Just Curious Ch. 02


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I stand there. Alone. Scared. Exposed.

The music continues to play softly for a while. Eventually Dustin stops playing, and I hear the guitar being put back on the stand. Everything is quiet. I wipe away another tear before it drops to the floor. His scent is the first thing I notice, even before I feel his hand on my chin. He tilts my chin down and kisses me. It's a slow, soft, sexual, comforting kiss.

Dustin whispers in my ear, "You are so beautiful."

My eyes open for the first time. His hand is roaming down my side, eventually resting on my hip. He gives me a few more short quick kisses. "Did you even know you're submissive?"

My head shakes a quick no.

"I need words, girl. And full sentences. YES or NO is not enough." He's got that commanding voice again. His shirt is brushing against my nipples. That's an extra point of stimulation I don't need distracting me right now.

"No, I don't consider myself submissive."

"Then why are you here? Naked and alone. Why didn't you run away, back to your safe, boring little world?" His hand is sliding along my stomach, higher and higher, until his hand is cupping my breast. His thumb is brushing across my nipple.

"I don't know." I see his eyes and I know he won't accept that answer. "I was just curious. I keep remembering that woman, bent over the chair. That man whipping her with the cat thing." I hear his soft laughter. It actually scares me that I might have said something stupid. I have to ask. I have to know. "Are you going to hurt me?"

Dustin gets a sad look in his eyes. He nods his head. "Yeah. I'm going to see how much you can endure. I need to explore your limits, and seeing as you have no idea what they are, I'll have to push until you can't take it anymore. It's in my nature. It's what I do, and I do it well." He can see the fear and uncertainty in me. He lays a soft kiss on my shoulder. "Don't worry too much. I know what I'm doing. You'll have no permanent marks. I'll only take you as far as you can handle. And when this is over, you'll be safely back in your home by Monday."

"Monday? I can't stay here till Monday." It's Friday! I need to go grocery shopping. I inhale sharply, my body leaning forward involuntarily as he grasps a nipple between his fingers and pinches. He pinches hard. His head is leaning into my shoulder as I lean against him. My hands fly up to try and stop the pain. "Get your hands off me, girl."

I take my hands off him, but they hover there. "Please. Please stop. Please stop."

The pain diminishes. I feel heat radiating through my whole breast. I'm panting and Dustin is still holding me. "I told you to watch your tone of voice. I will punish bad behavior." A little spark of anger grows in me. What the fuck was that? He sees the change in my eyes. He sees the fire in them.

"How's your pussy, girl? I can smell you from here. Show me. Show me how much you really loved that." Dustin stands back from me and waits. I hate that. He's an asshole. He knows I'm going to do whatever he says. The only one who hasn't figured that out yet is me.

My fire sputters out. I knew the instant he mentioned it that my pussy was wet. I can feel it. My eyes close again as I slip my hand between my thighs. I'm soaking wet. My fingers slide easily along my slit. "All the way in, girl. I want to taste you."

My fingers slide inside my pussy. I can't believe how wet I am. I can't believe how wet HE made me. I pull them out and lift them, slick and wet, offering them to the shadow man.

"Use your words, girl. Beg me to taste you."

My face burns with humiliation. My words are barely audible. "Please, will you taste me?" I peek, checking his face to see if that was good enough.

"Taste what? I didn't quite hear you. You're going to have to speak louder." He's mocking me.

My eyes close, again I seek refuge in the darkness. I take a breath and will my voice to be strong, when I feel so very weak. "Please, will you taste my pussy?"

I feel his hand on my wrist, pulling my hand towards him. His mouth feels warm as he tastes my fingers, his tongue flicking over my skin. A low moan comes from deep in his chest, as Dustin slowly pulled my fingers out. "Delicious. Tangy and sweet. That little taste you gave me yesterday made me want the real thing. And now I want more." He scoops an arm behind my back and pulls me into him for a kiss. I can taste myself on his lips. His body is pressing against my naked flesh, grinding into me.

Eventually he pulls away, he has a feral look in his eyes, and I know I'm lost. He leaves me standing there as he goes to a large cabinet along one of the walls. He turns and walks back to me carrying four black tubes. He stops directly in front of me, smiling as he caresses my face. It's never good when he's smiling.

