Just a Jab Ch. 17

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A stranger visits the house.
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Welcome to the latest instalment.

Please start reading this series from the first chapter.

Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated and show that somebody is reading my scribblings.

To date:

John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge and over produce. He now needs frequent sex to survive, and receives help from friends at the urging of Linda, his wife. John had a surprise from the now adult twins when they wanted him to take their cherries and join in his treatment.

All sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination, and may not match anything in real life.

I read a lot and it is hard to know if I have any originality at all, or if am I just regurgitating stuff. I like to think I have my own twist which stops me feeling guilty. My apologies if I have used something, it was not intended.

Yes, this does look like a harem story, because it is one. If this genre does not interest you then read no further.



Sunday 29 Nov '15

Later that day John and Linda were doing some chores around the house whilst Adriana and Paula kept them company. Bronwyn and Maria were watching a movie in the lounge room. Paula and Adriana had returned this morning to help John with his treatments. It so happened they arrived within moments of each other as breakfast was being cleared. Linda let them in and the sight of the twins each sitting on one of John's legs was nothing new. What was new to the women was that they were arranged in such a way that only lovers would be together.

His shoulders were being used as head rests and two sets of lips had obviously been kissing his neck. They each had him in a tight hug as though scared he would push them away. For his part he was alternately kissing them on the top part of their heads that he could reach and resting his head against them in turn. John also had them held tightly to him with an arm around each with his hands on their hips. Kim and Sally each had a smirk on their faces that could beat any cat who got the cream.

Adriana could almost imagine them purring, and only one thing came to mind that could create this little scene. Looking briefly at Paula who was glancing at her, they both lifted an eyebrow. Checking how Sophia was happily cleaning the dishes whilst humming an upbeat song, and the obvious bounce in Linda's step confirmed that the twins had joined the 'treatment ranks'. It also said much about how well John's treatment had gone last night.

Paula spoke first as she gave John a kiss to the top of his head, "Hi everyone. You look especially perky today. Have a good sleep last night? Thought you birthday girls would be sleeping in this morning after yesterday and last night's outing."

Adriana added as she too gave John a peck, "From the looks of everyone you are still celebrating this morning."

They all looked at the new arrivals with general greetings with Kim saying, "Hmm. You could say we celebrated this morning."

With a big grin Sally said, "And now that we are officially adults we were finally able to celebrate with John."

Sophia completed her tasks and with a short giggle said, "It certainly has been an interesting morning. But now I have to break up this little group hug session. Girls we have a house to return to its normal state. So let John have his legs back, we have some tidying and cleaning to get done."

The twins gave John a last kiss that he returned to each in turn, a last hug, then said goodbye to everyone and followed their mother home. Paula and Adriana gave John an inquisitive look to which he responded with a smile of his own and a wink. The two women just laughed as they were fully aware that the twins wanted to be with John. Offering to help they joined Linda and John in cleaning up after the party, soon joined by Bronwyn and Maria after their movie finished. There wasn't a lot to be done and it was all completed by late morning.

John found he wasn't too far down the tingle trail, but it had started and a quick check with his wife found himself being led upstairs by the two visitors. He was still finding the sexual situations strange and had to order himself to just let it happen. To be wanted by so many gorgeous women of varying ages astounded him as he felt he was just a normal guy, average to the extreme. He even thought it wonderful, if not more odd, that women could be with him in more than one on one. It did not seem to concern them when they had to wait as he was doing his treatment with the other. They smiled and it was as though it turned them on more watching him have sex. Then as logic dictated he would never say no, even if he didn't need his treatments what guy would say no to having multiple sex partners. He even had the approval, not to forget the assistance, from his wife.

Paula pushed in first to have him enter her first. She had not even wanted foreplay, having gotten horny just being downstairs with John and the post coital glow of the twins. She was surprised at how wet her crotch had become, but rather than worry she took advantage of it. John found himself besieged by the tall redhead's mouth and tongue doing what they do, and her hands stripping his clothes faster than he could do it. He was on his back on the bed with the superwoman laying claim to his cock. It is often talked about men suffering premature ejaculation, but John quietly chuckled to himself when Paula hit her orgasm so quickly. He just held onto her and jiggered his hips as Paula did most of the work. She was on her third orgasm when he came, leaving her out of breath needing rest.

John was only slightly breathing hard with only his lower back feeling the strain from lifting his hips. Once Paula rolled off him he was able to turn to face his other companion who had been patiently waiting for her turn. Adriana had even been considering to herself as to why she should be contented to remain here, when you would have expected to be pissed off to have to play second fiddle. Her only answer was that her emotions were totally for John and his being with another woman was just the way it was. Given she could not think of any good reason to be unhappy she accepted that it was all a case of sharing him and his love, which seemed to be sufficient to keep her waiting.

By the time John was ready for her she had actually built her own head of steam making her more than ready to receive his cock where it belonged. The sexual activity beside her only added fuel to her internal fires allowing John to enter her with very little effort. She even climaxed sooner than Paula. Their mouths remained suctioned together for most of the time until John was starting his climax. Adriana came as John shot his hot load into her. This time John was worn out having done most of the work. They both were breathing heavy as he rolled from her to be between his companions, snuggling together as they rested.


