Just a Little Fishing Trip Ch. 02


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Doug ignored him.

Johnny laughed, "She show ya her cunt full of sprog...hey...did she? Fucken get orf on it did ya, fuck-nose?"

"Give it a rest, would ya Johnny! Be a fucking long day otherwise," Craig growled over the drone of the outboard he was helming.

Rebecca looked up at the old man, she could see he would have been quite handsome in his day and thought he now resembled a slightly overweight Sean Connery -- sort of. The big table barely rocked, which surprised her, as she lay there with her legs drawn up. She could just make out the noise of the outboard as it slowly faded off into the distance. The old man had wasted very little time, she thought to herself.

"Oooh...oooh...not too hard...Tom...geez...there's no race!"

Tom looked back down at the pretty woman on the table, her skirt pulled up around her waist and her little g-string stretched to one side. He plunged his thick cock into her again and again with quite some force. It gave him a lewd pleasure to see the occasional look of discomfort on her face -- like right at that moment, as she rolled her eyes around and tossed her head from side to side, flicking out her hair wildly, while her small hands were trying desperately to get a purchase on either side of the table.

"You likin' this now I reckon...ugh...ugh...hey? Like ol'Tom's fat cock don'cha...ugh...ugh? Gonna get a couple more of these in before them boys get back, too....ugh...ugh...how's that grab ya?"

Rebecca's eyes glazed over, her mouth dropped open and she grunted loudly with each of his long thrusts. She reached up and pulled her tee-shirt and bikini top up, exposing her jiggling breasts.

"S...suck...suck on them...bite them...it'll make me come quicker!" she said hoarsely.

Tom readily obliged.

It had to be one of the longest days of Doug's life; he worried constantly about his wife and what she could possibly be doing with the old man back at the camp. He actually wished he had never discovered the peep-hole through to the shower that morning as he would have preferred to think his wife was an unwilling participant in anything that may have happened in his absence.

Of course the young bastard, Johnny liked to remind him of the situation whenever he could, till Craig threatened to clout him if he persisted!

Now they were finally returning to the camp. The days catch was less than impressive -- probably because Tom was not there and Johnny's lack of effort most of the time.

It had just gotten dark and walking up to the donga Doug could hear the generator and noticed the lights on inside. He walked up to the wire door with trepidation and could see Tom sitting by the table in his usual spot nursing a large glass of red wine -- but Rebecca was not in sight!

"Ya back then, hey," Tom slurred, "get ya self a fuckin' drink, me boy...gotta tell ya sumpin."

Doug felt his skin crawl and his stomach tighten in fear, "Where's Bec? What have you done to her?" he spat out.

"Nuffin...nuffin I ain't already done to 'er, me boy," Tom answered sardonically, "but I tell ya what...fuck she likes a cock!"

Doug glared at the old man with deep hatred; if he had a gun at that moment he knew he would have used it!

"Yep, Dougie, a fuckin' real cock though! Fuck me, does she go orf! Like a fuckin' firecracker, boy!"

The other two walked in the room and got themselves a warm can of beer straight out of the carton sitting near the table.

"Made a couple a mod's while you was gone," Tom said cryptically. "Hey, Bec me lil'darlin', come in 'ere would ya! Ya hubby's back."

Doug looked toward the doorway to the kitchen anxiously -- and moments later Rebecca appeared. Doug gasped at her appearance!

Rebecca smiled feebly at her husband as she stood there with her hands covering her chest.

"Hey pet, don'cha be shy now...put them hands down would ya. We've all seen ya pretty titties now!" Tom ordered patronisingly.

Closing her eyes, Rebecca slowly lowered her arms from her bare breasts, wobbling on her legs slightly. Her long hair looked unkempt and hung over her shoulders, almost to her breasts. Doug scrutinised his wife and thought she looked drunk. Almost instantly he noticed what appeared to be several bite marks on each of her breasts and he felt his anger rise again.

"Fuck me...looks like you had a good feed while we been gone, Uncle!"

"Ya like ta have ya titties bit, don'cha," Tom chuckled, "Come over 'ere, me girl."

Obediently, Rebecca complied and stood next to Tom. It was then that Doug noticed her black skirt was somehow different -- it looked much shorter. He looked again and could see why -- it had been cut or possibly torn around the hem and was now no more than fifteen centimetres long in total, it looked more like a belt than a skirt and did little to offer his wife any modesty.

"Like it?" not waiting for an answer, Tom continued, "Well waddaya think of this!" lifting the front of her tattered skirt.

Doug felt himself shake at the sight.

"Looks good, Uncle, not that she 'ad much fucken hair down there anyways!"

"Yep...give 'er a bit of a trim for ya...stop all that sprog from getting stuck in it."

Doug looked down at his wife's nudity for several more seconds, it was not just her smooth mound that rattled him -- sitting so close, he could clearly see that her vagina looked abused, her normally delicate pink inner labia were a darkened colour and protruded well past her puffy outer lips. Doug looked away, still shaking.

