Just a Little Fishing Trip Ch. 03


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"Go on, Craig me boy, get that dick of yours in 'er pretty mouth would ya...fill 'er up properly!" Tom ordered, "You like ol'Tom's big cock back in ya hole, don'cha, Pet!" he said smugly, as he pushed in a bit more forcefully.

But Rebecca could only nod; Craig had positioned himself beside her head and was busily guiding himself back into her mouth.

"So 'ow's it goin' lad, feel me hairy balls bangin' against yours do ya?"

"Your squashin' me, Uncle...I can hardly breath, let alone move...think we gonna have ta try somethin' else!" Johnny grumbled.

Tom ground himself in slowly, a big grin on his face, "Whadda you reckon, Pet?" he asked Rebecca.

Rebecca pushed Craig's penis from her mouth to answer, "Maybe...um, maybe I should get on top of you instead, Tom?"

"Fuckin' top idea, me little vixen, top idea!"

Doug watched Tom slowly lift himself up from between his wife's thighs and then lay down on his back, the full length of his cock was covered in his wife's slick juices and Tom held it vertical in anticipation.

Doug could clearly see Rebecca's vagina was now gaping open almost unnaturally from Tom's recent penetration, and quite captivated, he watched her sit back up from Johnny. Closing her eyes, she lifted herself up until the young man's shaft popped noisily from her anus.

"Come on, Pet, me ol'fella's gettin' cold!" Tom sniggered as he watched her kneel astride his hips.

Rebecca reached down and, gripping Tom's ample girth with her diminutive hand, she aimed his fat knob up with her hole, and wiggling her hips around a few times, she eased herself down onto his cock, wincing slightly when he pushed upward to speed things up a bit.

Once comfortable with the large cock insider her pussy, Rebecca leaned forward onto Tom's chest and then tilted her bottom up toward Johnny who was quickly getting into position behind her. Craig was now kneeling near Tom's shoulders and Rebecca reached for his cock to draw him in closer to her face as she licked her full lips ready to suck his handsome shaft again.

Doug shook his head in total disbelief -- there was little doubt in his mind now -- his wife was more than a willing participant -- she was now acting totally wanton with the three men!

Saddened beyond belief at his wife's sudden transformation, Doug took one last painful look at her being thoroughly defiled by the three thugs, and then slunk back to his tent to fall into a fitful sleep, on the verge of tears.

It was only the emotional exhaustion that had finally allowed Doug to succumb to deep sleep -- and not even the morning ritual of the cacophony of birds in the mango trees had awoken him. It was not until the sun was well up and heating his little tent that he had finally opened his eyes to notice he was in a lather of sweat.

Blinking rapidly, Doug looked over next to himself, no Rebecca! Then the memory of the previous night came flooding back to him -- then he felt like shit again and thought he would vomit!

Doug got out of the tent with great trepidation at what he might soon discover. He thought it was with some blessing that at least they had not hurt his wife, or not in a way that he was aware of. And Doug clutched vainly to the hope that Rebecca's most recent promiscuity was only because of her sense of self-preservation, and not because she had actually enjoyed it!

With a cooling breeze wafting over his bare chest, Doug looked around, he then noticed the boat was gone and was surprised he had not heard it leave.

"Rebecca?" he called out anxiously, walking up to the house, "You there, Hon?"

Then he heard the toilet flush and looking over toward the door as it opened, Doug was relieved to see his wife step outside.

"Um...morning, Doug. Gee, you slept in, you must've been really tired, hey," Rebecca said to her husband brightly.

"Yep, I guess so. Hey, are you okay?"

"Um...yes, why do you ask, Doug?"

"Didn't notice you get up out of bed, that's all. Must have been pretty early, hey?" Doug enquired, not wanting to let on to his wife that he had discovered her missing in the middle of the night; he was curious to see if she was going to volunteer the truth.

"I woke up when they all went fishing a couple of hours ago."

"They've gone? All three of them?"

Rebecca nodded.

Doug looked her over; she had on the hibiscus-patterned dress and sandals. Her hair looked radiant and her green eyes sparkled with life, and he noticed her full lips had a small amount of red lipstick on them.

"You look nice, Bec," Doug said approvingly.

Rebecca smiled, "Thanks."

"Put the make-up on for me?"

"Of course!" Rebecca nodded with spontaneity.

