Junction Pt. 05


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Dragons and elves control the Weave. It is a part of who you are. My race is now a part of that as we are both part dragon and elven in genetics. Species 874 could never be that because of the Hivemind and wanting you all dead, including those who stayed behind. Humans included.

The Weave would have been destroyed and the world would have become an asteroid field without it. We can outcast both races when required as I demonstrated, but that should not be happening.

The Weave is what holds this world together. In COOPERATION with the worlds brought here. You are all partners in this world, for better or worse. You want to destroy the world, kill all the Elves and Dragons.

It would fall apart as the Weave fails. WE have an exit strategy if that occurs in these space ships. We will survive, regardless. We have massive amounts of land and should spend less time fighting and more time growing our populations. Your warlord ways of the past are what Species 874 sent you down.

As Apex predators, it was an easy sell to convince you to take that path, the mistakes of your ancestors lead to the success of today. What they did not tell you is those warlords all fell in time on Earth; none existed in the end.

Now you know another Apex predator was only an evolution away, but we are not out to rule over you. Temper your research to kill humanity with genetics, sure. Just as we would do the same for elves, dwarves, giants, humans, and dragons.

We are not out to destroy you unless you attack us like this again. It is also just a space ship's journey away for us. We can escape this world and find another with the Weave with the reality drives available or to move out amongst the stars. You cannot stay polymorphed outside of the planet without the Weave, even in magical gear, as you have already tested that inadvertently on those stations.

Ships you are not suited to use. They were not designed for your bulk. Your bodies were not designed for space like Species 874, but that was also their downfall. They could survive but became sterile in the process and forced to rely upon clones."

The White Queen spoke, "We have shown restraint can be given and should be given. Where diplomacy is winning out, over violence against each other. We won't stop your border wars but we will work, within the RECD, to bring them to an end quickly through diplomacy.

The need to kill each other should not be our first goal. While we work to be prepared for the predator that comes from outside our world. The ones who will show someday, be they from another reality, or another world."

Jace sighed, "This race of mine will grow. But we are working to keep you all from committing the mistakes of our human ancestors' past. To get you to learn from those ancient mistakes. That is all I have to say in this matter."

Jace and the other wives removed themselves from the discussion as the White Queen worked to establish ground rules for the future. Jace worked to move the population of LonUblin to BoulDenver. She saw Jace's message on the screen.

She then worked to spend some of that capital to buy unexplored land in which to expand into that area that was not a threat to the other City-States. She had a manufacturing base and an Alliance with the neighboring Kingdom who could focus his forces over other parts of his border instead.


Over the next 3 months, Tawney and Rayne delivered and underwent the transition to the new species. Major Jacob also took up the offer to be resequenced and Darla followed suit as well. He still worked in the Gold King's Military but it made Major Jacob a unique asset as he learned magic as well.

He became a Colonel and took over as the commander of the facility where they trained Mastro units as the Gold King took up Jace's advice and stopped the persecution of humans in his Kingdom. No more forced sterilization and he went as far as getting them reversed for those who were married.

Schools for those 14-16 still occurred, Parents had the choice of getting their children into the CGR program but could raise the children if they could afford to raise them. They now focused on this new race at the facilities for those who went through it.

The White Queen had a tough time getting things started, once the telepaths were cleared in her new Kingdom the population was cleared as a whole. Business records were gone through and some leaders were killed for corruption. She then had the police forces cleared, including the Marshal's Service.

She had Jace listed as her Minister of Defense, an Elven leader over the Marshal service, and a Dwarven General over her military. They had dwarves in their military and had done some of the planning on the war with the Gold King. They had to adapt to the new realities.

She had 2 'tribes' of elves which became one and both the elves and dwarves were also made entitled races. Humans had this through the individual and also through the process of becoming a Liberator if they could pass the screening process.

Jace was the de facto leader of this new race, though they still lived in San-Angeles for the pretext of keeping the Alliance in place and to also work the construction of a new Palace complex. Jace spent time helping the Gold King to get the new space station in place over his Kingdom using the existing ships to haul it up in sections to be assembled in space.

They were at just the right height to deal with the Weave and outside communications. For outside communication, they built a dock for what was now called the Liberator fleet of ships. To use their communications.

Jace had the ship used to monitor and feed it to the dragons in the station, also messages to the ships as Rayne got the new enhanced communication crystals in place. Hellen and Carla finally joined the Liberator program a year later as well, to help with the enchanting efforts that were ongoing.

Tillman was released from CGR and worked aboard one of the Liberator ships in orbit. He focused to keep an eye out for any Species 874 or Lycanist encroachment. He was an undocumented Liberator by agreement. His rooms just did not have windows.

He did not want to be known and was simply enjoying his time with his wife who had Liberator genetics now and was in charge of the ship in orbit until they moved into the space station and she became its station commander for the Gold King. As the numbers grew the Gold King added Liberators as his second entitled race in his Kingdom.

