Just One Game Ch. 03


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She took a sip from her wine and sighed. It was a nice wine. She watched as Jade and Keaton also nodded their approval to one another as they sipped from their glasses. She should have known Reid would win over her snobby friends with a good bottle of red.

"So, Reid," Jade brought the attention to the man beside her again, ready to continue on with her interrogation. "What do you do for work?"

"I'm in business," Reid responded. "Mostly real estate."

Keaton raised his eyebrows, "Wow, that sounds impressive!"

Reid smiled, "Honestly, it's not that impressive. My family did most of the work, I was just the lucky bastard who inherited it when my father passed away two years ago."

Bridget found herself placing a hand on his forearm. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. She knew too well the pain of a parent passing before their time. Reid looked to be in his late twenties, which meant his father must have been young when he'd died.

"It's fine, we weren't close." Reid shrugged off her concern and put the attention back on the couple in front of him. "How about the two of you? What do you do?"

Keaton jumped in before Jade had a chance to reply. "Well Jade's a dermal therapist, which means she takes outrageous amounts of money from women and promises to make them look more youthful and attractive."

Jade's mouth dropped open in mock horror, "I'll have you know I manage to keep most of those promises!" She flipped her blonde hair behind her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at Keaton. "Besides, you're no better, developing ads that manipulate people into buying things they don't need."

Bridget grinned at their banter and glanced at Reid, surprised to find him also smiling along. "You're in advertising, then?" He asked.

Keaton nodded, "Mostly small consultancy jobs, though I'd love to start my own business. Maybe you could give me some pointers?"

Jade's eyes glanced to the ceiling. "That's my cue for a bathroom break," she drawled, lifting herself elegantly from her chair. "Bridget?

Bridget knew Jade was aching for some one on one gossip, and she was tempted to turn her down, but she actually did need to use the bathroom. "Excuse me," she murmured, following Jade's lead.

As soon as they walked through the bathroom door, Jade had a tight grip on her upper arm. "Bridget, who the hell is this guy, and don't give me that whole 'client' story, that man is wa-ay above your level of clientele!"

"What do you mean he's above my clientele? I have plenty of businessmen on my books."

"A family business in real estate? He's fucking loaded, Bridget! What type of car did he drive you here in?"

Bridget rolled her eyes. "Jade, you know I don't know car brands."

"I'll bet my life it's worth a fortune." She gave Bridget a knowing look and made her way into an empty cubicle. Bridget closed herself into the one beside her. "That bottle of wine he bought is $600 a pop."

"What?" She hadn't checked the wine list so didn't even know what type of red Reid had ordered them. She didn't even know bottles sold for that much money.

"You heard me, $600! Who spends $600 on a bottle of wine for people they barely know? Someone with a lot of money to burn, that's who. Is it him that you were with last Friday night?"

"Ahh..." Bridget hesitated.

"Oh my god, it was!!" She shrieked, and Bridget prayed there was no one in the other cubicles. "And to think you were too ashamed to tell me. That man's a catch, B! I don't even feel mad at you for ditching Rob anymore."

She flushed the toilet and joined Jade at the basins to wash her hands. "Well, I'm likely not going to go out with him again after tonight."

Jade looked her as if she was stupid. "What! Why not?" She lowered her voice. "Is he bad in the sack?"

Bridget flushed and looked hesitantly around the bathroom, "No! I mean, I don't know. I haven't slept with him."

"A millionaire and a gentleman," Jade nodded, impressed. "What's not to like about the guy?"

Bridget frowned. She couldn't exactly tell her friend what happened last Friday night... could she? She blew out a heavy breath.

"Okay. Well last week he took me to a house party... and not just any house. The place was like something out of a movie."

Jade's eyes widened, and she nodded for her to continue.

"It seemed normal enough, until later when... well..." she brought her voice to a whisper, "people were hooking up with each other, like right in front of everyone!" She flushed even hotter.

Jade frowned, "So it was a swinger's party?" Bridget bit her lip and nodded, preparing for her friend's horror. What she didn't expect was Jade's amused smile.

"So that's why I had to come collect you that night at an ungodly hour!" She shook her head. "Bridget, honey, swinger's parties aren't all that uncommon. And while I'll admit it's rather cheeky for him to take you somewhere like that on a first date, all you need to do is tell him that you're not into that kind of thing."

Bridget's brow creased. She'd expected Jade to be horrified. Maybe she was more prudish than she'd realised? But then, she hadn't told her about Reid tying her up. That would most certainly cause her to storm out of the bathroom and make a scene. No, she definitely couldn't tell her that part of the story.

