Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 16: Sixteen

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Alice and Julie play high-class whores for the evening.
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Part 16 of the 18 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/10/2012
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The days had passed slowly but they had eventually passed. It was Saturday; THE Saturday.

The night my wife was to become a whore!

It was ten-thirty in the evening. I was sitting in the same booth in the same bar in which Julie, Gary, Alice and I had started our New Year's Eve celebrations but this time the bar was barely a quarter full and I was sitting there alone, apart from a tall glass of ice cold beer. My tummy was bubbling with excitement but, I suspected, not as much as those of the two stunning, would-be prostitutes that sat together on bar stools a dozen or so yards away from me.

One was skinny with long blonde hair, wearing a new, very short red cocktail dress and very high red heels which framed her long, slender white-stockinged legs. Gold bangles dangled from her wrists, large gold hoops from her ears and her make-up was subtly but distinctly overdone.

She looked irresistible; available enough to tempt any man but intimidating enough to make all but the boldest think twice before approaching her. My sweet, unfaithful wife was simply floating with excitement.

Next to this blonde vision perched a tall, leggy brunette. Fuller of figure and with breasts that only hours ago had been feeding a small child, she swivelled cross-legged on her stool revealing a tantalising glimpse of sheer black stocking-top below the high hem of her tight, midnight blue cocktail dress to all who were watching - which was everyone. The dark dress clung to Julie's every shapely contour; her baby tummy was all but gone, the slight roundness merely adding to the soft femininity of her appearance.

I felt ridiculously proud of the two 'whores for the night' for whom I was playing pimp.

Once again, Carmen's intuition had been spot-on!

The week before the girls' 'whore night' had gone agonisingly slowly for all three of us but, it seemed, especially slowly for Alice. She and Julie had gone shopping together twice to purchase the 'right' clothes for their foray into the world of prostitution after which there had been much giggling and secret unwrapping in our kitchen and bedroom.

But not in Julie's house; her husband Gary was still unsure about the whole thing and she didn't want to rub it in his face; at least not yet.

My own life as a willing cuckold had been unsettled too by my recent foray into the world of 'bulls' - an evening in which I had orally cuckolded our new acquaintance Clive by giving his wife Hilary the benefit of my cunnilingual skill in Carmen and Steve's guest bedroom.

In an extraordinary reversal of roles, Clive had watched as I brought his wife to repeated and rather messy orgasms with my tongue and fingers including the first squirt I had ever witnessed. I hadn't gone on to fuck my new girlfriend but that had been unnecessary.

Of course while this was happening, Carmen's husband Steve had been comprehensively fucking my own wife in both holes leaving her spent and gaping as I had found out shortly afterwards.

As a first-time bull I hadn't been sure of the etiquette and had sent Hilary flowers the day after our encounter. She had sweetly explained that they were not necessary but very welcome and that she hoped the two of us could meet again sometime soon.

To my surprise, I found myself hoping the same, once my evening as a pimp was over.

That evening had now arrived. Despite Gary's reservations, he had not attempted to dissuade his pretty young wife from having her 'night as a whore' so plans for the evening had gone ahead without him.

After much debate, the two wives had decided that although they had loved it, dressing as sluttily as they had dressed on New Year's Eve just wouldn't be acceptable on a normal weekend night. They would most likely be ejected unceremoniously from the bar before their 'clients' could find them so an alternative had to be found.

After much giggling, they had chosen to play the part of high class whores rather than street hookers, both wearing the short cocktail dresses, stockings of course, very high heels and jewellery that I could see worked so well. Their hair had been expensively styled too; double appointments had been made for the morning of the 'big day' and a large box of assorted condoms bought to be shared between their over-large handbags.

As expected, Gary had chosen to stay home and babysit rather than watch his increasingly wayward wife play the whore in public and get fucked in private so I was playing the pimp alone. So far it had been a little nerve-wracking, wondering whether each man who came into the bar was one of Carmen's chosen 'clients' for our aspiring whores.

The She-Devil had of course told us nothing about her two friends apart from stressing their good natures and considerable abilities as lovers. Neither the girls nor I had any idea whether their clients were old or young, tall or short, fat or thin.

