Just Roomies


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"Who was that?" she asked, once we were out of earshot.

"She's a friend of the family. And someone I try my best to avoid."

"Oh," she said, with a little grin.

Once he'd had a look at Ava's phone, Edmond promised he could have it fixed within an hour. After telling him that we'd try to make it back before closing, I suggested to Ava that we go have some dinner.

I decided, since she'd never been, that it would be nice to take her to the Mandarin Grill, one of the nicer restaurants in the city.

Her eyes seemed to be going everywhere at once, as we were shown to our table. "This place is absolutely beautiful."

"And the food's good, too," I said with a grin, as she kept looking around wide-eyed, taking in the simple elegance of the place.

I realized then, how much I was enjoying experiencing everything again through her eyes. She had an innocence about her that was so endearing, and she was just so open and honest, and never put on airs, like a lot of other women I knew. No small wonder I'd fallen for her.

The waiter brought the menus. And when she opened hers, she looked across the table at me confused, since hers didn't have any prices. "Just order whatever you want," I told her, knowing she probably wanted to order something that wasn't too expensive.

"Then we're going Dutch on the bill."

I just smiled and nodded, because, what she didn't know, was that they knew me here, and I had tab at the restaurant.

Letting it drop, I told her, "My favorite thing to order here, has got to be the steak."

Hearing that, she closed her menu. "Sounds good."

We talked all through dinner about everything under the sun. I realized the way she smiled right into my eyes as we talked, that I'd never be bored with her. I'd never met anyone as enchanting, or nearly as funny or bright.

After we'd had coffee and shared a delectable slice of apple Tarte Tatin with vanilla ice cream, we took a cab back to the flat. I loved the way Ava happily snuggled close to me in the back seat, as I slipped my arm around her and pulled her even closer. I noticed, since we'd shared that kiss in Central, we were both smiling a lot on the way home.

I'd just unlocked the door to our flat, and Ava touched a hand to my arm and nodded at the window. "Wait. Don't turn on the light. Just look at the way the moon's lighting up the room."

She took me by the hand and we stepped into the living area, and we both stared up at the glow of the big, bright full moon sitting over the hillside, looking almost close enough to touch.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she whispered.

I nodded and tipped my head to look at her, because she had to be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. "It sure is," I agreed as her face lit up with a smile.

"What a perfect night." She sighed, as I stepped behind her, slipping my arms around her waist, holding her tight against me.

Dropping a kiss on the top of her head, I suggested, "Why don't we go for a swim, so we can swim by the light of the moon."

When she turned her head and flashed me a grin, I don't how I resisted the urge to kiss her.

Once we'd got upstairs, when Ava dropped her wrap on the poolside deck, I could feel my breath stall, sure that I'd never seen anything as sexy as her in a tiny white bikini.

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I gestured up at the moon. "We won't need any extra light tonight, with that big, moon in the sky." With only a few fairy lights around the edge of the wall, the moonlit glow was more than enough to light our way.

We both slid into the shallow end, and I followed her as she waded deeper. The water felt refreshingly cool, especially with it being summer, it was still so hot and muggy out, even at eleven at night.

"Hmmm, this is nice." She smiled, brushing back the wet hair from her eyes.

"It sure is," I agreed. I couldn't think of a more perfect way to end the evening, than enjoying a swim with my sexy roommate.

I flipped onto my back and tugged at her hand, and Ava followed suit, and floated beside me. Both of us silently staring up at the moon lit sky, I don't think I'd ever felt such a sense of peace.

I'm not sure how long we floated suspended in the water like that, till eventually we got to our feet. Ava gave me the cutest grin, and surprised me when she wrapped her arms around me and pressed a kiss to my lips. Pulling back, she whispered, "Thank you again for inviting me to live here, Andrew. I just love it, especially being able to share it with you."

I loved having her with me, too. Now I hoped we could find a way to get a little more involved with each other. Testing the waters, I tugged her against me, and stared into her eyes, hoping she could feel what I was feeling.

Then she tipped up her head, closed her eyes and slid her tongue between my lips. And as our tongues mated, I'm sure I'd never felt as overwhelmed. Sliding my hands down over her back, clutching her ass in my hands, I could feel my heart pounding like a drum, as my cock began to swell, from the feel of kneading her tender flesh, as we deepened the kiss.

