Just a Jab Ch. 13

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Moving back home but Bronwyn finds trouble.
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Welcome to the latest instalment.

Please start reading this series from the first chapter.

Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated showing that somebody is reading my scribblings.

To date:

John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge. He now needs frequent sex to survive, and long term friends Sophia, Janet and Adriana; his old girl friend Glenda; co-workers Bronwyn and Paula; his specialist doctor Philipa and nurse Polly agree to help. John has come to terms with having sex with other women, although they still amaze him with their willingness. They have to deal with the pharmaceutical company as it tries to get out of being held responsible. John is helped by another sufferer from the injection, Matt, who is a computer security specialist and private investigator.

All sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination, and may not match anything in real life.

Biology and medicine are not my strongest points and sex is just a hobby, so I have not been encumbered by any silly preconceptions.

Expect some ridiculous ideas as I alter reality to fit my perception of life.

You possibly will not find any major new ideas. I read a lot and it is hard to know if I have any originality at all, or if am I just regurgitating stuff. I like to think I have my own twist which stops me feeling guilty. My apologies if I have used something, it was not intended.

Yes, if it does look like a harem story, this is because it is one. If this genre does not interest you then read no further.



Tuesday day 30.

John took his coffee out to the backyard where he could sit in peace and quiet. Being a normal work day there was little noise in the neighbourhood apart from the occasional car on the road. Sophia came out to give him a quick hug and kiss before she left for work. Linda soon joined him with a fresh pot of coffee and they sat allowing their thoughts to wander. They stayed there longer than anticipated as the twins could be now heard inside the house. The girls wandered outside to say good morning to the couple and give them a quick hug before returning to the kitchen for breakfast.

John held Linda's hand as he contemplated how to bring up a topic that had been on his mind for a while, "Linda, I've been giving this some thought recently."

"That's good dear. I wondered about the strained expression on your face."

John ignored her morning humour and continued, "Before you have us rolling on the floor laughing, I will say this so you can give it some thought as well," Linda looked at him without commenting sensing he was serious, "This health of mine is seriously impinging on any sort of normal life I could try as I need to frequently stop what I am doing for my treatments. I was wondering about the business and my working life. It is most likely that my continuing to run the business could cause more damage than good. I mean, how would it be if I was in the middle of a very important meeting with clients and they have to wait so I can dash out to get some treatment. This would be even worse if the meeting was at a client's office. I would need to take someone with me in case of emergency."

Linda agreed that could get a little embarrassing, "Yes dear it would get interesting if during the meeting you announced that your tingles were bothering you making it hard to concentrate properly. So your companion for the day would have to get under the table to give you a nice long blow job so you could continue with the meeting. Then you would just blow it down her throat, or before blowing your lid she would have to get undressed and sit on your lap so you could cum inside her. I am sure the clients would not be concerned with what you need to do. Better yet you could get her to strip and lean over the table and mount her from behind. She could even hold your papers up so you could read them and she would be in the perfect position to take notes as well."

John chuckled at the idea of this happening as he pictured Paula trying to get all six feet five of herself underneath the boardroom table, or taking notes as he pummelled her from behind over the table. Perhaps Bronwyn would be better, she is probably short enough to have her sit on his lap and nobody would even notice unless one of her boobs flew up and landed on the table edge. He chuckled a bit more to himself as he told himself off for his non politically-correct humour.

Linda then said, "Thinking about it, your treatment with a colleague might bother some of your fuddy-duddy clients. You should take Polly and Philipa with you, much better and more professional to have your doctor and nurse to give you treatment as required. Even your most conventional clients could not complain when your personal doctor and nurse have to give you a blow job during the meeting, then jack you off to get your cum all over their faces and chests. Then both of them would get on the table while you," John interrupted her at this point with his laughter.

"Thank you dear, I get the message. I do however think it best to try and avoid the need for in-meeting sex. I would not know how best to include it in the agenda or record it in the minutes. Although seeing Philipa and Polly in some sexy uniforms would be a hoot just to see some of the faces when we walk in," and they both took a break from talking to laugh.

He then continued talking, "Returning to my real topic, I was considering whether to officially pull back from the business."

Linda asked, "Do you mean sell the company and retire?"

"Well that would be an option, but I wouldn't like to do that as it leave my crew open to being dumped. I have had offers for the business as you know, but they have really just wanted to gain my market share. They also think it would give them free access to the patents which are worth far more than the company alone."

"So what exactly are you suggesting?"

"I am not totally certain, but I think I need to get to the point of not needing to be at the office all the time. Let someone else run it and we either retain ownership or I was thinking that perhaps a partial sale. Like issuing shares in the company to staff and they all have part ownership. We keep most between us but they would have a large part in the direction and also gain from the profitability. I had not decided whether to sell them the shares, or just issue them as a bonus. But either way it would relieve me of a lot of stress and give me more time to sort out my life."

