Just a Jab Ch. 16

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Birthday brings surprise for John.
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Welcome to the latest instalment.

Please start reading this series from the first chapter.

Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated show that somebody is reading my scribblings.

To date:

John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge and over produce. He now needs frequent sex to survive receiving the help of long term and new friends. They have to deal with the pharmaceutical company as it tries to get out of being held responsible. John is helped by another sufferer from the injection, Matt, who is a computer security specialist and private investigator. Bronwyn and her step sister Maria are now living with John and Linda.

All sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination, and may not match anything in real life.

I read a lot and it is hard to know if I have any originality at all, or if am I just regurgitating stuff. I like to think I have my own twist which stops me feeling guilty. My apologies if I have used something, it was not intended.

Yes, if this does look like a harem story, it is because it is one. If this genre does not interest you then read no further.



Saturday Day 34 (28 Nov '15)

Breakfast was almost finished when the twins arrived, bouncing around the kitchen in their excitement.

Kim spoke quickly, "We have been waiting for absolutely forever for today to get here. We are finally eighteen and are now legally adults."

Although John thought that to see them now they acted like kids on a sugar high.

Maria had been feeling depressed this morning after the news about her father on TV, and the information that Matt had delivered. Bronwyn was also in a down mood, but it wasn't about what has happened to Jedd or Scarlet. They were sad that their lives had been a sham of false family love, feeling they had been born purely to feed the porn machine run by the parental figureheads. This may not have been accurate, but it was how she felt.

The bright and bubbly behaviour of the twins pushed through the mood of the step sisters and they became almost as excited. Sally and Kimberley were not unaware of the lives of their new neighbours and were striving to add some joy for them. They were overacting, but for the best of reasons knowing that Bronwyn and Maria had such a poor time during their lives and especially when they reached this same age milestone. Instead of it being a wonderful thing, the birthday to become legal adults had ended in a nightmare. So the twins were determined that today would bring them a lot of joy.

Not having had a lot of time to prepare the twins had decided on getting the sisters a special gift, like a belated birthday present. Whilst clothes shopping they had found a section in the same store devoted to accessories and bling, and within that was a jewellery counter. Kim had seen what looked like a perfect item for their new friends to which Sally had wholeheartedly agreed. Now they presented them with this gift and cards to go with it. These cards had been made by the twins so they contained the special sentiments that they wanted to express. Sophia entering the kitchen through the back door spurred the twins into action having waited for her arrival.

As the card and wrapped presents were shown, Kim said, "I know it's not your birthdays today Bron and Maria, but we missed your special days. Here's something we want to give you to show that we think of you both as our dearest friends."

Sally spoke after Kim, "Happy belated birthdays, Bronwyn and Maria."

The two young women just stared back, open mouthed in astonishment. This was the first time they had been given something without strings attached and without a specific reason, and definitely not on a day that was in no way particularly special to themselves.

Bronwyn gathered her thoughts first saying, "You didn't need to do this guys. My birthday was yonks ago."

Maria added as she looked from one twin to the other, "No, you didn't have to do this. Today is your day."

Kim and Sal put the gifts into their hands ensuring they accepted them and stood back. Bronwyn and Maria had tears falling down their faces as they both just looked at the prettily wrapped parcels. It was as though they had no idea what to do with them.

Linda, leaking her own tears, joined the group from her breakfast stand-off and said, "Girls I think it is a friendship gift. You don't need a special day for that. Open it up so we can all see what it is."

John stood behind the twins taking each into an arm as he pulled them back to himself. They each put an arm over his and rested their heads back onto his chest, keeping their eyes on their new friends.

Kim said, "Please open them. We just want to welcome you to our family. They are just little things we picked up, so don't worry too much about about it."

Bronwyn looked at each person in the group and smiled as she carefully opened her card, followed by Maria with her own. They each read the message in the cards about love and friendship then, with a pair of large smiles, thanked the twins for the thoughts. The parcels were attacked with a little less care as curiosity took over. Within each was a velvet case containing a thin silver necklace with a pair of linked silver hearts.

Sally advised, "This is meant to signify sisters' love and how you will forever be linked throughout your lives."

Maria had moist eyes as Bronwyn took her necklace and placed it around her sister's neck. Maria stood and did the same for Bronwyn. As one they turned to the twins and burst into tears trying to mumble out their thank you's as they hugged them. It turned into a group hug as they were joined by the others.

Even John shed a tear as he considered how thoughtful and giving his twin girls were. It gave him a little jolt realising that he had thought of them as his own children. But then he rationalised that he loved them as his own and loved their mother as though she were his wife. Looking around him he felt the equal bonds between himself and Janet, and also to Polly. He understood fully about his bond with the two women who had been in his life for so many years. The feelings he felt for the newer woman was something different, but just as real and deep. He just did not know her as well as the others. Then he considered his other lover Bronwyn. He felt a little guilty that maybe he had forced her into having a relationship with him, or perhaps she was with him just out of gratitude that he had given her a chance at his office. His brain told him he was being stupid, but his conscience still bugged him. For his part he knew his love for her was real and his brain saw her positive response. He certainly did not want to lose her, but now that her step sister was with her and they were free of the threat of Jedd she could drift away to form her own life. John sighed at this thought hoping it would never happen, also knowing he would not stop her from finding her own life.