I could feel her hands roaming too, as we worked at getting as close as we could. Her nipples felt diamond hard pressed against my chest, and I knew she had to be able to feel my erection nudging against her belly, we were both so aroused.

Lost in the taste and feel of each other, I never heard the door open, till I realized that someone had dove in the pool. When I finally noticed Gunther swimming past us, we pulled apart.

Treading water in the deep end, he turned and looked back at us, smiling his ass off, now that he'd caught us kissing. "So, looks like I'm not the only one who enjoys a late-night swim."

"With a full moon like that," I said gesturing up at the sky. "We thought it would be a perfect night for a dip."

"Well, enjoy the rest of your evening," Gunther said chuckling, as we got out and dried off, to head back to the flat.

Once we'd got back to our place, I was tempted to see just how far Ava was willing to take things. But when she just headed for her bedroom, quietly murmuring, "Goodnight," once I heard the shower going, I knew she'd decided it might be best if we didn't push things too far.

Though part of me could understand her reasoning, I still had a hard time falling asleep, mostly because I spent most of the night rock hard, thinking of what could have been.

In the morning, while I was showering, it suddenly dawned on me, that we'd forgotten all about her phone.

While we having a quick breakfast, I said, "Guess what we forgot?"

She looked at me, confused. "I don't know, what did we forget?"

"Your phone." When her eyes went big, I chuckled. "It's okay. I've got a meeting in Central this morning, so I can pick it up and drop it off at your office later."

"If you're sure it's not out of your way."

"Nope, it's fine," I said, dropping a kiss on the end of her nose, as I went to load my dishes in the dishwasher.

When I went to drop off Ava's phone, Iris, the receptionist was quite friendly when I explained who I was.

"Too bad, Ava's in a meeting right now. But if you want to leave it with me, with your card, I'll make sure she gets it."

I was little disappointed that I didn't get a chance to see Ava, but at least she'd have her phone back.


Friday night, I raced home from work, hustled into my room, had a quick shower, put on some fresh makeup and shimmied into my new 'little black dress.' I turned my head when I heard Andrew coming in, just as I was adding a few curls to my hair.

As I strode out to meet him, I hoped he'd say I looked okay. The way his mouth dropped open when he saw me, gave me my answer, and naturally had me grinning from ear to ear. "Wow. Looks like somebody's got a hot date."

"Not exactly. Our receptionist Iris, who you met, just turned twenty-five. Everyone loves her, she's such a sweetheart. And a bunch of us are going out to celebrate at a club on Nathan Road, on Kowloon side. We're all dressing up, so I just hope this looks okay," I said, looking down at myself.

His expression softened as he came closer. "Ava, you look amazing."

I touched a kiss to his cheek and said, "Thanks. I guess I'd better get going, so I don't keep them waiting. We're going to a karaoke bar, so hopefully it'll be a fun night."

"Yeah, let's hope." Still carefully eyeing me in my short, lowcut dress, he asked, "Do you need a ride?"

"No, we've got it covered. Three of us are sharing a cab, and they should be here any minute."

Andrew pulled out his wallet and handed me his card. I looked at it in my hand, then back up at him. "What's this for?"

"Just in case you need to call, I'd be happy to come and get you. And uh...keep an eye on your drinks, okay?"

I rolled my eyes, and muttered, "Yes, Dad," though it did feel nice to know that he cared.

The three of us girls got dropped off around the corner, because the cabby said he couldn't stop in front, because of the double yellow line on the edge of the road.

As we rounded the corner, I noticed, looking up, that the second-floor bar, had kind of a futuristic vibe. Illuminated in a purple and green neon glow, it shone like a beacon down onto the street below.

After we managed to hike our way up the steep staircase in our high heels, and short body-hugging dresses, we were met at the door by Raymond, one of the quieter account execs. He surprised me when he looked me over wide-eyed, and totally out of character, leaned in and actually pressed a kiss to my cheek.

Pointing down the hallway, still giving me the side-eye, he told us, "We're in the last room on the right."

Not sure what to make of it, I nodded. "Thanks, Raymond."

I noticed the rooms were all sound-proofed, since so we couldn't hear a thing, until we opened the door to our room, and the sound of music and laughter came spilling out.

