Just Watch the Fireworks

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Two brothers ignite a flame destined to explode.
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Editor's note: this work contains scenes of incest or incest content.


It happened out of nowhere.

I wish I could have seen the signs upfront, so that I could give you a detailed build up. But there isn't any because there were none. I was at my brother's friend Abdel's house party and everyone was already leaving, tired from drinking and smoking and laughing all night. I hadn't seen my brother in hours, probably hooking up with one of the chicks somewhere, as he always does.

I laid on Abdel's couch scrolling on my phone with another mate, Jackson, who stood up and left to go to the bathroom. Abdel came out of the kitchen with a beer and emptied it in his throat before he even reached the couch. With a huge sigh of a night well spent he sat down next to me and laid back with his arms over the railing. And then it happened.

He opened the fly of his pants, pulled down his boxers and revealed the biggest cock I had ever seen just ten inches from where my head was.

The head was dark pink, circumcised, with a beautiful dark brown pole attached, so wide a hand couldn't reach all the way around. It wasn't even particularly long, but my god there was so much cock. Just my entire view, filled with manly, veiny, bright cock.

Until this point I had never done anything regarding sex. I didn't think I ever would. The concept seemed so foreign to me despite being 18 already. Sex was just something popular guys got all the time, out of reach from loner introverts like me, who never made it two sentences in a conversation with a girl before saying something weird.

I had kissed two girls in my life and both didn't seem to like it that much. I wasn't made for all that. Or so I thought.

Because the third person I kissed, became Abdel, as he pushed the back of my head closer to his throbbing center piece and without a thought, as if instinctual, I opened my mouth and let my lips slide over his mushroom.

It smelled horrid. A hint of piss, a lot of musk and even a little sour from his sweaty pubes and boxer. I also didn't come very far, with my jaw stretching like a cobra, but still only halfway over the cockhead.

And yet... as my lips felt the skin and edges of his member, the spongue texture of his glans, I felt closer to him as a person than I had felt to anyone ever.

You can kiss anyone. Lovers, strangers, anyone. But kissing a dick, that's special, that doesn't happen as often, or so I thought. I imagined I'd remember this moment forever, cherish Abdel as a person, maybe even fall in love. I'd start to wonder what this meant. Was I gay? Was this just a regular thing guy friends did to each other? Did he love me? And none of it mattered. Because soon Abdel pushed me further down his cock.

That's when all thoughts evaporated.

Now my mind could think of only two things: not breaking my jaw and breathing.

I quickly realized I had to relax my mouth, otherwise I'd never be able to close it again. After a few seconds, with the biggest part of the glans already in my mouth, I unclenched my jaw and I felt my teeth receding. Now it was truly just my lips locking this big pole inside of me, and that gave me more control.

The breathing however, was getting problematic. It had only been a few seconds, but the force had knocked the wind out of me. Abdel's cock was filling my mouth completely and I started panicking. What if I died doing this?

I struggled back upwards, feeling my jaw clench again as his big cockhead pulled back, but instead I felt his warm, strong hand in my hair again, forcing my throat down his dick.

I wanted to scream for help, but instead my nostrils opened and let in oxygen to my brain. I sighed in relief, which Abdel took as encouragement to push me even further down. My lips touching the base of his cock, his curly pubic hair and his sweaty balls. It all tasted so salty, smelled so musky, I was in trance. I felt closer to him than I had ever done to anyone in my life.

My body followed, like a mindless obedient piece of meat. As my head stayed skewered on this giant beam, I got on my hands and feet to move at a better angle.

Now I was 90 degrees on his cock and ready to bop my head up and down his shaft. Abdel let out a soft moan.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. He loved this. He loved me. I didn't know what I was doing but I was giving him pleasure.

This encouraged me to take cock faster. I wanted to make him feel good. I wanted it to break my jaw, push it through my entire body, so deep as it possibly could. I wanted to lick and tasted every inch of it and remind myself I was sucking cock. I was a cocksucker now. I was sharing an intimate moment with another person and it might get serious.

As I pondered my celebration of this glorious moment, I felt Abdel's cock going deeper and deeper. His width wasn't slowing down, the midway of his cock just as big as the top and bottom. I had stretched my jaw to the max and a tear jumped from my eyes, but I was so far I wanted to go further.