Dustin sinks down and his hand slides up and down my legs, goose bumps forming in its wake. Dustin puts the black things down and opens one. It's a cuff, like the woman on the stage had on. I stand there silently and passively as he affixes one cuff to each ankle, then stands and does the same to my wrists. I get another quick kiss before he turns and walks away again.

He goes to the wall and starts pushing something toward me. It looks like a padded saw horse. It's about three feet high and three feet long. He stops it in the center on the room, checking the position of the cameras. He comes back to me, taking my hand, and leading me to the end of the thing. He stands behind me and puts slight pressure on my back. I lean forward over the saw horse, as Dustin moves to each side and locks my wrists to the wooden legs. He then tries to secure my ankles to the other end. I hear him growl as something is not right. I watch as he goes back to the cabinet and returns.

"You're legs are a bit longer than most, so we're going to have to improvise." He proudly shows me two iron pegs; like I'm supposed to know what that means. He starts screwing one of the pegs into a hole near my hands in the saw horse. When he's done he pulls my legs forward and secures my ankle cuff to the peg. He does the same to the other side. My hands are stretched near the ground in the front of the saw horse, and my feet are just slightly behind my hands and a few inches off the floor.

He stands and runs his hands over my body; my legs, my ass, along my back and neck, everywhere. He leaves me there and goes back to the alcove where the electronic equipment is. He comes back a few seconds later. Kneeling down so he's face-level with me, he pulls my hair away from my ear and puts a Bluetooth device on me, then he puts one on himself.

"There, that's better, isn't it?" He lifts me chin with a finger, forcing me to look at him. "This is called a Whipping Bench. Can you guess what it's for?"

"For whipping people?" It comes out as more of a question in my scared little voice.

He leans in and kisses my forehead, then turns my head to the side. He points to one of the little red blinking lights in the wall. "Do you see that light?" I nod my head. He stands up quickly and pain flares through my ass. Did he just spank me? He kneels down again in front of me. "I said full sentences, girl. Do you see the light?"

"Yes, I see the light."

"Good, I want you to keep looking at that light. I want your face in that camera at all times. Do you understand?

"Yes, you want me to keep looking at that light, that camera." I turn my head back to him. I know he might be angry, but I have to see him again. I have to. He doesn't seem mad; instead he runs his hand over my face and kisses me again on the forehead. "I'm scared." It's not a plea for him to stop. It's not expected to change what he's going to do. It's just a fact.

"I know. I can feel the fear pouring off you. It excites me. You have absolutely no idea how submissive you are, or how much pain you can endure. Just listen to your body, your body knows what it wants. If it ever becomes too much, or it no longer excites you, we can stop. You won't know what you want, what you need, until you try it." He pauses for a bit, looking at me, seeing if I understand. "Just don't scream, it annoys me."

I turn my face back to the camera, and Dustin wipes the hair out of my face. He moves behind me and without hesitating, he starts spanking my ass. It starts out slow, more shocking than painful. Occasionally he runs his hands over my ass, feeling the heat. The pace increases; left, right, left, left, right, left, right. My breath is coming in short gasps when I'm not whining in pain. I try to move away, but the bindings hold me tight. It's only when I try pulling against the restraints, when I try breaking them that he stops. His hands are running over my body, feeling my taut muscles. Dustin presses himself against my ass. The silky material of his pants feels rough against my red, tingling skin.

"So sexy. So strong. Keep trying, girl. You aren't going anywhere till I'm through with you." He stays behind me for a few minutes; his touching actually becomes comforting after a while. I lay there, catching my breath, feeling his hands and the rhythm of the movement.

Soon he leaves me and goes to a cabinet. I can't see him, but I can hear it opening. I want to see what he's doing, but something deep inside me tells me that would be bad. So I wait, watching the little red blinking light. He comes back and drops stuff onto the floor in front of me, right where I can see them. One after another, he drops whips onto the floor. Whips! These don't look like the kinds in the adult stores either, these look serious.

The first is about four feet long with a single tail. The second is a little shorter but with a thicker handle, again with a single tail, except there are tufts at the end. The third is shorter yet, only about two and a half feet long, and I recognize it immediately. It's the Cat O Nine Tails that was used on stage. The multiple tails twining around it like Medusa's snakes. The fourth is a length of bamboo with leather wrapped around one end for the handle. The last one is about three feet long with a thick leather handle. The tails on this one are stiff and easily twice as thick as any of the others. Instead of twining around the handle like snakes, these stick out like spears from the handle.

