Just a Jab Ch. 18

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John gets an offer.
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Welcome to the latest instalment.

Please start reading this series from the first chapter.

To date:

John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge and over produce. He now needs frequent sex to survive receiving the help of long term and new friends. A stranger arrived to talk with John, but his security precautions have John wary.

All sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination, and may not match anything in real life.

I read a lot and it is hard to know if I have any originality at all, or if am I just regurgitating stuff. I like to think I have my own twist which stops me feeling guilty. My apologies if I have used something, it was not intended.

Yes, if this does look like a harem story, because it is one. If this genre does not interest you then read no further.



Tuesday 31 Oct '15

The visitor said in a jovial voice, "It is so good to finally meet you Mr Smith. My apologies for the actions of my men, but they take their jobs very seriously. May I call you John, I am Julian."

John was wary with what was happening around him, mostly his concern was for Linda and Maria inside the house. He was madly thinking to himself, working out what he could do and if he was in any danger. If he was in danger, what then of Linda and Maria. Could he do anything to prevent any harm to them. He was also trying to decide what sort of man required so many bodyguards, at least six that he could see. What sort of danger could happen in a sleepy middle class neighbourhood that could be a threat to anyone. Any answers that popped into his head did not reassure him. So he answered the man, hoping an explanation would be forthcoming sooner rather than later.

"Hello Julian. Your display of manpower is impressive. Am I some sort of threat to you? You must have me confused with someone else," as John's mind was spinning cursing himself for sounding too much like a James Bombed character. His nerves were definitely shaken, not stirred.

"Please John, ignore my friends who just want to look after me. I have followed your life for a long time. We had actually met when you were just a little kid, although I suppose you were too young to remember."

This news rocked John to the core as he tried to recall anyone from his youth like this man, but to no avail.

Julian noticed John's concentrated frown and continued talking, "I knew your father. In fact he worked for me, or at least was in the same company as I am. I had visited your house a couple of times, your mother was very beautiful. Your father was one of those upright blokes who was as honest as the day is long. Probably too honest for that matter. I seemed to have lost contact with them suddenly."

John was really confused, his brain spinning in circles as he tried to come to grips with the conversation. Here was a man who actually knew his parents, although his last comment was weird.

"You do realise my parents died in a car crash many years ago?"

Julian looked at John for a minute before responding, "Ah, I suppose that is what they told you. I am sorry for your loss then. They were good people, and you seem to have taken after them."

John thought this conversation was getting weirder by the minute. He had a funny way of saying things.

"As I said your father was a very honest and upright man. Almost too much you could say. It seems the real loser of this was yourself, having to live without your parents from a very young age. Lucky for you that you are a strong person and risen above the system that reared you."

John cut in at this point, "What exactly do you mean. Your statements are confusing to say the least. It is like you know something and do not want to actually tell me, or maybe you are having some fun by making teasing comments that could mean anything, or nothing."

At that moment there was noise from down the street as another vehicle had come up the road. The men in the closer SUV had gotten onto the roadway and stopped this vehicle. John could see it was a van and one of the men was talking to the driver and the other was standing back a short distance watching. The big man nearest Julian put a hand to his ear then turned to his boss.

"Mr Spartacus, the driver of the van is Mr Strongun and he states he was coming to this address."

Julian nodded back and again spoke to John, "It seems your friend has arrived. Perhaps your good wife summoned him as would be expected. Must be difficult for her, especially when you cannot be certain what police can be trusted. nasty business that with all the corruption going around. This is good. What I wanted to say to you John involves the both of you. Yes, this is good, and will save me having to chase him down to have the same discussion again. We will await your good friend to join us, if that is alright with you John?"

John could only nod as he was unable to come up with any sensible speech. They watched as Matt was allowed past and he drove to the house to join them on the front lawn. They were not aware of a sigh of relief from the hidden watchers within the house. What was not apparent was how John's nerves were strung out as his brain was confused. this was bringing on the start of his tingles.

