Julia Goes Down to the Sea!


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Her unexpected arousal jumped a level higher when she opened the door and stepped into the brightest space she'd been in since leaving the convenience store; other than her time in the ocean, her nudity had never felt entirely normal before, but in the harsh light of the building's lobby she felt somehow even more naked than ever. Turning around and seeing her reflection in the door she'd just come in made her gasp! She didn't see or hear anyone, but noticed a bell on the counter. She knew she needed to summon help, but up to then she'd been seen nude by chance; it felt different to actually ask someone to come and see her this way! She hesitated for a few seconds, then tapped the bell two times.

"What can I do for...." the man who answered the bell said before he made it through the door behind the counter; the rest of his question canceled by the sight of Julia standing opposite him on the other side of the counter, as naked as she could possibly be! She felt herself quivering a bit as she saw him emerge from the back room. After an awkward pause his ability to speak returned, picking up right where it had stopped,"You. What can I do for you?" He thought she seemed nervous, but not shaken up like the handful of women he'd seen who had been assaulted. Before Julia could answer he thought about a wise-ass friend of his and asked her," did Denny put you up to this? He's been telling me he'd send one of the dancers in his club to see me some night!"

Julia was stunned, eventually replying "What! No! I'm not a stripper! I'm staying in Yurt B, and I got locked out!" A bit late, she raised her hands to cover her boobs.

Still suspicious that the presence of the naked woman in front of him was some sort of prank, he asked, "How exactly did you come to be locked out while naked?"

As stressed out as she was, Julia had to admit it was a fair question. Not wanting to provoke the somewhat agitated man, she addressed him by the title and name on his nametag; she told Ranger Moston about her late night moonlit skinny-dip and how she had searched in vain for her belongings, adding, "I saw a park jeep looking around where I left my things, did one of you working here take my stuff?"

"No, that was me in the jeep, and I was just doing a sweep to be sure nobody was partying or had a fire going. The pickup of odds and ends left on the beach is the morning shift's job, after sunrise."

"I can't understand how I could have lost track of where I left my stuff, I was so careful to count how many steps away from the stairs I had walked!" she replied.

For the first time in their conversation, Julia saw Ranger Moston starting to smile! "I'm sorry, I'm sure this is very embarrassing for you," he said, "but I'm pretty sure I know where your belongings are, and I was just imagining you methodically hunting in the wrong place!"

"How could you know where my things are?"

Trying not to laugh out loud, the Ranger explained, " The stair you went down to the beach is one of two identical paths, there's another one for the tent camping area. When you were floating you most likely drifted away from the stair at the yurt sites, ending up nearer to the stair at the tent sites. You could hunt forever where you looked, but your stuff is probably still where you left it, 10 yards to the south!"

"Are you fucking kidding? I feel like such an idiot!"

"For what it's worth, as dark as it is, I can see how anyone not familiar with the park could make that mistake," he replied.

Well, thanks for that, I guess; can you let me into my yurt now? I can pick up my stuff on the beach in the morning." she asked.

"One problem with that," the Ranger told Julia, "I'm not supposed to let anyone into a yurt unless they can show me some ID.'

Julia backed away from the counter far enough to be sure the Ranger could see her from head to toe, spread her arms wide and asked angrily, "Dude, do I look like I have any ID with me? Any anything?" She turned around a full 360 degrees and stood facing him with her palms turned up as if to ask what more she could do.

"I'm sorry, but I really have no way of knowing who you are, or if you have any business getting into that yurt, and I'm also not supposed to let myself into a yurt that might be occupied by someone else, so I can't just go in and look for your ID. What I can do is drive you to where I'm certain your things are, help you find them, and give you a ride to your yurt if you do find the key. Does that work for you?"

It wasn't the quickest solution Julia had been thinking she'd get in exchange for being exposed to yet another stranger, but she wasn't in a position to make any demands. As confident as the Ranger was that he would be able to reunite her with clothing, she could at least finally see an end to the ludicrous situation she'd put herself in; she nodded and asked, "How soon can we go?"

Stepping out from behind the counter, he replied, "aside from your little problem, things are pretty quiet tonight; let's go see what we can find!" He motioned for Julia to head out the door and followed right behind her, locking the door behind him and walking toward the Jeep. They both climbed in, he started it and drove out past the entrance, leaving the park behind completely and heading north on the highway! "Why are we leaving the park," Julia asked, her voice shaky as her imagination provided several possible answers, most of which were bad!

"Sorry," he said, "I should have told you before we started, the ramp down to the beach is at the far northern end of the park, 2 miles or so from the main entrance. You can't get to it from inside the park."

Even after hearing why they were on the highway, and even though it was a warm night, Julia felt a chill, riding naked in a vehicle with no doors or roof at almost 50 miles per hour! When a big pickup truck passing them paused briefly alongside the jeep she quivered until it completed its pass and left them behind.

Just as he'd described it, they soon reached an unmarked dirt road, which he turned onto and slowed the jeep to a crawl. The road was hardly more than a trail; he stopped and looked over at Julia, bathed in the glow from the map app on a screen atop the dash. He said,"it's a bumpy half mile between here and the beach, but we'll be going slow enough that there's no way we're going to be in an accident." Gesturing at her shoulder belt, he suggested, "you might be more comfortable without that rubbing you there!" as he pointed at the spot where the belt was nestled between her jiggling breasts. She blushed but took his advice, unfastening the belt and bracing herself against the dash.