No no no no no I struggle to break the binds holding me down. I was just curious! He can't be serious, can he? Dustin lowers himself to eye level again, he's enjoying my struggle. He pulls the hair out of my face again. "Do you like my toys? I thought we could try a bunch of different implements, and see which ones make you the wettest."

He points to each whip and starts describing them to me. The first is a Signal Whip and it's very accurate. He says he can make a nice pattern across my skin with it. The second is a Galley Whip, almost the same as the Signal Whip, except the flogger at the end makes it hurt more. He's betting the third will make me the wettest, as I've already seen that one in action. The fourth and fifth he won't use unless I prove myself first. Apparently I have to beg him before he'll beat me with those. Fat chance of that! One is a rattan cane and the other is the flogger of Latigo leather. The thick hide makes for an especially painful lashing.

He picks up the first whip and holds it up for me to see. "What is this called, girl?"

I really wasn't ready for a pop quiz. It takes me a moment to remember the name. "It's a signal whip." I mentally go through the other four whips. The cat and the cane I can remember, the other two I repeat the names a few times to myself.

"Good girl." The compliment sends a shiver through me, how can he do that? Dustin slowly stands and moves behind me. I flinch when he runs his hands over my back. I hear him chuckling. "You'll know when this is coming, girl. I guarantee it."

I hear a loud whistle-type noise then a large CRACK right next to my ear. My body jumps, trembling, as my wide eyes seek out the sound. The whip is there; tail dangling from the handle in Dustin's hand. I can't believe I'm doing this; that I'm letting him do this. My pussy is dripping wet and a small confused part of me is eager to feel the first sting of the leather. I must be crazy.

I hear the whistle again, only this time pain sears from my shoulder down my back. My breath catches in my throat, as I silently strain against the bonds. The pain quickly dies down to a burning sensation and I gasp for breath, my whole body shaking, trapped on the whipping bench.

Dustin runs his hand down on my back, watching the mark form. A thin red line starting at my shoulder and ending in the middle of my back. He can feel my muscles straining, he can hear my short ragged breaths. "So sexy. See, that wasn't so bad. More bark than bite. You did wonderfully." Now that it's over, it was more shocking than painful. It hurt, yeah, but not as much as I thought it would. His calm, confident voice again. "Do you want more, girl?"

After a few calming breaths, I know the answer. I need more. I need to see what this is. I give him the only answer I can: "Yes." Dustin instantly reaches under me and grabs my nipple. He pulls it and pinches it hard. It takes a moment to think through the pain, but I know why he did it. I automatically try to twist away, but I'm held tight. I try to scream through clenched teeth: "Full sentences. Full sentences."

Dustin releases my nipple, and slowly runs the leather from the whip over my back. Gasping for breath, I try to form a complete sentence. "Please, do it again." He reaches under me again, grabbing the same nipple, but he doesn't pinch it this time. Desperately I squeak out before he hurts me again: "Please, whip me again. I want you to use the whip on me. Please."

He pats me on the ass a few times. "You are going to learn to speak to me properly before the night is done. Ready? Here we go." His voice is chipper, as he positions himself behind me again.

The whipping is slow, almost casual. He never hits the same spot twice, although it feels like he hits every inch of my back. There are a few seconds before each stroke, it becomes almost rhythmic. I can hear myself grunting or moaning or whining, but it seems like it's coming from someone else. My mind gets lost in the feelings: the loss of control, the red blinking light, the inability to move, the whistle-CRACK-pain combination, the sweat trickling down my spine, the puddle forming between my legs.

Suddenly the lashes stop and something grey lands on the floor in my field of vision. I don't recognize it until the black pants join the grey shirt on the floor. Dustin steps into me and I can feel his cock pressing against my skin. His fingers easily slipping into my pussy, opening me up. He places his cock at my entrance, and without a word slams himself deep inside me.


She's absolutely delicious. Hasn't screamed. Hasn't begged. She's been groaning and hissing, which is heavenly. From the first stroke, her pussy has had a steady stream of dew dripping out of it. She hasn't said "No" or "Stop". I kept my strokes slow and even, and she adjusted surprisingly quickly. I made a perfect sunburst pattern on her back with the whip. That's more than most can handle. The thin red welts show up beautifully on her pale white back. Watching the tremors flow through her helpless body made me harder than I've been in a long time. The silent tears falling to the floor are priceless. I planned to push her more before fucking her, but I have to have her now. I can push her after.

