Julie Ch. 07


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If nothing else, Gary's birthday had confirmed what Julie already suspected. That there was something in her that responded to a man like Greg. An arrogant, cocky man who wasn't afraid to tell a woman what to do in bed. And wasn't afraid to expect her to do it either. Gary's sweet but timid ways simply didn't get her motor running the way Greg did.

So what was she going to do? Julie knew that she wasn't the type person to sit and quietly wish for things to go her way. She had always aggressively pursued her goals and she was a woman unaccustomed to failure. But here was a goal that could be beyond her grasp. She couldn't be to Greg what he was to her, could she? Probably not. Was she suddenly such a defeatist that she wouldn't even try?

Julie thought about it as she drove to meet Gary for their usual Friday night dinner. What did she really want from Greg and what could she do to get it? Well, she obviously wanted the great sex, to feel the way he made her feel. But that wasn't the whole story, was it? No, she needed to have him want her. Choose her over whatever other temptations were out there.

Julie thought about the chesty bar maid from Greg's hotel. She had clearly been eyeing Greg up and probably wanted to be with him. Julie wasn't jealous of her. But Julie didn't want to sit alone in a hotel room waiting for Greg either. If the reason Greg hadn't come back after the game was because he had a better or more appealing offer... Well, Julie would just have to do whatever it took to keep herself at the top of the list.

Maybe, just maybe, she could balance the scales that right now were tipped heavily in Greg's favor. Maybe she could rock his world. Make it so he was the one thinking about her when they were apart.

Julie wasn't foolish. She understood what Greg was at heart and wasn't naïve enough to think she could change him. But she wanted more of a role in calling the shots. She was too good to sit and wait by the phone for any man.

And she would prove it to him.

She smiled to herself at that thought. It actually played right into what she loved about being with Greg. He made her feel free to do anything in bed. He sparked a lust in her that easily overcame the self-consciousness she might otherwise have felt. He made it exciting to be a slut.

Now Julie had arrived at the conclusion that the best way to get to Greg was to be even more of a slut for him. Show him what she could do when she set her mind to it. She wanted him to get hard at the sound of her name. She wanted him to be constantly thinking about having sex with her. No, not having sex... fucking the hell out of her!

And since the slut-factor was probably what made it so hot for her to be with Greg in the first place, this plan could benefit her even if it didn't work!

So what could she do? Well, she could certainly tell him a few things that would get his attention. How she would suck and fuck him any way he wanted. And she could probably come up with a few tempting suggestions while she was at it. Dresses and skirts without panties under them always seemed to get a man's attention. Something to think about if she were to get to go to dinner alone with him.

As she pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant where she was meeting Gary, Julie decided that she should send Greg a personal email this weekend. Let him know in no uncertain terms that she wanted to see him when he was in town. It had to be worded just right, of course. She somehow had to convey that she was throwing herself at him without sounding desperate.

Julie spent half of dinner composing the email to Greg in her head while trying half heartedly to keep up a conversation with Gary. He noticed her distraction, of course and Julie blamed it on work. She tried to forget about Greg and the email at least until Gary wasn't around, but it just kept popping back into her head, like a bad song. She just couldn't get it out.

That night, as Gary lay asleep beside her, Julie slipped out of bed and padded down the hall to the office. She sat at the PC and logged in to her email. Nothing from Greg, of course. Not that she was expecting anything, but it would have been nice. At least an indication that he was thinking about her outside of their professional relationship.

It took her a while. Even though she had worked out most of it, she wound up rewriting it as she went. Eventually, she had it as close as she could get to what she wanted:

"You're a lucky guy. I hear there's a really hot brunette just waiting for you to get here. Rumor has it she's oohhh.... sooooo.... willing.... to do...... anything.... you're little heart (and big cock) desires.... Mmmmmm.....

"PS – I love it when you tell me to suck your cock"

Julie read it over several times. She deleted the last line, then re-typed it. Then she changed it to "she loves it when you tell her..." Then she changed it back to first person. Before she could reconsider, she clicked the send button.