"I think that is a fantastic idea honey. I had been thinking along the same lines myself but not as far along as you. I am basically a one woman business so it is easier to stop working. I would only have to stop taking new work and it would eventually dry up as projects were completed. This would be even quickly done now as I have already handed over the ongoing work to the people I share the work office with. I was thinking that with a baby on the way as well as your health I needed to be more available for you and also be careful because of the pregnancy. Then after bubs is born I want to be a stay-at-home mum, so I would stop working regardless."

At the mention of their impending parenthood both parents-to-be got emotional and the discussion stopped for a while. They sat in silence holding hands feeling the close link between them. It was then that Linda received a shock as her stomach began rebelling. She had to rush to the toilet getting there just in time to let everything up and out. John followed her getting more worried as he could hear her distressed sounds. Sound travels very well through a house, especially noises you would prefer remain just in the toilet room. The twins rushed to join John looking a little distraught themselves. John was still very worried and got a little cross at Kim and Sal when they shared a look and started giggling.

They saw he was about to speak when Sal spoke first, "John I think your wife is pregnant. Mum told us this might happen in the early days and we looked it up on-line. It's called morning sickness and is quite normal, even if it doesn't sound too good," this last part with another giggle.

A voice from the little room said, "Very funny, very funny. It doesn't feel too good from this side either. Now go away everyone and let me die in peace. Love you all, but go away."

Three voices called out, "Bye bye" as Linda returned to feeling miserable, this time by herself.

It was by now close to mid morning and John was feeling concerned. He needed to get some treatment soon and from the way Linda was feeling he was loath to ask her. He wandered around the back yard for a while and eventually found himself in his own yard where he noticed the cleaners at work. Trying to keep his mind off his tingles until he had a solution he entered his home to find they were nearly completed. The head cleaner told him they would be all done soon and the boss would be out for final inspection before lunch. John thanked them and returned to Sophia's house to let Linda know the good news to find her curled up in bed feeling very sorry for herself. As he was letting her know they could have their home back after lunch she let him know she was happy with the news and also that she should be feeling a bit better before then. He was leaving her to rest some more when she waved to him to return to the bed.

"John, tonight we are starting the new roster, but for now Bronwyn will be waiting for you at her place. Go now and see you lunch time. Love you."

"Love you too sweetheart. Get better quick."

He kissed her on the forehead and left the house. The twins heard him leaving and rushed to say bye and that they would keep an eye on Linda. Thanking them he left, calling Bronwyn as he drove off to double check she knew he was coming. She was, he went and they did. He made it in time to stem the worsening of his tingles. They had gotten to the stage of being painful so he was glad to not require anything more urgent than a quick climax to begin with. Bronwyn would not accept his apologies for getting straight to business when he entered her apartment. She didn't like to tell him that she really enjoyed him using her like that.

The second round was a bit more gentle and although she liked a quickie the slow and loving always produced greater orgasms. Having time to build up to it paid handsome dividends. She was so tight and sensitive that a single orgasm probably was a combination of many peaks ending in a big one. Bronwyn loved the way he used her like this even though it entailed love on both their parts, it gave her a feeling that for the first time she was really needed by someone. She was important and could do something for another person that they needed and appreciated. Of course getting multiple orgasms was a very suitable reward for her effort.

She had taken the rest of the day off and went with John to help them move back in. It would also give her a chance to stake a claim on a room for herself, something that she was really looking forward to. All her gear was packed and ready to go. Most was in her own car with some going into John's. Before leaving he talked about Linda feeling unwell and they decided that Janet might be able to join them later. John felt better about her taking time off work than Sophia as he paid Janet's wages anyway. Sophia would have come home without a second thought but he felt she shouldn't take time off just for them.

John arrived in time to meet the main exterminator contractor as he was completing his final inspection. He took John around the house to get his okay for the work. It all looked good to John and he was even delighted that the cleaners had laundered all the main linen items so the beds would just need making and towels placed. Bronwyn had gone straight to see Linda, and John found them in the kitchen preparing lunch. Linda was looking better and stated how much better she felt, although eating lunch may be too much to bear. John then noticed that Linda was standing well away from the food area as Bronwyn organised everything. Soon the twins arrived from their studies to help with the final preparations, full of energy and chatted with Bronwyn.

John let Linda know that Janet would be over later this afternoon as soon as she could get off work. Linda perked up a bit and went off to ring Janet to organise some things for the day. She also rang Sophia to fill her in that Bronwyn and Janet were here to help. The others ate lunch while she was on the phone and managed to clean the kitchen before she returned.

Now that it was time to move back home, Linda went into boss mode. She organised everyone to grab something from the bedroom and frog marched them next door to her own house. With so many hands it was done in one trip. Then each was given a task in the house to get it ready to live in. Dishes were checked and cleaned, spare linen not stored in the main linen press were put into the washing machine. Beds were made and bathrooms stocked with towels and necessary items. John retrieved the bug detector gadget and went from room to room to ensure their privacy. Fortunately all was clear and he breathed a sigh of relief.

By mid afternoon John was feeling the pinch and Janet had arrived to help. Linda raised her eyebrows to John and he nodded in response. She then called the twins to head back home to clean the spare bedroom that had been used. They were to change the bedding and put the sheets in the wash.