Abdel helped me and pushed my head down hard, so now I was repeatedly hitting the base.

There I choked again, my lips and tongue struggling to let air in, inadvertently sucking and licking his pubic hair and balls.

This ushered another sigh by Abdel, which soothed me into continuing. Instead, he grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

A gallon of spit left my mouth as I was pulled from his crotch, up the shaft, to the hilt of the helmet. I let in a deep breath through my nose, but didn't get time to breath out as he pushed me down just as fast.

Now I was truly sucking his cock, with Abdel fucking my mouth, and me letting him.

My head was going faster and faster, and I relaxed my neck in fear of it breaking. My mouth got used to the enormous size of him and I relished in every taste of skin I could get.

Abdel started thrusting into me more erratically and this turned me on so much I felt my own cock starting to leak, still soft and hidden in my trousers.

But I knew this was sex. Two people working together both lost in pleasure. I loved it.

I loved sucking his cock, being his, being held and helped making him feel good. If this is what sex was I could get used to it.

Heck, I could do it with more boys. If a boy's mouth can make another guy moan and tense up, why shouldn't we all do this all the time?

I felt Abdel's body completely harden as he stretched his legs and pulled my hair harder.

He was slamming my head down so often and hard I couldn't see anything and couldn't think. He was hitting the back of my throat so hard and so often I was completely covered in my own spit and my head was nothing more than a hole in the shape of his pole.

And then he slammed me down, deep into his crotch. I couldn't see anything, hear anything, it was just my throat completely covering his cock. Ropes of cumin shot into my esophagus, never even touching my mouth, so deep was he buried in me.

I couldn't taste it, but I felt it was thick, hitting the walls of my throat and slowly dripping down to my stomach. I savored the sensation by suckling on the base of his cock, not wanting to let it go until he he had emptied his balls in me completely. From behind me I heard someone say something.

"What the fuck are you doing to my little brother?"

And as I realized my brother Brad had returned, Abdel let out a long groan and let go of me. With my hair a total mess, my head covered in my own slime and my throat drenched in the taste of Abdel's spunk and sweat, I looked up at my brother.

And despite his furious look, I couldn't help but smile. I had my first sexual experience!

He, on the other hand, was fuming. I had never seen him so angry. Within a second Brad threw himself at Abdel and beat the living shit out of him. I screamed and pulled and begged him to stop, but he wouldn't until Abdel was crying and begging him, too. But Brad was possessed.

"Never ever come near my brother again!" Is all he screamed, every word accentuated with a punch. I was scared to death and simultaneously I felt a flutter. Having him be so protective of me felt good. I felt safe.

Brad turned around and picked me up like a feather from the couch and dragged me to the car. I didn't dare to ask why, but something about his stern look, made me look at him differently. His big hand on my waist as his arm pushed me out the door and on the way home, I had never felt so protected and cared by him. I had never seen him be and look so much like... a man.

"Get in the car," he grunted when we walked outside. A fear took hold of me.

"Are you mad at me?" I said, on the verge of tears.

Brad threw me one look filled with anger before he swung open the door and sat in the driver's seat. I lowered my head and duly got in the car. The ride home was completely silent.

Six days passed by before Brad spoke to me.

"Rory, extra cheese?" His eyes begged an answer but I was so struck by the direct contact I nearly forgot how I liked my pizza.

I nodded and he continued his order on the phone. We were all in the living room, my three brothers and my parents.

We had nice family. I always thought kinda too nice. We almost never fought and if us boys did, it ended in rough housing and laughing. Our mom held up her own as the only woman in the house and we did everything she asked with love. Dad worked a lot at the lumber yard but so do most dads in this town.

Levi, the oldest, was 28 and home for the weekend, since his wife had a work trip. Kevin was 25 and the goofball, not working, not in school, just smoking and trolling online through life and my parents had given up on not letting him.

Then there was Brad, 24, the serious one. He had gotten into Berkeley on a football scholarship and worked out all day every day. He was built like a grown man already. Not like one of those fat free Insta models, but a real man, hardened by life. No clear biceps, but huge arms, no six pack but a rock hard hairy belly. Wide hips and tree trunks for legs.

