Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 10: Perfect Ten


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"Well... with all respect to you and your lovely Slut of a wife, I've never seen anything like it," she replied, the tone of her voice making it clear she wasn't exaggerating. "She put up a bit of resistance but Steve's very good at overcoming that as you well know."

Having watched him effortlessly and efficiently seduce my own wife, I did indeed know how persuasive Steve could be.

"Go on," I pleaded then added hastily, "if you're happy to of course!"

There was a pause at the other end of the line then a low chuckle.

"I don't normally kiss and tell," she scolded, "but you two are a bit special to us and I do trust you to keep a secret."

I felt ridiculously pleased at this, partly at her view of my own sincerity, but mostly to think that of all the married women Steve had seduced, he found my wife to be special, different from his other conquests. This filled me with pride at first then I immediately felt ashamed of myself.

But I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity of hearing a good story so asked Carmen to wait a moment, checked the kids were still glued to the TV, closed the door firmly and listened to Carmen's erotic and hypnotic voice telling me about Julie's fall from grace.


It seems that Carmen and Steve had arrived at Julie and Gary's house around eight o'clock to find the baby already fast asleep and their hosts generally relaxed, though there was a certain buzz of anticipation as well as the aroma of cooking in the air. Carmen had dressed in the short black figure-hugging dress that I found so attractive on her. She laughingly told me she wanted to give it a last outing before she began to 'show' and everyone learned about her pregnancy. Steve had chosen the blue jeans and black shirt combination that he had worn to seduce my wife on one occasion and for a moment I wondered if he considered is his 'battle dress.'

Julie had apparently been wearing a short dark blue dress with shoulder straps; a style Carmen had never seen her wear before and which looked brand new as if bought specially for the occasion. Her husband, though definitely handsome dressed in chinos and white shirt, had looked more than a little nervous but Carmen had found him polite, excited and also very attractive.

They had enjoyed their pre-dinner chat and drinks, talking casually as if the real reason for the evening didn't exist. Carmen noticed that Julie had once again taken one or two more glasses of prosecco than she would normally take; certainly more than usual during her pregnancy and as a result, the dinner that followed had been full of bright, cheerful conversation and light flirting in every direction.

The meal that Gary had cooked had been delicious; light but tasty and well worthy of the occasion. Steve and Julie had been placed next to each other as dinner protocol required and Carmen had noticed Steve fondling Julie's bare leg under the table, his fingers rising higher and higher up her thigh as the flirtatious chat grew more direct. From time to time she would half heartedly move his fingers back down towards her knee but, Carmen noticed, never off her thigh altogether and by the time the desserts arrived, Steve had managed to raise the hem of Julie's dress as high as her tiny white panties and slid his fingertips between her exposed thighs.

She wasn't sure how much of this Gary had noticed but he had said and done nothing to prevent it and had been at least a little distracted by Carmen's fingers on his own thigh.

The dinner over, in a remarkable reminder of our own second seduction, Carmen told me how she had helped Gary clear the dessert dishes and accompanied him into the kitchen to help make the coffee. She had kept him occupied there for some time as she had done with me, rubbing against him 'accidentally' as she helped load the dishwasher, keeping him aroused but unsure where things were going. I knew only too well how effective Carmen's teasing could be and felt myself hardening as she spoke.

When they returned to the dining room they had found Julie and Steve standing facing each other behind her chair, their bodies close, their eyes apparently locked together in slow conversation. Julie couldn't see they had returned because her back was them but Steve knew clearly he had an audience. He had been holding Julie's hands in his but as Carmen and Gary drew closer, he had slowly and gently reached across to Julie's neck and slipped the thin straps of her dress over her shoulders so that they fell down her arms.

The dress immediately began to slip down too. Julie's hands rose quickly to her breasts to prevent them being exposed but Steve gently but firmly took her fingers in his and lowered them to her waist leaving the dress free to slip silently down to her gently bulging tummy until it bunched around her waist, leaving Julie standing in her tiny white bra. Her hands flew to cover her breasts but Steve gently but firmly lowered them to her sides.

