Just Say No


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I waited for the spasm to pass. "You needed that?"

"Yes, thank you sir! Yes. Okay, okay. Damn, okay, you can turn it off now. It's— I'm— sensitive. Please?"

I didn't react, but merely smiled as her pleas become more urgent. "Ow-— Okay, okay, seriously, that's enough. Just please turn it off?"

I let my smile grow even wider. "I could, yes. But since you haven't come in seven weeks, it would be such a shame to give you just the one orgasm. We need to get it out of your system. You still have my permission to come."

"Oh, fuck. Please? You can't—"

"Oh, but I can," I told her. "Riding the Sybian there, you remind of a piece of fruit. A lemon or an orange, maybe. An exceptionally beautiful orange sitting on top of a fruit juicer, getting all her juice squeezed out."

To emphasize my point, I ran a finger up the dome of the Sybian which was covered in her juices. I traced the slick surface up to the spot where her delicate skin was forced against the machine. Then I held my wet, dripping finger up to her lips.

I didn't even have to ask. Cassie instinctively knew to lick the finger clean.

I was done talking for the moment, so I turned both dials on the Sybian all the way back up to the maximum speed.

"Fuck! Too much!" She yelled. Too much! Ohhhh.."

Notably, she still hadn't told me that she'd learned her lesson, so I didn't touch the controls. Within a minute her shrieks were as loud and high-pitched as they had been when she was denied. Possibly even louder. It was hard to tell at that volume.

Counting her orgasms after the first two became challenging, as she began to roll straight from one to the next. I had to start constantly repeating, "You have my permission to come," over and over to make sure she got the full effect.

I kept forcing orgasm after orgasm out of her for a full fifteen minutes. The skin over her entire body glistened with a thick sheen of sweat and her eyes were wide as saucers when I finally turned off the machine.

"We're done with the Sybian for tonight," I told her. "Really, I promise."

I'm not sure if my words registered. She was having trouble forming words again. I gave her another drink of water and gave her some time to calm down. While I was waiting for her to come back down to Earth, I carefully untied the ropes, freeing first her hands and then her legs.

She was shaking as I took her hand and helped her first to stand and then step down from where she was perched. As I guided her over to my couch, she was still making guttural animal noises.

"Gu, muhm fuuuu...Oh. God. Dayumm. That- That was... Holy shit."

"She speaks!" I kissed her on the forehead, and wrapped my arms around her as I sat down next to her on the couch. Cassie seemed to appreciate that.

After wordlessly holding her for a few minutes, I walked over to the table and retrieved the CD. "Why don't you catch your breath while I help you out of those leg cuffs, and tell you about what's on this," I said.

Even through her exhaustion, I could see the anticipation mixed with dread in Cassie's body language.

"It's not quite what you think," I told her.

I kneeled down in front of her, to unbuckle her ankle cuffs as I spoke. That position allowed me to not only remove the restraints, but also offered a beautiful view of her engorged, overstimulated pussy.

"The real problem," I explained, "is that you've been a very naughty girl, tricking people into giving you what you want. So, we're going to fix that. This will give you three new hypnotic suggestions. The first is that in order to get what you want you will need to ask the question in a very specific way. "

My hands moved over her bare legs, removing the restraints below her knees as I went on. "In the future you will need to ask: 'May I please have your permission to experience a mind blowing orgasm?' Further, if all you get is a 'yes,' that won't be enough anymore. The response must include the phrase 'mind melting orgasm' or it doesn't count. "

"It's not forever, then?" Cassie perked up noticeably.

"No," I said, getting back up on the couch to work on removing the final pair of restraints around her thighs. "Not forever. Note the difference though: you need to request a mind blowing orgasm but, the response needs to refer to a mind melting orgasm. That means it won't happen accidentally. No more tricks from you, young lady."

"Yes, I understand. Thank you sir." Cassie squirmed where she sat, but she was smiling.

"Second," I said, "I expect to sleep beside you for the foreseeable future. While I will have time in the evenings to see to your instruction I am often in a rush to get out the door in the morning. Therefore, the second suggestion we're going to give you is to make sure you edge every morning whether I'm still in bed or not. Also we're going to up the number from two to three during the week, and five on the weekends."