Yet, Brad just did it all to keep his scholarship. He had soon realized almost everyone on the team was more committed than him and he actually preferred studying law over running plays. He drove to school every morning for almost two hours and came back every night.

I was the accident. Six years after my mom said enough, she got pregnant with me and I have been in the shadows ever since. I lived on the hand-me-downs from my brothers and in every aspect of life too. I would never be as happy in life as Levi, or as funny as Kevin, and definitely not as smart and wanted by the ladies as Brad. I was just me. The extra. The bonus. I was loved, for sure, and my brothers did everything I asked them. But I was a nobody. And after my adolescence I preferred it that way.

The silence between me and Brad since last week had been torture though. Brad isn't very talkative in general and I'm mostly in my room on my phone, but every time I passed him, he was cold and distant, as if he grew angry all over again. The moments we had interacted with laced with tension.

First of all Brad couldn't even look at me, and the rare occasion he did, his face was blank, as if looking at a stranger. The next morning I came down he threw the entire toaster in the sink because it slightly shocked him. Leaving the rest of the family clueless. I had never felt more butterflies in my stomach as then.

Something about Brad, the ladies man, the one who was always too busy for me, and whom I hadn't had a meaningful conversation in years, who only let me come to his friend's party because our mom had told him to, cared so much about what I did, what my first sexual experience was like, it felt like a huge gesture of love. I meant something to him. Enough to fight his friend for me. Like a big brother would protect his little sister.

Still, I didn't dare to look him in the eye either. As the days passed my feelings about Abdel and what I did had changed. Abdel hadn't sent me one message, or even accepted my friend request. I stalked him on another social and accidentally liked one of his posts and the next thing I knew I couldn't see his profile anymore. I had cried myself to sleep two nights in a row and felt conflicted. How could something so enticing and thrilling, turn so sour afterwards?

I thought what happened was special. That it's something people only do when they love each other. But as close as I had gotten to him, as intimate the deed, and tight his grip on my head, it had clearly meant nothing to him.

But it did mean something to Brad.

After the pizza came two hours late, everyone ate and went directly to the living room per usual. This was my cue to go to my room and watch my own shows. I had already taken off my shirt when I heard a knock on the door, before it opened. I had never seen Brad look so small.

'Can... can we talk?" He muttered, looking at the floor.

I looked away too, a deep shame and sadness washing over me. I clenched my shirt against my chest, as to cover up. I was no girl, but I wasn't a skinny boy either. I had manboobs and a slight belly. I had been teased all my life I looked more like a woman than most girls.

"I shouldn't have lost my temper like that," he said, taking me by surprise. I had expected a lecture or a stern warning, but no apology.

"Beating people up, losing control, that's not what men do. I called Abdel and apologized and he apologized too. He didn't know you were...." Brad, a man I had seen practice argue a real life court case for an assignment, couldn't find any words right now.

"I mean you this was your first time right?" He finally looked me in the eyes, and it was like my soul can back to me.

"I guess, yeah," I said truthfully. In that moment, I couldn't lie. I still got woody's when I saw cute girls in the hallway at school. I watched straight porn. I hadn't really counted what happened with Abdel as anything other than him forcing me to perform a sexual act out of drunken horniness. I hadn't let it define me. But I guess this was my first sexual experience. And I loved it.

"I thought so," I said, since Brad didn't look satisfied.

"It's okay if you liked it, I mean, not that you did. Or didn't. Shit." Brad was fumbling his words and looking down at the ground again. He grew silent again.

"I just... people should respect you, Leaf. I don't care if it's a guy or a girl. You deserve to be treated with respect."

It meant so much to me he called me Leaf again. It was a nickname he had given me years ago that made absolutely zero sense. Maybe because I wasn't that strong and trembled like a leaf anytime anything happened. But hearing him say it again, meant I had my big brother back.

"Thank you," I whispered. I could see his whole body relax.

He firmly stepped forward and pulled me into his arms. I sank into him, clutching his back and burying my face in his shoulders. I started sobbing softly, so relieved our distance was over. His arms wrapped around my body and despite not being skinny, with him I felt small and delicate.