Julie's head was lowered as if embarrassed but she didn't object; she just stood there nervously, waiting. Then as they watched, Steve had placed a finger under her chin and gently raised her face towards his. A moment later he had bent forward to kiss her lightly on the lips.

At first, Julie had frozen stiffly at his touch. He pecked her briefly again and her tension relaxed a little. He kissed her a third time, his lips remaining on hers until before their watching eyes, Carmen and Gary saw the tension drain from her slender body and she melted into the adulterous kiss, her bare tense shoulders and back relaxing in front of them.

"What did Gary think of that?" I asked, remembering how I had felt seeing my wife kissing Steve for the first time.

"He just whispered 'Oh my God!'" Carmen replied.

"Did he try and stop them?"

"No. I held his hand in case he lunged at Steve but he didn't. He just watched like you did."

"Did he say anything else?"

"No. I shushed him and told him just to stand still there and enjoy it! It was what he wanted isn't it?"

"It's confusing," I replied, "when it's happening, you don't understand whether you want it or hate it. It's partly why you can't do anything but watch."

"Well it was certainly what Julie wanted!" Carmen laughed down the phone before continuing her story.

Steve's hands had then appeared behind Julie's back and with impressive dexterity, unfastened the clasp of her bra. It fell forward and down her arms to the floor, leaving her bare-breasted, still with her back to her husband.

Sweeping her attempt at modesty aside, Steve hands had risen to her breasts and caressed them as they kissed, their bodies by then pressed tightly together in embrace. Carmen and Gary had been unsighted at this point but my imagination and memory told me that he would be toying with the tips of Julie's hardening nipples as he had with my wife's and I could easily picture how her face would look as she became more and more aroused.

Carmen's next words made me sit bolt upright in my chair.

"What did you say?"

"I said that then Steve turned her around until her back was against his chest and continued fondling her. She was facing straight towards Gary and me. Julie was looking straight into her husband's face as Steve played with her boobs right in front of him."

"Jesus! What did he do?"

"Nothing of course! Just like you did nothing! He froze stiff and gripped my hand so tightly it hurt me!"

"Well, what did Julie do?"

"She just seemed to stare at him helplessly. Her eyes looked sparkly and aroused but in a way she looked pleading, as if she was begging for Gary to step in and stop it all. I felt him tense then squeeze my hand even tighter but he still didn't do anything save her."

I nodded though of course Carmen couldn't see me. I understood Gary's position only too well; the incredible mixture of pain and arousal as a man watched his wife being seduced was dangerously intoxicating.

"When it was obvious he wasn't going to rescue her, Julie seemed to simply give up on him and give in to Steve. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back against Steve's chest and just let herself enjoy being touched."

Carmen paused for a moment then said ponderingly:

"It's amazing how hard and dark a pregnant woman's nipples can get when she's turned on," she paused, "I've seen it before. I wonder if mine will go like that!"

My mind boggled at the thought of Carmen's large, womanly breasts when aroused but she went straight on with the next part of her story in which, before her husband's watching eyes, Steve's fingers had slowly descended from Julie's hard, pointed nipples, stroked her smoothly swollen belly as if caressing the baby inside, then proceeded down towards her groin, easing her dress gradually downwards as he progressed.

As his fingertips brushed against her mound, Julie had gasped and involuntarily pressed her bottom backwards into Steve's hips as if to move her vulva away from his searching fingers but it hadn't worked. Steve had simply pressed his fingertips more firmly against her partly-covered mound as if testing her remaining resistance before grasping the sides of her body-hugging dress.

"Oh God no!" Gary had gasped as Steve slowly slid his wife's dress downwards, stretching it over her baby bump then over her tight buttocks and slender legs down to the floor where it bunched around her high heeled shoes.

I was amazed at the detail Carmen was putting into the story and realised how much of an impact her husband's latest conquest must have had on her. Could it be her own pregnancy making her more sensitive; more emotional?

"Surely Gary reacted then?" I asked, though I knew I had done little when Steve had first stripped Alice.

"Just listen, Mister Cuckold," she scolded, "play with yourself if you like but be patient and I'll tell you."