"Five?" Cassie squeaked, as she squirmed some more. I had to wait a moment for her to settle down, before I could take off the last thigh-cuff.

"Yes, five on Saturday and Sunday. You should have more time then, so I think it best to use that to further your instruction."

"Yes— Yes sir."

With her cuffs off, I got up and began to pack the restraints and the Sybian back into the chest.

"That brings me to the third new suggestion," I said as I unplugged the Sybian.

"From now on, after you ask someone the magic question, no matter what answer you get, for the following month that person will be the only one you may ask. After a month has passed and you haven't asked the question, you may ask anyone. This ensures that after I give you permission you can't sneak out and ask someone else. Additionally, it means that, unlike with our current arrangement, if I get hit by a bus tomorrow and haven't given you the required permission, you still have options."

"That— that's very generous, sir. But please don't get hit by a bus. I love you." She paused, apprehensive. "You are planning an staying longer than a month, aren't you, sir?"

"Oh, yes. Absolutely." With the storage and restraint system reduced once more to an innocuous wooden piece of furniture, I returned to sit beside Cassie on the couch.

I kissed her on the forehead again to emphasize my point. "If I have my way, you're going to be with me forever. I expect you're going to be begging for permission far more often than once a month, in which case nothing will change. That's up to you, though. The idea is that if anything does happen to me, you'll be alright."

"Thank you. That's perfect, sir."

I took her hand and looked straight into Cassie's expressive green eyes. "Jared never understood you, but I think I do. You're special. Of course you're going to share all the wonderful, amazing things you do and build with the world. I have issues with technology, sure, but I get it. You want to go out there in public and be the amazing person you are. To metaphorically get up on stage where everyone can see your talent and you can hear their applause. I want you to know I'll always respect that. But — but at the same time you have your little secret."

As I spoke I let my other hand, the one not holding hers, drift gently down her naked body. My fingers moved gently towards the sensitive, bright-red region between her legs, but I didn't touch it. I didn't want to cause her any pain just now, so instead I traced around her inflamed sex and over her inner thighs.

"Your secret is that as incredible as you are, there's a part of you that's not yours, that's owned, that needs to be owned. You share your talent with the world, but when you come home, behind closed doors, you need to surrender completely. Jared saw that as a contradiction, but it's not, is it? It's just another part of who you are. And maybe every now and then during the day, maybe even when you're up on that stage basking in the applause of the crowd, you'll feel how wet you are. No one else will be able to tell, but you'll know, because it's your secret and it makes you happy. Isn't that right?"

She wrapped herself around me in one of her crushing hugs, and whispered in my ear "Yes, yes, yes, that's it exactly. I love you sir, I love that you own me."

"Good. Have you worked out why I gave you permission to come tonight?"

Cassie nodded vigorously "Yes. You made me come over and over like that, you made me come so much that it hurt. I felt like I was on fire. It was, like, aversion therapy, wasn't it, sir? To teach me that getting what I want has consequences. I think I understood your lesson tonight, sir."

"You're only half right. That was why I used to the Sybian to make you come, yes. However, that isn't why I let you come in the first place. Think about it."

She took a moment to think, but when she spoke her tone was puzzled. "Then I don't know, sir. Why?"

"Right now, at this moment, I haven't given you the new suggestions yet, but I have given you permission to come. I wanted to give you the choice. The next time you ask for permission and I say no, you're all mine again. But, as of this moment, there's no reason for you to be with me unless that's what you truly want. Theoretically you could run out and find Barry again."

Cassie's eyes opened wide in surprise at my revelation. Several seconds passed before she decided on what she wanted say.

When she did speak, it wasn't what I expected. "Just so you know, I didn't pick you at random. On the elevator. I'd seen you around and you always seemed so focused, so intense about whatever you were doing. I saw you and I couldn't help but think: if he would only focus a fraction of his attention on me I would be a very lucky girl."

"So, now that you have my undivided attention, do you feel lucky?"

This time, Cassie responded instantly. "Oh, yes! May—"

"Ah." I interrupted her. "Before you ask any questions that may have lasting consequences, there's one more thing you should know. Jared told me that hypnotic suggestions as complex as these three will take a bit of time to sink in. Tell me, what's the longest you've ever denied yourself."

