Just Curious Ch. 01


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I look at him, trying to figure out if he's joking, but he's just looking where he's guiding me. I never considered myself beautiful. Attractive, maybe; cute, maybe; but not beautiful.

Just before we get to the door that the bouncer opens, there is a large archway. Through the archway there is a hallway that leads behind the bar area. There are several doors along one side of the hallway, and four smaller archways on the other side.

"Do you want to 'powder your nose', or do you actually have to go?" he asks as he stops us just inside of the archway.

"Why?" I'm confused by the question.

He has that cocky grin on his face again. "Well, we have a powder room..." and he leads us through the closest archway. It's a long room with mirrors, and sinks, toiletries, and even a few bathrobes hanging on hooks. There are three women in this room, they didn't expect to see the shadow man in here, but they're not doing anything to kick him out.

"No, I actually have to go." The shadow man leads me through the long room and out another archway. He leads me across the hall to the side with all the doors. He opens one and holds it, waiting for me to enter. It's the first time he has let me go since guiding me from my table. I slowly walk into an ornate bathroom. It has pewter fixtures, dark marble countertops, a floor to ceiling mirror, and enough room for six people to stand in comfortably.

Natures call gets priority. When I'm done with that I'm standing in front of the sink, staring at myself in the mirror. Beautiful, did he really call me beautiful? What did he mean by that? I unwrap one of the plastic cups to get myself a drink of water. Rehydration is the key to avoiding hangovers...I hope.

The first thing that gets my attention is the fact that the music gets perceptively louder. Looking in the mirror, I see the door closing and the shadow man in the bathroom, in MY bathroom.

"You can't be in here!" Turning to face him, not sure what's going on.

"Why not?" Cool, calm, charismatic. He looks completely comfortable in my bathroom.

I'm flustered now; I'm not sure I know how to answer that. "Because it's a lady's room."

His smile returns. "No, it's not. Anyone, of any sex, can use any bathroom."

"Umm..." Yeah, nothing is coming to mind.

"I was just checking up on you. You were looking a bit 'green' when you entered. I thought you might be sick."

"I'm fine." My answer is hesitant, unsure.

"You are. You really, really are." He steps closer to me, and slowly reaches his hand up to my face. I try to back away, but I'm already up against the sink. I can feel the heat from his palm as he slowly brushes my temple, sliding his fingers down through my hair.

I stand there, frozen. I try to stare at the shadow man, but my eyes keep darting around. Why can't I maintain eye contact; why don't I tell him to stop?

The silence is too much to handle. I blurt out the first thing that pops into my head; "What's your name?"

He doesn't respond right away, he's still focused on my red hair. Eventually he looks me right in the eyes. I try to match his stare, but I fold, and my eyes drop to his shoulder. I feel his hand under my chin, lifting my face. My blue eyes meet his caramel eyes. "Dustin. My name is Dustin and I own this club." He smiles again. "And technically, I own this bathroom."

The next thing I know is that he tilts my head down, and he's kissing me. His warm soft lips pressed against mine. I feel his tongue sliding along my lips, pressing to be let in. I don't know why, but I let him. As soon as I do that, he takes full control.

I feel his hand in my hair; his grip tightens enough to start to hurt. His mouth owns mine. Exploring everywhere and anywhere he wants. I realize my hands are resting on his waist. I'm confused because I don't remember doing that.

He breaks the kiss and watches me struggle with my feelings. My breathing eventually starts to return to normal, and I remember I'm still holding on to his waist. I swiftly pull my hands off him and cross them over my chest, in some hopeless semblance of protection. Instantly he takes me by my wrists and pulls them to my sides, making me feel exposed all over again. He steps into me, pressing himself fully against me. His eyes catch mine again, before he leans in, whispering in my ear; "You really are fine. So beautiful. So delightful. So sensual. " He steps away from me, breaking all contact, except for our eyes. "So submissive."

I'm not submissive, am I? I've never done anything like that before. I've never let some strange, slightly scary guy kiss me like that. I'm over 6 feet tall, I can't be submissive. I watch as he backs up and opens the door. Then he waits, just waits. He doesn't say anything, or do anything, or motion for me to leave. He just waits.

