Julie Ch. 15


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"What's up?" she asked when she saw Julie.

"Oh, nothing," Julie replied, sounding casual, but feeling absurdly nervous. What was she worried about? Ashlee already knew most of the story. "Just going to go out for a bit."

"Oh," Ashlee said, sounding slightly surprised. "Want some company?" Julie stuttered for a second.

"Ah, I'm ah... No, I'm..."

"Oh!" Ashlee's eyes opened, a smile quickly spreading across her face. "I see!" Her grin had a wickedly conspiratorial tilt to it. She winked. Julie thought about making denials or protesting, but how could she?

"You think what you want!" Julie replied with a dismissive laugh, as if Ashlee was completely wrong. But Julie didn't think it fooled Ashlee for a second.

A few minutes later she was driving to the restaurant to meet Greg. There were still misgivings, doubts and fears tugging at her heart and her head. But not even combined did they have a chance of keeping her from going to see him. She told herself she had to know. She had to hear it from him.

But was she really just grabbing at an excuse to see him? Wasn't the idea of being able to spend the night with him the more compelling factor? There was no denying that she was feeling the early stages of arousal. And she hadn't even seen him yet! God, what would happen when they were face to face? When he was whispering in her ear that they should go out to the parking lot... get in his car...

It occurred to Julie as she walked across the parking lot that she seemed to have totally dismissed Gary. Somehow, the idea that she could be with Greg, a man with whom she'd never really spent any time except sexually, was so powerful, that it eclipsed her marriage. Almost instantaneously.

It scared her. Julie was never one to be rash. She was always solidly grounded. How could the woman she had always known herself to be act so recklessly? Knowing already that there were consequences upon consequences that these actions would certainly have?

How could a man exert such influence over her? Even as she wrestled with her fear and her concern, she didn't slow her pace in the slightest. And it didn't diminish at all the rush she felt when she saw him at the bar. In the same place, no less, as the night they first met.

Not that there was a romantic memory attached to that meeting, Julie smiled to herself. But it was truly the beginning of it all. From that moment on, Julie's self-determination had been affected.

When they greeted each other, there was an awkwardness. Neither knew just how familiar to be with the other. As intimate as they had been in the bedroom, they had always been very careful in public to appear as casual acquaintances. They probably still had to keep up that appearance, as Julie was, after all, still a married woman, whatever the future might hold.

But that wasn't what made it seem a little out of sorts. Julie, early on, had always had trouble warming up to the situation. There was always that initial awkwardness, difficulty in picking up where they had left off. It was because, at that time, she didn't see Greg all that regularly. It wasn't a switch she could turn on.

She had always assumed that it was the same with Greg. But, sensing his awkwardness now, Julie realized that he had been fine with it then. He was, after all, a guy used to seeing a woman infrequently and getting right into the groove with her. Was his hesitancy now because of what he had said, or implied, in his emails? Was he nervous about exposing true feelings?

Whatever it was, Julie's own, familiar awkwardness was mirrored by Greg's. They were two people who had been intimate just days before and now they were exchanging inane pleasantries instead of getting right to the point of why they were there.

But why were they there? Julie, for her part, wanted to wind up in bed with him eventually. But she needed something from him to make it okay. She didn't really know what that meant, but instinctively it felt important. Greg had to somehow reinforce, say to her face, what he had hinted around at in his emails.

Greg seemed to know that there was more to this meeting than whether or not they both wanted sex. That part seemed a given. The question was more of how to make it seem okay to have sex, even after their disastrous discovery just a few nights ago.

They ordered drinks and Greg asked how things had gone with Gary after he left. Julie sensed that, while Greg's concern might be genuine, it was more about dancing around why they were really there.

Julie replied, painting the events of the time since in broad strokes. Greg didn't seem inclined to dig deeper into Julie's answers, strengthening her suspicion that he was avoiding the real subject.

It occurred to Julie that Greg's real issue was that he didn't want to say or do anything that might seem like a commitment. Everything in his lifestyle, his personality, ran contrary to commitment and Julie soon surmised that that was the reason he talked around the issue.