Matt nodded to John and addressed the visitor, "Mr Spartacus, I never expected to see you here."

"Hello Matt. I have some important business to discuss with John here, and was also going to visit yourself later about the same thing. It is good of you to arrive at an opportune moment. Perhaps we could adjourn to my vehicle where we can find a little comfort and privacy."

Matt looked surprised for a moment then looked at John and nodded his head as if to say it would be okay to go to the car. When they were settled Julian continued speaking.

"I won't beat around the bush any longer. John, perhaps Matt could fill you in about me afterwards. For now I will tell you what has brought me here, then I can leave. I have some other pressing appointments today as I am sure the two of you are busy as well. Both men nodded.

"Now, where were we? I am here to let you know that the action you are taking against the pharmaceutical company will be coming to an end," and Julian held up a hand to forestall Matt or John from saying anything, "No, I am not threatening you in any way. I am going to make a suggestion however. Please just hear me out, I will be quick.

"The company is wantinig to settle this dispute out of court, and have made a very generous offer. This should have already been received by your lawyers. Yes?" as John and Matt shared a quick glance and then nodded to Julian, "Good, but I see you have not discussed this with them as yet. Okay, I am too early, but never mind. This was the only time I could spare.

"I wanted to say this in person as I have much respect for the both of you. Matt, you are a very respected professional who has done some good work in the past. John, as I said, I have followed your life and out of the respect I have for your parents, and for the man you have become I wanted to do this. I do not like what your father decided to do, but I still respect him for his principles and there is no way I would visit any harm to families regardless of the actions of parents. Saying that I do feel that some things were done in the past that should not have happened. The people who did them were censured. John, and this includes your mother, should not have had to suffer the way you both did. I regret that and for this reason I want you to consider the offer when you talk with your lawyer. The people who actually own the pharmaceutical can get easily upset if things don't go their way. Be assured they would not dare do anything directly as that would disrespect me, so you are safe, believe me.

I can see you are both confused, but I am not going to say any more. Just please accept what has been passed to the lawyers and we can all go on with our lives as we want. And John, I suggest you discuss things with your lawyer about your personal life from years ago. He may be able to enlighten you, although perhaps not with good news, but you should know your history.

"One more thing before you leave the car. A certain film maker has been receiving my hospitality recently. Although I don't believe he enjoyed it much. People who wish to remain private from public spectacle did not take kindly to the way he let information slip from his hands. Personally I didn't like the way he was treating his family, and should have been stopped long ago. I cannot condone that sort of thing from those who should be giving protection. He will not be bothering anybody again. He was sent to help feed the pig farm last I heard.

"Well thank you both for giving me your valuable time and listening to me rant on. Trust me that you will be in no danger regardless of your decision on the offer, but please give it due thought. it will save so much distress later when all the details of your private lives get dragged out in court. It would be especially hard for your 'friends' John."

At that they knew they were dismissed and began exiting the vehicle after shaking Julian's hand. John was last to leave and his hand was held for a moment longer as they were told.

"Another small thing for your information," and waited for their attention, "I suggest you do not eat hot dogs, or any pork products, for a while. Bon apatite gentlemen," he finished with a laugh as his men climbed into the front seat. One SUV came past and the limo followed it down the road, and the second SUV turned and followed.

This left a bemused pair of men on the side of the road. They were quickly joined by a pair of women and a happy dog. Linda almost bowling John over in her rush to hold him as Pixie did push him around with her energetic enthusiasm. Maria came to be between the men and accepted a friendly arm around her shoulders from Matt as they watched the convoy disappear at the first intersection. By consensus the four turned and entered the house followed by a bouncing barker. Within thirty seconds the back door was unlocked and two young women ran into the house to get hugs from John. This got Pixie stirred up again prancing around and barking. They laughed at her antics until John managed to quieten her down with lots of attention.