I walk toward him, toward the door. He takes me by the arm again and starts guiding me out of the bathroom, out of the hallway and back to my table. He doesn't speak a word, or even look at me. It's disconcerting how he can go from complete control one minute to basically ignoring me the next.

I'm too drunk to deal with this right now. I just focus on the table, my friends, getting closer and closer. The shadow man, Dustin, leads me to my table, pulls out my chair, and pushes it in for me when I'm seated. He goes over and says a few words to Jared, then leaves. He just leaves. I try to sort through what just happened, and I realize that all eyes are on me. Jared, Dan and Brian are just staring are me.

Dan goes first, direct and to the point as always. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, of course. I just went to the bathroom." I really don't like lying to Dan, but I'm so confused right now. I'm not even sure what just happened.

Brian goes next. Even though he's not my brother, he's in full-blown big brother mode. "Did he touch you? Are you really OK? What happened? Don't you dare leave anything out!"

"I'm fine. I went to the bathroom, splashed some water on my face, and came back to the table. That's it. There's only one thing..."

Everyone waits, staring at me. I look each of them in the eye. "Why the hell is my margarita glass empty?" There's a few seconds of silence, before everyone breaks out laughing. The banter starts again and Dan and Brian decide to try their luck with a few ladies at the bar while getting a round of drinks.

Jared looks at me after they leave. It's only a few moments, but it seems like forever. "Are you submissive? I've got a pretty good idea what to look for, and I've never seen it in you before. But Dustin Durant is very particular. He wouldn't be sniffing around this table if there wasn't prey here."

"You make it sounds like he's an animal. Nothing happened. I'm fine. You're overreacting."

Jared doesn't look convinced. "Just be careful, OK? Dustin is not like any man you've ever met before. He is very good at what he does. He enjoys all aspects of dominance." He got the last word in, so Jared lets it drop. Soon the defeated boys return with our drinks and the party starts over again.

An hour or two later, the lights start to flicker again. There's been no sign of the shadow man since he left. As I watch all the people start to settle in and shift their chairs to get a better view of the stage, I hear his voice again. He's talking to Jared, right behind me. I hear the chair slide out, and I know he's sitting there, but I don't turn around. I don't know why I don't. Maybe because I'm a chicken. Maybe because I'm confused. Maybe because I'm hurt that he just left before.

The lights dim, and the talking in the hall dwindles down to almost nothing. The stage lights up and there is some kind of frame on the stage. It has triangles on the sides and one bar across the top connecting them. There are chains hanging down from the cross bar. There is also what looks like a crate off to the side of the frame.

A black man and woman step onto the stage. The man is wearing a black silky looking robe and the woman a dark red one. He holds her for a bit, caressing her face. He's talking to her, but we can't hear. The woman nods her head and smiles up at him. The man starts to remove her robe. He tosses it off to the side. She's naked, except for what look like red cuffs around her wrists and ankles. The man caresses her body; her face, her breasts, down her stomach. He reaches between her legs, and I know from her reaction that he's touching her clit. I watch her body start to sway.

I look behind me, I can't help it. I have to know that he's there. He is. He's watching me again. Turning back to the stage, I see the man guiding the woman to the crate. He lays her on it, so the audience can see her profile. The man stands between her legs at the edge of the crate. One of her legs is behind him, the other he lifts straight up and holds it there. He pulls something out of his pocket with his free hand. The something is neon pink, and about twice as long as the palm of his hands. I blush when I recognize that the thing is a vibrator. I glance back at the shadow man; he's smiling as he watches me. Damn, that's annoying. Why is he always smiling?

I glance over, and Jared is watching me also. I can see the concern on his face. I quickly turn back to the stage. The man is running the vibrator between the woman's legs. Nothing is left to the imagination. Her legs are spread wide, her hands are pressed against the top of the crate, and her breasts are rising and falling with every breath.

The man starts the work the vibrator inside her pussy, slowly pressing it in, then just as slowly pulling it out. The woman tries to stay as still as she can, but she slips every once in a while and raises her hips to meet him. That only makes the man pull out the vibe; denying her, torturing her. I can hear her whimper from this distance; they are now wearing small Bluetooth microphones.