The story was still far from over. As he watched his wife being stripped, Gary had at first appeared to want to move towards the highly aroused couple but Carmen had slipped her hand into his groin and started to fondle him firmly through his trousers. The diversion, though crude, had worked and they had watched, Carmen amused, Gary spellbound as Steve's fingertips began to work themselves down Julie's naked front, stroking all around her swollen belly again before descending into the front of her tiny white panties.

"Please don't..." Julie had hissed but there had been no conviction on her voice, indeed her legs had parted slightly to give his searching fingers easier access and his hands slipped deeper into her panties.

She had gasped as Steve began to touch her most private places and again looked deep into her husband's eyes as another barrier was crossed. But it was clear that no rescue was going to come from that quarter and a moment later Steve's fingers had plunged deep between her thighs and along her slit.

"Oh fuck! Oh Julieeeee!"

Gary had made a weak attempt to move towards his rapidly yielding wife but his progress was easily halted by Carmen who gripped his hard cock tighter, massaging it in her hand.

Then Steve had calmly and deliberately started to finger Julie in front of her husband. Her soft, low moans and sudden breathy gasps had filled their ears as her seducer's hand explored all her panties had tried to conceal. Carmen had felt Gary's cock growing even harder in her hand as his wife grew more and more aroused, her knees trembling, her body leaning heavily against Steve's as his fingering grew faster and firmer.

A moment later he had lowered her panties the merest few inches until the elastic rested in the crease below her buttocks and her sparse, dark triangle of pubic hair was clearly visible.

"She was so turned on and wet that her panties had gone completely transparent. I could see her pubic hair glistening with all the moisture," Carmen insisted and the picture in my mind grew more and more vivid.

"How did Gary react now?" I asked, imagining how I might behave in his place and half wishing that it had been Alice and me in that room with Steve and the She-Devil.

"I didn't give him a chance to," Carmen replied, her voice full of mischief, "I just unfastened his belt and trousers and slipped them and his shorts down to the floor."

"Jesus! Did he like that?"

"You could say that," Carmen laughed, "he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of them straight away so he was only wearing his white shirt. His cock kept sticking out between the shirt tails. I think he thought I was going to suck it but you know there's no way that was going to happen. I just began to stroke again him as he watched. Remember how well that worked on you?"

I did indeed remember. During the first seduction in our MPV, Carmen's expert fingers had managed to keep me at the very edge of orgasm; within an inch of ejaculation for nearly three quarters of an hour while my wife was being stripped and fucked in the seat behind me. It was the most exquisite frustration in the world.

"He was rock hard from the start," she continued, "so all I had to do was keep him there." She thought for a minute. "His cock really is as tiny as Julie says but it did get incredibly hard."

"What did Steve do next?" I urged her to continue, my own cock now rock hard too.

"Well he kept on fingering her in front of us," she went on, "Gary couldn't keep his eyes off her. As soon as he started working on her clit, she got more and more turned on until her eyes flew wide open and she had a little orgasm right there, standing up in her heels."


"Wow indeed! She was staring straight into her husbands' eyes as she came too. I could smell her climax it was so strong. It seemed to frighten her; maybe she really hadn't had an orgasm before."

"Jesus! What did Gary do then?"

"He nearly came on the spot. I had to give him the pinch to stop him spurting on the floor."

"Fuck, Carmen! Then what?"

I was literally on the edge of my seat now as she told me how Steve had held Julie's trembling body upright until her first little orgasm had faded then had taken her in his strong arms and carried her upstairs, placing her on her back on the marriage bed, still in her wet panties and heels.

Carmen had led Gary upstairs by his hard cock, absurdly naked from the waist down, and had stood beside him against the bedroom wall as Steve quickly undressed then returned to Julie's motionless body on the bed.

Leaning over her, Steve had taken the sides of Julie's panties in his fingers and tried to pull them down her legs. It seems she resisted at first, clamping her knees together and had stared across at her husband as if once again begging him to intervene and save her.

"Did he even try and stop it?" I asked, remembering my own helplessness.

"He just stared back at her as if he couldn't speak. You know, Steve's not a rapist; he'd have stopped straight away if either of them had actually said they couldn't go on but neither of them said a word - at least not to him."