Kim spoke up, "What the hell happened out there? We were watching and it looked like someone as important as the Prime Minister was here, or at least a boy band member. There were goons all over the place."

Matt laughed at the overstatement, "No, he was much more important than them. Closer might be if that old dude Prince whatshisname of the royal family came."

Linda spoke up, "Oh John we were scared. Maria knew the man from when he visited her house. He was something to do with the business there."

John nodded and replied, "Yes he was. Seems the suit against the pharmaceutical company is being closed out of court if what he said is true. Need to wait for tomorrow when we see Melvin Sheister. Apparently they made a settlement offer and this man thinks we should take. Matt what do you think?"

"John I think we should listen to the man. He really is a very powerful guy. What was he saying about your family John? I thought you were an orphan following a car accident. He seemed to intimate there was more to the story."

Linda looked at Matt, confused, before turning to her husband for more information, "What John?"

John cut in, "I'm not really sure what the hell he was talking about. It was as confusing as hell. He did say that my lawyer knows something he could tell me. Who knows? Julian Spartacus, his name was, could have just been shooting his mouth to show how big he is. Don't know what he meant, but I will bring it up with Melvin tomorrow. I will tell you the full story in a minute."

Matt made moves to leave, "Sorry, but I gotta shoot through. Glad all is okay here, but I have to get back to work."

"Thanks Matt for coming so quickly. That was smart thinking Linda. Thank you for helping."

As Matt was leaving he quietly quipped to John and Linda as the three younger women had gone to the kitchen for drinks, "I would take two things seriously. Throw out any sausages you have in the freezer. Also no pork or ham for a few weeks. The other is his offer. See ya later folks."

A minute later Sophia arrived after seeing a note left by Sally. She was curious and concerned that something bad had happened and it took a minute for John to reassure her that everything was alright. After they were settled with a drink he then talked about what had been said by the visitor. The reference confused them all. They all knew about John's life, so any mention of his parents seemed like a cruel joke.

John then whispered to Linda about his tingles beginning to annoy him and she just stood, took his hand and lead him toward their bedroom. As they began climbing the stairs she looked over her shoulder to Sophia and raised an eyebrow. Sophia got the message and giggled as she rushed to join them. John then recalled that Maria was with them and turned back to apologise to her for their overt display of behaviour. He was met with a chuckle from the young woman.

Maria told him, "John, I know about your problems and what you need. This afternoon would be enough for anyone to get stressed out. I understand completely. Your life is nothing like what 'he' tried to force me into. I accept this totally. At times like this with what I felt today I wish I could have a bit of relief too."

She was cut off from saying any more as the twins moved to her and wrapped her in their arms giving her a loving hug. They were also making sounds of solace to her. John noted her face relax as the effect of the sisters took hold. He felt bad that he had not taken her feelings fully into account after the visit and kicked himself for being inconsiderate toward her. He admonished himself saying he would make up for it after his own tingles were calmed. He then followed the two women to the bedroom where they enjoyed a brief bout of loving and orgasms.


Polly arrived for dinner that night for her turn to be with John. They could all tell she was feeling antsy and needed reassurance by John of his feelings for her. It had been a while since they had been alone together, and she was the type who needed to be proven she was special. She was fine with sharing John, knew he had many women in his life, and was also content that she had a share of his love. After the meal the two of them had a quiet chat together as John tried to work out what she was having problems with in regard to the relationship. He was all too aware of the irregular nature of his life and the number of women he loved. He was worried it was all too much for Polly, especially as they had only known each other for such a short time. In that period their emotions had become very intense.

He had taken her to the bedroom, not to just fuck her, but it was one of the few rooms vacant tonight. He even made sure they cuddled in the chair they had by the window. He did not get into the sex straight away but they still kissed and cuddled as lovers do, with Polly snuggled into him on his lap. They chatted for a while until eventually arriving at the crux of the matter. When she finally spoke of the reason for her antsy behaviour, John broke into laughter followed quickly by Polly. He re-positioned her on his lap to straddle her over his now-hard cock and used her body to massage it. Standing, he then carried her to the bed, stripped himself before removing her clothes and fucked the living daylights out of her, twice.