After a couple of minutes of the Jeep bouncing along through the woods, they reached the hard packed sand of the beach. She had to admit, the Ranger knew his park; after just a few minutes of driving he parked and aimed the spotlight at the stone wall at the back of the beach, quickly locating and lighting up the gap in the rock face and the bottom few steps.

"From what you've told me, you probably went down to the beach at this stair. I'll stay here and light up the area where you're searching with the spotlight. You can pace off the distance from the stair to where you remember setting your stuff down. Once you find your stuff, you can wave me off and I'll turn around and drive back, or if you'd rather have a lift back, just walk back here, show me your key, and I'll drive you all the way back to your yurt.

Julia hopped out of the Jeep and started walking toward the stair. Noticing the long shadow her body was making, she glanced back over her shoulder and gasped at the sight of her uncovered shoulders, back and ass lit up like they probably never had been, at least not when she was outdoors! There had been times during her fiasco of an evening when she almost could forget she was naked; this was not one of those times!

Carefully counting her strides from the stair, followed at her every step by the spotlight, Julia was at her 104th step when she saw the tan fabric of her long-lost towel! She knelt next to it and flipped it open; sure enough, everything was exactly as she had left it. Besides the empty wine bottle and snack packaging, her shorts and shirt, sandals, flashlight, and the all-important key to her yurt were all there.

To be sure she wouldn't be separated from it again, she slipped the strap holding the key up her right arm, all the way up to her elbow. She picked up her shorts and was about to put them on when she thought, "What the fuck, he's already seen everything; why bother getting dressed now?" She dropped her shorts back onto the pile and rolled her things back up in the towel. She picked her improvised package up and stood up, still with her back to the light. She noticed for the first time how her shadow had changed now that she was within a few feet of the rock face; still slightly larger than life, but now clearly the shape of a woman, and as she began to turn and the individual shapes of her breasts appeared in shadow, clearly the shadow of a woman at least partially nude!

Turning to face the jeep, it occurred to Julia that her current exposure was different than all the other times she'd been seen in the nude that night. At every other occasion her nudity had been accidental or at least necessary, but this was different. Now that she'd decided to skip getting her clothing back on and take the Ranger up on his offer of a ride back to her yurt, she was, for the first time in her life, showing her uncovered body to a stranger voluntarily, just because she felt like doing it!

As she walked on toward the spotlight Julia still felt the familiar instinct to cover herself, but the impulse was fading with every step she took. She felt her pulse racing the same way as it had done every other time she'd been seen this way, and the shiver that ran through her when she glanced down at her body, bathed in the beam of the spotlight, was similar to several she'd felt that night, but her feeling this time was not the same.

This time felt different.

This time being naked was her choice.

This time was awesome!

As she climbed into the jeep, it occurred to Julia that she had an opportunity to add one more unprecedented behavior to her list for the night. She was trying to decide exactly how to proposition Ranger Moston, fighting the urge to giggle as she realized she was about to ask for sex from a man whose first name was unknown to her!

"Find everything you were looking for?" he asked as she closed the door.

"Almost everything," she replied, her voice shaking, "There was one thing I'd like you to do if you could."

"Okay, what do you need?"

Julia was about to explain exactly what she wanted from him when she noticed the wedding ring on the Ranger's left hand. She immediately flashed back to the awful moment she'd found out George had been cheating on her. She knew she'd regret asking for what she had planned to; if he said yes, she'd feel guilty, and if he turned her down she'd feel foolish. She pivoted away from her plan to offer her body to the unsuspecting Ranger, saying, "Can you not mention any of this to anyone else? I mean, if you're required to fill out a report then I suppose you have to, but if you can keep it between us I'd be grateful!"

Thinking for a minute about how he could help Julia out and follow the requirements of his job, he finally answered, "I am supposed to fill out a report, but I'll just say, 'Assisted guest in finding missing key to yurt.' How does that sound?"

"Perfect, thanks!" she replied. When they parked in front of her yurt she thanked him again then leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She climbed out of the jeep, walked to her yurt's door, unlocked it and swung the door open. She turned toward the jeep and waved goodbye to her rescuer. He waved back and drove away.

Finally safe in her yurt, Julia picked up her phone to check the time and noticed a basic, "just checking in," text from Cara. She noticed the time as well, grimacing when she saw that it was well past 3 AM, less than five hours from the time she needed to be on the road to catch her flight home! She wasn't looking forward to getting up so soon and crawled into bed immediately, but as she thought about her evening she had no regrets about why she was so late settling in!

Once he was back at the Admin building, Ranger Moston carefully deleted the last hour or so of the video automatically recorded by his body cam to keep Julia's exposure out of the camp's records, right after he copied it onto a thumb drive to take home! Though he was keeping Julia's adventure out of the official record as she'd requested, he felt a little guilty about making himself a copy, but he was sure that unless she saw it with her own eyes, his wife would never believe his answer when she asked him if anything interesting had happened during his shift!

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Interesting story. Regarding plausibility, perhaps it could be a situation where Julia was wearing a bikini bottom with a towel wrapped around. When she got out of the water, she was still wearing her bottom which would make the encounter with the ranger more reasonable.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Would like to read reaction/response of ranger's wife. I'm already speculating, would she try to imitate Julia or would she setup her husband with Julia.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Much toooooooooo long.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story. To be honest though, you should have had Julia actually proposition the ranger!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


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