Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 18: Risk

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Flaunting and fertility lead to couple's biggest risk yet.
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Part 18 of the 18 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/10/2012
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A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.

I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.

A brief flush of pride passed through me as I looked at the slim, athletic, figure stretched full length on the clean white sun bed, bare breasted and wearing one of the tiniest pairs of red bikini panties I had ever seen.

As I watched, she slowly raised her slender, toned arms up over her head, tightening the muscles of her tummy and stretching her bony chest until her tiny breasts had all but disappeared, the absence of tan lines blending them smoothly into the bony curves of her body.

My wife's tiny breasts had actually grown smaller as she had become slimmer and fitter, though with her long, slender legs and shoulder length blonde hair, she still had a figure to admire and lust over, as our two teenage friends had discovered, much to my amusement.

I watched their display of bravado surreptitiously and wondered how the boys would react if they knew they were being turned on by a woman old enough to be their mother. I chuckled to myself then tried to imagine what else they might think and perhaps even do if they knew the object of their desire was not perhaps as far out of reach as they might imagine.

Alice's little display was probably at least in part for their benefit, if only subconsciously. The idea brought a thrill to my spine and a hardness within my swimming shorts that I had to lower my book to conceal.

It was the last full day of our last-minute half term holiday in Spain. The kids were taking part in one of the supervised activities run by the nearby 'fun club' which gave Alice and me some time to relax.

It had been a great week, made all the better because it had been so unexpected.

And it had all started only two Saturdays before.


It was Saturday morning, two weeks before half term began. Carmen was due to call at our house shortly to see Alice and, I expected, to have a girly chat while I took the kids to their normal weekend activities and her husband Steve played golf.

Carmen was now as she put it, 'great with child', so the girls always had a lot to talk about. Her baby bump was becoming very obvious and the effect it was having was predictably profound; the woman simply exuded sex.

There had always been an aura of sexuality around this fiery, dark-haired gypsy of a woman, but now that her belly was swollen, it had reached new heights. Her nearly black hair was bright and glossy, her eyes sparkled permanently with mischief, her skin glowed with health and her posture cried out for male attention.

It usually got it too, especially in the short, close-fitting maternity dresses that she now routinely wore.

Steve was simply over the moon about the prospect of becoming a father, albeit rather later in life than most of their friends. For me this was wonderful to see, and for the first time I was able to have real, deep conversations with him about something on which I was the relative expert.

This had brought a better balance to our relationship that made life both easier and happier.

Steve of course was the man who had first seduced Alice in front of me over a year ago and started us on the journey that had made my wife a slut, me a willing cuckold and brought us both so much pleasure and pain.

Since then the scheming of Carmen, his she-Devil of a wife, had brought about our further downfall and despite her current pregnancy, I was convinced she had our further degradation well planned.

The most recent example of this was the night my wife and our mutual friend Julie - another of Steve's married conquests - had recently spent pretending to be prostitutes.

The idea had been that two of Carmen's London friends, strangers to the two wives, would pick them up in a bar as if they were clients. The girls had taken their supposed punters to a nearby hotel bedroom where they had been paid like whores, then fucked as hard as their clients desired and in whatever way they wanted.

Alice had been rewarded with a wonderful, satisfying evening of good sex with a new, unfamiliar and exciting partner. Julie's evening had been equally satisfying at first, but then we had discovered that her pretend client had actually been a real one, and that she had indeed whored herself out for the cash she had received.

To our amazement, though shocked at first, not only had Julie not been horrified by this mistake, it seemed to have heightened her enjoyment of the whole event.

Worse still, she had been so aroused by the experience that she had already met the man again and had once again been paid for indulging his darkest desires, knowing full well that that she was prostituting herself. This second whoring had gone so well that Julie had announced she was going to sign up with an escort agency and begin sex work professionally.

