Just a Story Ch. 01


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"I'm fine." Laura said. She came on out, and I could see she was trying to not shiver, and was beginning to fail.

"Come over here and let us snuggle with you." I said. "Despite that display of ice-cold veins in you, you need warming up." A moment later, Laura was snuggling between Ariel and me. I made sure Wanda was snuggling with me on the other side...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the cabin, we continued snacking and drinking. I had a pretty good buzz going. I asked Wanda if she wanted to walk up to the meadow with me.

The meadow was the grassy field on the hillside that stretched from the road at the hill's crest down to the cabins by the Lake. The driveway to our cabin went through it, and there was a huge lone oak tree near the top of the hill. How that tree was still alive was beyond me; it looked like a lightning magnet up there.

Leaving Laura and Ariel snuggling in front of the fire, Wanda and I headed out. She was dressed in a warm brown shirt with criss-cross red and white stripes forming squares, 'Daisy Dukes' tight blue jean shorts, and hiking shoes. I had on a flannel shirt, jeans and hiking shoes.

It wasn't a long distance, and we stopped near the lone tree and spread a blanket and sat down.

"This is a cool place." Wanda said. "I'm surprised we haven't seen more hunters around here, though."

"They have to get permits to hunt in the W.M.A." I said. "And they can't shoot in the direction of the Lake if they're within a mile or two of us now. So most of them are further west, over towards Lake Amengi-Nunagen."

Wanda nodded, then began taking off her hiking shoes as she said "I grew up on a farm outside a small town. I was just thinking about how my cousin took me out into one of the fields. We had a spot like this, and he made love to me and took my virginity."

"Mmm," I said as I eased up to her, "I can't take your virginity a second time, but maybe I can recreate the rest of it."

Wanda smiled and snuggled into my arms. "He was a lot like you... very confident. He was a really big, muscular guy, blonde hair. They called him the 'Nordic God' at his high school. I found out later that he was fucking my mother, his mother's sister. He was damn good in the sack, too."

I was nuzzling Wanda's neck and unbuttoning her shirt as she continued. "I wanted to fuck him so bad, I was totally wet. He took his time with me, really got me going... ohhhhhh..." My hand was sliding into her opened jeans shorts, finding her sopping wet slit...

Once we got naked, I settled between Wanda's legs and began eating her pussy like it was the juiciest, ripest peach. Wanda was moaning and groaning, rotating her hips to shove her mound into my face, her hand behind my head pulling it into her. I held her very firm asscheeks, squeezing them as my tongue strained to get as deep as possible into her wet cunthole.

"Oh yeah, that's so good..." Wanda moaned. Her eyes were closed, and I was wondering if she was remembering that day, losing her virginity to her cousin's invading cock, or if she was having another fantasy. Either way, I was enjoying being face deep in a woman's wet snatch.

Finally, I could take no more. My cock was hard and throbbing... not the intense throbbing of the night before, but still aching to be inside Wanda. I rose up and mounted her, and we worked together to get my cockhead into her labes. Once it slid in, I pushed hard.

"Ohhhhhhh!" Wanda gasped out, her eyes still closes. "God damn, your cock is so fucking hard." I began thrusting my hips, shoving my dick deep into her pussy with fast, driving strokes, as if I were a teenager getting my first piece of trim. I had a fleeting thought of Leanne, the girl that had been my first lover, and the thought of her made me fuck Wanda even more deeply and passionately.

"God, Don," Wanda said as I fucked her, "I have never felt a cock that fucking hard... you truly have an iron crowbar between your legs..."

"And I love having it balls deep inside you." I said. I bent down and kissed her mouth hard, then began nuzzling her neck as my hands gripped her ass and pulled her into me.

"Tell me about your cousin." I whispered to you. "Tell me about him fucking you in that field."

"Oh God..." Wanda moaned. "He was fucking me... just like you are... taking me... fucking me hard... fucking me like he really wanted to... making me take it... making me want him... oh God, oh fucking Jesus! OH MY GOD!" I felt her pussy clamp down on me as she came. I ruthlessly pounded her pussy through her orgasm, then felt another one rising within her. She clamped down again, screaming out in an agony of ecstasy.

