Just a Tiny Little Hole

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Two orphans discovering sex.
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An orphanage in Saint-Jean-sur-Mer, France, around midnight; at a time when girls and boys did not mix as much as they do today. Alicia clutched her towel to her little woollen waistcoat, hurrying to keep her pace as short as possible in the cold, damp corridors.

The establishment consisted of a large, old building, hastily constructed, like everything else along the coast. It was necessary to accommodate all these modest families at a lower cost, so that they could finally enjoy their paid holidays.

For more than 18 years, the young woman had been growing up in this austere institution, with little inclination to show affection. Alicia had suffered from this: she was shy, awkward in her relationships with others, and withdrawn into her inner world. She expressed herself much better with her pencils and instruments than with words.

She had developed the habit of showering very late at night, unbeknownst to the supervisors. She was one of the few people who had discovered one of the secrets of the place: there was an old shower room in the east wing of the building, which could be entered with a bit of forcing of the lock. If you ignored the musty smell and the few cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, you could find one of the few places of solitude in the whole institution.

In addition to the quietness of the place, Alicia appreciated being able to stay under the hot water for a long time, without being reproached. It was one of her only guilty pleasures. The shower was directly connected to the central boiler, a privilege she was careful not to tell the other girls in her dormitory about.

She sighed at ease as she entered the rather small space, but where she already felt at peace. As if in a secret cocoon. She laid her clothes on a yellowed washbasin, then entered the cabin, without closing the door behind her, so that the light of the moon would help the only bulb in the room to illuminate her pale-skinned body.

Alicia turned on the hot water and let it run abundantly through her hair, resting her forehead on a thin wall, which left some mystery as to what lay on the other side. Curious, she had conducted her little investigation by looking through a small hole in the shower itself. A hole of barely half an eye, but where unfortunately the half-light prevented her from clearly distinguishing what must be the rest of a large room.

It had been several months since she had forgotten even her own existence from what must have been an unfortunate stroke of a workman's drill. At least...until that night, when, as she let her thoughts flow with the water, she heard someone singing on the other side.

The voice filled the room and Alicia, startled, turned off the water so that her presence would not be noticed. The melody continued and she took the time to listen. To her surprise...it was a man's voice. Quite young, it seemed, for there was not yet that deeper side typical of older people.

Anguish gave way to admiration. The person on the other side had a remarkable voice and sang very well. So the young woman sat down on the tile floor, tucking her legs together to keep herself a little warm. But the chill that made her shiver was not enough to dissuade her from religiously listening to this stranger's song. For many minutes she closed her eyes and let herself be lulled by the verses.

It was then that she noticed another noise as she listened: the sound of running water. She then realised, with great surprise, that her secret shower cubicle did indeed have a twin...in the boys' building.

She couldn't help but blush at the situation, both moved by the song and the excitement of brushing against a deliciously forbidden one. She nibbled on one of his fingers, fighting a temptation that made her crave something she only had when she allowed herself some caresses under the blanket.

Kneeling down, she placed her left eye at the hole, but immediately changed her mind, as if her reason forbade her to break the social taboo. Would she dare to indulge her curiosity? After five long minutes of hesitation, carried by the soft voice of this stranger...she succumbed.

Adjusting her view to the brightness of the secret room, she discovered the wet body of the strange singer, his skin pale, his view centred on his hips, offering Alicia's prying eye the spectacle of a firm pair of buttocks. She bit her lower lip. She had never seen anything like it and closed her eyes for a moment in guilty embarrassment, before opening them again so as not to miss anything. Damned for damned...

After a few tens of seconds, the man turned to soap himself and revealed his stomach, as well as his sex. The young woman did not fail to spend a long time on every inch of this body fully revealed to her curiosity. She would have been unable to judge whether the size of this virile member seemingly erect before her corresponded to the unreal fantasies she had built up over the years. The only thing she knew for sure was that her belly was fluttering and her whole being felt desire for this anonymous body.