"Did she say anything to Gary? Was she angry?" I asked, eager to know all the details.

"She blinked a few time as if she about to cry, then turned her face away from him almost in disgust."

"And even that didn't make him react?"

"He just stood there motionless. This time, when Steve tried to take off her panties, she had actually helped him by raising her hips."

I couldn't help remembering how Alice had done the same for him more than once. A thrill of remembrance and anticipation passed through me as Carmen told me how the damp cloth of her panties had looked pathetically small in Steve's strong hands.

"After Steve had pulled them over her heels, he turned and tossed them towards Gary. He caught them and straight away gave them a good sniffing."

"I bet you had something to say about that," I laughed.

"Too right!" she said, "I told him he was a good boy and that he should stand still and watch her get the first proper fucking of her life!"

Julie now laid back on her marriage bed, her baby bump small but obvious, naked apart from her high heels. Steve had loomed over her and parted her legs easily with his strong hands before kneeling between her open thighs. I well remembered how his erection had looked as he had prepared to fuck my own wife and could easily imagine the pain, anguish and incredible arousal Gary must have been going through as he had watched his own innocent wife being prepared for her first rampant infidelity.

"The moment of truth," I whispered as Carmen paused for breath, "I remember it only too well. No last minute change of mind?"

"Not really. She did make one feeble attempt to stay faithful but she already knew she was on her own. Gary wasn't going to intervene."

It seems that in a final and token attempt to retain her innocence, Julie had tried to close her legs to keep her seducer out but Steve's body was by then firmly positioned between her thighs and her knees had closed uselessly on his waist. Steve's powerful body had then risen over her soft, pregnant frame, his cock in his hand seeking her entrance.

"No last ditch rescue from Gary either?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"He couldn't take his eyes off them. It was all I could do to keep him from cumming!"

"So she just let it happen to her?"

"She just stared at her husband while Steve got ready to take her. I don't know if she wanted him to stop at the last minute or if she just wanted reassurance that Gary was ok about it but the result was the same. As Steve worked the head of his cock between her inner lips she started to protest a bit then as Steve's cock found its mark she called out her husband's name. Steve stopped for a moment before the final thrust, remember how he does that?"

I certainly did remember; that exquisite moment suspended in time when another man is on the very edge of penetrating your wife, taking her fidelity; that moment when you know deep down that even at this last stage you could still assert yourself as a man, reclaim what was yours and in one action save the woman you love from dishonour and yourself from the shame of being a willing Cuckold.

But it's also the moment when the Devil even deeper inside you tells you to hold your hand; that you are not going to do anything at all to stop it happening; that you are going to stand still and allow your sweet wife's body be violated; penetrated by a stronger, bigger erection than yours, bringing her pleasure you can only dream of giving and inseminating her with his thick, sperm-filled semen instead of yours.

My chest was tight, my cock if possible even harder and I realised I was sweating heavily as Carmen told me that, trapped in that terrible moment, Gary had indeed remained as frozen as I had; his body tense, his eyes bulging; his cock throbbing in Carmen's hand but the rest of him entirely unable to intervene as, almost in slow motion, the head of Steve's cock had begun to part his pregnant wife's inner lips and enter her formerly innocent vagina.

"Gary..." Julie's voice had sounded half drunk. "Gary please... please... help me..."

But there was to be no help and a moment later Steve had pressed himself firmly forwards and thrust his huge cock deep into Julie's wet, waiting vagina.

"Gary... please... help me... I... I... OH JESUS CHRIST!"

Carmen described vividly how Julie's voice had soared high and loud in shock as Steve's mighty cock sank its full length into her helpless pregnant body, thrusting gently but firmly, moving deeper and deeper, pausing only when his wiry pubic hair ground against her downy triangle.

It had happened! Julie and freshly-cuckolded Gary had been conquered just as we had been. Her sweet, young, pregnant body had been penetrated by Steve's impressive cock right in front of her husband. Innocence and fidelity were gone; things of the past. Julie, about to receive the fucking of her life from only the second lover in her life, had taken the first step on the smooth, steep path to becoming a slut and her husband Gary had made the short, sharp leap into the life of a Cuckold.