"Whad about you, Craig? Like it? 'Ere give it a feel...all fuckin' smooth now," Tom suggested.

"I'll be right, thanks."

"What! You a fuckin' queer or sumthin'?" Tom enquired in disbelief.

Rebecca stood there feeling humiliated. She had been drinking and was still quite drunk -- she was not too sure how much white wine she had actually drunk that afternoon, but funnily enough, she felt she needed another one at that instant.

"No, I'm not fucking queer, Tom! I'm fucking married you know!" Craig retorted.

"Yep, an' so was Elton fuckin' John!" Tom laughed heartily, smacking Rebecca's bare backside.

"Hey Bec, I want ya ta take me good friend 'ere into me room an' come back an' tell me if he's a fuckin' queer or not," Tom said lewdly.

She looked at him blankly, her skirt still pulled up around the top of her hips, while the old man rubber her backside.

"Go on then!" he ordered, smacking her bum again.

Rebecca looked down at her husband -- he had his head lowered toward the table and said nothing. She looked over at Johnny -- he smiled at her, obviously enjoying every moment of the situation. Then she looked at Craig -- he didn't look so mean to her now, she thought, he actually looked quite apprehensive, too.

She took a step toward Craig and held out her hand -- what's one more now, she thought to herself, and who knows, maybe he was gay.

Craig looked back up at the woman standing almost naked in front of him; he guessed her to be a few years younger than his own wife, Anne, who was now forty-six. Anne had piled the weight on the last few years and she was now easily twenty kilo's overweight. Rebecca was a far more attractive option he deduced with little difficulty.

"Yeah, what the heck," Craig said, reaching up for the pro-offered hand.

"Do 'im good, pet, do 'im good wont'cha!" Tom said smugly, watching them walk out of the room together.

"Dougie...you look like ya need a drink!" Tom suggested, "Don't worry man...it's only a bit a sex...'er heart's still all yours!"

Several minutes later -- Doug took another long swig out of his can of beer; he could clearly hear the rhythmic squeaking of the old iron bed in the next room -- and the occasional grunt.

"Why? Tom, why did you do this to us?" Doug asked.

Tom looked at him, "Ya listening ta that in there, aren't cha? Craig's fuckin' her pretty little cunt now...jus' like Johnny over there 'as...an' me too of course!" Tom took a mouthful of wine, "Dougie...if I ain't already told ya... fuck man, your missus likes a dick! How in the fuck have you kept 'er happy is fuckin' beyond me!" Tom took a great gulp of his wine, spilling some down his old khaki shirt, "Why, Dougie? I'll tell ya 'why', because we can!"

The noises in the next room where intensifying, Doug tried to block it out but it was useless and he kept focusing not only on the loud grunts of Craig's, but on his own wife's cries of obvious pleasure. The bed thumped hard against the wall several times then stopped suddenly. It had all taken probably less than five minutes.

"Whaddabout you young fella? Wanna go give 'er one too, while she's hot ta trot?" Tom asked his young nephew.

"Dunno, Uncle, dunno...reckon her cunt'll be all fucken stretched out by now!"

"Hey, Dougie, does ya wife like it up the arse?" Tom teased.

Doug flinched at the crude suggestion.

Less than a minute later Craig walked back into the dining room pulling up his pants.

"Well, whadda ya reckon, hey?" Tom asked him.

Craig looked at the back of Doug's downcast head then back to Tom, "Yeah...she's alright," he said laconically, then looked back at Doug, "No offence Dougie, but she does fuck back you know...it wasn't like she didn't want to do it with me or anything."

Moments later Rebecca walked briskly through the dining room and headed for the side door, her naked backside wriggling provocatively beneath the sliver of tattered skirt.

"I'm having a shower and going to bed...that's enough for one day...goodnight everybody," she said clearly as she stepped outside, letting the door slam shut behind her.

"Well, lad, it don't look like you gonna be stickin' ya cock up her arse tonight, does it?" Tom sniggered.

Doug sat up drinking with them again for a few hours saying barely a word all evening. When old Tom finally passed-out on the table, Doug took his cue and headed out to his tent and to Rebecca.

It was a warmish night and when his eyes had adjusted to the dark he noticed Rebecca was laying on her back on top of the sleeping bag -- completely naked! Her right hand was resting upon her pussy, her legs spread apart slightly.

"I've been waiting for you..."

Doug was instantly startled, he had expected his wife to be sound asleep!

"Bec, what are you doing awake still?" he said, looking down at her.

"Like I said, Doug, I've been waiting...don't you want to know what happened to me today?"

Doug swallowed deeply but said nothing, he was not too sure if she was going to argue with him or what.

"Well?" she said provocatively, reaching over to her husband's thigh and stroking him.

Doug felt himself becoming aroused at her touch. A movement caught his eye and he looked down toward her other hand nestled between her legs. She was clearly rubbing herself -- her legs opening wider at the same time.

