'Just' Jane Ch. 11


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"Oh...I did, I forgot about that."

"I can assure you she didn't." Poole laughed.

"Poole are there any other secrets you forgot to tell me?" I asked since he was in a good mood.

"Forgot to tell you?" No." Poole replied cryptically.

"But there are other secrets?" I cornered him.

"Jane there are always secrets." Poole sly dodged the question.

"Any I should know about?" I pressed further.

"I can think of one." Poole stood now.

"And you're not going to tell me, am I right?"

"Not my secret to tell." Poole smiled.

"Does it involve you or me?" I pried a bit further.

"Not directly." Poole smirked. "Jane when the time is right she'll tell you."

"So it's a woman's secret?"

Poole only smiled now and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Before he walked to the door to the hall way Poole stopped in the room to see me.

"Jane I want to be honest with you." Poole leaned over and kissed me softly.

"Ok." I stood near the bed.

"Tonight, it's not for Max, it's for me." Poole admitted.

For the first time maybe in my life I started to understand just how complex Poole really is.

"Tell Max goodnight. I'll wait here for Lela."

Poole stood in place and looked at me for a long moment. He looked at the door and then back at me. I wasn't sure Poole wanted to leave now.

"Goodnight Jane.

"Goodnight Timmy."

At first Poole was surprised I would be so bold but then he smiled. He opened the door and set the lock so it wouldn't close tight. A few minutes later Lela arrived in just panties and one of Max's dress shirts. She laughed as she pushed the door open looking both ways down the hall.

"Lela where are your clothes?" I asked laughing.

"Max is going to be so mad!" She closed the door and locked it.

Normally she would be right, but my guess is, right now Max had other things on his mind.

"You're such a bad little girl. Come over here so I can punish you." I laughed pointing my finger at Lela.

Lela laughed and ran into my arms. I hugged her tight and then kissed her firmly.

"Mama says I need to tell you everything." Lela announced out of nowhere.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Well not company stuff, just me stuff."

"Me stuff? What does that mean?"

"How I feel, if I'm mad, or if I'm sad. You know, my secrets." Lela explained. "She says I have to tell you even if I'm mad at you."

"I see...and how do you feel now?"

"I'm happy because mama told me you love me." Lela giggled. "I told her I love you."

Still in my arms Lela now wrapped me up and kissed me again. It was like we took a second to clear that up and came back to where we were. It was a perfect example of how spontaneous life with Lela was. I loved that part of her too.

"So what would you like to do now?" I caressed her face.

"Can we undress each other and watch cartoons?" Lela replied. "You can spend the night with Poole if you want."

Her eyes beamed in anticipation of my answer.

"I would rather spend the night with you Lela.

"Can we still watch cartoons?" She asked not certain of my answer.

"We can watch cartoons until we fall asleep." I gladly explained.

"And we can do it naked?" Lela remembered to ask.

"Maybe a bit later, I like this look on you. It's so sexy." I exaggerated. "You turn on the TV and I'll go freshen up."

As Lela turned on the TV I rummaged through my suit case. Next I went to the rack where Poole's shirts hung and grabbed one of them.

When I came out Lela was propped up on the bed watching the television. I followed her dark fit legs up where I found Max's shirt unbuttoned at the bottom. With her panties exposed Lela was looking intently at the TV.

"What are you watching Princess?" I asked leaning against the opening to the room.

Lela looked at me and back to the screen. When she didn't answer I thought something was wrong. If she was watching cartoons she didn't look happy. I walked into the room and looked at the screen

Two young girls, one white one black were naked and kissing. In the corner of the screen was a prompt to purchase the movie. Lela had found the x rated movie menu.

"I thought were going to watch cartoons?" I sat down beside her.

"Why can't I watch this?" Lela looked at me then the TV.

The teaser had ended demanding payment to continue. Lela pressed the review button and we watched the same brief scene.

"We can but we have to pay for it first." I explained.

"Oh." Lela replied disappointed.

She pressed the remote buttons until she found a cartoon. She sat down the remote and then turned to face me.