Cassie's voice dropped to the ultra-quiet whisper she used when she was nervous. "Seven weeks, but I didn't do that myself. That was you, sir."

"And by the end there, you were a hot mess, weren't you?"

"That would probably be an accurate description. Yes sir."

"What you need to understand," I said, "is that in order to be sure the suggestions hold, you'll need to listen to the new recordings once a day for at least six months. Actually just to be sure, let's call it an even seven months. A bit over four times as long as what you just did."

Cassie opened her mouth to say something but I shushed her again.

"Let me finish. I want you to know that I'm not going to give you permission until that time is up. Once you ask, you're absolutely committed. Further, I should add that over the next seven months, I intend to test out every single item you have in that box by your bed. I also plan on watching you ride my new toy on a regular basis, except in the future I'm going to skip the part where you get to come. I expect you'll find the lesson plans I've drawn up for you to be quite challenging. Do you understand?"

Cassie flashed me the biggest, sexiest smile I'd ever seen on her, or anyone else for that matter. Everything about her body language radiated pure joy. "Yes, sir, I understand sir. In that case, may I please have your permission, sir?"

"No, you may not." It was my turn to grin. "Now, let's get you cleaned up, and we'll head to bed."

Cassie let out a long satisfied sigh and clutched me tightly once more. "Yes, sir."

We showered together, which is one of those activities that sounds a lot more arousing than it actually is. Only one person can stand at the end of the bathtub towards the spray, which means the other person gets to stand at the far end of the tub waiting for a turn while covered in rapidly-cooling, soapy water.

While I enjoyed watching the water flow over Cassie's naked body, it didn't change the fact that I was getting cold while I waited for her to finish washing her hair.

"Switch places with me," I instructed her. "I need to rinse off."

She must have recovered from her earlier ordeal, because she had no problem asserting herself. "Just a minute, I'm almost done with my hair."

I gave her exposed ass a light smack. "Now. "

"Mmmm, careful." She didn't move. "You might want to think twice before threatening a girl with a good time."

"How about another month without a good time? Move your ass or it's going to be eight months instead of seven."

Cassie reached for her bottle of shampoo, and pretended to read the label. "Well I'm done rinsing, but this says I should repeat."

She squirted some shampoo into her hand and started working it slowly into her hair. "I usually don't, but I want to look my best for you, sir."

The End

As you might be able to guess from this story, I'm a bit of a bookworm. All books referenced are both real and highly recommended. Feynman has multiple autobiographies, but the one Jared quotes is Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman. The book that Bob finished on his trip, The Last Argument of Kings, is the third book in Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy.

For those of you annoyed that I've been working on this instead of my other work, rest assured that I haven't forgotten about Morgan. I wrote this story for two reasons.

First, I wanted to actually finish a story. Even after I finish part two of Complementing Morgan, that story won't be concluded. I expect there to be four parts. I wanted to take some time and create something that was complete in and of itself.

Second, I wanted to prove that I was alive and writing. I initially expected this story to be much shorter than it turned out to be. When I started I had the goal of making this 5-10k words, even though it eventually topped out at 28k. My initial goal was to write something relatively fast that I could post to prove I hadn't fallen off the planet.

While this project turned out to be larger and more time-consuming than I originally anticipated, I'm very happy with the end result, and I hope you enjoyed it as well.

As always, all constructive feedback is much appreciated.

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Jack506Jack50618 days ago

Even though the misunderstanding twist was quite obvious, the story line was entertaining. There are a few typos and word repeats, but overall easily readable. More about these two characters would be nice. Well done.

HeartfeltmanHeartfeltman2 months ago

I enjoyed this. It had a misunderstanding that felt a bit like something in a sitcom, but in the end, the author definitely stuck the landing with some good character development and effective storytelling. Mind control and hypnosis were described more effectively and in a manner that was easier to digest. I appreciated this effort and I'm sorry that this author hadn't been more prolific here.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story, well written both with plot and character development. Would love a sequel, something maybe 7 or 8 months later. If she was a hot mess after seven weeks, what is she going to be like at that length of time.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well written piece of erotica. I would love to meet sir.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

great story, thank you :-)

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