This verisimilitude brought with it the risk that a real punter might come up and proposition one of both girls so in best cold-war style Carmen had arranged a code to let the new 'whores' know they'd been found by the right 'punters'.

Before either of them could go off with any potential client, they had to hear that the man was 'a friend of Carmen'. It was ludicrously simple but as such, should also be difficult to get wrong.

I had driven the girls to the hotel and dropped them off at the main entrance before parking my car. They had then spent some time in the Ladies' Room ensuring their faces were perfect. This allowed me to get into the bar and secure my place in the booth before their arrival.

For the last half hour I had been watching as inconspicuously as I could manage as the two gorgeous, sexy women chatted to each other, to the barman and to the small trickle of unattached men who were brave enough to try their luck.

From time to time one or both of the girls would shoot me a conspiratorial glance and we would exchange knowing smiles.

Perhaps because she was blonde, my wife seemed to be attracting more interest than her younger friend and had already politely but firmly turned away three would-be seducers. All were older, all were well dressed, all looked very affluent.

Julie had attracted fewer admirers but hers had been more persistent. At one point it looked like I might have to play the pimp more realistically and step in to free her from one over-friendly young man but in the end the girls managed by themselves.

It was approaching eleven when I first noticed the tall, slim, attractive man in the dark blue suit and white open-necked shirt enter the bar alone. Probably in his fifties with short greying hair but still in excellent shape, for a moment he looked a little disoriented, then seemed to spot the two girls at the far end of the room and began, slowly and casually, to work his way towards them. He stopped at a bar stool some fifteen feet away and ordered a drink then sat sipping it calmly for a good five minutes before casually looking in their general direction then, equally casually, making eye contact with my wife.

Alice smiled back, obviously attracted. He rose slowly to his feet and moved to a stool closer to the girls. He was certainly good-looking despite his age; tanned and fit and wearing a gold band on the third finger of his left hand. He said something I couldn't hear; both girls smiled warmly. He moved closer, they swivelled to make room.

For the next ten or fifteen minutes the three of them chatted animatedly, both girls making as much eye contact as possible. It was clear that, whatever his name, he was the 'friend of Carmen' that preferred blondes; his attention was fixed firmly on my wife's slender body. And who could blame him?

Alice had clearly noticed this because she moved her stool a little closer to him and, with the occasional glance at me, began to make very casual physical contact; first on the arm, then on his hand. After a few minutes his hand had fallen to her waist.

While the two girls had been fending off unwanted admirers, watching them had been more like fun than cuckoldry; it could have happened in any bar on any weekend. Now that my wife and her 'client' had actually met and seemed to be getting on well in real life rather than just in roleplay, everything changed.

Whoever he was, Alice was clearly finding him genuinely attractive if her body language was anything to go by; their eyes were twinkling, their smiles genuine, their hands in a constant state of light but repeated touching as they chatted.

The familiar cuckold pain began in my chest and gut as my over-active mind pictured what this man might look like naked, how big his cock might be and how proficient he might be with it.

I wondered what he would require his whore to do. Would she strip for him? Suck his cock? Kiss him passionately? And what positions would they choose? Missionary? Doggy? Both? Or something else entirely that my mind couldn't imagine?

A painful bulge appeared in my trousers and stayed there.

Julie had clearly decided that for her, the man was a lost cause. While my wife flirted with her 'client', Julie swivelled on her stood until her back was towards her two companions, her eyes casting around the bar in search of the man destined to be hers.

I looked too but could see no-one then my eye was drawn back to the group by movement. Alice and the man had risen to their feet. A little animated whispering in Alice's ear followed after which she nodded and whispered back. Then my wife passed him something from her handbag and he disappeared across the room.

Her client temporarily gone, my sweet, unfaithful wife shot me a glance across the room, her eyes raised in silent question. I paused then nodded. She smiled and mouthed those wonderful words:

"I love you!"

Before I could respond likewise, Alice's attention had moved back to Julie, bending over her friend and whispering in her ear too. Julie looked at me then smiled, mouthing the words.