The stranger finished soaping up and just whistled instead of singing. The spy scene seemed to last for many, many minutes and a doubt began to creep into Alicia's subjugated mind. Absorbed by the exciting novelty, she had not noticed that this stranger seemed to alternate postures in the shower, as if he was playing at being watched. Indeed, he had this way of sometimes presenting himself under a more erotic profile than another, of brushing his fingers over her sex, of sometimes holding it. The confusion set in for good and Alicia withdrew, lowering her eyes, feeling bad at the thought.

"You know, I don't mind you looking at me. Ā»

Alicia gasped and her heart raced. She stood frozen, like a child caught red-handed doing something stupid, as the boy's voice seemed to speak directly to her. Yes, there was no doubt about that. He knew she was there, on the other side.

She squeezed her eyes shut to prevent herself from crying out in shame. Words came with difficulty and she swallowed a sob after long seconds of hesitating to run away.

"Sir...I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me...I shouldn't have done that..."

A small laugh was the response to her even more ridiculous and touching apology with the use of the term 'sir'. There was no doubt that he was an orphan like her and not a teacher.

"Don't be sorry. Besides, you know, it would be a bit of an arse for me to blame you. I'm the one who's watching most of the time. Ā»

The feeling of shame was now mingled with an unease of modesty, shyness and excitement. Dressing with a certain customary dignity, she prepared to be indignant, but swallowed her words, realising that this comical situation had been initiated on both sides of the wall. So, with thoughts racing through her head, she gave the man the opportunity to continue.

"I've been coming here for two years without telling anyone. I think I'm the only one. On your side, three girls have come. But I have to admit that...you are the most beautiful. I can hardly keep my eyes off you. Ā»

Alicia blushed as her only answer. Of course, there was no way she could say that he was telling the truth. After all: he could say the same thing to the other two. But this was her first real contact with the male gender where she was totally exposed, literally and figuratively. So she smiled and hugged her legs as if it were this mysterious stranger.

He didn't say anything for a few moments, just sat down and put his back against the wall. Alicia felt the vibration and her heart vibrated as well. She felt as if nothing separated them. Her heart beat heavily in her chest.

A sort of silent dialogue took place. Neither of them initiated a real conversation, as if their hidden faces and silent names were to remain in the shadows, while only their bodies offered themselves to each other in full light.

He finally asked in a calm and composed voice, a few words that rekindled the fire in the girl's belly.

"Do you want to...look again? Ā»

A huge smile came over the young woman's face, and she didn't dare to answer anything immediately. She blushed even harder and he perceived her answer as clearly as a loud yes.

He got up slowly and seemed to move away from the wall. Alicia did not move for a few seconds, before listening to nothing but her desire. And then she saw again that male body, from the torso to the knees, offering itself as a spectacle before her.

The boy presented himself in his best light. He began to play with his sex. Alicia bit her lip in envy. To cope with the excitement that made her tremble, she began to fondle her breasts. They hardened and swelled more and more, giving her a welcome pleasure. She soon gave in to the temptation to slip her hand between her thighs. She rarely did it, but she had never wanted it as much as she did now. Nothing could have stopped her. Her breathing quickened as she felt the pulses of pleasure run through her body. She couldn't hold back sighs that gradually turned into moans. Her pupils could not stop looking at that beautiful sex standing before her, so hard and desirable, clasped between her long-fingered hands.

If she took a certain pleasure in revelling in this erotic scene, he did not seem to stifle his pleasure either. He played with the angle he offered, his sighs and his breath, the suggestive movements of his hips, to stir Alicia's imagination.

Seeming to reach a certain point in his excitement, he raised his voice again.

"I really want to...watch you...do what you do..."

A small, uncontrollable moan of surprise and excitement served as a response. She bit her fingers to reveal so much about the pleasure that was hers. She hesitated. And again. And again. Not stopping her fingers for all that. And her reason died out, without the man insisting again.