She was horny!

Sophia and Polly spent the night with them and John was able to assuage his tingles during the dark hours with both her and Polly.


Wednesday 01 Nov '15

Wednesday started like the past couple of days with Kim and Sally joining John first thing in the morning. His other lovers needed to be at work so this arrangement helped everyone. John was now getting up a bit earlier to do his bathroom stuff so he was clean and refreshed for them. It did not seem to worry them, but being coated with old sex juices, having morning breath and a full bladder was not the most comfortable time to have sex. John was really liking getting a double blow job from them. The twins apparently enjoyed cleaning his spend from each other's body.

The young women were adventurous and wanting to experiment, and getting multiple orgasms was a good reward for trying new things. It seemed they had no problems being naked or in sexual situations together. They confessed to John that they had taught each other how to kiss as well as other girlie things.


Today was the day for Glenda and Rhonda to be with John, although he had an appointment later in the morning. He really appreciated their efforts to keep his tingles at bay, almost as much as they enjoyed their orgasms.

Linda and John arrived at the lawyers office just a minute before due time to be met by a new face. Tania introduced herself letting them know she had just started at the office and was shadowing Mr Sheister for the next few months until he retired. John was admiring her good looks as they spoke. They had just got to the point of saying to call each other by their first names when Mr Sheister joined them.

The lawyer welcomed them as he shook their hands, "Hello John, Linda. I see you have met Miss Wrightway."

He then noticed a look of surprise on both John and Linda's faces making him ask, "Is there something wrong?"

John answered, "No Melvin, it is just a shock that I think we may have heard about Tania before," and he turned back to her and asked, "Are you by any means related to Samantha Wrightway?"

"Why, yes I am. She's my mother."

"We had a lovely meal with her the other night. She is overseeing a project my firm is doing for her company. It is certainly a small world. I can see a definite resemblance between you. You are every bit as beautiful as Sam," and John looked shocked as he realised what he had said, although Linda was chuckling at his comment, "My apologies Miss Wrightway. I did not mean to say that, it was rude of me to make such a personal comment."

Tania had a small smile on her face as she looked back at the crestfallen John and at Linda who was

trying hard not to laugh out loud, "That's okay John, and please call me Tania," and a few seconds later she added, "It is nice to be complimented every now and again, but don't make a habit of it as I might think you're intentionally flirting with me."

John remained wide eyed until he saw Tania's smile get larger, with a small blush on her cheeks. He then said, "Thank you Tania. I'll stop talking now before my foot gets completely wedged into my mouth."

They all laughed as Melvin ushered them into the meeting room, "We will meet in here today as my office would be too small to be comfortable. Would anyone care for a tea or coffee, perhaps a cold drink?" He acknowledged the head shakes from his guests and they all sat at the large table.

Melvin continued, "If you are agreeable Tania will be taking over your account when I retire."

John responded, "At the moment that shouldn't be a problem Melvin. I'll be sorry to see you go though. You have looked after my affairs for most of my life."

"Well John, I hope we don't completely lose touch with each other."

They sat and talked for a little while until Melvin indicated the official clock should be started, "Firstly John I have completed the paperwork for your house purchase. I signed everything for the actual purchase and transfers, and just need your signature on these papers for it to be finalised.

"On the main business for today the pharmaceutical company, or at least their parent company, has made a cash offer to all the litigants. It seems they did a back flip from all the previous shenanigans of stalling the process and trying to wheedle out of their responsibilities. This offer even took their legal team by surprise. If I say this myself it is a very good offer. We have all checked the legalese in the paperwork very carefully and there are, surprisingly, no tricks. It is one of the most straightforward bits of legal paperwork I have ever seen. I would almost say it is too good to be true, but it really is true."