Part of her wanted to be patient. Let him get to the point where he was ready and willing to say something meaningful. Another part of her was just hoping he would be able to give her enough that she could justify going home with him. As much as she would have loved to have him look into her eyes and tell her that he wanted to be with her for real, Julie knew if he gave her just a glimmer of hope, it would be enough for tonight.

By the second drink, they were at least flirting and familiar again. But even though Greg didn't seem to be in any hurry to continue the conversation he had started with his emails earlier, Julie found herself making eyes at him in a way that reminded her of the girl at the bar the first time she saw Greg. The way that woman—Anne Marie, was it?—had looked at Greg, well... it had come as no surprise to Julie to see her later in the parking lot with her head in Greg's lap.

Julie was doing the same thing now, she realized. She was looking at Greg in a way that gave her intentions away. Were there people around the bar and restaurant looking at her? Knowing, recognizing the signals her body was sending? Was anyone watching and wondering if Julie would be going down on him in the parking lot tonight?

That thought brought an almost surreal collage of recollections to the fore in Julie's head. Watching Greg get a blow job that night. His wink. Then meeting him for drinks after work and his flirting suggestion that she should go out to his car. Her indignant reply followed by her kissing him beside her car and getting turned on. Being interrupted by the lights from another car. And Julie's eventual surrender. Coming back to this very bar knowing he wanted her to do it. She had insisted that she didn't want to, even to herself. But hadn't it been thrilling? She had gone back and done it again with much less prodding, hadn't she?

It was so strange for her to look at the events of the past six months, comparing her first meetings with Greg to this one. To have changed in ways that she never thought she ever would or could. Yet here she was. And she hadn't ruled out giving him another blow job in this same parking lot tonight. If he would only give her that little bit of hope, she might be willing. If he gave her something of substance... well, she might be the one leading him out of the bar to the car!

"I'm going to be going back after next weekend," Greg said to her. "I probably won't be back for a few weeks at least. Maybe more, it all depends." Julie nodded, waiting for him to go on. "I don't want to leave without seeing you again."

"You're seeing me right now," Julie countered, a teasing grin on her face. He gave a polite smile.

"You know what I mean," he answered, his blue eyes boring into hers with an intensity that Julie couldn't match. She had to look away, taking a sip of her drink to cover the butterflies she suddenly felt in her belly. He wasn't saying it, but the look in his eyes... that was the look she wanted, right?

"Oh, I know what you mean," Julie said, her grin widening as she looked back up at him. "And while I won't deny that the idea has, uh... some enticing aspects, I'm just a little hesitant. Taking chances under the circumstances might be, ah... a bit foolish." She shot him a raised eyebrow.

Greg nodded, looking down at his drink reflectively for a moment before turning his eyes back to Julie's. Oh, God! Julie thought as her body trembled. This was it! He was going to say something! Something significant. Something that would redefine their relationship.

"Julie, you aren't like any woman I know," Greg began and Julie's heart fluttered. "I've never been one to, you know, look for, um... a long term, steady sort of thing. But I, well... since I met you, I wonder if... maybe, I don't know. If maybe that could actually work for me."

It wasn't exactly romantic in and of itself, but coming from Greg, Julie actually found it to be, if not romantic, at least touching. He had given her more than she had really hoped for. True, that was only because she had set her expectations so low. But there was no denying that he was putting himself outside his comfort zone, making himself vulnerable, which was something he probably never did.

Twenty minutes later, she was parking next to him in front of his company-rented apartment. They embraced and kissed passionately, just as they had done before getting in their cars at the bar.

Those kisses were nothing short of magical for Julie. There was no escaping the desire that Greg evoked in her anyway. His words at the bar, non-committal, maybe-I-could-be-monogamous-with-you though they may have been, were deepening that desire. It wasn't just one night of sex on the line. It was a real relationship. Days and nights together. Being a couple. Sharing experiences, planning a future together... She stopped herself there; chide herself.

Julie was acting like Greg had proposed to her when in fact, all he had really done was say there was a chance that they could be boyfriend and girlfriend. Still, that was light years beyond anything Julie had ever expected at the beginning.