She immediately opened her sent mail folder and re-read it. It was on its way now. No way to recall it. It gave her a shiver to see it now that it had been sent. She had never written an email like that in her life. She had never even pondered writing such a note.

Julie thought it was a pretty good one. It certainly got her point across. But now she was filled with anxiety wondering what Greg would think when he read it. Would he get turned on and start thinking about working out a rendezvous? Or would he smile and click delete and move on to the next email from another, equally horny prospective date?

It had obviously occurred to her that Greg was probably used to getting emails that were rather forward. Julie had tried to word hers to seem different, but she had no way of knowing if she had. And it was the thought of him sorting through several emails by equally eager women that had finally encouraged her to leave the post-script in.

Now all she could do was wait and see what kind of reply she got. She went to bed and anxiously tossed and turned for some time before falling asleep.

In the morning Julie slipped into the office while Gary was showering. No reply yet. After breakfast, she made an excuse to go upstairs so she could check again. Still nothing. Why was she so worried all of a sudden? He probably hadn't even gotten her email yet. It was nine-thirty on a Saturday morning. Single guys who spent their Friday nights out chasing women generally didn't hop out of bed at the crack of dawn the next day.

She walked away from the computer and refused to let herself check her email again until after dinner. But there was still no response. She chided herself that this was exactly the sort of thing she couldn't afford to do: agonize over whether or not Greg wanted her.

Julie had put herself out there. There was no mistaking that. Now she had to wait and see what Greg would do. And if he didn't take her up on it?

She would worry about that when it happened. If it happened.

After all, why wouldn't he take her up on it? She was good looking, intelligent, self-confident and had told him, flat-out, that she would do anything to please him. And she was married, so he didn't have to worry about any sort of relationship entanglements.

How could he turn that down?

Another thought occurred to her. What if he did agree to meet her, but it was a replay of the last time? Sure, it had been hot and she'd gotten pretty turned on giving him a blow job. But she wouldn't be satisfied with that again, would she?

What if that was the only opportunity Greg gave her?

Then, Julie decided, she would just have to give him the best friggin' blow job she knew how. After all, sucking Greg's cock still got her more turned on than sex with Gary, sad as that sounded. And she wasn't going to get what she wanted out of Greg by turning him down.

No, the key was to rock his world. Get to him. Make him think about her like she was thinking about him. She needed to feel his big cock inside of her again and she would find a way to make it happen. If that meant she had to swallow another load or two to get it, she would. It wasn't like she didn't get wet thinking about having him in her mouth.

Julie couldn't keep herself from checking her email every so often. And she couldn't keep herself from worrying every time she checked and there was no reply from Greg.

It wasn't until she got to work Monday morning that she got a reply. It was dated Sunday and it was sent after Julie had gone to bed. It wasn't exactly what she had hoped for, but at least it gave her reason to be optimistic.

"I do like brunettes. Especially on their knees."

It sounded like he was going to see her. It just wasn't clear in what context. Sure, Julie had gotten pretty turned on going down on him. But she wanted, needed much, much more. And the more she thought about it, the more she didn't want to wait to get it.

Julie sat at her desk and stared at his email for five minutes or more, turning over in her head its possible meanings. It sounded like he was going to make arrangements to see her outside of work. But she didn't want it to be fifteen minutes on her knees in his hotel room before he ran off to dinner. True, there was no way to have a full night like before. But another night like the first one would certainly be possible.

And that's what she wanted. She just had to find a way to make it happen.

She stared at his email, wheels still turning. She clicked the reply button, but couldn't think of a suitable response. Greg would be traveling today, so Julie had most of the day to come up with a reply. She closed her personal email and turned her mind to her job.

When lunchtime rolled around, Julie opened her email again and reread Greg's email. She still didn't have a clever answer to give him. So she went with something blunt.

"Are you getting two room keys?"

She stared at it for a moment, then, with the mental equivalent of a shrug, clicked the send button and closed her email. Either it was going to happen or it wasn't. She had made it clear where she stood. The ball was, as usual, in Greg's court.

It was just before she went home that she got a reply from Greg.

"Always. The only question is who gets the second one."

