Julie's Adventure Pt. 03


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Calvin laughed. "We should probably be heading home."

Julie buttoned up and got into his car. He drove her back to the garage, and they said goodnight. Driving home, Julie was thinking about what she was going to say to Jonathan. She couldn't figure out how to start the conversation, but she needed to tell him at least some of what she had been doing.

Meanwhile, back at their house, Jonathan was deep in thought as well. He knew that Julie had been fucked last week during the charity dinner they had attended. She had left with her friend Calvin Johnson, and had come back to their table 15 minutes later reeking of fresh sex. Jonathan had been surprised at his reaction to this revelation. He wasn't angry or hurt; he had been tremendously turned on. He had gone down on her, knowing what she had just done, and had fucked her hard and fast afterward.

He had known that she'd had affairs before, and had tried to tell her that he just wanted her to be honest with him, but she hadn't opened up. This was different, though. If he found her extramarital sex erotic, then it was something they could do and explore together! He wanted to talk with Julie about that idea, but was unsure about how to bring it up.

Julie arrived to find the house dark. It was after midnight, so it was a good bet that Jonathan was asleep. She quietly undressed and slipped into bed. He surprised her by reaching over to wrap an arm around her. "Hey baby. How was your dinner?" he asked.

"Oh, it was fine" she replied. "Nothing special. I think he'll probably give me a little money." Not a lie; Calvin always made a modest donation. She scooted closer and curled up into her husband's body, laying her head on his chest. For the second time in the past week, Jonathan immediately recognized the overpowering scent of fresh sex coming from his wife. She may have had dinner with a potential donor, but she had fucked him for dessert.

This felt like the opening he'd been looking for. "Julie, we need to talk."

"What about?"

"About what you did tonight."

Julie's heart skipped a beat. She instantly regretted not cleaning up before coming to bed. "What do you mean?"

"Let's don't play this game tonight, okay? You've just had sex; I can smell it. Just like I smelled it the other night at that dinner."

So there it was; she'd been searching for a way to start this conversation too. "You knew about that?"

"Yeah, I did. Honey, I know what you smell like after sex."

"So you did what you did, knowing I'd just had sex with somebody else?"

"Look," he said, "I don't know that I'd want to do that again, but in the moment, it felt right. And I enjoyed it. I'm hoping that my behavior, tonight and last week, will finally convince you that I'm okay with you having sex with other people."

"I'm sorry, Jonathan. I feel ashamed."

"You don't need to feel ashamed of the sex. I just want us to be able to talk about this, okay?"

"Okay" she said softly.

"So we're at least acknowledging that there's something to talk about?"

"Yes" she whispered, as she started to tear up.

"You don't need to do that. If my words don't convince you, this should" he said, as he guided her hand to his hard cock. "This is part of what I wanted to talk about. Remember when I saw that email back a few years ago? When we were talking about it, I was framing things strictly in terms of sovereignty; it was your body, and I didn't feel like I had any right to dictate to you what you should do with it. But last week, I discovered there was more to it."

"Before, when I thought about you having sex with somebody else, it was just you, doing some generic thing with some anonymous other person. But the other night, when you came back to the table, and it seemed clear that you'd been with Calvin, and I could smell you...it was just so... intoxicating! I got this very clear mental image of the two of you fucking, and it was like I was watching a porn movie starring my own wife! I got so worked up, I could hardly sit still."

"My reaction surprised me, so I did a little research. I always knew there were a lot of flavors of sexual tastes, but it's more varied than I thought. There's a long continuum of guys who get off on their wives fucking around. Some guys actually enjoy being humiliated by it; having it rubbed in their face. Just for the record, that holds no appeal for me."

"That's good; me neither" said Julie.

Jonathan continued, "At the other end, you have guys who enjoy their wives being a little slutty. Some just like hearing about it, others like to watch, and some of 'em want to participate. I don't think I'd want to do that, but I really do think I'd like watching."