From that first night in his hotel room, from the time when he showed her what it was like to cum so hard she didn't even know she was screaming, it had been about incredible sex. That incredible sex had no doubt stemmed from Greg's dominant, arrogant personality and his thick nine-inch cock. He stretched her body with his organ's size as effectively as he stretched her understanding of herself with his ability to control her.

No other man on the planet could make her pussy dripping wet by telling her to get on her knees and suck his cock. No other man could make her spread her legs so wide, so willingly. No other man could make such a willing slut out of her.

When they reached the privacy of Greg's apartment the door closed behind them, Julie felt an explosion of possibilities. She had fucked and sucked him all over this apartment. But tonight there were no roommates to worry about, no husband to go home to. All that debauchery could be revisited without limits. That there might be an underlying substance to their union only intensified the feeling.

They didn't made it further than just inside the front door before their lips found each others'. Their hands ran through each others' hair and up and down each others' backs. They squeezed themselves together in an almost desperate embrace. Julie loved the feel of his firm, well-muscled body pressed against her almost as much as the other firm muscle he pressed against her.

Her top came off quickly, followed almost immediately by her bra. Her nipples were hurting they were so hard. Greg wasted no time grabbing her breasts and kneading them, his lips descending on her blood-infused nipples. Julie threw her head back, gasping at the intensity of the warmth tingling in her belly and between her legs. Her heart was racing in her chest. Her clit felt like it was throbbing in her jeans.

Greg's tongue, lips and mouth devoured Julie's breasts, sending her spinning into a delirious state of ecstasy. When he kissed his way up her neck and nibbled her earlobe, her knees almost buckled. Then his lips were beside her ear.

"Julie," he breathed, and her heart raced faster still. She knew what he was about to say and she couldn't wait to hear it. "Get on your knees." A thrill shot through her loins, her belly and warmth flushed her entire body. "Get on your knees and suck my cock."

Moaning in delight, Julie sank to her knees before Greg. Her hands were shaking, making it difficult to unzip his pants, but eventually she managed. A moment later she was holding Greg's cock in her hand again. The surge of warmth she experienced just holding it was breath-taking.

As she licked away the bead of precum glistening at the tip of his mighty shaft, Julie wondered how there could have ever been any doubt that she would have had it again. She could never go back to the life she knew before Greg. Holding his cock in her hand, staring at it, marveling at it, she knew that to be true.

She slowly closed her eyes, opened her mouth and leaned forward, taking his thick shaft into her mouth. As soon as it touched her lips and tongue, another flash of heat and wetness shot through her. As much as she wanted to devour him, suck him with frantic energy and bring him to release as quickly as possible, Julie also wanted to savor the moment. This could very well be the first blow job she gave him as his girlfriend, after all.

Her lips moved steadily but lustily up and down Greg's pulsing cock. Julie kept her eyes closed at first, concentrating on the feel and taste of him. It was so gut-wrenchingly powerful, the feeling that washed over her as she bobbed on him.

Eventually, she opened her eyes and looked up at him. Julie wanted him to see in her eyes just how willing she was to please him, just how much she wanted to satisfy him. Like she was trying to show him that he had made the right decision in choosing her. Greg looked down and, while his arrogant smirk was still there, Julie thought she saw something deeper, more meaningful. An acknowledgement of what she was doing for him. Not just at that moment, but in general.

Julie massaged the underside of his cock with her tongue, feeling the swollen vein pulsing in her mouth. Then she slipped him from her mouth and put her hands on her thighs. Greg's cock was pointed straight at her face. Her tummy quivered, it just looked so incredible. Looking up into his eyes, Julie leaned forward and planted a kiss on the head of his cock. Not just any kiss. A passionate, loving kiss. Something that told Greg just how beholden to him Julie was.

Then, hands still in her lap, Julie took his member back into her mouth and sucked him again at the same torturous pace. It was enough to drive him wild without being enough to make him cum. And Julie was loving every groan and sigh that her oral ministrations elicited.