"Unless you are into that kind of thing?" Jade's eyebrow was raised, waiting on Bridget's response.

"No!" Bridget exclaimed, although her mind couldn't help but remember how wet she'd been watching the couple gently fucking on the couch while Reid's talented fingers brought her to climax. "Well... not that I'm aware of."

Jade chuckled, "It might do you some good to have a bit of kinky fun, you know. Given you've only been with one man before, some experimenting could be exciting for you." Her hand came to Bridget's arm. "Just make sure you're in control, okay. If you Iike it, there's no need to be ashamed. And if you're not into it, then be straight with him. Either way," she turned towards the mirror, assessing her appearance with a grin, "I want all of the dirty details after."


"I'd be happy to set up a meeting for you with some of my associates."

Keaton's face brightened, "Really? That would be amazing! I mean, only if you like my idea, of course?"

Reid smiled. For a man in advertising, he was much too honest. But his business idea was unique, and he'd pitched it well, so he was happy to arrange a meeting for the man. "It's a great idea, and one well worth sharing with investors." He handed Keaton a business card. "Just give me a call when you're ready and we'll book something in."

"Thank you," Keaton's grin was genuine, lifting every feature on his face. From what Reid had witnessed during the night so far, he'd determined that Jade and Keaton were a well-suited couple. While having a strong interest in the upper class lifestyle, they were still friendly and approachable people, which explained their easy friendship with Bridget who had little taste for materialism. He knew Jade had been assessing him throughout the evening, determining whether or not he was suitable for her friend, and for this he already liked and respected her.

"Bridget is one of our oldest friends," Keaton said, as if he'd known what Reid was thinking. "She's from a small country town in the Eastern States. Her and Jade met working part-time in a cafe while Jade studied beauty and Bridget studied accounting."

Reid nodded, already knowing where the conversation was headed.

"She's a really kind-hearted person, would do anything for the people she loves." He shifted in his seat. "I know you've said this is just a business dinner between the two of you, but just in case it is something more, I want you to know that she's a great girl."

"I understand," Reid topped up both of their wine glasses with a smile. "I know she's a great girl, and if this does become something more than just a business relationship, I'll look after her."

"Well now, you boys haven't been talking about us, have you?" Jade gave him a cheeky wink as her and Bridget returned to the table.

Bridget appeared more at ease than when she'd left the table, indicating that whatever chat the girls had engaged in during their bathroom visit had somewhat relaxed her. He watched as she took a delicate sip of wine. He took in the length of her neck, beautifully exposed due to her hair being stylishly pinned back. The style was so like that of the women at the party last week, he ached to pull the pins out and see the fall of her wild red waves that had first captured his attention at the bar.

She smiled bashfully as she caught him staring, her cheeks pinking delightfully under his gaze, and remaining that colour until the waiter returned with their orders.


"Did you enjoy the meal?" Reid asked her on the drive home.

"It was beautiful, thank you." It truly was; the steak had been a perfect pairing with the red wine, just as Reid had said it would be. "You really didn't have to pay for Jade and Keaton's meals, that was too generous." Especially on top of the additional bottle of overpriced wine he'd bought for the table.

"It was my pleasure." The word pleasure rolled off his tongue in a way that made Bridget flush, or perhaps that was just the wine. "They seem like good people."

"They're very overprotective of me," she explained. "Though I suspect you realised that early in the night."

"They have every right to be, especially with a friend who has the tendency to wander off with any stranger they meet in a bar," he jested.

"You're making jokes about it already?" She wasn't sure whether to be insulted, or to laugh along with him.

"I'm sorry."

Bridget glanced over to him and realised all traces of humour had left his expression. She changed the subject. "Keaton said you're allowing him to pitch his business idea to your associates?"

"That's right."

"You really don't have to do that for me."

Reid glanced at her with a frown. "What makes you think I did it for you?"

"Well, I mean, I know you were trying to make a good impression in front of my friends..."

"Bridget, let me be perfectly clear. First of all, when it comes to business, I don't do anyone any favours. Keaton has a strong business mind and innovative projects. I wouldn't risk my professional relationships to advance a personal relationship. Secondly, I wasn't trying to impress your friends. I was trying to show you that there is more to me than what you experienced last week, in the hopes that you would allow me another chance."

"Oh." She suddenly felt silly. Of course Keaton's idea was good, she'd never questioned him before. How rude of her to think Reid was only giving him the opportunity because he wanted to get in her good books.

"So, will you?" Reid asked.


Reid sighed as he pulled into her driveway. "Allow me another chance. Am I able to see you again?"