"Jane! We match." Lela looked down at her outfit and then mine.

"I thought you might like it." I said proudly.

"It's so sexy." Lela mimicked my earlier statement.

I reached over and undid her other buttons and then did the same to mine. I then reached inside the flap of the shirt and gripped her brown tit.

"Now we are for sure." I leaned in and kissed her.

So that's how we started our night together, Lela and I. After the first cartoon I re-positioned Lela between my legs so she could lean back against my chest. I'll admit it had been many years since I watched cartoons. With each episode lasting a half hour there was quite a variety.

Lela watched the silly shows intensely. While she did I focused my attention to her. Reaching around I gripped each breast lightly. Caressing but never teasing I stroked them softly. At the next commercial Lela craned her neck and offered me her lips. We kissed not sexually just softly.

"Are you enjoying this?" I whispered letting my hands fall to her sides.

Lela reached over with her hands and placed mine back on her tits. Stretching up to kiss me again, she was then drawn back to the resumption of the show. I slowly explored her torso with my hands always coming back to pleasure her breasts.

Lela cooed each time I did occasionally twisting to kiss me again. Remembering Penelope's words I avoided Lela's pussy so as not to make this sexual. I did however slip the shirt off one side exposing her brown shoulder. Occasionally I would kiss the base of her neck. Lela crooked her neck in response and giggle as I teased her.

Lela and I were kissing just as the third cartoon came on. She turned her attention to the screen for a moment but then turned to kiss me again. Again they were not really sexual in nature but the frequency was growing. Lela stopped kissing me but didn't turn to the TV.

"What is it Princess." I asked softly.

"Nothing Jane." Lela replied looking back to her cartoon.

Lela shifted between my legs scooching lower on my body. My hands drifted up and caressed her shoulders. Lela fidgeted constantly. At the first commercial Lela wiggled to one side and kissed my left breast.

It was the first sexual thing she did.

"Mmmmmmm." I cooed in response.

"Jane..." Lela looked up meekly.


"Never mind." Lela backtracked.

Lela turned and watched the TV again. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter. Lela twisted again slightly, her left shoulder between my breasts. Now as she watched TV Lela started caressing my thigh.

"Tell me Princess, tell me what you want." I asked at the next commercial.

Lela looked up at me nervously.

"Jane I have money." Lela replied cryptically.

"Ok, but why do you need money?" I asked confused.

Lela picked up the remote and changed the channel back to the x-rated offerings. The same two girls appeared on the screen kissing passionately.

"Lela are you telling me you want to watch the movie?" I responded caressing her face.

"Yes, but I don't have my money here." Lela explained in despair. "I could pay you back when we get home."

"Princess you don't need to pay me back, but are you sure you want to watch a movie like this?" I pulled her up to face me. "It could get pretty graphic."

"Graphic?" She asked confused.

Realizing I had spoken above her head I tried to think of another way to explain it.

"Lela they are going to show you everything. Sometimes up close."

"Everything?" Lela repeated.

"Sexual things, vagina's, boob's, maybe even butt's." I clarified. "They may even use toys." I laughed.

"Toys?" Lela's eyes brightened. "What kind of toys?"

"You'll have to wait and see." I teased her.

"Will you watch it with me?" Lela asked excitedly.

"Of course I will." I chuckled.

"Where do I pay? Can I borrow some clothes?" Lela looked down at her half naked body.

"You pay right here, they just charge it to the room." I happily explained.

"When does it come on again?" Thinking of movies at a cinema.

"It comes on when we push the buttons and buy it.''

"Can I go pee first?" Lela could hardly contain her excitement.


We both took turns using the bathroom before settling in the bed together. Sitting side by side with just panties on I agreed to accept the charges. The program Lela chose was really four short movies of different lesbian encounters. With sodas from the mini bar we settled in for the first movie.

Right away I knew this was an older movie. The dress and hair styles along with the slightly grainy recording was none the less well done considering the format. Two white women one slightly older had some chance encounter as part of the script.