By lunch time they had cleared everything away and had a bundle of stuff to return to Sophia which they would do later today. Paula and Adriana had left, their work here done. Bronwyn and her sister were out for the afternoon. John and Linda were in the front yard working in the garden when Sophia's ex-husband Nick arrived next door.

He came over to greet them, "Well hello you two. Long time no see. You are both looking well."

John responded as he shook hands with Nick while Linda gave him a friendly greeting, "Hi Nick. It has been a while. We're fine and you are looking okay as well."

"Yep all good. This lovely lady behind me is my wife, Tittianna," Nick proudly said as he put an arm around the very busty blonde who followed him, "Say hi to my old friends, John and Linda."

They heard a high pitched nasally whine, "Hi."

Linda spoke up, "Hi Tittianna, pleased to meet you. Nice to see you again Nick."

Sophia came from behind the couple giving Linda a killer look as though Linda had just said the wrong thing. The twins were just behind their mother looking uncertain as to what to do and just said "Hi". Nick turned to them and moved in to give each of his daughters a hug which was only loosely returned by the girls.

"My god girls how you have grown up. It's great to see you again," then saying from left to right, "Kim, Sally."

A hurt look overcame the girl's faces as they responded, "I'm Sally."

"I'm Kimberley."

"Oh silly me. I never could tell you apart."

John easily saw the pain go through the twins as their father demonstrated how little he knew them, and how this slip of getting the names wrong didn't bother Nick at all. A quick glance to Sophia showed how this was grating her nerves the wrong way.

Sophia, keeping a polite distance from her ex husband, spoke up trying hard to be civil, "Hello Nick, Tittianna. Please come inside."

The Brampton crowd went inside leaving John and Linda to their gardening.

Linda looked at John and whispered, "Hope they are going to be okay in there. Nick was okay as a neighbour when he lived here, but he seems a far different guy now," and John just nodded back.


Bronwyn returned home mid afternoon and saw John in the early stages of his tingles. Linda got Maria's attention as she gave Bronwyn the nod to help John, which she was more then happy to do She quietly whispered an explanation what was happening to Maria then went to John. He found himself being led upstairs to his bedroom by his young lover. She closed the door behind them and literally attacked him before the sound of the closing door went silent.

"John, I really really need you. It's nice having Maria with me, but sometimes it becomes too much of a cock block."

John chuckled at her words as he put action to her request by quickly removing clothing and getting down to the business of some afternoon delight. He was sitting on the edge of the bed as her bras came off and the unbalanced effect of her giant boobs compared to her diminutive body struck him.

Bronwyn noticed his stare and with a giggle said, "Hellooo. John. Earth to John," and with a shake of her shoulders giving said boobs a mighty jigger and sway brought him out of his stupor.

With an embarrassed expression he whispered, "Sorry Bron. Sometimes you have this effect of leaving me mesmerised. Your body is so beautiful and sexy, I cannot believe my luck that you want to be with me."

Bronwyn now a had a large smile and said, "Thanks dear. I don't know about beautiful, but I like the sexy bit. Now if you have had enough gawking, can I get some of this hard thing you have between your legs."

John smiled back, grabbed her around the waist, then with a little effort and twist of his body had her stretched out on the bed with him on top. He wasted no more time kissing her with as much passion as he could muster, receiving as much in return. He started to kiss her body making it obvious he wanted to taste her all over, but she stopped him and pulled him back up, reached down to hold and position his cock at her slit and pulled him inside. Not wanting to go against a lady's wishes he obeyed and pressed forward to bury his cock. She was really ready for him, both wet and open allowing his entry to be smooth. Only a couple of humps were necessary to go all the way.

She got him moving to a satisfying speed and they were both soon hitting a high. He was soon making a mess inside of her. One orgasm was never enough and John found himself flipped over so his back was to the mattress. His lover taking full control by riding the stallion to suit her needs. Of course this suited his wants as well and they were both in full flight to a very satisfying finale. He was grunting his enjoyment whilst she gave her screams of joy.

A short while later after calming down they were able to have a quick shower to remove the spillage of sex juices and sweat. Returning downstairs Linda gave them a long look full of smirkiness while Maria tried very hard to act normal by ignoring what they had been doing. She had come to accept the sex that John required, and to some extent her sister's involvement. His wonderful personality and the way he treated everyone with total respect and love was winning her approval. She could even see and feel some attraction towards him herself.


The dinner party for the client representative was organised for the evening meal so John and Linda were at the restaurant early. They were concerned that they had not heard from Sophia and the twins all afternoon, but knew they had to be patient and wait. Tonight's dinner was important to the business so they had to be here regardless of where their thoughts were. All of the normal office staff were to attend tonight, except Bronwyn who did not feel comfortable to attend. John let her exclude herself but was determined she have a larger role in the office in the future. Greg with his wife, Karen, arrived a minute later followed closely by Janet. John had thought that Janet needed to be there to even the numbers so the numbers of men and women were equal. They waited a few minutes longer when Barry and Harriet joined them with the client rep Sam.