"Really? You could handle that?"

"I really think I could. That's basically what I was doing the other night. I saw the picture, clear as day. And I really liked it." Jonathan was quiet for a few minutes. "Okay, your turn."

This was it. Julie was about to admit to behavior she'd spent the last seven years hiding from her husband. "For starters, I want to make one thing really clear. I love you, Jonathan. Nothing has ever changed about that." Julie sighed. "I've told you that I went through a little slutty phase in my early 20's. But I haven't told you the extent of it. There were a lot of guys. A lot. One night stands; really short-term relationships, if you could even call them that..."

"When you and I got together, I had only been out of that pattern for a couple of years. By the time we'd been married for, you know, 4 or 5 years, the seven-year itch started kicking in. Those years had conditioned me to want that rush of endorphins that you get from being with someone new. This was absolutely not any dissatisfaction with you or our sex life! I just needed that spark."

"I managed to suppress it for a while, but it always came back. When I started going to the conferences for the Center, it felt like I'd found the perfect solution. I could have a fling with one of the guys there, far from home. It would be like a 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' kind of thing. I would get my fix; no harm, no foul."

Julie paused, and started to tear up again. "I'm sorry. I know how selfish all of this is."

"Julie, I'm serious; you don't need to apologize for the sex. I just wish you had believed me before that this would be okay, and we could talk about it."

"It's not exactly normal behavior."

"I think normal gets to be defined by the people involved. As long as we agree, I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks. So this happened...a lot?"

"Every conference" she said. "Sometimes more than once."

"More than one guy, or more than one time?"

"Sometimes both. It got to the point where I was really enjoying the freedom. And the novelty."

"I can remember after one conference, I found three pairs of crusty panties wadded up in the laundry."

Julie's eyes sparkled. "Cincinnati. Three guys in three nights" she said as she smiled wistfully.

Jonathan inhaled sharply. "Oh my God, that is so fucking hot!" Julie felt his cock start to rise again.

"You really do like this, don't you?"

"I really do."

"Jesus, guys are weird. How about we finish this bedtime story tomorrow. I need to go to sleep."

Jonathan kissed his wife deeply. "I love you, Julie. Nothing's changed. I'm looking forward to hearing the rest. G'night sweetheart." They spooned together and quickly fell fast asleep.

Jonathan's sleep was fitful. He had a series of pornographic dreams, all starring his wife, and woke with a raging hard-on. He saw that Julie was already awake, looking at him through glazed eyes. "How about I take care of that for you?" she asked in a sultry voice. She kissed her way down his abdomen and took his cock into her mouth. Julie didn't give him blowjobs often, but she was quite good at it. Jonathan moaned.

"You like that, baby? You like having your big hard cock in my hot little mouth?" She resumed sucking, the sides of her cheeks hollowing as her head bobbed up and down. "Oh God, Julie, that feels good..."

"Yeah? Are you gonna cum for me? Are you gonna let me taste your hot cum?"

Between the stories Julie had told him last night, the sex dreams he'd had all night long, and the sight of his pretty wife inhaling his cock, Jonathan was on the verge of cumming within minutes. When Julie reached down to lightly stroke his anus, Jonathan felt himself pass the point of no return. "I'm cumming...!"

Julie's mouth filled with her husband's cum, and she savored its rich taste. She swallowed once, but he was still cumming, and her mouth filled again. She finally pulled her mouth away, and swallowed a second time. "Wow, something got you all worked up! That was yummy; thank you."

"Oh lord, thank you, Julie." He looked down at his wife, still between his legs, licking her lips with a crooked grin on her face. She had never looked more beautiful to him. "Kiss me."

"You sure?" she asked.

"Very sure." She crawled back up his body, and they shared a wet, sloppy kiss. After a few minutes, Julie broke away and jumped out of bed. "Time to get up and ready for work, Bub! And I want you to be thinking all day about the stories your naughty wife has to tell you tonight."