Worst of all, the obvious delight Julie was enjoying from her descent into prostitution was making my own wife green-eyed with envy in a way I had seldom seen before. I knew the two girls had discussed it many times and, although I had no reason to believe Alice had actually taken any more steps down that road, she was most definitely attracted by the idea.

Of course, she had denied it every time the subject had come up, but we had been married far too long for me not to read the powerful messages her body was projecting. I was beginning to have serious concerns about the amount of time the two girls and the She-Devil Carmen were spending together, and the secrets they were so obviously sharing.

So, it was with some trepidation that I left Carmen and my beautiful but regularly unfaithful wife seated on the patio, chatting. As it was nearly lunchtime, they had a glass of wine each - the one glass Carmen allowed herself despite her pregnancy - and of course, had become a bit giggly.

Whenever the two of them got together like this, it seemed that I was usually the source of their amusement, so I made myself scarce with my own Saturday chores and activities. I was pleased when the time finally came to collect our two sweaty, tired, ravenous kids from their Saturday sports.

When I returned, Carmen had gone home, and the wine bottle was nearly empty. Alice was definitely a little tiddly but was also beaming with pleasure.

"How would you like a Spanish holiday at half term?" she asked brightly.

"This half term?" I replied. "In two weeks' time?"

"Yes. Carmen's offered us their apartment. Steve's got to work half the week and she doesn't want to go on her own, so they're having a long weekend with her parents."

"Sounds great, but can we get flights at such short notice? And can we afford them?"

"They're free, well nearly free. At least for two of us. Carmen had already booked for her and Steve. All we need to do is change the names and see if we can get two last minute seats for the kids."

"Can you get time off at short notice?"

"I think so. I've covered for other people's holidays enough times. Could you?"

I thought for a moment.

"I expect I could. It's a bit quiet now anyway."

"And you like the idea?"

"I love it. Let's do it!"

"Great! I'll get on the net now."

"Alice! About Julie's idea..."

She paused in her excitement.

"Can we talk it through on holiday?"

"Can Julie wait that long? Can her client?"

"I'll call her back and let her know."


Half an hour later when the kids had scraped most of the mud off their knees, I was putting my tools away in the garage when I heard Alice's voice behind me.

"All done! We leave on Sunday, two weeks from tomorrow."

"For a whole week?"

"A whole week. We fly back the following Sunday afternoon. It's a late flight so we even get an extra few hours on the Sunday morning."

I kissed her on the forehead.

"Well done. We could do with a break."

She beamed and turned to go back into the kitchen when a thought occurred to me.

"Are you sure Carmen isn't up to her tricks? You remember what happened last time!" I asked suspiciously.

Alice laughed.

"Well you can never be sure with Carmen, but if she's not there with us, what harm can she do?"

"I suppose so," I replied unconvinced.

Alice laughed out loud.

"Don't be so suspicious! Anyway, it's not as if we don't both enjoy the little traps she sets for us, is it? I know I've enjoyed them, and I don't recall any complaints from you in the end!"

I grinned sheepishly. Our Journey into Cuckoldry had indeed been a wonderful adventure and Carmen had been responsible for it all.

"And sometimes Cucky-Boy gets an extra treat too, does he not?" my unfaithful wife added.

She winked and went back into the house. I returned to my work with a warm glow in my tummy.


The next two weeks passed quickly enough. Business was surprisingly brisk and of course I had to get ahead of plan to allow for the unexpected week off, but it was definitely worth it. Alice was extremely busy too, but the prospect of a week in the sun was more than enough to keep her good-humoured until we had the chance to spend time together.

Whatever my suspicions about Carmen, I was really looking forward to a week away, though I expected the apartment to bring back more than a few memories back when we arrived.

Although the kids hadn't been with us on our only previous visit, I knew there was a great 'Kids Club' on the complex where our two offspring could spend time playing sport and games with other children their age. Confident and outgoing, they would both relish this, and it would give their mother and me some peace.

That's not to say that I didn't have some reservations about the trip; reservations which tore my heart and head in different directions.