Janet saw his sad thoughtful look and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, a quick one armed hug to get his attention, followed by a bright smile when he looked to help brighten his mood. She had forgotten they were meant to keep a distance with the twins around, but a quick check of them saw their attention fully on the two sisters. She had not noticed the pair quickly turning around after her kiss before she looked at them.

It was time to get on with the day and Linda shepherded the four younger ones outside to give her some space to clean up. Sophia went home to finish preparing for the party and be there to receive the necessary deliveries. Polly and Janet left for their own places and weekend duties promising they would return later for the gathering.

Rhonda arrived during the morning for some treatment time with John. She had to work her shift this evening so this was her chance to wish the girls a happy birthday, plus be with John. Bringing up two children and managing a job had left her with little social life, especially when nursing required she work shift. Fortunately it was easier for her with her kids now being teenagers and able to take some responsibility for themselves. Normally Rhonda would have spent this morning on the household chores, but for once in many years she put her needs before others. Even this personal time wasn't totally just for herself, as John really did need his regular treatments. If she enjoyed herself at the same time then who was going to complain, except maybe her kids who were left home to do some of the household chores.

After being welcomed to the home she went out the back and wished the twins a happy birthday. They had only met briefly before during the horrid events of Bronwyn going missing but felt closer to them due to her link with John. She greeted Bronwyn telling her how happy she was to see her back safe and sound. In turn Rhonda was introduced to Maria.

Bronwyn's sister looked at the woman to see that here was another beautiful female and guessed she had to be another one of John's partners. Thinking back to her recent life at home she had seen many women around the house with her father who could only be described as sexy. However very few of them could match the natural beauty and allure of the women who surrounded John. From the twins to the doctor they all had an attractiveness that went way beyond their physical beauty that even age did not detract from. Eyeing her step sister she admitted that she had gained an aura of something hard to define. An inner beauty that seemed to radiate, or glow around her. Maria had always considered herself reasonably attractive when compared to the girls at school, but this group made her feel ordinary. They seemed to have that same inner joy as Bronwyn that radiated from them. She could see it by the gleam of their eyes, as though they were happy to just be alive. Maria may not be as old as them but she could deduce it was an effect of having John in their lives. After the ordeal she and Bronwyn had gone through she became envious at not being able to share in this as well, and to have some of this happiness for herself.

Rhonda returned to find John watching the news channel as the reports of the effects of the virus were updated. Jedd was reported as missing and the investigators assumed he had disappeared to escape answering questions. Many top level government officials were being questioned regarding their dealings with the fugitive. So far Scarlet Titmouse was barricaded in her home behind locked doors and gates, not answering any questions from the media about her husband. Fortunately the reporters assumed the daughters were hiding with her, so there was no effort to trace them elsewhere. John was really pleased about this as life would get messy if they were found to be living here.

He knew that eventually the truth would get out and the media hounds would hunt down the girls to this address. This thought was making John feel very nervous and worried for the sisters and his wife and friends. Any report of his unconventional medical treatments could create problems for all concerned. He would hate to be the cause of these problems for the women in his life. The thought of the unremitting news hounds pestering them, making their lives front page news for the voyeurs to drool over, was a very disturbing thought. He would try almost anything to prevent them from paying for his needs.

Rhonda came to John and could see he was quite agitated and worried over something. She tried talking to him to ease some of his concerns but he remained tight lipped. His pains were also becoming obvious as the tingles were making their presence felt through his emotional state. What he needed was also obvious, so Rhonda coaxed him up to his bedroom. At least she found he did not try to back out of, nor deny, what he needed. Closing the door behind herself she kept hold of him and stripped his clothes off and pushed him onto the bed before removing her own. The thought of him being buried inside her vagina turned her on enough so she was fully ready by the time her hips were over his. It took only a little guidance to have him fully installed.

John laid there watching her go through an orgasm just from being entered. It then only took a few movements on her part to bring on her second climax. He watched her expressions as she enjoyed the feelings passing through her body. This turned him on today faster than normal and his own climax thundered through his body catching him by surprise. Rhonda grunted with each pulse of his cock and went through a third orgasm in a very short time. She was exhausted and dropped onto his body to regain her energy levels whilst loving the feel of his arms holding her tight.

John was relaxing after his earlier worries and his cock actually softened a bit. Rhonda felt this and got concerned that this was all that she would get. Rocking her hips slightly was enough stimulation to re-invigorate his cock to return to full extension. Smiling to herself that her little input was all that was needed as his hips began their gentle movements to slide his cock in her sheath. His first load was squishing around and was forced out around his shaft wetting his ball sack. As his ardour rose in strength John grabbed Rhonda tightly and rolled them over so he was on top. Rhonda squealed as he did this and then sighed as he got his hips moving again. She could feel his large cock pushing in and out of her touching all the right places. Her lack of energy from previous orgasms was quickly overcome by this new stimulation.

