Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 13: Lucky 13


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Our group began to thin out as one o'clock approached but Alice and I danced and drank for another wonderful hour before taking a taxi home. We were both a little 'under the influence' and cuddled and kissed in the back seat all the way, my hand straying outrageously up my wife's tiny skirt to caress her smooth, freshly shaven body through the microscopic panties she was wearing.

I could see the driver watching us in his rear view mirror. He must have glimpsed Alice's panties many times as I fondled her satin-covered, rapidly-dampening vulva with her white plastic skirt bunched around her waist. For a moment I had a vivid flashback to the night she and I were both seduced by our friends Carmen and Steve; that time it had been me in the front seat of our MPV watching my wife being seduced, stripped, fucked to orgasm and inseminated in the back seat.

So much had happened since that night; the memory sent a thrill through my body. I wondered whether Alice was remembering that night too; certainly she was putting up as little resistance to my exploring fingers as she had to Steve's.

By the time we arrived at our dark, empty house we were both so aroused and so 'in character' that as soon as the door was closed we were in full-on embrace. I tore at her clothes, she tore at mine and we had full-on passionate sex in the kitchen, my lovely wife bent roughly forwards over the table, her top around her neck, her tiny skirt lifted onto her back and the torn remains of her panties knotted around her ankles.

As usual, she made me put on a ribbed and studded condom. Apart from helping me last longer, according to Alice they delivered extraordinary sensations in important places which compensated a little for my lack of prowess as a cocksman.

Sadly I knew that, even with these miracle-workers, I couldn't compete with either of her lovers, Steve or Mitch.

As she opened the pack and rather professionally rolled one over my erect cock, I saw two more unopened in her handbag. This briefly made me wonder what she had had in mind when we had left the house hours earlier -- but I soon had other distractions to contend with as I slowly entered my wife's vagina from behind.

Thanks to the groping in the ballroom, my fondling in the car and the passionate embrace we had just shared, she was already very well lubricated. My erection slid smoothly into her body until I felt the familiar pressure of my head against her cervix and my pubic hair ground against her bottom.

She felt warm and very pleasant indeed as I began to move in and out in slow strokes, allowing the ribs and studs on the condom to rasp as effectively as possible against the insides of her vagina. I paid particular attention to her entrance, knowing how sensitive it was and was rewarded with a soft moan.

I looked down at the back of her head, the long blonde hair fanned out over her shoulders; her top raised high freeing her tiny breasts. The white plastic of her skirt was bunched around her slender waist, her buttocks were parted. Between them and above my shaft was her tiny puckered anus; our bodies temporarily joined by the latex covered shaft that passed from my groin into hers.

Alice had always been tight, even after our second child was born but since our life of infidelity had begun, she had become noticeably looser. As I thrust into her, my head filled with images of her other lovers doing what I was doing then.

How had her vagina felt to their much larger erections? Had their longer, thicker cocks stretched her permanently?

They were foolish thoughts, brought on by alcohol and lust but I couldn't help myself and my lust grew stronger. Grabbing her by the hips I began to thrust harder and faster; to my delight, Alice moaned a little louder and I felt her clamp down hard on my shaft as it passed through her inner lips over and over again.

That little technique was something she hadn't used before our descent into cuckoldry. Had one of her lovers taught her? Wherever the skill had been learned, it certainly worked for both of us because suddenly she felt tight again; tighter than I could remember.

A warm familiar glow began to build in my inner thighs. Hold back! Hold back! I told myself firmly

The increased pressure of her vagina on the condom's rough surface was clearly having an effect on Alice too; her hands grasped the table's edges tightly as I sawed back and forth in and out of her, my fingers digging into the lean flesh of her hips. I watched my shaft plunging into the wet hole between those athletic, bony cheeks and below that tiny, dark tightly closed hole.

That other, tighter hole...

As if guided by another hand, perhaps hoping to bring her something of the pleasure her lovers provided, I withdrew myself slowly from her rather pink and swollen vagina and, with one hand holding the condom in place, rubbed the head of my cock across her rectum.

Her sphincter was tight and she winced as I pressed my head against it.

"Careful Cucky-Boy!" she hissed but to my delight did not try and stop me.

I wiped my fingers across her wet vagina and massaged the juices into her puckered anus, then slipped the end of one finger through it and into her rectum. It passed through with minimum resistance.

"Mmmmm," she moaned.

I twisted the finger from left to right and back. The lubrication wasn't anywhere near enough and she winced again.

"Maybe not tonight?" I asked quietly, my finger still buried in her bottom.

"I appreciate the thought," she replied in a slurred voice. "But it's too dry and I'm too drunk." She grinned over her shoulder. "Better just finish off in my cunt instead Cucky-Boy!"

"Bareback?" I asked eagerly, hoping for a treat.