Linda made the sisters curious when she turned to Bronwyn and asked, "Bronwyn, could you go with the girls to help them. I think it will take about an hour and Janet can stay here to give John a hand. That should be enough time to make the main bed."

Bronwyn smiled as Linda's real message was clear, "No problems Linda, I can do that although I would prefer to stay and give him a hand myself," knowing that it really meant, 'keep the twins at home for at least an hour to give Janet a chance to give John his treatment'.

Janet and John were chuckling as they went upstairs to the main bedroom and proceeded with the bed making. They managed to get the bottom sheet over the mattress and tucked in when Linda appeared in the doorway holding a couple of towels.

"Girls are gone, door is locked and tingles are running," They laughed at her comment as John went to her and gave her a hug and kiss, soon joined by Janet who was still giggling.

The kisses and then hug soon turned from Linda to Janet allowing Linda to get the towels onto the bed. She made an impatient sound seeing the other two still standing where she had left them, causing them to separate like two naughty teens caught kissing. From that moment it took very little time for them to undress and get on the bed. As they were settling Janet sat up quickly looking around her.

She said, "Gosh, it looked big before but now I am here it seems so much bigger. I mean, there are three of us on the bed and it doesn't feel at all crowded. What size is it?"

Linda answered, "It's about eight foot by seven. I thought we might need something a bit more suitable than our old normal bed. It was, after all, only king size. It was harder finding the bed linen to go with it, although the shop I got it from could supply it, they wanted an arm and a leg for it."

John said, "I like the extra room even though we seem to be bunched up to one side at the moment," and he checked the bottom for room around his feet and smiled as he added, "I can see even Paula could fit with inches to spare. I think this will make sleeping more comfortable having a little more space to stretch. The mattress is also comfortable."

Janet giggled and spoke, "Okay, enough. I need filling up, and unless there is another bloke here ready to go, get to it John."

John and Linda laughed at the orders as John pulled Janet close to him and wrestled her into position to kiss her. He then made his way slowly down her body giving her nipples a tongue-lashing lip-sucking workout much to Janet's liking. She started moaning when he arrived at to her pussy and added licking and munching to the lashing and sucking. Her climax had juices flowing to his delight as he slurped up what he could, the excess running down his chin.

Janet was becoming sensitive so she pulled his head away from her pussy to get his cock into action. It did not take long for him to be inserted and lunging as Janet rolled her hips in time with him. Being vocal during sex had become the norm as the sensations overcame any inhibitions for silence. The sounds from the participants buoyed Linda to greater excitement. She could feel the bed moving under her body, held a hand to his butt to feel muscles flexing, her eyes followed the physical coupling and the emotions through the couple's expressions. All this sensual input made the noise of their love making like that of surround sound in an action movie as she felt it beat all the way to her heart. It had become a total experience for her. Thus when the couple reached their peaks she was right there with them enjoying her own orgasm.

Instead of removing his cock from her vagina Janet rolled them over so she was now on top keeping him embedded within her. They now rested to ease their breathing and heart rates. Janet was basking in the joy of being with John, it was wonderful for her spirit to be able to be honest and show her affection and attraction for him. Being in public with him she found it difficult to stand back, to treat him as her boss or just a friend and not throw her arms around him. But like this, in private, she can let herself go and treat herself to his physical and emotional presence.

Janet soon calmed down enough to start anew. Even his spunk leaking out of her vagina did not deter her from reaching her destination. She wanted, even needed him to release another hot load into her. She could feel his cock pushing into her forcing her to stretch the sheath around him. His cum adding lubrication for their rubbing skin. As Janet's thoughts centered on his cock inside of her she sped up her efforts knowing he needed to release more. Her breathing quickened in time with her hips not noticing John's breathing or jerky movements as he tried to keep up with her. She opened her eyes to watch him as his face screwed in what could have been pain. Then he relaxed totally as his orgasm peaked and he arched his back to get as far into her as possible. His orgasm enlarged his cock sending the sensations in her vagina into overdrive forcing a large orgasm from within her. While John was grunting heavily with his thrusts Janet screamed as her won climax ripped through her making her feel she was being turned inside out. Neither noticed Linda moan as her climax sent her soaring as a companion to them.

Janet collapsed onto John panting trying to get enough oxygen into her body. She wasn't the only one out of breath, although Linda recovered first having expended more mental than physical energy. It took the joined pair a while longer to breathe easily and separate their hips. Linda was waiting with towels at the ready for the overflowing fluids she knew would go everywhere. She covered Janet's crutch with the towel but used her mouth to catch any spillage from John's deflating cock. If he hadn't already been so spent this would have had him ready for another round.

Before leaving them Linda gave John a loving long kiss followed by another loving kiss to Janet who automatically responded to a pair of lips pressed to her own. Nobody paid any attention to what Linda had done as it seemed a natural thing to do. They soon left the bed to clean up in the bathroom and dressed themselves just in time as there was knocking on the back door. Linda scooted down to unlock it apologising to the girls for unwittingly locked it by reflex. She got strange looks from the twins after that statement and a knowing grin from Bronwyn.