John looked at his current lover at her all over tan and slim body. She may not have the largest boobs, but on her smaller body they appeared large enough. Dark areola were moving in concert with his pushes just as her pants were timed to his intrusions. She had her eyes closed as her facial expressions displayed her rising arousal. John increased his speed taking note that her sounds also increased in pitch and volume until they was almost a continuous buzz. He marvelled that a woman could have given birth to two children years ago, but still look so damn great and sexy. He was surprised at how such a beautiful desirable woman had not been scooped up by another man since her divorce. These thoughts were going through his mind as he arrived at his second climax shooting his juices into her vagina.

John then had a concern that he had not waited for Rhonda to peak as well. He needn't have worried as he then heard her moaning as he emptied his load. As it all came to a finish he pulled out and rolled to his back beside her. Rhonda rolling herself over to rest her head on his shoulder and cuddle her body into his like it was a natural thing to do. He held an arm around her pulling her closer so they were like two long time lovers instead of occasional fuck buddies. John closed his eyes and relaxed as Rhonda let out a sigh and let her body be supported by him.

She was coming to the conclusion that this quiet man was worming his way into her affections and not just into her pants. Rhonda had not sought a permanent partner since her divorce, preferring her independence. She had not even wanted long term man friends. She had dated a few times over the years, but rarely went past a few outings. She thought that having men in and out of her children's lives would be too unsettling. So it was a surprise to her that her feelings toward John had taken on that of a full lover. Without conscious thought she had started to view him as a long term part of her life.

Her thoughts were crazy as he was already married and unlikely to leave his wife. He also had so many women in his life that she was sure he viewed her as just another female to cater to his medical needs. Rhonda was busy telling herself that she wanted to be unattached, she enjoyed her freedom of being single. Just having sex with a guy was enough to scratch any itches she may get, especially the super sex John was providing. He didn't need more in his life and she was perfectly satisfied with her life the way it was. So why was she snuggling in closer to him making certain that she had maximum skin contact. Why was she considering how good this man would be as a partner and father figure to her children. Her kids would love him. That thought opened her eyes in startled wonder. She had actually put her kids and another man in the same sentence.

Fortunately before she became more uncomfortable with her thoughts they were called out to as time was passing and things needed to be done. Rhonda heard John groan and move towards her as though he too would prefer to remain snuggled together.

Rhonda lifted her head to look at him and said, "Time to get up lover boy."

"Hmm. I guess it is lover girl. Shame, because I was feeling real comfy here with you," and he sighed and continued, "You do realise just how special you are? I hope you know that I do not consider you just as a treatment buddy. Rhonda, you have become more than a friend to me. I look forward to seeing you, and you are important to me."

Rhonda looked at him with close attention and with a small tear in her eye she gave him a quick kiss to his lips and said, "Thanks John, that means a lot to me."

They disengaged after a minute or so and Rhonda moved to look John in the eye and asked, "What's the matter John, you look troubled this morning. Is there any way I can help?"

"It's nothing that can be fixed. Just me being a worry wart is all."

"So tell me about it."

"Well," and John paused before proceeding, "as I said it's me being silly, but also hoping that what I think could happen never does."

Rhonda nodded at him to let him know she was listening and to keep talking.

"Well it was after watching the problems that the big wigs are having in the aftermath of the Titmouse episode. How the news reporters are rushing around digging up the dirt on everyone involved, and even those close to them whether they were a part of it or not. Nobody in their lives has any privacy and they are hounded all day long. I get concerned about when they find out about me and the effect it will have on all of you who are with me.

"I know they will find out I had visited them before too long, and then the legal stuff against the pharmaceutical company will be found out before it gets to the courts or some sort of settlement. Regardless of how quiet everyone wants things to be, someone will get wind of it and that will lead to my door. Then my problem will be out there for everyone and it won't take long for reporters to find out what I need to survive. This will lead them to everyone else around me. Then your lives will be a living hell as reporters hound you. All of you could lose everything, because I can't see many employers being happy about what is happening. Regardless of it being legal and everything old farts who run companies have an old fashioned view of morality and ethics. Then there are your and the others' families and how they will get affected. I just fear that only the worst aspects of this will be brought out and everyone will suffer."

Rhonda spoke up before John could continue, "John, I know these things are possible and in some cases might happen. But I will stress the words possible, might, could. Nothing is certain and I hope none of it happens. I won't pussy foot around as you really do have valid concerns. What I'll say, and please listen carefully, we are all helping you because we volunteered. Nobody has forced anything on us. I think I can speak for everyone concerned that we are prepared to stand by you if the crap should hit the fan. You are a very special man to all of us, even to me though I have only known you for a short time.