John groaned internally as Linda and Janet quietly laughed as Barry introduced Samantha Wrightway to them. He had assumed that someone named Sam would be male, and now was embarrassed by his mistake. With her statuesque figure and attractive features it would be hard to ever mistake her for a man. Although to his defence there was no mention in her details in regards to her gender, and all the others had also assumed she was a he. Barry led the way in with his wife and Linda following as they talked with Sam.

They were entering the restaurant when Janet discretely whispered to John, "So now you think I am a lesbian!"

He would have felt really bad except Janet was smiling and very discretely rubbing and squeezing his butt cheek as they followed behind the others. Linda had joined Harriet chatting with Sam. The evening went well finding out that Samantha had a daughter here in town practising law and two other daughters with families of their own back in her own home town. She was especially pleased with the accommodation above the office as it would save any travelling to work each day, and was centrally located in the town. The second bedroom would be useful for when other personnel joined her at different times.

The only fly in the ointment came when John found his tingles starting. He had hoped to make it through the evening. But he had not allowed for this new attractive woman sitting next to him in her well fitting little black dress. He had a perfect view of her cleavage and her thighs as her dress seemed to pull up at the bottom and down at the top the longer she was seated. Generally this shouldn't have been a big worry, but he was still rather overwrought from the day's activities that started with the twins and included so many of his younger lovers. He had to excuse himself nudging Linda to accompany him to the toilets. Everyone but Samantha knew what the grin on Linda's face meant as she stood to follow him. John's face was crimson red from embarrassment as this was the first time he needed treatment with the others from work being present and aware.

The next decision was where, but Linda was resourceful. She found an unlocked door in the passageway to the toilets leading a little room that seemed to be a store for extra furniture. Without saying a word she locked the door after they entered and coaxed John to do what he needed to as she slipped off her panties and leaned over a table. Giving him a sultry look over her shoulder pushed John to drop his trousers and jocks. His cock was only half hard but quickly rose to the occasion. Linda had trouble keeping quiet when her orgasm arrived as his hot spunk filled any space in her vagina. As he pulled out it became obvious her panties would pose little resistance to the seepage of his juices. Being a gentleman John pulled out his clean handkerchief and added it to her gusset.

Not wanting to be away from the group for too long he returned as Linda went to tidy up what she could in the toilets. He found five smirks looking at him as he sat and a puzzled look at why his face looked so flushed as though he had been running around. What really worried John was the speculative looks that his employees' wives gave him. He tried his best to ignore everyone as best he could and was fortunate that desserts were being served. What he hadn't expected was a big wet spot appearing in his pants as the night progressed. He had only cum once and the leakage was unexpected. This was one of the few times he had only gone a single time and this consequence added to his worries. He would be mortified if it was discovered by anyone as it appeared he had an accident with his bladder. It was probably too late now for him to go to the toilets as it was too visible and it would be odd to return to the toilets after supposedly just being there.

Near the end of the evening he whispered to Linda of his problem and without being too obvious, well just a little obvious as the humour in the situation was too much for her to ignore, she had a look at his lap. Holding back laughter she gave him a mock 'poor you' look and told him she would handle it. This made John even more nervous as she was likely to physically 'handle it' with her hands whilst smirking as they walked from the table. He sat there imagining walking along with Linda beside him with a hand reaching across holding onto the front of his pants trying in vain, of course, to hide the wet spot.

He needn't have been concerned as Linda had brought a light jacket in case it turned cool. This she asked John to hold for her until they were at the car. He breathed a sigh of relief that he could cover the embarrassing blemish on his pants. Unknown to him Linda quietly let Janet know what had occurred and then both ladies refused to say more about why they were laughing so much. Janet followed the pair home that night to help John with his treatments.

Linda checked her phone in the car after it had been on silent mode for the evening. John also found a message on his from Sophia asking to urgently speak to them tonight. Linda rang her as they drove home. Sophia was in the lounge room with her daughters and the resident sisters waiting for their arrival. The moment John had entered from the garage Sophia wrapped herself around him with the twins holding both from each side. Linda went around to give each a quick hug and peck on the back or side of their heads depending on what was available. The tears falling from the three women's eyes caused her own to leak and even John was not immune.

Janet entered behind them as Bronwyn and Maria hesitantly stood in the doorway. Janet looked to the sisters with a look of query just to receive a shrug in answer. Looking worried she decided to leave the group hug as is and began to prepare some drinks. The two sisters looked relieved to have other people around, and helped her taking the full glasses to the family room as Janet herded the others.

"Come on everyone, let's sit down."

Linda gave her a thankful look and helped her separate and move the four. They managed to get John onto the couch with Sophia still attached but next to him and the twins flanking them. John had his arms stretched behind their heads over their shoulders.

Linda tried to get each to have a sip of drink then asked what the matter was.

Sophia responded as she looked around to each person, "Sorry everyone. We have been a bit down since 'he' left," the emphasis on he was readily obvious to whom she referred.

John quietly asked, "If it is too upsetting then you don't need to say anything, but please know we will help you in whatever way we can."