I was not far behind. Despite two hard cums in less than a day, I felt my nut rising as I sliced in and out of Wanda's warm, clasping hole. I slammed into her again and again until that deep, agonizing pain whipped through my loins, then seemingly burst as I spurted my semen into the depths of Wanda's clutching cunt.

As we lay together in post-coital bliss, Wanda whispered "This is your birthday, so why am I the one getting my fantasies fulfilled?"

"Believe me," I said, "coming inside you is one incredibly wonderful birthday present." I kissed Wanda again, and we began making out like teenagers that had just lost our cherries...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That afternoon we drove around. We went into the town of Waguli, at the southern end of the Lake. The Lake's northern side had two fingers where two creeks fed it, one going northwest, which is where my cabin was, and one going northeast, where a larger creek fed it and where some nicer cabins had been built.

The women got some supplies at the General Store while I talked with the Sheriff. He was an older man, heavy set, but much sharper than his easygoing features would suggest... and I suspected he had carefully cultivated that impression and persona.

"You've really kicked some ass down in that University Town, Don." he said. "We've heard about it all the way up here. Those rich folks over on Lake Amengi-Nunagen, they talk too much, and what they've been talking about is you."

"Oh really?" I said. "I never go over there if I can help it. What do they care about me?"

"Well, son," said the Sheriff, "over here we have good people around Lake Watchacoochie. Some retired military, some retired law enforcement, but for the most part people who want to keep to themselves and who mind their manners. Over there, it's a different story. They're a lot richer over there and they think they're entitled, and I don't mean that in a good way. They think you're a problem, that you don't follow their rules... as if their rules are the ones we have to follow."

"Well," I said, "unless their rules are preceded by the words 'We The People', meaning the Constitution, then I'll be giving them exactly the amount of time and following they deserve." The Sheriff chuckled, then I asked "Any crimes up here? Any problems?"

"No, not around this town and this Lake." said the Sheriff. "Hunters generally follow the rules, we sometimes get drunk boaters in the summer. But no real crimes at all. Too many good people with guns up here; the Elites hate that. And of course, I don't tell them which cabin belongs to whom, but everyone here knows that the Iron Crowbar is up here, somewhere, like a Sasquatch or something." I laughed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My nickname is the 'Iron Crowbar', not the 'Man of Steel'. I do not have Superman's stamina, though I do have a real life 'Wonder Woman' as my wife. So there was no way to keep up the sex indefinitely. I did fuck Ariel the next day, October 27th, and Laura watched and was right there to clean up after I came inside the gorgeous raven-haired beauty, and Wanda and I made out a lot. But things settled down into a relaxing, mildly alcoholic haze...

I did call my mom on Thursday, to make sure everything was okay at home.

"Everything's fine, son." my mom said. "Carole is behaving well, and Jim is starting to talk up a storm. The dogs are doing well, also."

"They're not getting agitated, looking out windows?" I asked.

"No, they're very quiet and good. They go out and come right back in when they're done. They do look at the door every time they hear a car, hoping it's you." my mom said. I chuckled at that.

"Well, they'll get their wish soon." I said. "I need a vacation to get over this vacation, and I'm ready to get back home, and back to work."

Part 4 - It's Just Business

Wednesday, October 26th. Captain Cindy Ross was just settling in behind her desk, digging into the seemingly endless paperwork that the capacity of her office seemed to generate. She wondered why she couldn't have an assistant like the Command Group people had.

She heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" she called out. She looked up, and was totally surprised to see Chief Moynahan come in.

"Good morning, sir." she said, beginning to stand up out of respect.

"Please, sit back down." said the Chief. "And if you don't mind, I'll sit down on this sofa in front of your desk."

"Please, sir." she said. She waited as he looked around her office.

"If you get a dog," he said humorously, "you might could add a citation or two to your wall."

Cindy laughed. "There's no dog quite like Bowser, sir."