She was wondering if she could get him to cum at such a pace. It would almost certainly be an incredible orgasm for him if she could. But Greg stopped her before she could find out.

He reached down and lifted Julie to her feet. His cock pressed against her bare belly as he leaned down and planted a deep, passionate kiss on her lips. It was a deep, romantic kiss. The fact that his huge member was grinding against her as their lips and tongues connected didn't make it any less so.

As their kiss broke, Julie's hands hurried to unfasten the button on her jeans. A moment later, Julie was standing naked before him, loving the way Greg's eyes roamed all over her body. Julie was a good looking woman, with a curvy figure, big breasts and a firm ass. She knew men noticed her when she walked by. Greg's lust-filled eyes drinking her in was all that mattered though. As long as he looked at her with that raw, animal desire, she knew she was hot and sexy.

He kissed her again and started to pull off his shirt. Julie, watching him disrobe and getting wetter doing so, reached out and took his member in her hand. She stroked it as he shed his shirt. Reluctantly, she let go so he could take off his pants.

Greg kicked his pants aside and stepped up to her again. This time as they embraced, there was no clothing to come between them. Julie felt the warmth of his skin directly on hers and it only heightened her arousal.

She was so turned on that she simply wanted everything at once. She wanted him to tell her to suck it again. She wanted him to turn her around, bend her over the table and shove it into her. She wanted to feel his tongue tickling her clit. She wanted... everything. She only hoped that they could manage to get it all in before they had to get up for work on Monday.

Greg lifted Julie up and sat her on the edge of the dining room table, spreading her legs wide with his hands. She rocked back, supporting herself on her elbows, presenting her pussy to him as fully and as openly as she could. Oh, to be such a slut with her legs spread so wide! It was filling her up with a fresh, warm tingle.

Then Greg filled her up with his rock hard cock. He took his time entering her, but he almost didn't need to. Julie was so wet. And she had been fucking this big cock of his fairly regularly anyway, so her body was used to accommodating him.

She groaned, her head falling backwards spilling her dark hair across the table as he entered her. By the time he was all the way in her, she was screaming, her hips bucking underneath of him.

Maybe it was because a couple days ago, Julie didn't know if she would ever experience Greg inside her again. Maybe it was because Greg had given Julie reason to believe that the fantasy of the past few months might actually contain some substance. Whatever it was, the intensity, the thrill of him was absolutely driving her into a frenzy. She couldn't lift herself hard enough or fast enough to drive him deep enough into her.

He leaned forward, interlocking his arms around her legs and pushing them back until her knees were near her chest. With her legs spread wide and pinned back, Julie felt Greg penetrating her so deep. It felt like he was going to split her in two with his hammer-like pounding.

Her screams became short bursts that were timed with his thrusts. When his hands descended on her breasts, began squeezing and kneading them, Julie felt the world around her getting blurry and distant. All she could perceive was the high voltage-like connection between her pussy and breasts where Greg was stimulating her almost beyond her capacity to endure.

Julie's pussy started spasming, clenching around Greg's cock over and over as she reached orgasm. The blinding white heat that flashed through her was so powerful, the scream her body tried to release got stuck in her throat, turning into a hoarse, gravelly moan.

Spasming and shaking with the aftershocks of her orgasm, Julie managed to open her eyes and focus. Greg was still ramming himself in and out of her pussy relentlessly, his head back, moans of his own now reaching through Julie's fog to her ears.

Julie was simply glowing with post-orgasmic heat when she impulsively pushed him back with her thighs and levered herself up from her elbows to her hands. She continued to move him back and sit up, causing him to slip from her dripping pussy. Greg seemed to understand that she was trying to sit up and stepped back to give her room.

But Julie wasn't really trying to sit up. As soon as Greg gave her room, she slipped from the table and down to the floor in front of him. He moved back another step or two to give her space to kneel between himself and the table.

He didn't seem surprised, even though he was usually the one who initiated this sort of thing. He put his hands on his hips and looked down at Julie, watching her expectantly. Julie, for her part, hesitated only long enough to flash her sultry smile at him before taking his cock into her mouth.