Doug loved his wife still, he thought as he admired her mature beauty and poise.

It was at that instant Doug decided on a plan. And for the next few minutes, he told his wife what they would do to escape their tormentors. He talked feverishly of how he would walk up the few kilometres to where he had seen the lone fisherman camped on the other side of the lagoon, and hopefully attract his attention so he would come over. Doug told her he would tell the man as much as he felt wise to convince him to take them over the other side in his little boat and then drive them back out to the main road on the other more popular track and away from Tom's camp.

"Are you sure you don't just want to wait for Cranky and Susan to get here?" Rebecca had asked him surprisingly.

"I don't want them touching you again, Rebecca!" Doug had almost spat at her, "Do you?" he asked her incredulously.

"Oh, Doug, what do you think I am, for God's sake!" she had retorted, "That was totally uncalled for, you bastard!"

Doug looked at his wife knowingly; he knew his barb had struck. He tried not to think about what he thought she had become but he was surprised at her vehement denial.

Doug was ready in about twenty minutes; he had good boots to walk in and had a couple of litres of water and his hat and backpack. He also carried Rebecca's small vanity mirror in case he needed to use it to attract the other fisherman's attention.

He gave his wife a kiss and a hug before he left and told her he loved her, and then headed off to hopefully find their saviour.

* * *

This was Fred's first visit to the lagoon; actually it was the first time in his seventy-one years that he had even been to this part of the country!

It was a bit too hot for him, he reasoned, probably a bit too late in the season some of the other 'grey nomads' had told him. But he did not want to stick around his little flat through another dismal winter without his Mildred and so he had headed off around the country some months ago.

Thinking of his recently departed wife saddened him, married for nearly fifty years, and then that blasted cancer!

At least she had gone quickly, he thought, unfortunately too quick for her to join him on the adventure of his lifetime, something he had worked hard and long for, saving what he could over the years.

So here he was, on his own, fishing and camping like a gypsy. He hadn't needed the big caravan after Mildred went, no, just a little trailer behind his small utility. Even the plans for a bigger boat went awry, no need for that either, so he just had a tiny little thing that he was able to manage on his own.

Fred sat down in the shade under the plastic tarp holding his pannikin of tea, sipping ponderously, as he looked over the green waters of the lagoon reminiscing and then he noticed movement in the distance.

"Who's that over there?" he asked himself curiously, "What the blazes is he doing waving at me for?"

Fred didn't move, just watched a bit longer, "Funny place to go for a walk," he mumbled to himself, sipping his tea again.

"By crikey, what the bloody hell is he playing at?" Fred said in alarm as something bright reflected into his eyes several times.

Fred got up and walked down to the edge of the lagoon some fifty metres away from his camp; no sense camping too close to the crocs of course.

Then he could hear the man over the other side call out, something about helping them, an emergency or something?

Fred swore to himself, and then tossed out his tea. He walked over to his little dinghy and pushed it into the water, then stepped into it gingerly, lowering the tiny three-horse power outboard and pulling on the starter cord.

It was probably only a couple of hundred metres or so to the other side; one of the narrowest stretches of the waterway, and did not take too long to putt over there.

When he was quite close to the bank, Fred killed the engine and coasted into the soft bank near the stranger. He noticed the man looked quite young, probably only in his forties, and seemed very pleased to see him.

"So, what's up, young fella?" Fred enquired dubiously.

"Good god, am I glad you came over!" the stranger blurted, "My name's Doug."

"Fred," the old man offered cordially, holding his hand out to shake Doug's, "So what's up?" he asked again.

Doug held the bow line to Fred's little boat and began to explain the predicament he was in.

Fred listened amiably, while he rolled a cigarette casually, nodding his head in acknowledgement every now and then.

"You don't look too knocked about, me boy?" Fred observed drily.

Doug hated being called a boy, "Pardon?"

"Well, if what you say is true, and these three men have been raping your wife, how is it you haven't got as much as a scratch on you?"

"They...they would have probably killed me if I had tried to intervene!" Doug answered, "The three of them are very intimidating! The sort of men that take what they want!"

"I see," Fred said, lighting his rollie, "And your wife, how's she?" he asked, taking a drag, "Give her a beating?"

"She's okay...I mean...she had no choice, it was no use fighting them...we were all alone...we could not get away. Can you help us please? I'll pay you of course."