On our last visit, the She-Devil, Carmen had deliberately and deviously tricked and manipulated first Alice then me in such a way that my wife's eventual seduction and subsequent comprehensive fucking by a young man called Mitch was inevitable.

Mitch was a young Olympic-standard swimmer whose separated parents owned a property close by. Not much older than her two current teenage admirers, he had been smitten by my wife at an early stage of our visit, despite having a girlfriend of his own at home.

Carmen had seen this and had mercilessly plotted to bring the two of them together.

Her plan eventually resulted in Alice spending the entre night with her new lover - the first man to fuck her since her original seduction by Steve - and moving us one big step further along our Journey into Cuckoldry.

As well as watching her rather easy seduction and listening to the long night of copulation that followed, I had unexpectedly been called on to bring a newly pregnant and hopelessly aroused Carmen to orgasm with my mouth and tongue alone.

It hadn't even crossed my mind to try and fuck her in return which it seemed, endeared me to her even more.

Though I say it myself, my oral efforts had been spectacularly successful; I will never forget how it felt to have that strong, confidant woman reaching orgasm after noisy orgasm, her vulva pressed hard against my lips, teeth and tongue, her body in spasm around my head.

Since then, whatever my reputation as a confirmed cuckold might be, Carmen had been impressed enough to make sure that my oral skills were known in the right places. Compared with Steve and Mitch, my reputation as a cocksman was deservedly poor, but I was pleased to have a skill my wife could be proud of in the way I felt perversely proud of her new-found ability as a lover.

As the time to leave for Spain approached, Alice became much more relaxed, even amorous at times which had been a very pleasant experience indeed. We had a wonderfully romantic dinner together in our favourite Italian restaurant the night before we flew out.

The fact that this was the restaurant in which the first important step in our descent into our current lifestyle had taken place, had added a strong sexual frisson to a very pleasant evening. It had been impossible not to remember the day Carmen had tricked me into watching her husband begin his seduction of my wife; the day we stopped being simply a couple who had made fools of ourselves one drunken evening with friends, and had started the Journey into Cuckoldry one which we were now fully embarked.

Alice and I made love slowly and lingeringly that night after dinner, dispensing with condoms for the first time in many weeks. She hadn't reach orgasm during penetration despite all our joint efforts, and I had had to fall back on my oral skills on her rather messy vulva to bring her to completion.

But it had worked, and as she came quickly and passionately above my head, for the first time in months, instead of disposing of a full condom, I got to taste my own semen mixed with my wife's juices directly from the source.

It was simply wonderful.


All that had been nearly a week ago. Now, with only one full day of holiday to go, I could reflect contentedly that the break had indeed been as pleasant and relaxing as we had hoped, with plenty of good food and just enough exercise to take away the guilt of eating so much.

The weather had been unseasonably warm too, which after the dreary weather at home had been a great uplift to our spirits. The kids had been tolerable too. They had squabbled a lot on the plane, but to our relief had been simply delighted when they found all that the 'Kids Club' had to offer. We had seen them at breakfast and dinner time every day, but for most of the rest of the week, they had been off playing and adventuring with their new friends.

This had left Alice and me with plenty of time to be a couple again. We had used it to the full, walking along the coastal path together, playing tennis, swimming in the clear blue pool and body surfing in the warm sea.

The sun had been kind too; warm enough to sunbathe, but not too hot for sports or to risk burning.

I have to confess to a certain initial apprehension; a rumbling in my tummy and tightness in my chest when we arrived and the memories of all that had happened during our last visit flooded in on me. I believe Alice felt something similar because, as we approached the bougainvillea framed front door, I felt her take my hand and squeeze it tightly. I looked at her sweet, smiling face and raised an eyebrow.

'I love you,' she mouthed silently as the kids pushed past us and began to explore the apartment.

