Just Curious Ch. 04


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"She's just tired. She had a hard day on Friday." Dustin's excuse is pathetic, even he knows it.

"She stopped begging. When I asked her why, she said it wouldn't matter anyway, so why bother. Dustin, do you have any idea why she thought it wouldn't matter? Do you?"

Dustin just stares at him, not quite sure where this is going, but not wanting to commit himself to anything unnecessarily. Harper stares back before picking up the remote and turning on the three TV's behind the bar.

There's a red-headed woman strapped to a bench. One TV has a side view of her long legs bent and pulled foreword, securing her to the bench. The second TV has a wide shot of the girl and the room. On the third TV, the girl is blankly staring at the camera, waiting.

The door opens and Dustin walks in. The girl hears the door open, but can't see who's behind her. So she waits. Dustin walks up to her before she finally speaks. "Hello. Is someone there?"

"Shhhh girl." Dustin places his hand on her ass, admiring his handiwork. He gently strokes the sunburst pattern he put on her back. The girl hisses and squeezes her eyes shut as he touches the more tender spots.

"Can I go home now?" A moment passes as Dustin remains motionless.

"No. I'm not done with you yet." He watches, fascinated, as a shiver rolls across her body.

Harper hits the pause button and turns back to his boss. "She asked to go home! Why is she still here, Dustin? Why?

Dustin just stares at Harper; there is nothing he can say. There are rules in this house that no one is allowed to break, and he knows he has broken several of them in the last 24 hours. He just had to see how far she could go. He had to.

Harper starts in again. He's demanding answers. "Why is she still here? Did she recant? You know I'll confirm it on the video before I let you go up there, so don't even think of lying to me?"

"I don't lie!"

"Any other day, I'd agree with you, but I don't know what you're capable of today. Why is she still here? She asked to go home. Why is she still here?" Harper won't back down. Something is seriously wrong with Dustin. He has never harmed a submissive this way before.

"I couldn't let her go. I just...couldn't." Dustin never acts like this. He always knows what he's doing, why he's doing it, and when to stop. Now he just seems lost. As lost as the girl hanging from chains upstairs.

The two men stare at each other, both trying to figure out what to do next. Harper speaks first. "I'm taking her home. I'm taking her home right now."

For a split second a look of panic flashes across Dustin face. "No, she's mine!"

"Right now I wouldn't trust you with a loaf of bread, much less a human being. I'm taking her home, Dustin. She asked to go home. Don't screw this up any more than you already have."

"You can't. Please, just let me talk to her." Harper can see how much those simple words affect his friend.

For several long minutes, both men continue to stare at each other, neither able to back down. Harper is still trying to wrap his brain around the fact that Dustin just begged him for something; begged. Even after everything that has gone wrong today, he never expected that.

Both men jump as a loud pounding sound comes from out of nowhere, but neither breaks eye contact. After a few moments the pounding continues. At the same time, Harper turns to answer the door and Dustin pulls out his phone to check the security cameras. The short list of people who would be pounding on the door gets a lot shorter as Harper hears a very loud and surprisingly creative slew of curses leave Dustin's mouth.


I just stand there with my feet spread wide apart. I tried putting some of the weight on my arms, but that actually hurt more than just standing. My back is pulled straight up, and all I want to do is curl into a ball to try and relieve the pressure in my gut. At least the pain in my ass (haha I made a funny) has diminished into a dull stretching sensation. I don't know how long I hang/stand there, maybe ten minutes so far. I've spent the better part of those long minutes trying to figure out how I feel. And I can honestly say; I have no idea. I'm completely blank inside.

It been another half an hour, and I've found my zen place again. I'm just waiting, and to be honest, there's not much else for me to do. My zen and my calm disappear instantly when I hear the elevator chime. Straining my ears, I hear footsteps approaching. It isn't until they enter the room that I realize there are two sets of footsteps. Dustin and Harper are both here. Crap! My calm is replaced by a deep feeling of helplessness, and the worst part is that it seems to be manifesting itself in my pussy. Why do I get wet and horny whenever that man walks into the same room as me? I feel like Pavlov's dog.

The footsteps stop behind me, and I wait for something to happen. I know they're back there, but nothing happens. Then I remember what I'm supposed to be doing. Am I supposed to wait, or just start immediately? Shit! I don't know.

"Please Dustin, I'm sorry. I'll never untie myself again. I swear. Please. I'm sorry." Now for the really hard part. "Please, please Dustin, fuck my ass. I'm yours. Yours to use. Yours to hurt. Yours to fuck. Use my mouth, my pussy, my ass. Anything. I'm your fucktoy. Please use my ass Dustin. Please."