"It's SOOO much better with the condom," Alice protested in her mock-stern voice.

"How about if I pull it off at the last minute?" I pleaded, still playing the game.

"Well... okay I suppose! But hurry up and cum; I'm tired!"

Before there could be any change of mind, I slipped my cock back into my wife's vagina and began to thrust in and out in long, steady strokes. At first she was loose, then I felt her walls tightening hard on me again.

"Mmmm that's good," I hissed as I pumped myself faster.

"Don't stop! Don't even speak!" she growled back. "I want you to make me cum tonight!"

And I wanted to make her cum too. God! I wanted to know how it felt to have my wife reach orgasm with my cock buried inside her; not Steve's, not Mitch's, Mine!

I began to thrust harder still and faster. Her right hand let go of the table and reached back between her legs, trying to get to her clitoris but the wooden top was in the way, preventing her access.

"Grab my tits!" she croaked in frustration.

Releasing her right hip, I leaned over and slipped my hand between her right breast and the smooth surface of the table. She tried to raise herself on her elbows to give me better access and to a small degree it worked. A moment later her nipple was between my knuckles and her tiny globe in my palm.

I crushed them both as unbalanced, I slammed into her again and again.

But she wasn't getting close to climax. As if in a last ditch attempt to get at least something out of our mating, I felt a movement beneath me and realised she had crossed her ankles and was squeezing her legs together.

This was something new too and again I wondered where and how she had learned it.

The effect was a two-edged sword. With my cock now crushed within her vagina, the sensations for us both soared. I heard my wife growl and moan as her arousal rapidly increased but at the same time and to my horror, it also brought my own climax on me like a bolt from the blue.

I was about to cum and cum hard!

In a split second I had pulled my cock out of her body and tugged the slippery latex away. Then I plunged back into her gaping vagina as deep as I could. She was open, aroused and very wet so in a single stroke my cock bottomed out with her; my upper thighs pressed hard against her skinny buttocks, my exposed, over-sensitive head crushed against her cervix.

Without the latex barrier I could feel every warm, slippery undulation along the length of her vagina. The sensations rushed to my already-spinning head and I began to ejaculate within half a dozen bareback strokes.


The coarse guttural sound that escaped my mouth as I came filled the room. Beneath me, Alice moaned and writhed, seemingly trying to clamp down on my throbbing, pulsating cock again as rope after rope of semen spurted from its tiny lips and dashed against her cervix.


It had been so long since we had made love without a condom; so long since I had actually ejaculated inside my wife's body instead of a latex tube that I had almost forgotten how amazing it felt. My toes curled in my socks, my back crooked as I slammed into her buttocks in short sharp jabs.

I could see her hands gripping the table top in an attempt to steady herself and she was biting her lower lip. Deep down I knew it was in pain not in orgasm as I slammed her body into the table top but I kept telling myself that I could still make my wife climax with my cock.

It was a lie and I knew it was a lie but at that moment I wanted to deceive myself.

Eventually my thrusting slowed to a halt and the throbbing in my cock slowed too. For me, it had been an amazing if rather short fuck; I had finished bareback for the first time in many months and had enjoyed the kind of ejaculation a man dreams of.

My cock softened quickly then slipped from my wife's vagina followed by a stream of our combined juices which ran messily down the back of her thighs. I felt drained, tired, rather tipsy but very happy.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I helped her to her feet. The white plastic skirt was still around her waist but she made no attempt to cover her pink, sticky vulva.

"It was... nice," she smiled. "It made a nice change."

Now I knew for certain that she hadn't reached orgasm but I had given it my best shot.

"Shall we... try again?" I asked, panting.

"I'm too tired," she sighed.

Exhausted and still slightly tipsy, she led me upstairs to bed.


For a short time I lay awake under the duvet, remembering how it had felt to cum bareback in my wife's vagina once again. It was what I had needed but, once again, I had failed to provide my pretty, lovely, unfaithful wife with the orgasm she needed increasingly badly.

I wanted so much to give her what she needed too and if I couldn't do it myself... it was time to make 'other arrangements'.

It was time to talk to Carmen again.


It was late the next morning when I brought Alice a cup of tea in bed. I had woken an hour earlier and had spent most of the time nursing a hangover and thinking about the previous evening's events. Fortunately, by the time I heard my wife stirring the nausea had worn off and I was capable of something like coherent speech.

Alice's eyes were closed when I entered the room and placed the hot mug on her bedside table but she opened them and gave me a sleepy smile.

"Good morning Reverend," she grinned. I knew the day was off to a good start.

"How's my Hotwife Hooker today?" I replied, perching on the edge of the mattress.

"Tired," she said with a wry grin. "It was a long night."

"I'm not surprised. You seemed to be dancing with everyone."

"You're not usually a jealous person," my wife said with classic understatement.

