaft and sensitive tip to the full onslaught of my tongue. In a long, slow stroke I ran the full length of its rough, flat surface directly across the underside of her small, hard nub.


Hilary's hips bucked wildly against my face. I did it again with the same effect, then a third time.


Inspired by the rhythmic fucking sound coming from alongside, I began to tongue my lover relentlessly and mercilessly, rasping my tongue under, over and around her exposed clitoris like a man possessed. Hilary's body bucked wildly, her thighs clamping hard on the side of my head, her hands pulling at my hair as if trying to pull my entire head into her weeping vagina.

The taste in my mouth changed yet again, the increasing bitterness of her fluids joined by a sharp, metallic tang which I recognised as the approach of her first climax.

Not for the first time I was amazed how different and how similar women's bodies could be. Whenever we had started, every girl or woman I had ever tongued had had her own distinctive flavour and aroma. To me it was a fundamental part of the magic contained within every female body. But as that body's arousal mounted and mounted, and especially as she approached climax, the flavours and aromas grew more and more similar until at the point of orgasm, all those sensations merged into one extraordinary taste.

Alice, Carmen, Julie, Hilary -- even the girls I had known at school and university; each had had her own exotic and distinctive flavour and scent. But as each had reached orgasm, the flavour that had filled my head had been the same.

For me that flavour was the most erotic, most intense and most desirable in the entire world. And my head was filling with it now.


Hilary was about to cum and cum hard! I kept tonguing relentlessly as her body began to shake.


The wave of climax that overtook her took both of us by surprise. Hilary's legs flexed backwards, her hips were driven forcefully upwards and her hairless vulva was rammed against my mouth.

Releasing her hood, I slipped my left hand under my chin and eased two fingers back into her vagina, swivelling them from right to left and back until they had sunk into her body up to the third knuckle. I could feel Hilary's juices oozing from her vulva and running over my hand as I worked my fingers around the inside of her vagina until I found it; that precious rough patch hidden behind her pubic bone; the patch that could bring such incredible pleasure.


The words came from the bed next to me. The tone of voice in which they were wailed told me in no uncertain terms that my wife had just reached her own orgasm too. It was time for her friend to follow suit.

Releasing Hilary's clitoris from my lips, I curled my fingers upwards and began to move their tips as quickly as I could across her g-spot, the palm of my hand jerking rapidly up and down across her vulva. My face was as wet and sticky as my hand but I didn't care. Hilary was going to cum, cum hard and cum quickly; I was determined to make it happen.


Her words were choked in her throat as her body went into spasm, her tummy muscles contracted involuntarily, raising her bodily from the bed as her legs clamped painfully hard either side of my head. It hurt but I was determined; forcing my fingers even harder into her vagina I attacked her g-spot with a vengeance, brining my mouth down on her clitoris once again.