Lela was so engrossed I don't even think she noticed I was caressing her leg. As the movie progressed so did my boldness. The scene now unfolding was the older woman lavishing attention to the young girl's tits with her mouth. I slipped down in the bed and turned to Lela's chest.

Unlike the passion on the screen I instead gently kissed around Lela's chocolate breast. She whimpered then turned to present the other one. Looking over her shoulder Lela didn't miss a moment of the sexy visuals on the television.

Lela shifted back in place beside me replacing my tongue with my hand. I continued to gently caress her tits rarely paying attention to her stiff brown nipples. As far as porn goes this pretty vanilla. Mostly kissing and fondling, only once did the younger woman pleasure her lover orally.

"Well, did you like that?" I asked Lela propping myself back up in the bed.

Lela pulled me into a desperate kiss as her only answer. The loud moan from the television announced the start of the second movie. This one was of a similar vintage but a better picture. An older man was fucking a young girl.

"No boys." Lela said to me upset.

"I'm sorry baby but I don't think I can stop it?" I explained. "Let's see what happens."

Just five minutes in another woman entered the room where the man and woman were still engaged in sex acts.

"He needs to go." Lela complained.

The man moved off the woman to greet the new arrival. Shortly after he forces the new woman to join his lover. From the side of the bed he watched as the two women moved into a sixty nine.

"Why doesn't he leave?" Lela focused on the man.

I leaned over Lela and picked up the remote. Noticing a fast forward button as one of the choices I pushed it. Surprisingly the movie sped up. Soon I found the fastest speed checking back occasionally to see if the man was still present. With the two women on their knees in front of the man I knew it was close to the end of the movie.

Not wanting to miss the third movie I let this one continue at normal speed. The required cum shot coated both women's faces. Surprisingly Lela didn't object then or when the camera focused on the two women swapping their bounty. Concerned Lela would lose patience I held out hope the next movie would not have any men.

The moment the two young girls appeared I knew this was the preview Lela so desperately wanted to see.

"Jane, it's them." Lela pointed to the screen excitedly.

Sitting beside each other around a swimming pool not unlike the one Poole had at home the scene started. With crystal clear video and newer fashions I had high hopes. Lela kissed me in happiness but did so quickly so as not to miss the action.

The plot was thin at best. With both girls in their twenties the black girl complained her sex life was suffering. The white girl explained hers was no better. Of course the decision was made to experiment without boys. Lela perked up immediately.

The white girl was the first to move closer. After several kisses the black girls top disappeared. When the white girl started sucking her new lover's tit Lela started to breath heavily. I moved my hand to Lela's breast. She looked at me for just a second with glossy eyes.

I reached down and moved her one leg over mine. As the scenes heated up on screen I moved my hand along the inside of Lela's thigh. She looked at my white hand moving over her light brown skin. On the TV much the same was taking place.

I kissed Lela's shoulder, as my right hand moved up over her pussy still inside her panties. No longer watching the movie I focused my attention on my brown lover too. I rubbed her pussy over her panties, the heat trapped below confirmed her arousal.

Lela's legs spread wider providing better access. I pushed the thin material of her panties between the folds of her steamy cunt.

"Jane please." Lela's hands guided my head to her tit.

Looking briefly at the TV both girls were now naked, the white girl sucking her lover's tit and fingering a glistening and exposed pussy. I could only imagine Lela thought that was her on the screen. I sucked Lela's nipple in my mouth and teased the end with my tongue. This drove Lela wild.

"Ohhh..." Lela moaned.

Her hand moved down my back her nails biting into my tender skin. I pushed her panties to the side and rubbed along her damp slit. Lela shivered pulling her nipple free. I latched onto the other one just as my hand moved over her clit. Lela thrust her pelvis up.

"Jane look."

Lela pushed me from her tit with authority. I looked at the TV to see the lovers were now lying on a towel in a sixty nine. With the black girl on top the camera closed in on the white girl's tongue. Pushing past the black folds the inner pink of her lover's cunt glistened with excitement.

"Here let me take off your panties." I said quickly.