"I won't ever let anyone hurt you, Leaf" he whispered.

He pressing his face in the crevice of my neck and planted a soft kiss. Shivers ran down from there to every fiber of my body. My naked upper body pressed against his shirt, feeling the heat radiating from him to me, in his embrace, I felt so safe and loved. And I felt... like a girl.

"I just don't ever want to see you get hurt," he said smothered by my neck, the embrace tightening ever so.

I pulled back.

"I wasn't. I swear. It just happened. I didn't hate it." I explained.

"No, it didn't look like you did," he said, stepping back. The coldness washing back over him. I felt the shame return too and now it was me looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just. Sex is special. It may not seem like that, but it is. It can make your day or ruin your entire life. A lot of people get hurt, I see cases like that every day. People will do the most horrible things for sex and so you have to be careful. You have to be safe. Do it with someone you love, someone you trust." Brad looked so serious I couldn't help but laugh. There was the lecture I had anticipated from the start.

"I'm not your little sister, I don't need a speech," I said as I threw my shirt in the laundry basket.

"You clearly do, since you were being used!" Brad said, a little too loud. We both jumped and got quiet. Listening if anyone had heard us.

I was starting to get angry too.

"No I wasn't! I liked doing it! At least someone wanted me!" I said, not caring about the volume.

Brad sighed and looked remorseful.

"Rory, you shouldn't want it because someone wants you to. You... you should want it because you want to."

He stepped closer and I felt smaller. In the moment I had been so sure, I had enjoyed it so much, I had wanted nothing else but his cock. But after, when there were no messages, when there was no future, I had felt so empty.

I burst out crying and Brad rushed to me and wrapped his arms around me again. As if someone had given me a shot of tranqualizer, I immediately calmed down, the safety and strength of his body, nursing me to relax.

"I'm going to kill him for doing this to you," he whispered in my neck, while holding me tight once more. He kissed my neck again and I felt my cock harden. He had done this in a brotherly fashion when we were kids. But I guess now my hormones turned it into something else. I prayed he didn't feel me stiffen.

I sniffed as I buried my face in his neck.

"I didn't know you cared about me so much," I let out, foolishly.

With a shock Brad pulled back, exposing my embraced, heated body to the cold and lonely open air.

"Why would you say something like that?" He said offended.

"I'm sorry. I don't know," I immediately said and looked down at my toes. A single finger lifted up my chin, forcing me to look into his bright brown eyes.

"No one, no one in the world, loves you as much as I do, little brother," he said sternly. "Maybe a girl will someday, maybe a boy, but right now, I love you. And I am here. I have been since the day you were born. It wasn't Levi who took care of you, taught you how to ride a bike, how to throw a football, read you bed time stories, he wasn't there. Kevin wouldn't know how. Dad couldn't because of his work. It was me. You're my little brother. My only one. And you're mine to protect."

Something inside me lifted me up. I had never thought about it like that. I thought love was buying presents and being so passionate you just have to have sex like in all those romantic movies. I thought Brad never having time for me meant his love had vanished too. But I was on his mind. I never left. And I felt stronger, more important, more loved than ever before.

I stepped forward and kissed my brother firmly on his lips.

For three everlasting seconds, our lips collided. Crashing against each other and sliding into place to lock and transfer our souls. I tasted his spit seeping through my lips and the skin of his upper lip, stubbly from shaving. I smelt his perfume, and his natural scent from a long day too.

I felt every inch of his face I touched with my fingers as I threw myself into him, and as he caught my entire body with his giant hands. Holding me still with the strength of his mammoth arms. He stuck his tongue inside me and I met him with mine. They connected and slid over one another, like bodies in an erotic scene. I slightly pulled back, sucking his tongue with my lips.

Before he pushed me away.

"Stop!" He screamed, the way he would if I annoyed him during his study time. I fell backwards onto the bed and started to cry. What had happened? What had ruined this beautiful moment? Was he angry? Was he going to beat me up!

"What the fuck did I just say, Rory?"!

I looked down and saw his pants bulge. He caught me looking and turned quiet. He looked around, as if searching for a way out, before he sighed, shaked his head and walked out of the room.