"I'll be okay. You go!"

She was right; if I was to enjoy any part of the sexual activities to follow, I had to get to the apartment before my wife and her intended lover to conceal myself.

"Are you sure" I mouthed back. Julie nodded emphatically.

"Good luck! See you later," I replied then pulled on my jacket and slipped out of the bar just as my wife's client returned with her coat.

I half ran the short distance from the bar to the apartment hotel in which the girls were to entertain their clients, took the stairs rather than risk meeting them at the lift then panting, let myself in.

It looked as we had left it; appropriate for seduction. The side lights were on low in the lounge and in both of the small double bedrooms. The lounge was designed as a dining room too with a table and four chairs, two of which I removed to the kitchen along with a low side-table before making sure that candles and matches were placed alongside both beds.

I returned to the kitchen to conceal myself, turning on the low under-unit lights. The room was tiny, barely large enough to contain the small table and chairs I had placed there but it had to do; it was to be my home for the next couple of hours at least.

I closed the door carefully.

No sooner had I removed my jacket and settled onto one of the chairs than I heard the apartment's main door open and two cheerful but slightly hesitant voices entered the small hallway. I held my breath in excitement as well as in an attempt to remain completely silent and listened hard.

"So this really is your first visit to the city?"

My wife's slightly stilted voice sounded clearly through the closed kitchen door.

"I've had a couple of meetings here but this is my first overnight stay," her client replied. "And my first date with an escort here of course."

"Have you had a chance to look round yet?"

"No, but I doubt I would find anything as lovely as you," came the reply.

Even in her role as 'whore', this must have pleased my wife because when she spoke her voice was soft with an air of arousal that I recognised well.

"Would you like a shower before we go through to the bedroom?" she asked.

"Shouldn't we sort the... um... money side out first?"

"If you like. I don't like to pressure my... friends," Alice replied, the sexiness in her tone almost tangible.

"Carmen explained my... preferences?" the client asked tentatively.

If she had, then I knew nothing about it. Clearly either Alice or Carmen or both had been keeping secrets from me. No great surprise there!

"Yes of course, and I'm okay with it. It is a little more expensive though," she said quietly.

There was a rustling sound.

"I don't think you'll be disappointed," the client said quietly. "I'll leave it here."

There was a short pause before I heard Alice's voice again.

"Here's a towel. The shower is just there. If you would like to hang up your clothes properly there's a wardrobe in the bedroom."

"Thank you. You're very lovely," the man said and he sounded sincere.

A short time later I heard the apartment's shower running. A moment after that the kitchen door opened and my wife entered. Although I had helped her dress earlier, I still gasped when I saw her. The tight red dress had already been discarded; instead she stood in smooth white hold-up stockings; high red heels; tiny white silk panties and a microscopic bra. Her boyish body looked fit and very available; her legs seemed to go on forever. Her long blonde hair had been brushed until it shone, falling over her slender shoulders like a soft curtain.

She looked as sexy as I had ever seen her.

"Are you okay?" she whispered anxiously.

"Never mind me, are you still okay? Still want to do it?"

The look of sheer sexual arousal on her lovely face spoke volumes; wild horses couldn't have prevented my wife from playing the whore now.

"I've never been so excited," she said.

"So what are his special preferences?" I whispered, looking her straight in the eye.

"Shower's stopped; I'll see you later!"

And that was all I was allowed to know because the kitchen door was suddenly closed, there was the sound of high heeled footsteps followed by the click of a bedroom door being closed too.

I sat back in my hard chair and took a deep breath. It had started; my lovely unfaithful wife was in the bedroom with her client and would do whatever he wanted her to do, and all for money.

She had become a whore!

Deep down I knew it was all a game set-up by Carmen but at that moment it didn't matter; we had crossed a new barrier and taken another big step on our Journey into Cuckoldry.

I waited a few minutes to let the two of them get started, straining my ears but with all the doors closed there was at best only the very muffled sound of voices.

This wouldn't do! I would have to get closer.