In short order we were both naked, Lela on top of me in a sixty nine so she could watch the movie. As the moans grew onscreen so did they in our bed. I lavished all my attention on Lela's pussy as she writhed above me. Licking me only occasionally Lela drove me wild in frustration.

I knew my only hope was to bring her off quickly. Focusing on her clit I sucked the little pink nub from its brown sheath. Lela didn't stand a chance and it was with great personal satisfaction that I brought her to a powerful orgasm.

Pulling free from my tongue Lela rolled to the side and turned to face me. We found ourselves locked in a passionate kiss as the movie played on.

Lela looked spent as she now lay in my arms. "Do you want to go to sleep my love?" I caressed the side of her face.

"Can we watch the end of the movie?" Lela whispered not ready to give in yet.

I nodded we could. Shifting in the bed we propped up against the pillows again. The scene on the TV was now taking place inside a house. The white girl was leaning against the back of the couch with her legs spread on lower cushions. The black girl was now between her legs performing oral sex.

Guessing Lela would want to mimic this I pulled her into another kiss. Lela pulled back and looked at me intently.

"Jane I want to." Lela insisted.

"Look." I now pointed to the movie.

The black girl had now joined the white girl on the couch. With two fingers in the white girls snatch the black girl started kissing her lover.

"Lets' do that." I suggested by opening my legs.

With her tongue in my mouth Lela now had two fingers in my needy pussy.

"Curl your fingers." I gasped softly.

"Like this?" Lela confirmed.

"Just like that Princess." I met her lips with mine.

The moans from the TV mirrored the moans in our hotel room. With our lips pressed together I shifted slightly to help Lela say on point. Reaching up I gripped her tits eliciting an enthusiastic response in return.

"Harder baby." I gasped.

I squeezed her nipples and gently twisted them. Lela responded by shoving her fingers deeper in my cunt.

"Another finger Princess." I pleaded.

"Are you sure Jane?" Lela asked.

"Please baby." I begged.

Lela shoved another finger in my cunt. I dropped one hand and rubbed my clit.

"Kiss me Princess, kiss me hard."

Lela by now seemed to understand my urgency as her lips pressed hard against mine. I forced my tongue past her lips and found hers willing to dance. Just then the sound of the white woman in the movie announced her orgasm. As if on cue mine followed shortly after. I clamped my legs shut trapping Lela's hand still fucking my pussy.

"Oh god stop!" I hissed.

My body still wracked with aftershocks. Lela stopped her fingers, I opened my legs releasing her hand. I rolled Lela over and onto her back. Pinning her deep in the mattress I kissed her again with passion.

"Lela ..." I pulled up hovering over her. "...that was so... so good."

Lela looked up at me proud of herself, but also lovingly. I settled in on top of her as we held each other close. The sounds from the TV suggested new characters. We both looked over together.

"Can we watch this one too?" Lela asked.

"We can watch whatever you want Princess." I replied.

Tired from a long emotional day and now sexually satisfied we snuggled deep in the bed to watch three women pleasure each other. I don't think Lela wanted a third woman any more than she wanted the man.

"What is that?" Lela asked as the redhead pulled out a sex toy.

"That is a vibrator." I explained.

"Have you ever used one?" Lela asked as the woman pleasured herself.

"Yes, I have one at home." I chuckled. "That is a dildo."

One woman pulled it out and started fucking the woman with big tits with it. Looking similar to the vibrator but much larger Lela seemed confused.

"It doesn't vibrate." I explained before she asked.

"Do you have one of those?" Lela questioned.

"I did, I have Poole now." I laughed.

Lela thought about it for a moment then started to laugh with me.

"Yeah but he's much bigger." Lela added.

Eventually my lover could no longer keep her eyes open. I turned off the TV just before the last movie ended. Kissing Lela's forehead I snuggled tight and joined her in sleep.


"Care to explain the charges to the room?" Poole asked as the plane took off.

"No, but you can ask Lela if you'd like?" I replied smugly.

"Hmmph." Poole grunted.

To be continued...

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