A year later he added his dwarves finally. A penalty for the war of the past was their delay. Their efforts with the claimed Blue Dragon's Dwarves helped to bring in new blood and make them a viable population with the additional safer mining sites.

27 other Kingdoms made Liberators but did not make them an entitled race. They became the heart of their new Mastro Units, which they were well suited for, they quickly found out. Though none of them could figure out how to tap into doing an EMP or to drain Ki from a person from range in combat, only Jace had managed that.

They stayed well clear of San-Angeles and BoulDenver. The Blue King of HonYoko managed to defend himself from the family challenges that came and slowly worked to raise their standing. Building Liberator Mastro Units based on Jace's success kept their genetics program alive. They had all human miners and had to make some reforms to placate them without having dwarves.

The only other race of White Dragons still did not like BoulDenver or its new White Queen, but they avoided pissing her off. Some members defected. Jace quickly found those who were attempted spies and sent them back. Lobotomized from the mental probing as they had no memory of being in BoulDenver at all or any spy training they had received.

Those who were honest were put to work. The Dragon Queen did manage to turn 2 of her offspring into full-fledged dragon offspring. From which to rebuild a Royal family. One male, the oldest, and one female. They knew of their unusual beginnings and the work in the lab to make them what they were.

They also knew who their father was and enjoyed learning from him. Every batch of eggs she had she chose the 2 eldest with the right temperament to become the next 2 heirs in her Dragon family lineage. Jace stressed her Kingdom only survived by having heirs of Royal Blood.

Jace worked to set his White Queen up to succeed. With them able to have spouses from White dragons who had defected to this Kingdom. All to expand her royal family in the years to come.

Failed research into removing Species 874 from the population was slowly removed by Jace and Tillman throughout the first 5 years to help to eliminate that weapon against the Liberator race. They watched and worked to shut down illegal research facilities and those who sponsored them quickly with the scientists involved being killed or mind-wiped of their genetic studies.

Jace's other duties forced him to step away from the Marshal service but Tawney took over for him as Coop was for that idea. He took the former sheriff and made her a Captain at first over the Holly Wilds while Jace still covered the area. Then a commander as Jace stepped away from the effort.

The Other Elven Captain Jace raised moved to become another commander, over the new expanded lands as Levaransin predicted if he behaved. Overall she was pleased with everything Jace did for her. Still, she was shocked and horrified at the power he could unleash in that broadcast.

She had watched the broadcast where he killed the 2 blue dragons a thousand times as this ship he had killed over 100 others who attacked him including several Maestro units thrown at that island. She even caught sight of his glowing eyes as he siphoned the energy from the dead Blue Dragon King.

She now saw exactly what her brother warned her about. If he ever unleashed he would be devastating. He showed them all that he could do; if he unleashed when challenged. Then there was the fact that he became the first member of his own race and married a dragon.

Jace never went to visit with her after his last time to help her save face and investigate potential elven issues. He talked to Kindra to check on her 3 sons and that she remarried. Jace did attend her wedding with all of his wives, including the White Queen.

The Elven Queen did see him at commerce meetings and they only spoke briefly at those, usually dealing with trade matters. He did not grow his holdings in San-Angeles as he expanded them into BoulDenver instead. Including an expansion of DEEM into that area. His efforts were all profitable and he kept expanding internally as well in both areas.

The Dwarves of BoulDenver were more magnanimous about that as they were already an entitled race and another entitled race overseeing these humans who understood them better was not seen as an issue. They all had fair market pricing in that City-State.

Jace ended up buying a lot of the resources though as he had an outside manufacturing facility shielded and built in the unclaimed wilds. The White Queens new 'Kingdom' had to be built, not counting the one she took over. Nobody questioned her about its location and she never identified it.

Most figured she just decided on keeping BoulDenver as her city. He had his stealth field generator in place to hide the major manufacturing facilities they built and discovered. The place Species 874 had identified for them was a trove of technology and other resources.

What he had them build was a new fleet of ships with human operating systems but capable of hacking Lycanist Operating Systems. Then a series of satellites to put into orbit around and outside of the orbit of this world, and then the sun.

To identify if a ship would attack their star from the backside as this world orbited. Through those satellites, he could better monitor this system as he still feared the return of the Lycanists, more so than Species 874 as they were damaged and he knew how to beat them.

He built the ships in case the peace ever failed, or the Lycanists or another outside threat ever showed. Then he built a series of probes that were sent out every year to get them to report back on what they found in this system.

Almost 100 years later 10 kingdoms tried an attack on the White Queen. 10 of Jace's new ships decloaked over the approaching armies. They destroyed every asset thrown at them with the weapons systems onboard. All Liberator manned.

The White Queens ground forces stayed within her borders, and nothing got through. They tried EMP weapons, including missiles to find the ships were shielded. Some forces on the ground were affected and had to be pulled back for medical reasons from those attacks.