Holy smokes, as soon as I walked in, I noticed that the drinks were flowing like water, and everyone seemed a little tipsy. It also occurred to me, as I looked around the tables, that there was almost nothing to eat, except for a few bags of prawn crackers. Which had me wishing that I'd taken a moment to grab even a quick bite, before I'd left home. Guess I'd just have to be careful about how much I drank, considering it would be on an empty stomach.

Not that I had much choice, with everyone chanting, "Yum Sing!" as they kept laughing like crazy and refilling the glasses.

Since most of the songs were in Cantonese, I couldn't really join in. Though, after a few rounds, I started feeling so lightheaded that even when a song came on in English, it didn't really register.

"Ava, are you okay?" Taking a seat next to mine, the birthday girl Iris looked kind of worried, I guess noticing I looked a little woozy.

Blinking my eyes, trying to focus, I pointed at my glass. "I'm not much of a drinker. And whatever they're pouring, is really strong."

"Yeah, Scotch and Cognac are what everybody usually drinks at these things."

Neither of which I ever drank, which might explain, why I was already feeling way more than tipsy.

Raymond came up then and topped up my glass again, right to the rim, coaxing, "Come on, Ava, let's party."

The way my stomach was starting to heave, all I could think of was getting home.

"Sorry," I mumbled to Iris, as the room started to spin. "I think I'd better go, while I can still walk."

She looked worried, as she asked, "Do you need someone to help you get home?"

Hating to break up the party, I shook my head. "No, I think I'll be okay."

Though, after I'd said that, I was wondering if I should have at least agreed to let someone help me down the staircase. Hanging onto the railing for dear life, the stairs seemed to be swaying in front of my eyes. And they also seemed a heck of a lot steeper than when I'd walked up.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I opened the door and stepped out onto Nathan Road. Happy that I'd made it down the stairs without losing a shoe, or breaking my neck.

Now all I had to do was find a taxi. But on a Friday night in the middle of Tsim Sha Tsui entertainment district, I didn't imagine I'd have much luck.

Deciding I'd better start walking, I thought I was doing okay, carefully making my way south toward the Star Ferry Terminal, when a bunch of young guys seemed to come out of nowhere, surrounding me. "Hey, pretty lady, you want to party?" one of them asked.

I kept walking and told them, "No, thank you. I'm heading home."

"But the night's still young," the tallest one said, making a grab for my arm, and nearly sending me flying, as I tried to twist out of his grip without landing on my ass.

Blindly, making a grab for a doorhandle on one of the boutiques that lined the street, I narrowed my eyes on them, and snapped, "Just back off and leave me alone, okay!"

Like I hadn't said a word, they just laughed, and stood their ground, and stepped in even closer. Suddenly, I started to feel panicky, knowing I was outnumbered and way too unsteady to even try and fight them off. Then I remembered I had Andrew's card in my purse, and I could phone him, and he'd come and get me.

I stepped into the boutique and one of the salesgirls, assuming I was a customer, came over and asked, "How can I help you?"

When I explained what was going on, she shook her head, looking annoyed. Sticking her head out the door, it sounded like she gave them an earful in Cantonese, the way they all took off running.

"Thanks," I said, when she came back in.

"You want some water or something?"

"No. I just need to call my friend." She nodded and helped me into a chair.

Thankfully, Andrew answered on the first ring. "Ava?"

"Sorry, Andrew. I hate to bother you, but I really could use a ride."

"Just tell me where, and I'll be there."

The saleslady handed me a card with the address.

After I nodded my thanks, I read it out to him.

"Okay, I know how to get there. Just stay put, and I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Sorry about this," I said to the pretty young saleslady, after I'd hung up with Andrew.

After I explained what happened, she gave me a sympathetic smile. "I've been there, no worries. I'm just glad you've got a friend you can count on, to come and get you."

"Yeah, so am I." I kind of noticed I was slurring my words, and hoped I could make it out to the car without landing on my butt - or woofing my cookies.

It wasn't too long before Andrew was rushing into the store, and helping me to my feet. The woman smiled when she noticed Andrew putting his arm around me to help me outside, as I called back, "Thank you so much."

She waved me off. "I'm just glad you're in good hands."