Which is exactly what he did; he got nothing done that day, other than imagining all sorts of lewd scenarios. He assumed she would tell him about her latest exploits, and wondered what else there might be. By the time he left work to go home, Jonathan was exhausted, and more than a little turned on. Julie's car was in the garage, so she had beaten him home. He found her on their bed, already naked and playing with herself.

"'Bout time you got home! You ready for part two?"

"Oh hell yes." He started undressing. "So, three guys in three days, huh?"

"Well, it's not like I planned that; it just sort of happened."

"Tell me about it."

"There are a couple of guys in the network who I've been with more than once. I saw one of them at the opening reception, and we made plans to hook up after dinner. He came to my room, and..." Julie was quiet for a moment. "How much do you want me to tell you?"

"Everything." By now, he had joined her on the bed, and they cuddled up together.

"He was licking me when you called that night. I had a really hard time holding it together. I came right after we hung up, and then he and I had a nice, slow fuck. He wanted to spend the night, but I don't do that. He left a little disappointed."

"The next morning was the Center Directors meeting, and there was a new guy who had just taken over a Center in Texas someplace; young guy. He was cute. He kept trying to look down my blouse, and got really embarrassed when I caught him at it a couple of times. I saw him at the mixer that night and decided to mess with him. So I flirted with him and teased him until he turned beet red and could hardly talk. As I was leaving, I leaned in and whispered that he should come to my room if he wanted to have some fun. I didn't expect him to show, but he did. He was a lousy lay, but sometimes just the reality of what I'm doing can be enough to get me off."

"The third night, I bumped into the man I'd had my first affair with. We talked for a while, and he asked me to come to his room. He wasn't all that great either, but by then, I was feeling really slutty, so just about anything would have made me cum."

"When was the first time?" Jonathan asked.

"The first conference I went to, in Kansas City, maybe? Actually" she continued, "it was four guys in four nights. I saved the best for last."

Jonathan looked at her stupidly. "You were number four, dummy!" she said, and laughed. "After you saw that email, I stopped for a while. I didn't want to jeopardize our marriage. But the itch kept coming back, and after a while, I started up again." He had been hard the whole time, so Julie felt confident that he was still okay with what she was telling him.

"You still do this at every conference?" he asked.

"Yeah, at least once. Sometimes twice."

"Julie, you don't have to name names, but I'm guessing you were with Calvin the other night?"

"Yeah, I was. Last night too."

"Was last week the first time with him?"

"No" said Julie, "this has been different. We first had sex about seven months ago. This next part you may not like, but in for a penny, in for a pound. We've been meeting once a week since then."

"Why wouldn't I like that?"

"Just that it's so regular. I've never done anything like this before." Julie paused. "I don't love him."

"That never entered my head" said Jonathan.

"I'm still struggling with the whole sex/love connection."

"See, I think sex and love can be connected, but they don't have to be. You can fuck somebody and not love them. And I'm fine with this, by the way. Is it a racial thing?"

"Partly" said Julie. "I like Calvin; he's a good guy. But the contrast between our skin is exciting, and watching his cock disappear inside me is just about the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

Jonathan started breathing harder. "I'd like to see that too, baby!"

"I'll talk with him about that. The sex is pretty amazing. He has a big cock, and he makes me cum like crazy!"

"Jesus, Julie, you've got me pretty close to cumming too! So last week you guys slipped away from the dinner...where did you go?"

"The same place we always go; we went upstairs to his office."

"You guys have been fucking in his office once a week for the past seven months?"

"That's too much, isn't it? I've gone too far."

"No, Julie, just wrapping my head around it." He glanced down at his hard cock. "Does it seem to you like I think you've gone too far? I think this is all pretty damned hot. When do you do this?"

"Thursday afternoons. You're sure I haven't crossed some line?"