What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was he telling her that there was a who-gets-to-sleep-with-Greg contest? The blonde bar maid with the balloon tits popped into Julie's mind. And the married woman who sucked him off in his car. They were both local possibilities for Greg. How many others were there?

Julie felt a tightness in her stomach. She had assumed that, given the chance, she could turn Greg's head. Was he deliberately driving her away? Or testing to see how far he could push her? Or was this all just posturing on his part? Reinforcing his image of a man with plenty of options? Was that supposed to make Julie more eager for any crumb he would toss her?

Or was he just teasing her? It was possible that he had every intention of seeing Julie on this trip, but no intention of just coming out and saying so. She thought for a moment, then typed a reply.

"I recommend the big titted blonde behind the bar."

When Julie got home, she checked her email. Greg had replied. She clicked on the message.

"Excellent choice. They're real."

Julie thought about that for a few minutes. It seemed that Greg was telling Julie that he'd been with the barmaid. But at the time Julie had first seen her, the night Julie went to Greg's room, he was talking like he hadn't. He had said something about her coming up to his room after she got done work that night, which would have been after Julie left.

How did she feel about that? Not jealous, exactly. Threatened, perhaps? If the barmaid was some wild, kinky fuck that totally blew Greg away, would she be the one he saw on this trip instead of Julie?

Julie didn't need Greg all to herself necessarily. Or did she? She wasn't sure. She knew she wanted a chance to be with him while he was in town. And she didn't like the idea that she was standing in line to do so. But what if she was first in line? Did it matter if others were waiting behind her?

No. Well, yes and no. She wasn't sure. To her traditional way of thinking, it was definitely a problem. But then again, she was a married woman who was meeting another man for sex. Did she have a right to have any traditional expectations? Of course not. What really mattered was how Greg made her feel. Not just in bed, but in the whole convoluted situation.

He had to reciprocate in some fashion. Want her, if not need her. Julie couldn't expect him to clear his dance card for her, but she had to know that she was more than just a number waiting in line. If she got... correction, WHEN she got the opportunity, she would make sure he understood.

She typed a reply to Greg.

"She works til two. What are you going to do while you're waiting?"

Julie sent the email and sat waiting for a few minutes. She didn't really expect a prompt reply, but she was impatient to hear Greg's response.

An hour later, she slipped upstairs and checked her email. Greg's reply was waiting. She clicked it.

"Good point. Suggestions?"

Julie thought for a moment and came up with a reply she really liked.

"Yes. Lots of them."

She smiled to herself as she sent the email. Before she went to bed, she checked again and there was a reply waiting.

"I'd like to hear them. Tomorrow morning, 7am. Room 308."

Julie blinked. She had been hoping for something, but she hadn't expected this. She usually got into her office by eight and the hotel Greg was staying at wasn't that far. Other than having to leave the house really early in the morning, there wasn't anything stopping her.

Of course, if she visited him in the morning, would he fuck her? If he did, they'd both have to get cleaned up before work. He was probably thinking more along the lines of a blow job. Sure, what guy wouldn't want a hot Ms. Business woman to show up at his hotel room and suck his cock before he left for work in the morning?

And it wasn't like it didn't appeal to her. Julie just wanted a little more this time. She gave the matter some thought and decided on a plan. Then she sent Greg a response.

"Okay, but how can I tell you with my mouth full?"

The next morning Julie's alarm went off when it was still dark outside. She got out of bed and got ready for work. When she got out of the shower, Gary lifted his head off of the pillow.

"What's up?" he asked groggily.

"Didn't I tell you?" Julie asked. "We have Medicorp coming in this morning and I've got a lot of last minute stuff to take care of."

"Oh," Gary said, dropping his head back on the pillow. "Good luck." He closed his eyes.

Julie quickly dressed in a pastel blouse and knee length navy blue skirt. She grabbed a matching jacket and slipped quietly out of the room and down the stairs. Just inside the front door she stopped and removed her panties and slipped them into her purse. She wanted Greg to know what she wanted and where she wanted it.