It's amazing what the human mind can consider 'normal.' Within an hour, the business of unpacking and getting lunch together had driven almost all of the apartment's horrors from my mind. I did have one or two few flashbacks, especially when I heard Alice call me from the bedroom - the memories of her voice raised in orgasmic squeals coming from the same room stunned me for a moment - but by dinner time we were happy and settled.

The kids were not happy at having to share a room, but eventually agreed that sharing was better than no holiday at all and we moved on.

We took them to the Kids Club on Monday after breakfast and, after spending the morning relaxing by the pool, caught an afternoon taxi into town to buy food for dinner and do a little shopping.

Alice had announced over lunch that she really hadn't brought the right kind of clothes for this kind of sun, so a visit to one of the many boutiques in the nearby marina was essential. While I worked my way aisle-by-aisle around the supermarket, Alice hopped from shop to shop until we met up an hour and a half later in a small bar overlooking the boats.

"Did you find what you needed?" I asked, sipping an ice-cold beer and observing the small pile of bags alongside her chair as she sipped a long gin and tonic.

"Wait and see," she teased. "But don't worry; it's the sale season. I haven't broken the bank!"

We returned to the apartment, laden with our purchases and with an hour to go before the kids were due to return. Within two minutes we were out in the sunshine, rubbing sun cream into each other's less accessible places and relaxing in the welcome warmth.

I unfastened Alice's bikini top as she lay face down on the sun bed to make sure I had covered all her long, slender back. My well-oiled hands ran smoothly up and down her smooth skin, feeling her athletic, toned body inch by inch.

Once again, I was amazed at how stunningly attractive my wife was. She had always been a pretty woman, but since we had discovered our new lifestyle and Alice had discovered how good other men's cocks could feel, her natural attractiveness had acquired a powerful sexual element that made her simply stunning.

Normally she acted as if completely unaware of the effect she was having on the men around her, but this holiday, there was something different about her, as if she was playing just a little to her gallery of admirers.

At times she seemed to be almost flaunting herself, which was not like the usual Alice at all.

Her new bikini was just the latest part of this; I had never seen such a tiny piece of clothing in my life. My lovely wife's breasts have never been large, even when feeding our two children but her new blue bikini top barely covered her nipples let alone the tiny globes on which they stood, rather erect. The bikini bottoms were almost a thong too, with a tiny patch at the front which would certainly not have covered all her pubic hair.

But then my wife's golden triangle had disappeared some time ago.

Fortunately, Alice's toned body was well worth the grandstand view that this ridiculous item of clothing afforded. A feeling of pride joined the undercurrent of jealousy that had started as soon as we had arrived in the resort.

It took less than an hour on the secluded patio on our first day before her new bikini top became redundant and was dispensed with. By Wednesday, all remaining shyness had gone, and she was sunbathing topless by the pool in front of the other holidaymakers.

Topless sunbathing wasn't unheard of on the development and wasn't officially prohibited but it certainly caused a few eyebrows to be raised. If her breasts had been anything but tiny, there might have been complaints, but there were none. I was amused to see one or two of the other female sunbathers follow suit an hour or so later, much to the delight of the teenage boys who by now were permanent fixtures by the pool, even though the breasts on display belonged to women twice their age.

In tandem with her daily public exposure, Alice was all but insatiable in bed throughout the week too, making demands on my body and stamina that it hadn't had to fulfil since our early days together. Exciting sex every night after dinner was a given, but with the kids occupied all day in the resort's Holiday Club, morning or afternoon top-ups were not uncommon.

Though sore and at times exhausted, having my sweet, unfaithful wife's undivided attention in bed was nothing short of a delight, especially as it gave me an opportunity to experience all she had learned from her lovers for myself.

Although she still insisted we used the ribbed and studded condoms that brought her greatest pleasure, by the time Friday, our last full day arrived, for me the week had passed in exhausted sexual bliss.

I have to say, I was in no hurry to get home. The idea of exchanging the bright sun, the warm water and my almost unrecognisable sex life for the dull, grey, rainy British climate and a clear second place in the queue for my wife's sexual affections was seriously unappealing.