"Shirt dress day!" Jonathan said. "Look, you obviously like doing this; I like hearing about it; and I can't say that our relationship has suffered in any way because of it. In fact, our sex life has picked up during that time."

"It has! I'm horny all the time these days. You noticed the shirt dresses?"

"Hell yes, of course I did! I love how you look in shirt dresses."

Julie smiled. "I bet you didn't notice that I never wear any panties on Thursdays."

"I will from now on! I think Thursday just became my favorite day of the week."

"You don't want me to stop?"

"Oh hell no! Not on my account. That's what I've been trying to tell you here. Before, I told you it was your body, and I didn't feel like I had any right to dictate what you did with it; and I still believe that. But I discovered that it really turns me on. You and I can use this; we can weave it into our sex life."

"Like now? You wanna fuck your naughty wife?"

Jonathan rolled over, climbed between Julie's thighs, and rubbed his cockhead around the opening of her very wet pussy. His cock didn't need to be lubed; she was soaked.

"Fuck me, baby...fuck my slutty little pussy!"

Jonathan drove his cock deep into his wife and quickly worked up a good rhythm. His cock wasn't quite as big as Calvin's, but it was good sized and had always done the job. Plus, he knew right where all of Julie's hot buttons were. She had been stroking her clit the whole time they'd been talking, keeping herself on the edge, so it didn't take long for Jonathan to push her over to a thunderous orgasm.

The stories, and the realization of how their lives might be about to change, had kept Jonathan on the brink too, and he wasn't far behind. "I'm cumming, Julie..."

"Ooh, fuck me, Jonathan! Fill my dirty little pussy with your hot cum! Fuck me, baby!"

Jonathan gave one last push and buried his cock, exploding deep inside Julie's cunt. She wrapped her legs around him, crossing her ankles above his ass, and they lay together, panting, for several minutes. It was one of the quickest fucks they'd ever had, but they were both spent.

"Wow!" Julie finally managed to say. "That was something! The earth moved; I saw fireworks..." She unhooked her legs, and Jonathan rolled off to the side. They cuddled up into a well-practiced position and continued their recovery.

"Yowza" Jonathan said, from someplace that sounded pretty close to sleep.

"Ditto" came the reply. "I love you, Jonathan."

"I love you too, Julie. Always." They were quiet for a few minutes more, and Jonathan's breathing evened out and got deeper. Julie thought he had fallen asleep, until he spoke softly.

"You haven't told me about last night..."

Julie smiled. "Well, see, there was this restaurant that Calvin wanted to take me to..."

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MrKachingMrKachingover 2 years ago

Julie confessing her adventures to hubby is hot. This is becoming the perfect marriage. I hope he loves her creampies. Keep writing.

ottowaltersottowaltersalmost 5 years ago
Keep writing

Ignore the trolls. Keep at it. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I agree with Kalimaxos . I’m a man and can’t understand how any guy would want or allow that to be part of there life. It’s degrading, humiliating and down right abusive. I know some guys might turn a blind eye to keep the family in tact , for for financial reasons or he’s cheating himself. Alls that boils down to is there is no real love between this couple. Story wise it’s entertaining but for me only in fiction, not real life . Just on principle if she never did it again I’d divorce her and name Calvin and as many people from the same company as I could in the divorce and law suit. Even if it didn’t go anywhere but make it public knowledge. Also out inthe real world so many travel regularly for work and most are cheating I believe and that is based off the 100% of the people I know who travel for work

KalimaxosKalimaxosalmost 5 years ago
Hell no

These are the women that give other women a bad rep.

I get it, more than half of wives have cheated or cheat regularly.

The rest are thinking of ways to maje it happen or don't have the guts.

But disrespecting their man behind his back is still low.

Especially when the same women would divorce their man for

Steppin out on them.

But to voluntarily be a cuck? Have you men no respect for yourselves?

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

The best I can say about this is that it is no worse than the first two chapters. That's definitely damming with faint praise.

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