I wait and I listen as a tremor courses through me. Is this really going to happen? Please don't let it hurt too much. It can't hurt any more than yesterday, right? After an eternity of silence, one pair of shoes starts walking again, I can hear it circling behind me and slowly coming around to the front. My heart stops.

An almost physical pain bursts into my chest. Worse than anything I felt yesterday. No. No. No, not this. Please anything but this. Please. Tears start flowing instantly. It's not Dustin. It's not even Harper. It's Jared, my boss. The man who's been like a father to me since I started working for him six years ago. I just want to die.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was just curious. Please, I didn't mean to. I just came to get my car. I needed my car. I couldn't help it. It just... everything just...happened. Please, I'm so sorry. Please, I just wanted to know what it was like. I was just curious." I can't talk anymore through the tears. My legs gave out on me somewhere in the last few seconds and I just hang there, crying uncontrollably. Jared hasn't said a word; he hasn't touched me; he hasn't helped me. He's just looking me over from head to foot. He sees every inch of me; every mark Dustin has put on me; the lines of cum dried on my face and chest; he's heard me beg; and he's seen the plug embedded in my ass. I just want to die.

Finally Dustin comes into my line of sight and he and Jared are both standing in front of me, ignoring me. This is so surreal. It's like a face-off. Both men are standing there; feet are shoulder width apart; arms resting at their sides, fingers curled and relaxed; backs straight; shoulders back; eyes fixed on each other and nothing else. This display goes on for several long moments before Jared speaks first.

"Release her bindings and bring me her clothes. I'm taking her home."

Dustin is not having any of it. "She's mine. She's here voluntarily and I'm not done with her yet."

"She's my responsibility. She's my employee. She's my friend. I'm the one who brought her here. I'm responsible for her and I'm going to take her out of here."

"She's mine. She " Jared won't hear anymore and interrupts. "Dustin! Look at her. She's had enough. Let her go. Now! I won't let you touch her again. Let her go or I'll call a council meeting and let the others decide." I'm not sure what that means, but it means something to Dustin.

Dustin is ready to fight for this girl, but then he remembers the video Harper showed him right before Jared started pounding on the door. Shit! He knows if that scene is played, he'll lose the girl anyway. Fuck! With one last look of disdain, Dustin starts releasing the girls' ankles, then her wrists. He and Jared guide her to the floor. He takes one last look at his girl and goes to get her clothes from the second floor audio/video room.

Jared holds the trembling girl. She looks and seems so different from the woman he works with that he can't see them as the same person. He can't believe the amount of markings on her pale flesh. Dustin worked her over good. He starts talking to her, letting her know she's OK and she's safe. Eventually he reaches behind her and strokes her ass a few times before pulling out the butt plug.

Dustin returns with her clothes and a white paper bag. The two men get the girl dressed and help her to the elevator and down to the main floor. Jared finds her car keys and puts her in the passenger seat of her own car before walking around to the driver's side. Dustin hands him the white bag and Jared eyes him suspiciously. "It's only ointment for her skin."

"That's an awfully lot of ointment. What else is in there?"

"Don't be so dramatic. It doesn't suit you, Jared. It's cooling cream, anti-scar gel, and Procto-Foam."

Jared is ready to blow when Dustin mentions the Procto-Foam. But he controls himself, barely. "Don't ever touch her again! Don't ever call her. Don't ever speak to her. You will have no contact what-so-ever with her. Do you understand?"

Dustin just glares at him. The nerve of the man giving him orders. It's bad enough he's losing his girl, but to be scolded like a dog. How can one day be so absolutely perfect, and then next one be total crap?

Jared won't back down. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Forced through gritted teeth.

"I'll be back after I get her settled. Don't go anywhere. I'm not done with you yet." Without waiting for an answer he climbs in the car, starts the engine and drives his friend home. Dustin watches helplessly as another man takes his girl away, he knows the painful truth is he'll never see her again.

The drive home is uneventful. Silent tears stream down her face as Jared takes her home. He helps her into her house and upstairs to her bedroom. He starts to undress her, and she balks at this, but a sharp word from him and she relents. When the hell did she become this submissive? Was she always like that and I just missed it? Or did Dustin bring this out of her? She lets him strip her and then he helps her into the shower. Jared wets a washcloth and starts cleaning her up. He has to scrub her face to get the dried cum off her face. She starts crying again, and he tells her it's OK, and that she's going to be all right.