I had just opened the kitchen door and was about to sneak along the hallway to listen outside the bedroom door when I heard the apartment's front door rattling. I leapt back into the kitchen, holding my breath with nerves.

A few moments later I heard voices approaching then an older male talking slightly nervously.

"I'd almost given up looking," he was saying. "I'm so pleased I found you."

"I'm pleased you found me too," Julie's slightly husky, very aroused voice responded. "I hope I'm worth the wait."

"I'm sure you will be. You are stunningly attractive, Julie."

"Thank you," she replied demurely.

There was a brief pause during which my mind dimly registered something wasn't quite right; Julie had unwisely given him her real name. Still, it was only a fantasy. I listened hard.

"Is there anything you don't do?" the man's voice was low and confidential.

"Some things are a bit more expensive," Julie replied with mischief in her voice. "But if that's not a problem for you, I'm sure you'll be completely satisfied."

"Do... do you kiss?"

"Not with everyone, but you're sweet. I'm sure we'll want to anyway."

There was another pause.

"When do I..." the man asked anxiously.

"It's best to leave the money...the present on the side in the bedroom," Julie replied, playing the role of whore for all it was worth.

Something inside me desperately wanted to know more about the man our friend had brought back.

My wife's client had been attractive and athletic; a good night's fucking was most likely in store for them both. In contrast, Julie's as yet unseen client seemed much less self-assured. Perhaps this was part of the act too; after all, Carmen had promised us that both her friends would deliver a great deal more than the knee-trembler Julie had enjoyed at the New Year Ball with my colleague from work, Peter.

Wishing that I could at least have seen what Julie's client looked like, I heard the voices move further away and fade into silence. A short while later I heard the shower running a second time followed by the click of the second bedroom door closing.

In the kitchen I strained my ears but there was little to hear. I waited a little longer but there was only the low murmur of voices again.

Judging it was safe but alert for anything amiss, I silently opened the kitchen door again and listened hard. The sounds were louder but no more distinct, either from Alice's room to my left or from Julie's to my right. If I was to get any pleasure from the evening I had to get much closer.

But that meant taking risks; the main one being that of discovery.

Frustrated, I took off my shoes and socks, trousers and shirt then removed my watch and anything else that might make a sound before carefully opening the kitchen door. I paused, looked left and right, listened carefully then tiptoed slowly and silently along the polished wood corridor towards the room where my wife and her client were ensconced.

Pausing outside the bedroom door I stood as still as I could and listened hard. The voices were was much clearer here though it was hard to hear them over the noise of my heart thumping.

I stood stock-still, listening carefully. It was too indistinct to make out more than a handful of words but these were enough to send a thrill through my whole body.

"...disappointed... naughty..."

The deep male voice sounded unimpressed, scolding. Had something gone wrong?

"... sorry... didn't mean... Sir..."

The female response was familiar but different, as if my wife was putting on a voice not her own.

"... take steps... regret... behaviour..."

Again the male voice growled grumpily. I strained even harder, suddenly realising that if things were going wrong, my wife's client might suddenly appear in the doorway on his way out. If that happened he would meet a near-naked man with an erection and his ear pressed to the woodwork.

"... Sorry Sir," the female voice pleaded.

"... not good enough..." its stern male counterpart responded.

There was a pause during which I heard nothing. Then I stepped back in amazement.





The voice was female and high pitched, the smacking sounds loud and sharp.



Oh my God! Behind that closed door and only a dozen feet away, my lovely wife was being spanked. From the sharpness of the sounds, it was skin-on-skin too.

Was she being hurt? Did I have to play my part as Pimp more realistically and intervene to save one of my whores from harm?





No indeed! My presence in that room would be highly unwelcome!

Although the sounds were those of a woman in pain, it wasn't any kind of pain I had heard before. Alice's cries were getting louder too and there was a distinctly sexual tone to them; one I hadn't heard before.

'Smack! Smack! Smack!'


My beautiful, sexy, unfaithful wife was receiving a spanking and enjoying every moment of it. Suddenly the conversation about her client's 'preferences' made sense, as did my wife's apparent willingness to indulge them.