"That's true," I replied. "I'm just curious why you were so public about your availability last night, that's all."

Alice sat up in bed, took a ling sip of her tea then said pensively.

"I've been wondering about that too. It was as if it wasn't really me doing it. Oh, I love being fucked by other men, but don't normally make it as obvious. At least I hope I don't."

She was right and that was part of the fascination of Alice. When not 'in heat' you wouldn't guess that the sweet, pretty mother of my two children could be an unfaithful cock-hungry slut.

"Did you come to any conclusion?" I asked.

"Maybe. I know it's silly but I really enjoyed dressing up as a tart last night. I know it was only fancy dress but it seemed to... I don't know, reduce my inhibitions in some way."

It had certainly done that -- and she had looked amazing too.

"I felt sort of edgy and sexy from the moment we left the house and when that man mistook Julie and me for real prostitutes, well that was the icing on the cake."

"I thought you'd enjoyed that. Were you tempted?" I joked.

"Not with him, no," my wife replied seriously, missing the humour in my voice.

"But with someone else...?"

"Oh I don't know. It just felt so... exciting, flaunting myself like that. And when it got that response it made me feel... really, really sexy. It's as if being a whore was the most sexual thing a woman could possible do or be!"

"A lot of your dance partners seemed to feel the same," I said a little bitterly. She blushed.

"I know. I couldn't believe how cheeky some of the men were. It's as if their costumes turned them into different people too. I'm sure they would never grope another man's wife in public if they were dressed for work."

She was right. I myself had felt able to get 'closer' to some of my dance partners than I would ever have done in my normal clothes. Fancy dress had certainly reduced my inhibitions, but Alice was going on, getting more and more excited and making me more excited too.

"And I really wanted to let it go on and on. I loved feeling those hands all over me... But it wasn't the right place. There were too many people there who knew us; it was just too public."

I grinned.

"Too bad! How far do you think you might have gone? And who with?"

My wife thought for a moment.

"You really want to know?"


"Well it depends who was on offer. I let two of the men fondle my boobs and they all squeezed my bum to some extent."

All this I already knew and indeed had seen with my own eyes.

"But that Peter was cheeky; he got his hand right up my skirt at one point!"

I hadn't seen that! "When did that happen?" I asked indignantly.

"During dessert. He'd been trying it on with Julie most of the meal but had been running his fingers along my thigh at the same time. He thinks he's God's gift to women, that man. It was just a bit of fun most of the time but when Julie went to the loo he slipped his hand right the way up and fondled my knickers!"

"What did you say to him?"

"Nothing! I didn't want to make a scene and besides, he was gorgeous and it felt really good!"

"Did you let him finger you?"

"Only a little - well maybe more than a little. But it was far too public to let it go too far and I wasn't going to embarrass us both with that many witnesses, was I?"

"Did he try it on again later?"

"Not as boldly as that. Besides he seemed to be more interested in the lady on his left."

That lady being Julie, I knew how true that observation was but for some reason I didn't want to share that little discovery with my wife.

"It's a pity we can't do it more often?"

"Going to balls?" I asked.

"Dressing like a tart, silly!" she corrected me with a sheepish grin. "It was... truly liberating!"

And with that, she rose and dressed as the 'normal' wife and mother most people believed her to be.

We began to cook the New Year lunch together before the kids were brought home by our friends, no doubt spoilt and badly behaved as usually happened when they were allowed to stay up too late.

As I set the table I pondered all we had said.

It was definitely time to talk to Carmen.

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

A sick thing to be, but she is the best cuck and cheating whore writers on LW.

3agerReader3agerReaderabout 4 years ago
Trouble brewing?

Feels like things are about to go wrong with CB and Alice and almost certainly between Gary and Julie. I don't know how you can allow the in your sexual/intimate lives grow further apart with out resentment. I'll keep reading,I really want to know if this ends badly. Thanks for your writing efforts Jenny, I get caught up in your characters.

Stevep571Stevep571over 7 years ago
5 stars for the vicars and tarts

As with all the previous episodes in this series, I loved it as it was a complete contrast. Clearly Julie is just turning into a real tart rather than just a fancy dress one and it will end badly for her. Nice change to not have the scheming Carmen involved.

OnethirdOnethirdover 7 years ago
Mr insightful

There goes the non-anon and his deeply meant "chuck shit" squawk. It adds so much to the site, and is a constructive godsend to the authors. I'd love to see the little pimply guy dish it out in real life.

Anyhow, I'm enjoying this series very much, with little escalations as it goes on. The woman Julie stepped over the line into straight cheating, getting with a man behind her husband's back. That relationship isn't going to last. I wonder if Alice will be going down that road- she clearly can't say no to anyone.

indysubmaleindysubmaleabout 8 years ago

So glad that the author gave us another chapter of one of my favorite series.

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