"They all do your wife a few times did they?" Fred pried, almost contemptuously.

Doug looked down at the old man sitting smugly in his little boat sneeringly at what he took as an insult.

"Well...did they?" Fred persisted, detecting a weakness in the younger man.

"Seeing you're not answering, I guess they did, huh?" Fred correctly surmised, "Tell you what, two hundred to drive you and your wife out to the main road," he offered, although not really needing the money, he was in need of some company.

Doug nodded eagerly in agreement.

"But one more thing...if I like the look of your wife...I wouldn't mind having a few minutes alone with her too," Fred added as he smiled shrewdly.

Doug could not believe his ears! What was the old coot suggesting? "Three hundred, Fred."

"Not interested," Fred said firmly, "Let me line go would you thanks, Doug, I'm going back to me camp."

Fred turned to start his outboard, "Hope they don't wear your wife out before your friends pick you up, lad!"

"Just a look...and only when we get to the highway," Doug countered, still holding the bow line.

Fred looked around at Doug and smiled, "Thought you'd see it my way, me boy."

* * *

Rebecca heard the little outboard getting closer to where she was sitting by the bank under a shady Lily-Pilli. Doug had been gone for nearly two hours, and it was with a sense of relief when the little boat finally came into view with her husband on board.

Rebecca did not know too much about boats, but even she could tell there was very little freeboard with the two men on board. It was pretty obvious they would not be able to fit three on together without the risk of sinking -- not a good idea in crocodile-infested waters.

Doug hopped out and introduced her to the old man still sitting in the boat. He then proceeded to tell her the plan; how she would go with Fred back to his camp first while he packed their things, and then Fred would return for him.

It all sounded okay to Rebecca, almost too good to be true!

While the old man waited with his boat, Doug asked her to walk up with him partway to their tent.

When they were both some forty metres away, and just out of Fred's view, Doug told her the catch.

"You have to be joking, Doug, him! That little old man! What do you really take me for now?" Rebecca asked in disgust.

"Look, of course I am not going to let the old prick do anything to you. When we are back on the highway, what's he going to do?" Doug reassured her, "I'm sure I can handle him, have some faith!"

* * *

Fred sat holding the tiller steady, as he navigated back toward his camp, checking out the dark-haired woman sitting not more than half-a-metre from him, her long hair flowing in the apparent wind.

It had been a long time since he had been with a woman -- really been with a woman. Mildred had gone off sex more than a decade before her death, which had been a bone of contention for them both as Fred's sex-drive had diminished very little in nearly thirty years, and even now he still masturbated at least twice a week.

He could smell Rebecca's sweet aroma wafting back toward him and it was making his wrinkly old cock grow hard. He had noticed her pretty eyes too; most unusual for a raven-haired woman to have hazel-eyes, almost green even, he had thought. Yes, she was far more attractive than what he had envisaged.

"So, been a bit rough for you, has it my dear?" Fred enquired.

Rebecca looked around at him, "Um...I'll be okay, I guess."

"Doesn't look like they hurt you or anything?"

The only marks on her were on her breasts where Tom had bitten them lustily, "No, they didn't beat me, if that is what you mean?"

"Sort of willing then were you, maybe?"

Rebecca looked at the old man and frowned, "Excuse me?"

"Well, I'm a bit confused; in the first instance, why would anyone want to take their attractive young wife to a fishing-camp in the middle of nowhere is beyond me; but secondly, to take her where she would be the only female amongst some desperados whom haven't seen a woman in many weeks?"

Fred waited for a response, but Rebecca said nothing.

"Do you think your husband may have set it up?" looking at her intensely.

"You have to be joking; my husband has always been protective of me!" Rebecca said angrily, "He would never do such a thing!"

Rebecca was quiet for a moment; the seed had been planted; what if he had set it up? No, never!

"They forced me!" she went on defensively, "The young one is crazy, he raped me first!" Rebecca continued, rubbing her neck where Johnny had grabbed her the afternoon he had found her sunbaking topless.

Fred continued to look at her; she was quite pretty, even when she was mad, he noted.

Several minutes later he killed the engine and they glided up to the low bank by his camp. Fred stepped out into the shallows and pulled his dinghy in closer so Rebecca could get out a little easier. He then tied his bow line up to a small tree and proceeded to walk up toward his camp.