On the drive to his hotel, Julie tried hard to keep her thoughts off of what she was about to do. Her pussy started to get wet every time her mind wandered to Greg and his hotel room. And she hadn't brought a change of clothes, so...

She arrived early. The traffic at this earlier hour was much lighter and it took a lot less time than she had figured. It was quarter to seven. Greg wasn't expecting her for another fifteen minutes. Should she wait in the car?

No, she wasn't going to sit and wait. Why wouldn't he be glad to see her sooner? Unless he had someone else in his room, of course.

When he opened the door, he was clad only in a towel. Julie was relieved to see that he was alone and that there was no sign of another woman.

"Looks like I arrived at the perfect time," she said, nodding toward his towel.

"I didn't expect you this early," Greg replied. "Not that I'm complaining," he added with a smirk. "I like a woman who's eager." He led her into his room and removed the towel. When he turned toward her, she saw his cock hanging between her legs and the wetness between her legs virtually exploded.

Julie didn't hesitate. She wanted to rock his world.

She quickly tossed her jacket aside and stepped up to him. She took his massive member in her small hand and cradled it. Looking up into his eyes, she parted her lips, waiting for his kiss. He didn't disappoint. His lips came down firmly on hers, pressing. It was a long, hungry kiss, full of open lips and dancing tongues. They nibbled each others' lips, explored each others' mouths.

When their lips parted, Julie sank to her knees and licked the head of his cock. He sighed at the first contact of her tongue and it made her wetter still. She took his semi-erect shaft into her mouth and held it there, loving the feeling of it expanding, growing with her lips wrapped around it. She opened her mouth to let out a moan of her own as Greg's fingers began to run through her hair.

When he was fully erect, Julie bobbed up and down on him slowly for a minute or two before taking him out of her mouth. She looked at his manhood, still amazed as ever at its thickness and length. He had to be at least nine inches long and thick enough that her hand could barely wrap around it. She gasped. Oh God how she wanted to feel this incredible cock inside her!

Julie rubbed his rigid member against her cheeks, smearing her own saliva on her face. She ran her tongue up and down his length, pausing a moment at the base to caress his balls one by one. She looked up into Greg's blue-gray eyes as she rubbed him sensuously all over her face. Julie wanted him to see it in her eyes how much she wanted to pleasure him.

But she also knew she had to do more. Any woman could want to please him. She had to get him excited about her doing it. She sat back on her heels and looked up at him, running her hands up and down the outsides of his thighs.

"Tell me," Julie said in her best bedroom voice. "Tell me to suck it."

"I don't have to," Greg replied smoothly. "You'll suck it anyway, won't you?" Julie smiled and nodded.

"Mmm hmmm, oh God yeah!" she said, popping him into her mouth and sucking him a few more times. "But I still want you to tell me," she said, sitting back again.

"Why?" Greg asked. Julie shrugged, still smiling.

"I don't know why," she admitted. "I just know it makes me wet when you do. When you tell me," she added, licking a drop of precum from the tip of his shaft.

"Julie," Greg said, looking down at her. She looked up, waiting expectantly. "Suck my cock." The heat flared between her legs as she obediently complied. She closed her eyes and, her hands still on his legs, pushed her mouth slowly down his thick pole. She came back up and went down again several more times before sitting back again.

"I never liked this before," she confessed, feeling a little bit of heat rising in her cheeks.

"Never liked...? Sucking cock?" Greg asked. The words "sucking cock" made her quiver slightly. She shook her head. "And now?" he asked.

By way of reply, Julie bobbed energetically a dozen or so times on his cock. "Now," she said, letting him escape her lips for a moment and looking up into his eyes, "I want to cum with your cock in my mouth."

Julie grabbed his hefty member with her left hand and started sucking him in earnest. Her right hand slipped under her skirt, its fingers seeking out her exposed pussy lips. She moistened her fingers with her own juices, then swirled them around her clit. That first touch, combined with the arousal of having Greg's cock in her mouth, brought her to the brink of orgasm almost immediately.

"Looks like I turned you into a cocksucker," Greg said arrogantly. "You can't get on your knees and suck my cock fast enough, can you?"