I noticed as he helped me out to the car, that he didn't seem to care about getting a ticket, since he'd ignored the double lines and pulled up in front, leaving the hazard lights flashing. Trying to hold me upright, he managed to pull open the car door and carefully tuck me inside, even clicking the seat belt in place for me, because I'd forgot all about it.

As soon as he got in and turned on the ignition, I put down the window, just in case I needed to stick my head out. No way was I going to throw up in his car.

He reached for my hand, looking worried, as we headed for The Cross-Harbour Tunnel. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better," I said, trying to ignore the way my stomach was starting to churn.

He gave my hand a squeeze. "We'll be home soon."

I smiled, just hearing him say it. That he was taking me home.

"I'm so sorry I had to call you, and make you come and get me. I didn't even notice how many drinks they were pouring. At first, I thought 'Yum Sing' meant, 'Cheers,' but I've got a feeling it actually means, 'Drink till you puke."

Andrew chuckled as he closed the vents for the outdoor air, as we headed down the ramp into the tunnel. "Actually, I think it might. I've been the victim of getting overserved a few times myself, so I can sympathize."

When he put up the window to keep the car fumes out, I just hoped we'd make it across the harbor before I lost whatever was sloshing around in my stomach, and threatening to make a reappearance.

It was such a relief when we came out the other side, and I watched the window go back down. Sticking my head out, I took a few deep breaths of the cooler night air, and prayed we'd make it home before I did anything more to embarrass myself.

Driving along Tai Hang Road, Andrew looked over at me and asked, "You still hanging in there?"

The way my stomach was starting to heave, I shook my head, panicked, and I cried out, "Oh my god, I'm gonna puke!"

We'd just made it into the driveway, and he'd barely had time to slow down, when I threw open the door, stuck my head out and hurled.

I hated the feeling of emptying my stomach, but even more, I hated that Andrew had to see me doing it.

Taking it in stride, he came around the car, held my hair back, away from face, and gently stroked my back. "That's it, get it out and you'll feel better."

"Oh, no." I winced as I looked down at the mess I'd made. "I barfed all over the driveway."

"It's okay. I'll bring a bucket of water out later, and wash it away."

I looked up at him, so grateful for everything he'd done for me. "Thank you."

We'd just made upstairs, and I felt it coming up again, and I ran as fast as I could into my room. But I didn't make it, and I dropped to my knees and chucked up everything I had left in me, right in front of the bathroom. Andrew was right beside me, as I kept retching. With him holding back my hair, I crawled my way over to the toilet.

I don't think I'd ever been as embarrassed. Or felt as helpless; on my knees, choking my guts out with Andrew patiently holding my hair away from my face, and quietly murmuring, "It's okay, sweetheart. You'll feel better once it's all out."

I had to take his word for it, because right now I felt awful, sure that I'd never been as sick, even when I'd had the flu. Well, I knew one thing; no more karaoke for me, if this is what happened.

Last thing I remembered, was looking down at myself and realizing that I'd messed up all my clothes. After that, things went a little foggy.

Coming on morning, I found myself in bed, and noticed, once I lifted the sheet, that all I was wearing was a T-shirt and panties.

Curious, I turned my head and was even more surprised to see that Andrew was in bed beside me, fast asleep. Seeing his chest was bare, I wondered if he was wearing anything else. I also wondered what the hell happened last night, after he'd driven me home, that had us winding up in bed together with hardly any clothes on.

I watched him sleep for a while, trying to think back, but it was all a blank.

Eventually, he opened his eyes, looked over at me and smiled. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Kind of like death warmed over."

"Do you remember being sick?"

I winced. "Yeah, I remember that. I was sick outside, and I was sick in here, too."

"And you decided once you'd stopped retching that you needed to clean up. While I was looking for something for you to change into, I heard the shower go on. And then I saw you walking in with all your clothes on, even your shoes."

"Oh, you've got to be kidding. I must have been really out of it."

"At that point I didn't have much choice. I took off what I was wearing, except for my boxers, and helped you get out of your things. And I decided I'd better get in the shower with you and help you clean up, just in case you lost your footing and fell."

Though I felt kind of silly, I still managed to smile. "That was nice of you. But how did we wind up in bed together?"

He shrugged. "After you'd cleaned up and I dried you off, and got you dressed, you asked me to stay with you. I thought it might not hurt in case you got sick again in the night."