"Heh heh heh heh." chuckled Moynahan. "Well, my point is that you've accomplished quite a lot yourself, and without a dog. I had the honor of working for years with your sister, and 'accomplishment' is obviously a family trait."

"Thank you, sir." Cindy said, wondering what this was about.

"So, to get to the point of my visit before you become too impatient with me," said the Chief, knowingly, "I came to tell you that the Council passed my request last night."

"That's great, sir!" Cindy exclaimed. "Long overdue, too."

"What also happened," said the Chief, his voice getting darker, "is that I went straight to the Council with it, and not through the Sheriff. He found out, and he opposed the resolution and tried to get it defeated."

"What?" Cindy gasped, stunned. "Sir, you don't have to go through him, not really. I know that Commander Troy has directly written up citations and submitted them without even going through you."

"That's true, though the Council and the Boards of Inquiry always come back to me for confirmation on it. Don also knows that I give him the leeway on it, and if he thinks there would be an issue, he's already spoken to me about it, and we're on the same page when it goes out." said Moynahan. "In this case, the Sheriff is specifically trying to pick a fight."

"Uh, sir," Cindy said, "why are you in here telling me this?"

"You're onto me." said the Chief. "I bee-lieeeeve the Sheriff has every intention of suspending me, for insubordination."

"Over this?" Cindy asked.

"No, over the trap that captured that despicable Brownlee character." said the Chief.

"That won't go over well with the public, sir." Cindy said.

"It doesn't matter." said the Chief. "I don't need this job, nor do I have to work for that sniveling little--- well, better hold my tongue, there. But the bottom line is that I won't play the game. So get ready to lead until the Iron Crowbar gets back."

With that, the Chief got up and left a stunned Police Captain furiously thinking about what to do. And like he knew she would, she came up with her plan for action.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday, October 26th. Melina Allgood was working at her computer in the sitting room of her home, using her secure line to do 'Company' business, when her husband Daniel came in.

"Hi, honey." she said. "You're late tonight. Council meeting?"

"Yes." Daniel said. "Are the kids in bed yet?"

"Yeah, I put them to bed about half an hour ago." Melina said. "Little Dan wanted to stay up until you got home, but he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow."

"Good." Daniel said, his voice sounding far away as he sat down on the bed.

"Everything okay?" Melina said as she shut down her computer.

"No." said Daniel. "The reason I'm late is because I asked some of the Council Members into my office after their meeting. I'm once again seriously considering suspending the Police Chief."

"For what?" Melina asked, coming over and sidling up to her husband on the bed. Her hand wandered down to his pants, and she began undoing them to free his nine inch cock.

"Well, it's been building up." said Daniel. "As you know, he and Don both took exception to something Scott Peterson said, and they overreacted. Don went along his business, but the Chief won't let it go. And then he didn't let me know about the Iron Crowbar's very dangerous plan to capture Robert Brownlee. Yeah, it worked; yeah, Don's a hero... again. But still..."

Melina immediately saw the real problem in all of this mess as her hand stroked her husband's cock to it's thick, long hardness. "So, honey," she said, "let's talk seriously about this. Is that the real reason you want to suspend that old man who's playing Chief?"

Daniel laughed, a short bark of a laugh. "What do you mean by that?"

"We both know who is really running the Police Department here." Melina said as she shifted her body down to put her head right over her husband's dick. "And things were going good. Don busts the perps, makes the Department run right, and you get the credit as Sheriff. And y'all are friends, aren't you?"

"I don't know, not now." said Daniel. "And I have to do what I have to do. Fire Chief Quinlin gives me enough grief. Now the Police Force is becoming a headache. If someone had been hurt or killed in that scheme of Don's..." He let the sentence fade unfinished. Melina understood. She opened her mouth and took Daniel's turgid meat down her throat. Her lips slid up and down his organ, making him groan as she sucked him hard for a moment.

"And when Don is Police Chief, and defies you himself... are you going to suspend him?" Melina asked, before resuming giving Daniel head.