She stood up in turn, with far less confidence than he had, presenting herself at a height that seemed sensible to reveal enough without revealing too much. Alicia felt a little lost and embarrassed. It was easier for her to see than to be seen. But she tried not to disappoint him. And timidly began to run her hands over her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, squeezing them so as not to reveal her intimacy right away.

Fortunately, on the other side, she heard the breathing of the stranger. Stronger, more intense, lulled by a few moans of pleasure and "hmmmm" that comforted her enough to fully play along.

Eventually she let it all out. And continued to pleasure herself as she had done on her own, delighting in seeing her strange play partner do the same. Her fingers caressed and penetrated his sex. He seemed to be particularly enjoying it. She could immediately hear it...feel it. A most exciting game.

And suddenly a louder lament of pleasure reached her ears through the little hole, a spike in her pleasure, male moans of contentment. Without being able to really imagine it, it was enough to cause great contractions of pleasure in her that almost made her fall to the tiles. Her panting breath could only make her moans of pleasure vibrate even more.

She let her head rest against her knees to catch her breath. It was difficult for her to have any lucid thoughts at this moment. The pleasure continued to pulse through her at the same rate as her blood. Gradually coming to her senses, the excitement gave way to a very uncomfortable feeling of doubt and modesty. She couldn't conceive that she had done all this...in front of a stranger's eyes.

Alicia stood up abruptly, tears streaming down her face.

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry...sorry," she said with a lump in her throat before grabbing her towel and running off without waiting for any response, the soap still sitting in the corner.


Alicia squirmed in bed, the blanket pulled up to her chin, making the bunk bed she slept in creak. A kick from her downstairs neighbour reminded her that it was late.

It had been more than a week since this...incident...had occurred in the secret shower. The young woman's experience of it was mixed, between extreme excitement and the characteristic embarrassment of a candid young girl who had never been prepared for this kind of thing.

His mood oscillated between regret at having done it and regret at not having tried again. And the more the days passed, the more the second flame asphyxiated the first. It was impossible for her not to recall the vision of that male body, that virile sex, to remember the sensation of burning inside at the idea of crossing the wall to touch his skin.

For several nights now she had woken up soaked with sweat and excitement. She clutched her pillow between her thighs, rubbing herself as discreetly as possible, like a drug addict looking for a substitute dose without being able to wean herself off a much more powerful product.

That Thursday, she cracked. In the middle of the night, she pretended to go to the toilet and hid a piece of paper and a pencil in her pyjamas. Taking the safest diversions to avoid arousing suspicion, she went into the forbidden wing and finally into the shower cubicle.

Leaning on the wall, she simply wrote "Saturday midnight", without even signing, before rolling it as thinly as possible to stick it in the hole, hoping it would be far enough away for him to notice...but not so far that someone else would find it.

She waited religiously for more than an hour, hoping to hear the slightest noise that might announce her unexpected arrival. Alicia felt an intense sadness and held back from crying, feeling ridiculous for giving so much importance to all this.

The appointment was made. She would come back tomorrow, hoping to get an answer. Her stomach knotted up at the idea of finding the paper intact or missing, with no other certainty than that she missed this man who would never leave her thoughts.


She had not eaten anything the next day, so apprehensive was she about returning to the secret shower. Always cautious, she had waited until later to return to the small room, even darker than usual without the moonlight.

Alicia rushed to the wall and noticed that the paper was still there. Her heart clenched so hard she cried. Awkwardly digging her fingernails into the wall to grab her bottle, she opened it and sighed...

There was an answer. A single sentence, with the effect of an emotional and hormonal bomb. Her hand trembled as she read it.

"I can't wait to sing for you again. And to finally be able to touch you. Ā»

The mystery was unbearable. She let out a tear of joy and reread the word at least ten times to make sure she was right. No, there was no doubt. Touching her? How was that even possible?

The suspense was unbearable, but unsolvable. She returned to the dormitory, clutching her pillow, unable to close her eyes at night.