The man works her for a while, making her squirm and moan. Finally he pulls the vibrator out and brushes it against her lips. Without any instruction, the woman starts licking the vibe like a cat. He puts the vibe sideways into her mouth, and she holds it there. When the man speaks, his voice is deep and masculine. Damn, again it's the voice that gets me. I can feel my panties getting wet again.

"I think you're ready, pet. Time to play" He helps her up off the crate and walks her to the frame. She keeps the neon pink vibe in her mouth and passively lets him attach her wrist cuffs to the chains hanging from the cross bar. Then the man bends over and attaches chains to the cuffs on her ankles. She's spread eagle, naked, holding a gaudy pink sex toy in her mouth, in front of a room full of strangers. I'm starting to fidget. My pussy is tingling. I don't want to watch, but I can't help it.

I look behind me, Dustin is still watching me. "What's going to happen?"

"Patience, girl, the build-up to an orgasm is half the fun." His voice is deep and soothing almost.

"But what's going to happen?"

"I told you to be patient. Now watch." The command in his voice was unmistakable. It strikes right into my core. I can feel my pussy almost spasm when he speaks like that. What the hell is wrong with me tonight?

I turn back to the stage. The man is working the vibrator back inside the woman's pussy. He gets it all the way in and releases it. "Hold it pet. Don't let it slip out."

"I won't, sir."

There is a small chain dangling between the woman's legs. I don't think that was there before. The man kneels down at her side, stroking her calves and thighs. He again reaches into a pocket in his robe.

Looking up at the exposed woman, he tugs on the chain a few times. "Good girl, little pet. Are you ready?"

"Yes sir, I am ready."

The man takes something from his hand and attaches it to the chain. It's dark, maybe black, and is about the size of a tennis ball. I look back at the shadow man, he's watching the show. It's dark, but I can see the smirk on his face. He knows what that thing is.

"What is that?" I can't help but ask. My curiosity is peaking.

"You mean 'What are those?'" He nods his head to the stage.

I look again and the man has another ball clipped to the chain, and it looks like he's adding a third one. The woman's face is set; like she's concentrating hard on something.

I quickly turn back to the shadow man; I can't remember to call him Dustin. "What are those?"

"If I'm not mistaken, and I rarely am, those are one pound weights. Raclynn has to clamp down on the vibe to keep it in her pussy. The more weight that is added, the harder she has to work to keep it inside."

I glance back to the stage. The man is walking around the helpless woman, stroking her.

"What happens if she drops it?" For some reason I have to know.

"That depends on her owner. She could be deprived of orgasm for a certain amount of time. She could lose some of the privileges she has earned in JaMichaels home, or she could be physically punished; something like what Sherri received earlier this evening."


"Raclynn is a pet. She is owned by JaMichael. He keeps her safe, warm, and cares for her. She allows herself to be owned and is trained by him. Both are kept happy with each other."

"Owner! Is that even legal?" I've heard of this, but just in stories. I don't think I ever really believed that someone would do that in real life. This evening is getting surreal. Not sure what else to do, I turn back toward the stage.

The woman is still there, clamping down on the vibrator inside her, three large one pound weights hanging between her legs. The man pulls something out of his pocket before dropping his robe onto the crate. I watch, fascinated and to be honest, slightly repulsed, as he squirts gel into his hand and rubs it all along his cock. He's hard, and I focus on his long dark cock until he steps behind the woman, his large hands wrapping around her waist.

"Don't disappoint me, pet. It would be bad for you." He whispers as he nibbles on her ear.

"I won't, sir. I promise." She's trembling a bit now. I'm not sure if it's due to lust, anticipation, or the struggle to keep the vibe inside her. My pussy is soaking now.

The reaction on her face is the first thing I notice. Her eyes close, and her mouth opens in something like a snarl. Her hips are forced forward, and her arms are stretched against the chains. I lean forward, trying to see between her legs, the vibe is still there, the three balls swaying beneath her.

I turn around. The shadow mans eyes flash to mine. "He's fucking her ass? And she's supposed to keep the vibe inside her?"