Smiling as I imagine what she'll look and sound like under the Cat or the Cane, I strip off my clothes. I'm fucking her. I'm fucking her now. I see her body tense up as she sees my clothes pile up on the floor in front of her. She still doesn't move her head, doesn't try to look back at me. So fucking submissive.

I step behind her, and immediately my cock feels the heat pouring off her. I have to have her. I slip my fingers inside her, she's so tight. Opening her folds, I slam my cock inside her. My cock is in heaven, hot and slick heaven. She's so tight I only got about half way in, but that'll change quickly. Her loud groan is still sounding when I pull all the way out and slam back inside her. I'm almost there; another inch or two. Her groan raises a few octaves and I feel her pussy clamping down on me. Like that will keep me out.

Pulling out again, I grab a handful of tangled red hair, pulling her head back hard, I slam into her again. All sound from her stops. Her body goes rigid, every muscle hard and tight. I watch, fascinated at the muscles in her back straining under the sunburst pattern I made there. Then I feel it. She's cumming! Her pussy is pulsating along my shaft, cum is dripping down her legs. My breathing almost stops. The feeling of her tight cunt milking my rock hard cock is almost enough to make me blow my load right then and there. Absolute ecstasy is stroking my already very large ego. My new-found submissive is a pain slut! She came in only three thrusts after her first whipping. No one does that except a pain slut.

I pull out and start fucking her hard and fast. I need to own this pussy. I don't last long. She has a few more aftershocks that push me over the edge. Pulling her head back again, I rasp out "Are you on birth control?" I wait a few seconds, and when she doesn't answer I shake her head a few times. My voice is stronger this time. "Are you on birth control?"

"Yes. Yes. I won't get pregnant. You can cum in me."


I'm cumming almost instantly. I have no control of my body, not like I had a lot of control lately anyway. My breath catches in my lungs. My mouth opens, but not a sound comes out. My body explodes as that huge, hard cock pounds into my pussy. Everything goes white.

I start panting as my orgasm subsides, trying to suck in enough oxygen. My body jolts against the whipping bench as Dustin keeps slamming his cock into me. In no time at all, my core starts to tingle as I can feel my body start to cum again. Not anywhere near as strong as the first one, thankfully. I don't think I would survive that.

After a few minutes my head gets jerked back by the hair. I hear something, but I'm not thinking to clearly right now. I don't know... My head gets shaken side to side. "Are you on birth control?" It's that command voice again, damn that goes right through me. On instinct, I answer the voice. I know what it wants. "Yes. Yes. I won't get pregnant. You can cum in me."

The impacts roll through my whole body as Dustin pounds even harder into my pussy. One hand is still grasping my hair, the other digging painfully into my hips. I can barely move, but I realize I can move just a little bit. I start lifting my hips to meet his powerful thrusts, and I instantly hear a groan from behind me. "Good girl." I start squeezing my pussy around his cock as my hips rise up to meet each thrust.

It doesn't take long before Dustin slams into me and I feel his cock pulsating deep inside. Hot cum splashes into my cunt. He's rocking back and forth as he cums, filling me with his seed. When he's done, he lays down on my back, his cock slowly softening inside me. After a few minutes his cock slips out. He pushes up against my back, his cool air searing into the lash marks on my back. His voice is soft; I have to strain to hear him. "I know what you are." Without another word, he lifts himself completely off me with a grunt, pats my ass a few times, and walks out of the room. I lay there, staring at the little red blinking lights. They look blurry through my tears.


OK, that's part 2, now you gotta wait some more. :-)

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Hornyhusband2017Hornyhusband2017almost 5 years ago

I love it. Cant wait to read the next part. Better to wait til after work so I'm not so worked up and hard and horny at work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Emotional Snuff Film

Dustin is a predator, nothing more, and 100% useless. The guitar is a meaningless distraction from this American Psycho ripoff.

4u2own4u2ownalmost 8 years ago

This is a great story

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 9 years ago
Can't wait . . .

to see how this plays out. It's all wrong but oh, so smokin' hot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
pain slut

this is not something that should happen irl, unless it's just a scene being played out that had been agreed to previously, but holy hell this is getting hot. i want to be her so badly, to feel his whips play across my skin. to feel submissive and owned

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