The big day had arrived. Alicia struggled to hide her lack of sleep. Her teachers looked at her sideways, but it didn't really matter. She was on cloud nine and wouldn't have wanted to touch the ground again.

The seconds and minutes passed so slowly that she sighed without stopping. She didn't say a word to anyone. No girl was to suspect anything. The thought of being caught on her way to her little 'party' made her heart squeeze to the point of nausea.

That evening she prepared herself as best she could, realising however that this was not a conventional date where she would have to dress in a special way. To make up for her frustration at not being able to do more to look as perfect as possible, she brushed her teeth five times, tried to remove anything unsightly with scissors, and then paced around her room until the long-awaited hour arrived.

23h55. The tension rose to a climax. She hurried along, the corridors following each other as she prayed not to run into anyone. She forced the lock and slipped inside the forbidden wing, closing it carefully behind her.

Finally, she arrived like a shadow in the shower cubicle, putting her towel on the sink, as she had done last time. And, fully dressed, she waited. But it wasn't long before the sweet voice of the amateur singer could be heard.

"I'm so glad you're here...I haven't stopped thinking about you. Ā»

"Me too..." she replied, her shyness fading away in the face of her joy at finding him.

"I wrote you a song...just for you. "he added.

Alicia was overjoyed. He turned on the water, much to her astonishment, and then the man continued.

"It's a sound and light show..." he laughed, obviously very proud of his joke.

Alicia burst out laughing. She had understood perfectly what he meant. And without further ado, she knelt down to discover this handsome stranger, still dressed, getting ready to sing...admired through the little hole...

He began, dancing in his shower, not taking himself too seriously, slowly removing his clothes as the young woman watched, not missing a scrap of his skin gradually being revealed.

She felt an irresistible desire for his chest, his belly, his hips and especially his firm buttocks that seemed to call for his hands more than reason. And finally, he made the unknown woman wait for a long time on the other side of the wall before revealing his sex...under a bite of the young woman's lip who realised that she was already terribly excited.

Finishing his song, he crouched down, completely naked, without revealing his face. But he brought his lips close enough to the little hole that his whisper clearly reached Alicia's ears.

"And now...another surprise...get out of the shower and push the board against the wall.

She frowned. But her curiosity was too strong. She got up and stepped out of the shower, spotting a slanted wooden board against the wall. Following the instructions, she pushed it aside.

And to his surprise...hidden behind...was a hole. Not just a small hole. Not enough to slip through and break the mystery of their identities. But enough to put a hand...or more...at belly height.

"I noticed that there was already a hole in the wall on my side. I found some tools and was able to enlarge it a bit. Not too much either because I have no idea how to hide it well otherwise..." he explained, satisfied with his voluntary degradation.

A smile lit up the young woman's face.

"You're crazy..." she said, without thinking a word.

And the man laughed as he sensed that she was far more pleased than shocked that he had done all this...for her. For both of them.

There was a small silence. An almost touching discomfort. Words were unnecessary. They both knew what this opportunity could offer them. But for the first time, the man seemed intimidated. And Alicia even more so. He finally broke the ice.

"You know...I really thought about you and...already last time I wanted you to...touch me. I also really wanted to feel your body. To be able to caress you like you used to. Would you like us to...you know? "he stammered.

"Yes, I really want to..." she replied, trying to hide the fact that she was already trembling at the mere thought of touching his skin.

And suddenly, Alicia saw the boy's sex appear on her side of the wall, erect, as he pressed his stomach against the wall. A little shy, but really eager to satisfy everything she had in mind, she began by brushing it with her fingers. She could feel the warmth of the penis being offered to her. Her hand finally took him, without squeezing too hard, for fear of hurting him.

Then, spontaneously, she began to come and go, a little haphazardly at first, before, guided by the boy's voice, she gained enough confidence to masturbate him with more vigour. She savoured hearing him take pleasure in her hand, getting even harder, enjoying caressing him, apprehending a man's sex for the very first time.

"Could I...hmm.... ask you something? "he dared, between two sighs of pleasure.