"What are you doing?" Rebecca asked.

Fred turned around, "I'm going to put the billy on, my dear."

"But my husband, you are meant to go back and pick up my husband?"

"Oh yes, soon," the old man nodded, "Like to get to know you a bit better first."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't that husband of yours tell you he had bargained your virtues with me? Part of the 'escape to freedom' deal?"

Rebecca looked at the thin old man aghast, "Not...that's not until you drive us both out of here!"

Fred laughed, he held all the chips now, "Do you think I came down in the last shower, young lady?" he asked whimsically, "Once I have driven you both out to the highway am I to expect you to lay down in the front seat of my car and spread your legs for me in gratitude, all the while with your husband watching?"

Rebecca suddenly felt duped.

"No, my dear, I will take payment now...or I do not even go fetch your husband!" Fred informed her matter-of-factly as he prepared his cup of tea, thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Don't be so mean, Fred, a deal is a deal," Rebecca said apprehensively, "When you get us out, that was the deal."

Fred looked back at her; she looked forlorn clutching at the front of her pretty white dress with the flowers on it, "So are you agreeing to pulling up that pretty dress and spreading your lovely tanned legs for me...once we get to the highway?"

"I...I thought it was just a look...you just wanted a look?" Rebecca asked as his intentions became clearer.

"That what your hubby said?" Fred sniggered, "He didn't tell you everything then, did he?"

Rebecca looked back at the dinghy despairingly, she was probably now in a worse predicament than before!

"Well, you have a think about it, I've got all day!" Fred smiled.

Rebecca was quiet for a few moments as she watched the old man making his tea. She looked him over carefully, thinking, "If that was the deal," she nodded cautiously, "Yes."

"You're willing to let a seventy-one year old man have his way with you in honour of the deal your husband made?"

She nodded in acquiescence again.

"Just to clarify it further, my dear, you are willing to let me jab my prong into your well-used...dare I be so crude...cunt?"

Rebecca could see the glint in the old man's eyes; he was obviously enjoying her discomfort with the situation.


She nodded again.

"That, my dear, is just fantastic! You have brought a ray of sunshine into an old man's life!" Fred said merrily, "So it makes no difference whether we close the deal by the side of the highway...or right here now, does it?"

Fred walked over to her and ran his fingers through her hair, "You have beautiful hair, Rebecca."

"I...I am not going to do anything here, you'll just have to wait," she said softly.

Fred pulled his hand away and took another sip on his tea, "Well I'm going to go fishing then, my dear, till you get over your silliness."

Rebecca stood watching in utter amazement as the old man headed back down to his dinghy, without looking back till he reached the rope on the tree.

"Oh, and if you don't hurry up and make up your mind, when those friends of yours pass here later on, you can just get a lift back with them and entertain them for another few days!"

Rebecca felt her heart race, what a predicament she was in now, she was probably more worried for her husband surviving another few days back at Tom's than what she was, now that she knew she could manage the 'situation'. What harm could the old man do to her, heck; she doubted whether he would be able to even get it up. He would probably just have a bit of a fiddle with her, that's all, she thought.

"Okay...okay then...you win!" Rebecca called to him just as he stepped into his boat.

Fred turned around and smiled at her and nodded, "That's nice to hear."

* * *

Doug had walked back up to the tent only moments after Rebecca had left with the old man in his dinghy. As he packed things up, he listened until he could no longer hear the little boat's motor. Then barely five minutes later Doug thought he could hear it again and was surprised at how quick the turn-around had been.

Then he realised the sound was from the North, and not from the lagoon at all!

"A vehicle...a fucking vehicle!" Doug cried out with glee when he recognised the sound.

Minutes later, dust billowing behind it, Doug could see Cranky's old four-wheel-drive heading in.

Doug stood grinning like a Cheshire-cat when Cranky pulled up next to him and wound down the window to say hello.

"You're early, Cranky!" Doug said excitedly.

"Yep, sorry about that mate, nearly come straight back out the other day, got a heap of work on and have to go away for a few weeks," Cranky explained.

"Hi Doug, where's Bec?"

Doug looked in the vehicle and could now see Susan sitting there looking as radiant as ever. Of course he had no intention of telling either of them what had happened to them; he truly hoped it would all remain a secret such was his embarrassment.