"There are Council Members that want me to do that already." Daniel said. "Ohhh, that's good... anyway, if Scott Peterson wins the open Council seat, he will be one more voice calling for the Commander's scalp, and calling for it loud and hard. Peterson thinks Don is a real hypocrite for giving him, Peterson, shit about getting head from Priya Ajmani, while Don is fucking Bettina Wurtzburg's brains out."

"Don got pictures on Peterson, but no one has pics on Don and Bettina." Melina said, very sure. "So who is being more discreet?" She resumed sucking Daniel's cock, and for a few moments the room was silent but for the smacks of her mouth and tongue on his meat.

Finally, the gorgeous black-haired wife let her husband's cock slide out of her mouth. She said "Also, what if Don leaves for the FBI, begins pursuing the White Supremacists for that bastard, the FBI Deputy Director... and then Don comes back and runs for Sheriff against you?" Melina asked. As if to emphasize her point, she sank her mouth down on his cock again, groaning as his pulsing size pushed into her eagerly receptive throat.

Daniel thought about his wife's words as he enjoyed the blowjob she was giving him. "So you think the Iron Crowbar would win? Half of First Baptist's people hate his guts; they blame him, not Westboro, for the destruction of their church. A lot of people in the minority districts don't trust him, either."

"And you want to count on their votes to win re-election?" Melina said, her voice a sneer.

"No, of course not." said Daniel. "So you think Don can beat me?"

Melina straddled her husband on the bed, pressing her breasts into his face and sliding her panties-covered labes over Daniel's throbbing cock. "I'll vote for you, honey. But I might be just about the only one to. Don is massively, and I mean massively popular... locally, State-wide, and even with some elements of the Federal Government. Wouldn't it be better if he were in his place as Police Commander... where he can be watched, and then reined in if need be?"

"You're right." Daniel said. "Beautiful -and- smart, too. That's why I love you so much." He began kissing his wife's breasts as they ground their loins together.

"Mmmm, that's nice." Melina said. She knew that Don Troy had devastated Superior Bloodlines in Apple Grove... and had destroyed some friendly Globalist Elites, as well. And she knew Don Troy could do tremendous damage to the plans of those in the seats of raw power in the Federal Government.

Daniel then interrupted her thoughts by asking an unexpected question: "Melina, what was Don like? All those years you were married to him? Was he like what he is today?"

Melina rolled off Daniel and lay beside him, looking up at the ceiling, leaving his cock and her pussy aching, but without the intensity of the the last few moments. "No." she said. "He was a decent man, but I don't what or who turned on his switch. I don't think he ever would've beaten anyone up, much less killed, unless it was necessary or he was at war overseas. But once he got up here... something happened to him." She then added jokingly "Maybe it's something in the water."

"So if I suspend Moynahan," said Daniel, "I will be unleashing the Crowbar you never knew."

"That's right." said Melina. She turned and pressed her luscious body into Daniel's side. "Why don't we talk about something besides my ex-husband? Like how I traded up to something much, much better... and with a bigger cock..." Her hand went to his balls and she gently massaged them...

To be continued.

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chytownchytown10 months ago

*****Good opening chapter. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum11 months ago

Todd and Laura have noted the change in. Melina. Why hasn’t !aura contacted her superiors at CIA to learn what Melina actual assignment is. She is a WET agent. Is she only recruiting people to be field killers or is she setting up her own rogue cell? Time will tell.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Cannot believe Don sent that message on the burner phone from police HQ without realising what he was doing? And how does Melina know but not Laura? Is she working for a different cell and is it one that's working with Superior Bloodlines?

Has Daniel been used by Don the whole time knowing where he seems to be going?

LSantiagoLSantiagoover 2 years ago

I have read thousands of literotica stories and if I could remember from onw twiligh to the other id try writing some. Bit of all those stories this is one of the best organized stories i have read. I plan to rest of the ourput. I like smodly moving narratives confusing story telling is my number one pet peeve. The technical talents of WifeWatchman are awsome. I am happy i discovered this author. Maybe its because I began reading the story out of sequence but this univers is overpopulated hard to keep trak of all the cast, Ill have to recoment when I read it sequence.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 7 years ago

IMHO...The warning about this NOT being a stand-alone needs to be clearer.

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