After the shower, he checks the white paper bag, and applies the various substances all over her trembling body. She doesn't resist. She seems so broken. He helps her into bed and waits until she falls asleep. He leaves a note telling her he'll check on her later. He kisses her forehead, and heads downstairs to call a cab. He has to go make sure Dustin will never touch her again. While waiting for the cab to arrive, he checks the kitchen and finds it completely empty; not a scrap of food left. He'll have to bring some groceries when he comes back later tonight.

Jared checks up on her later in the evening. He has a huge headache after what turned out to be several intense hours dealing with Dustin. The man has gone completely off the deep end. He brings several bags of food and some Chinese for supper. He talks to her, answers her questions, and tries to reassure her. He gives her the next week off, saying he'll tell everyone it's the flu. After putting the groceries away, he settles her into bed, locks up the house, and heads home.


She spends the next few days in a fog. Her body is feeling stronger every day and her skin is healing up nicely. She can't help herself and looks at it in the bathroom mirror several times a day. Jared stops by twice a day to check up on her. She sleeps, showers, and watches TV. Eventually boredom takes a hold and she starts cleaning, small projects first; taking out the garbage, cleaning some dishes. Soon the small projects are done and she tackles something larger; laundry. She starts with the bedding, giving her time to sort through the dirty clothes.

She sorts the lights and the darks. When she gets to the clothes she wore on that day; the day everything changed, she pauses, running her hands over the fabric. She forces herself to put it down, trying to push down the memories flooding her brain. When she picks up the jeans she wore, she notices there are things in the pockets. She finds lip balm, cash and coupons in one pocket and in the other is a small card. She pulls it out and her heart stops. It's a business card; flat black with a glossy black whip snaking along the bottom. On top in bold metallic silver is a phone number; HIS phone number.

She turns it over. Blank, the other side is blank. There's nothing else on the card but the whip and the number. She presses it against her chest and drops to the floor. Now what? She closes her eyes, trying not to cry. Why? Why is this happening? She stares at the number again. What should I do? Her breathing is ragged. She presses the card against her breast and curls into a ball. This can't be happening. Please, don't let this be happening. Even when he's not in the room, the shadow man can still affect me to my core.

She clutches onto the card, his card, with one hand and her other hand slips between her legs. She hasn't masturbated since that day, partially because she was so sore, and partially because she was so scared. The memories and feelings come flooding back into her brain. She gets herself onto her knees, her fingers still dancing over her little nub. She feels the pain from the bruise on her clit, and she feels the pleasure her fingers are bringing her. Her thoughts are of the shadow man, the club, the whips and the pain. Her body is quivering with pent up pleasure.

She squeezes the black card tighter. "Please let me cum. Please. I'm yours. Please make me cum." She feels the first wave of orgasm wash over her, with her hand still working between her legs, she lets the wonderful energy flow throughout her body. She's rocking back and forth, curled into a little helpless ball on the floor; begging a memory for her release. What's wrong with me?

She continues to rock back and forth on the floor. She's crying again. She swore she was done with all the useless crying.

Out loud and to no one in particular she says: "I'm so lost. Please help me, I'm so lost."

The End

As I said before, there is a storyline where these two get back together and try to fix this mess, but that's still jumbling around in my head, and nowhere near ready to put to paper. So don't look for it anytime soon. All I can promise is eventually; hopefully.


I hope you enjoyed it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Miscategorized and Misguided

To paraphrase Tolkien, he who breaks a thing just to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.

This reads like a snuff tale.

naturalsub_13naturalsub_13about 9 years ago
Good story

while I see where anon is coming from I have to agree with Sweetness66 I do look forward to the next part.

Also loved the writing style but could use to be proofread better, found many grammatical errors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Your writing is good, but...

While the writing is good, and as fantasy for some the whole being raped and broken is not rare, this sort of shit being done by people who are supposed to know better is beyond sickening. I like reading well written stories outside of my comfort zone, because it's interesting to see different perspectives and kinks, and normally compartmentalizing it as "just a story" or "just fiction" is easy. This however got under my skin, and I hope Dustin has a slow, painful death, and Harper learns to never ever be such an absolute moron ever again. So, congrats for writing something that provoked such strong feelings and fear, I guess. I can't remember the last time I wanted to viciously harm a fictional character (or real person) this badly. Two wrongs don't make a right, but damn it would be satisfying to know he will never be capable of doing that shit ever again to anyone. ...Seriously, congratulations for making me care this much. It's not easy.

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 9 years ago
If Only . . .

Dustin hadn't lost his mind along with his control, then I could see them ending up together but he violated her in so many ways, the filming, third party, vaginal tears, isolation, & abandonment (just cause HE needed a break, aargh!).

I don't see possibility of ever really trusting him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I love the story! I hope she gets back with Dustin. Please keep writing

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