He nods yes; it's barely perceptible in the darkness. "Just imagine all the practice sessions. Imagine all the months they've been preparing for this night."

I didn't even think of that. I glance at Jared, and he's watching the show. Dan and Brian are oblivious to anything but the stage. Dan has his hand over his crotch; Brian has his cock out and is actively stroking it.

The man on stage is using slow steady strokes to fuck her ass. The woman's eyes are closed; the neon pick of the vibe is starting to poke out of her wet, pink pussy. Part of me hopes she can hold it in the whole time, but another part wants to see what happens if she drops it.

Slowly his pace starts to speed up. The sounds are echoing through the hall: the slaps of skin against skin; the metallic rustle of the chains, the lustful deep masculine groans, the higher pitched moans and whimpers. My pussy is demanding attention. Damn, why did I wear a dress tonight? I start rubbing my pussy, the dampness seeping through my dress.

The neon vibe is showing almost 2-3 inches now. The woman has tears running down her face. The man pace has increased to pounding, erratic. He's close, everyone knows it. His shout rings out as he slams one last time into the woman, his pet.

The hall is completely quiet. He waits a few seconds before pulling out of her ass. His breathing is ragged as he steps to her side. "You did very good, pet. I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you, sir." I can hear the strain in her voice. Her body is shaking.

"You can drop the vibe now, little pet." There are several thuds as the three balls and the vibe drop to the floor. Her thighs are slick with moisture, and his cum is running down the inside of one of her thighs.

The hall erupts in applause and shouts and whistles. The woman is slumped in her chains, exhaustion draped over her body. The man unchains her and carefully carries her off the stage. The lights come on again, and the sounds of conversations start. I reluctantly pull my hand away from my pussy, and turn my chair around. Dustin is still there, watching me.

"Do you have to keep staring at me?" I'm a combination of horny, annoyed, drunk, tired, and embarrassed. I'm getting defensive.

His eyes narrow, and his head tilts down; he stands up. Walking around the table, he grabs me by the hair. "Be very careful with your tone of voice, girl. It will get you in a lot of trouble." I hear Dan and Brian jumping up, defending me. The shadow man, Dustin, let's go, but keeps staring at me, towering over me, ignoring the boys. He takes my hand and pops my fingers in his mouth. I'm too shocked to move. I think he's going to bite me. I just stare up at him, immobile. His tongue starts working over my fingers, before I realize that was the hand rubbing my pussy during the show. He was behind me, how the hell did he know that? I quickly pull my fingers out of his mouth, and a cocky smile crosses his face, before he silently turns and walks away. Dan and Brian are there behind me, asking if I'm OK. God, I'm starting to hate that question! At this point, I just want to go home.

"I just want to go home."

Dan and Brian will drive me home. Dan has been drinking Pepsi for the last three hours. The ride home is eerily quiet. The boys asked a bunch of questions at first, and I didn't answer any of them, so they stopped asking. When we get to my place they each give me a big hug. Brian apologizes for making me go to that club; he's the one who begged Jared to take us there. I just hug them both and head into my apartment. It's been a long month, a long week, and an even longer night. I need some sleep.

(This turned out to be a long story, over 60 MS Word pages, so I broke it into 4 parts. I'll post one part every Sunday for your reading pleasure.

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redhotsantosredhotsantos9 months ago

Fabulous, sexy story!

Hornyhusband2017Hornyhusband2017almost 5 years ago

This one had my attention almost from the start. I can't wait to read the rest of the story. Great job on the beginning. Bdsm lifestyle definitely makes playtime way more fun.

nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 9 years ago
If it's not your kink . . .

then just move on. Each to their own kink. I love it & I'm neither a sadist nor a stroker. More please!

lioness_71lioness_71about 10 years agoAuthor
Ch. 02

Chapter 2 is simple title "Just Curious". I sent a bug report to get it renamed "Just Curious Ch. 02". Hopefully they'll get it in the right order soon.

Ch. 03 was also posted today, so that will be out sometime around Wednesday.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Part 2

Am loving reading this story however it's been over a week and can't find chaper 2 have you posted this yet

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