"Rebecca, honey...are you alright? What's happened to you?" he said alarmed just as she began to fumble around for his shorts fly.

"That tattooed one, Doug, he's definitely not gay...I can assure you...gave me a nice little bang...not hung like old Tom though, just average...bit like yours...maybe thicker though," Rebecca volunteered, finally releasing her husband's stiff penis.

"Bec, you're worrying me!"

"Oh, Doug, what choice did I have? I'm sort of okay with it...if you're okay?" she went on, not waiting for his thoughts, "But, Doug, Tom's right you know, something weird has awakened inside of me...I...I feel like not only that I can't stop him...but, Doug...I don't want too stop him either!" Rebecca sighed wistfully.

Doug was speechless; never in all their years of marriage had Rebecca even remotely showed signs of -- well, promiscuous behaviour. "Come on, lover...get on me...get on me and do me too!"

Somewhat dazed, though not just from being a bit drunk, he moved as if in a dreamlike state. His growing desire for his wife overwhelmed any sense of reasoning he had, and he removed his shorts the rest of the way and positioned himself between his wife's inviting thighs.

"Doug...I don't care if you come too quickly again...I've had that many orgasms already today," she whispered dreamily, "Goodness me, Doug, did you see what that old bastard did to my good skirt!"

Of course he had seen that triviality -- but what really concerned him was what the old prick had done to his wife's diminutive vagina, and as Doug slipped himself into her pussy -- quite effortlessly, her moist heat engulfed his penis all the way down to his scrotum. He moved slowly, savouring the wonderful feeling of being between his wife's loins again -- regardless of how well she had been used.

"Doug...they've all...they've all fucked me now...do you...do you mind?" she stammered softly, "We've got probably two more days here still...do you know who's staying back here tomorrow with me?"

"What! Rebecca, you sound as if you're looking forward to it? Christ Almighty! I don't frigging well believe this...you're sounding like...like a whore!" Doug exclaimed.

"Get over it, Doug!" she snapped back, "Face up to the reality would you!"

Doug stopped fucking her and removed his cock. Without a word, he rolled Rebecca onto her stomach and pulled her hips upwards, only to reposition himself behind her. He knew what they would be doing to her soon -- it was only a matter of time, he was going to be the first!

"Doug!" Rebecca cried, "Oooh, Doug, gawd slowly...umph...that's it...gawd that feels really weird...oooh....but in a nice way..."

Doug prised his wife's buttocks apart and watched his slick penis disappear into her anus -- something he knew neither of them had ever experienced before -- the feeling was so amazing that he barely moved his cock for fear of ejaculating too soon.

While her husband screwed her anus ever so tenderly, Rebecca's thoughts focused on what may happen to her the following day -- what if two of them wanted her at once, she wondered?

"Go on Doug, try going a bit faster, it does feel good you know...that's better...ung...ung..." Rebecca grunted, "Doug! Not already...I was just starting to enjoy that!" Rebecca sighed despondently.

"Sorry...it just felt too good...sorry..." Doug said a little pathetically, his cock pulsing rapidly as the last drops of his semen dribbled into his wife's anus.

"It's alright...really...you took my cherry, Doug, and that's beautiful."

They collapsed onto the thin camp-mattress together, without another word spoken between them.

Doug went to sleep with a sense of satisfaction at what he had just done with his wife -- no one could take that from him now.

Rebecca, on the other hand, had her mind racing from the days events to what may happen the following day. An instant convert -- she was looking forward to trying anal again -- but harder, much harder next time. Maybe Craig, she thought, not Tom, no way, he would certainly tear her, but the boy? Mmmm...maybe, she thought. Her pussy tingled with a mind of its own at her wicked thoughts. Yes that's it; somehow she would encourage the boy to give her recently broken-in butt-hole a thorough fucking! Would probably not take too much encouragement, she surmised lasciviously.

Smiling to herself, Rebecca began to fall asleep while rubbing her breasts, still sore from where old Tom had repeatedly bitten them, much to her delight at the time. The next evening she guessed she could be pleasantly sore elsewhere. What else could they possibly do to her in the next two days before her friend Susan and Cranky turned up!

Her mind absolutely boggled at the thought...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
JBEdwardsJBEdwardsabout 3 years ago

I've now read this story a few times, and it just keeps getting better! Excellent writing, and I like the way you build up the tension. You make it all seem reasonable, somehow, but we wll know that it's not. 5*~~JBE

cindylynn34cindylynn34over 5 years ago

I can only give it a 5. Very appealing draw tom seems to be using on everyone. Fantastic writing.

telantelanover 15 years ago
Best story on Literotica

Your writing gets better and better.

Keep up the great work.

More please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
W OW !!!!!!!!

As i read the story I felt myself geting wet between my legs and then i had a mind blowing orgasm My cunt was dripping .

I wanted to Bec and have them f me at the same time

shaitanshaitanalmost 16 years ago
Loved it !!!

Awesome, cock hardening story, where's part 3 ??? can't wait for the gang rape !!!

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