"Oh!" Bridget hesitated. Did she want to see him again? He'd been a gentleman all night, and while she still hadn't decided whether or not she trusted him, she had seen a different side of him tonight. Their conversation throughout the night had been easy, even pleasant, and she'd noticed Keaton and Jade had even seemed to enjoy his company. Her chat with Jade had also changed her perspective slightly. Just make sure you're in control. So long as he didn't tie her up again, she could manage that.

"I suppose that would be okay," she finally managed.

Reid got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for her. He really was a beautiful man, she noted as her eyes wandered over the length of him. As he walked her to her door, her stomach fluttered in anticipation. Would he ask to come in? Was he going to kiss her? She tried to remember what underwear she'd put on.

"Goodnight." He gave her a polite smile, and she felt a pang of disappointment.

"That's it?" she frowned.

"I'm sorry?"

"I mean, you're not going to make a move on me?"

"I promised you I would take you to dinner, that's all." He tilted his his head to the side. "Why? Did you want me to make a move, Bridget?"

She flushed. "No... no. I'm just surprised is all."

"Listen carefully, love," he stepped towards her and lowered his voice. "I would like nothing more than to push you firmly against that front door and feel that gorgeous body pressed tight against me as I kiss you senseless." His eyes roamed over her as his words left his mouth, and her breath caught in her throat. "But I won't have you accusing me of taking advantage again." He caught a hold of her hand, and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles that held a promise. "So if you want a kiss, you're going to have to either ask me for it, or take it for yourself." He released her hand and grinned. "Goodnight, Bridget."

She watched as he turned away, and her mouth moved before she could register what she was saying. "Wait!"

Reid turned back to face her, a hint of surprise on his features. She lifted her hand to his face, brushing her thumb across the stubble along his jawline.

"Don't ever tie me up without my permission." She said firmly. "Never again."

He nodded, "You have my word."

She tilted her chin up to him then, and gently brushed her lips against his. She kissed him slowly, learning the shape of his lips, the taste of his mouth, the feel of his tongue.

He allowed her a few moments to explore before he let out a deep groan, and took full control of the kiss. She gasped as her back firmly met the front door, and the warmth of his body was pressed fully against her. His kisses were urgent, but thorough, as if he couldn't get enough of her. She found herself desperately gripping onto the material of his shirt to keep herself upright.

His fingers began plucking the pins from her hair, and one by one they hit the ground like raindrops at her feet, until her curls fell messily around her face.

"Much better," he growled into her mouth. His hands ran down the length of her body, leaving goosebumps at every place they touched. Her breasts, her rib cage, the curve of her hips, the bare of her thighs. God, she needed more. His fingers slipped underneath her dress, and brushed against her hot core. She let out a longing moan.

"Shhh," he hushed, covering her mouth with his once again. His knee wedged her legs further apart and his fingers pushed her underwear to one side. Two digits slipped easily inside of her, kneading, teasing, coaxing her, all while she squirmed in his arms.

The late night's darkness concealed their intimate moment on her porch, shadows enveloping them, and Reid's kisses smothered her cries while he continued to pleasure her. His fingertips curled deep inside her, beckoning her towards climax.

"Reid..." she whispered urgently against his lips.

"I've got you," he murmured. His thumb brushed against her sensitive spot while his fingers continued to work, bringing her to her peak, demanding her to come for him. As her legs buckled beneath her, Reid's free hand clasped firmly over her mouth, muffling her cries of release.

"That's it, baby." He held her upright until her legs stopped shaking and her head came back down to earth.

"Wow," she murmured, still dizzy with desire. Reid remained pressed up against her and she could feel his own arousal pressing into her stomach. She brought her fingers to gently touch it through the material of his pants, but he caught her wrist before she could move any further.

"Not tonight." She looked up to find his dark eyes filled with hunger.

"You mean, you don't want me to..."

"No." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Another time."

"Okay," she breathed, still in a euphoric daze.

"Sweet dreams, Bridget."

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DenaliFXDenaliFXover 2 years ago

Chapter 3 is a repeat of Chapter 2. You're entangled and not paying attention -

something like that - sorry that it isn't there, as my mouth is watering for it!

FroseFrosealmost 3 years ago

Amanda, finish this story, please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

More pretty please! With a cherry on top!

HeyjessHeyjessover 3 years ago
welcome back

so glad to see you back!

AmandaSarahAmandaSarahover 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks heaps for the feedback! Ransom’s conclusion was a rushed effort and I do feel like I wrote it just to give everyone an ending rather than giving it the energy and magic it deserved, so I’m excited for the edit :) I hadn’t thought about creating a website or FB page, but if that’s something people are interested in then absolutely!

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