Those weapons from the air and the ground were destroyed as well. Each ship moved over one of each member City-States that tried to work against her. They destroyed no palaces of civilian targets. They only destroyed weapons used against the ships when they arrived and missile sites that launched the EMP weapons.

Then the airstrips within the kingdom and the naval shipyards. Until appropriate reparations were given, making them the 10 lowest-ranked Kingdoms in the RECD. Jace ensured the White Queen knew it was coming and who was involved. Also advised her on how to make a measured response. Especially when the 10 ships become 100 new ships they had never seen before.

The 200 Lycanist ships they had seen before were still on outside planetary boundaries and patrolled the system to watch for any outside aggressors, being mostly automated they were well suited to that role. The RECD knew this but did not know of the new fleet Jace had worked to build.

Jace walked into the meeting, and stood next to his wife the White Queen, and looked across, "If you think 100 of those ships is all we have, think again. The older ships are still on patrol watching for any outside aggressors as reported to this group just weeks ago.

These ships are a part of the Liberator fleet, of over 1,000 advanced battle and colony ships, all in one. My wife has ensured the response was measured, we knew it was coming, and we expected that some would try this at some point.

I stated before, we would have the ships to leave this world if catastrophe ever struck. Now you know, it would not be just us going. We can work to take entire Kingdoms into other realities and start again if we have to.

Or into the vacuum of space. For all of our races, or just those who are aligned in our goals of peaceful coexistence. Perhaps it will work. The 10 you faced are battle-hardened, having used the reality drives and working the extinction of Species 874 and Lycanists from other realities, 54 systems cleared thus far.

All of them returned, all of them victorious and thus far 1,284 jumps between them with 973 asteroids fields found instead of a planet. All tagged so we could ensure they have not visited again. The others, the planet was simply gone. Likely pushed into the sun or fell apart in previous attempts by those races.

All with technology and not magic. They were mined to confirm they were the same planet that had failed. We confirmed the threats are real, and they exist, they have just not gotten to ours yet as they don't know we turned the tables in this one reality. They orbited the sun, in reverse to its natural orbit to ensure no stealth planet was there.

That is now 56 Weave-capable worlds, in different realities, we could migrate into. As those dragons and elves on those worlds have no technology. We are the only ones capable of looking out for the fate of this world across realities.

It would be a means of last resort, but we are working to find anywhere Species 874 and Lycanists are working in these alternate realities. They could, one day, by their very nature, affect this world by pulling in yet another one in a different reality and impacting this world as well.

Now I said perhaps earlier. The perhaps deals mostly with the elves and Dragons. We don't know if your bodies would survive, without the Weave. Would you be able to generate one around a ship? Everything we have heard is those dragons and elves who tried to enter space died.

That is why protecting this one world is so important. As Liberators cannot cast outside the Weave and are weakened in environments without to a degree, we are geared to survive space. We took the risks and information on these realities will be sent once the resolution of this conflict is over."

They did get 10 dragons and 10 elven volunteers to confirm that leaving the planet's Weave would kill them if gone too long. Reality drives could only be worked in space. They entered space and they all started falling ill and struggled to breathe. They jumped, entered the Weave of another known world to recharge, and work to keep the passengers alive.

They exited days later and jumped home to prove the issue as all volunteers came from the loudest dissenters to the Liberators. Only 3 dragon lives and 2 elven lives were lost in the attempt. The revelations that Jace and his race provided proved enough.

That the outside threats still existed and defending this reality was more important. For now, the system seemed clean and a general peace existed over the massive world. With the occasional border skirmishes in other Kingdoms. The White Queen and Jace kept their word in their approach to existence. The Kingdom of the White Queen would not look to rule the world.

They now believed the White Queen and her Liberators would instead seek a spirit of cooperation and co-existence. That looked to see that border skirmishes did not last too long. That minor or major disputes were settled most often through diplomacy instead. Those other realities would be cleared and there were infinite realities for the Liberators to be focused upon.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Plus Actor

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 3 years ago

You knocked " Junction " out of the park . ES . I love your work and your unique style . Your creative imagination is beyond words . Thank you for sharing your gift with us . What's next ?

EmotionalStormEmotionalStormover 3 years agoAuthor

It is the end of that story series. For now anyway. I will submit a correction to change the word. Part of the TBI issues I have is word substitutions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Another excellent chapter. I loved the fight on the island with the Blue Dragon. The violence was described to perfection. I still have no clue how you have the time or imagination to create all of this but then I was always impressed by what I consider to be great authors. Thanks again for giving me this great story to enjoy, it made this weekend so much better.

Stay safe and be well.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great series, though a prologue is normally used as an intro to a story. As a coclusion to a story the term epilogue is used.

Otherwise a great series, that I really enjoyed reading.

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