Just What Does Constitute Cheating


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I now know what a fish feels like when he's flopping around on the bottom of a boat. I never saw him pull out his tazer, but I sure felt its effects as my body gave it up. It felt like it went on for about a half hour but really it was only for a minute or two start to finish. When I came to my kids were there screaming along with my wife.

I'd pissed and shit in my pants and one officer was holding my wife back as I struggled to my feet.

"Sir, please step back or I'm going to have to taze you again," he told me. I sat down on the edge of the couch. There was no way I wanted to go through that again.

"Mrs. Moore, if you feel threatened or if another 'accident' happens, please call us," he said handing my wife his card. "Mr. Moore, please don't make us come out again, if you know what I mean," he said staring right through me. I got his message loud and clear.

They said their goodbyes and finally left.

"Dad, that was so cool," my young son said. "What did it feel like?" he asked.

"Kids, go back in the kitchen and eat your dinner," my wife told them. When they gave her a bit of a hard time I yelled at them to do what their mother asked.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to change my pants," I said walking up the stairs.

"We'll wait dinner on you."

"Ruth, I think I just lost my appetite. I need a damn shower and a change of clothes."

"But, Steve..."

"Ruth, will you please just shut the hell up? I've had all the excitement I can handle for one night." I went up to the spare room to clean out my shorts and take a much-needed shower.

Damn that had hurt. I'd seen police do it to people on television and it kind of looked comical when they dropped over and flopped around as the juice flowed through their body. It felt nothing like it looked. A clean tee shirt and a pair of clean underwear and shorts was just what the doctor ordered. I saw the pinpricks where he shot me and they were still sore to the touch. I sat on the bed; I was wiped.

"Are you all right?" she asked as she walked into the room. "You still don't look so good."

"I still don't feel so good either but thanks for asking," I said sarcastically. "I guess your boyfriend at work notified the police. Please tell him tomorrow I'd like to return the favor at my earliest convenience."

"Steve, he wouldn't have done that."

"Are you sure? Can you look me in the eye and tell me with a hundred percent certainty he didn't turn me into the police for domestic abuse? You heard them; they're going to be watching me from now on. Just fucking great. Next time you get a scratch they'll probably both taze me. Maybe you can get it on tape and send it into America's Funniest Videos. Hell, we'll probably win the ten thousand dollar prize," I said more than a little angry. "So, if you don't mind, will you please leave me the hell alone for the rest of the night? I'm going to try and get some sleep, that is if you have no objections or aren't planning anymore surprises for me tonight." She left, went downstairs and I got my work clothes for tomorrow. I figured I didn't need another door mishap tomorrow morning. I was long gone before everyone got up. I stopped by McDonalds for breakfast because by now I was hungry, to say the least.

"Wow, talk about excitement," Tim said when he called me about ten thirty the next morning. "I heard you tried to throw a cop out of your house and he tazed you. Does it hurt as much as it looks like on television?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Tim, what do you want?"

"Will you do me a favor? I was supposed to pick up the girls tonight because Kristy's working late again, but my boss told me he needed the contract I'm working on finished before I left tonight. Can you be a sport and pick up the girls from dance?"

"No problem. I'll pick them up and try not to piss off anyone," I told him.

"I just wish Kristy would stop working over, it makes it hard to schedule dinner around her," he told me.

"Why don't you surprise her and bring dinner to her at her work tonight. I'll feed all the kids at our house, and at least it'll give the two of you a break."

"I just might do that. Thanks buddy," he told me. "I guess I'd better get cracking if I want to surprise her," Tim told me.

After work I picked up the girls and stopped by Pizza Hut to pick up three large assorted pies. I couldn't reach Ruth so I left her a message that I had the girls and was bringing home dinner because everyone was eating at our house tonight. Within twenty-five minutes we were on our way and I only hoped that tonight would be a little quieter.

We were all sitting around eating when Ruth came in. Her face still looked bad but at least she smiled at me tonight, unlike last night. She went upstairs to change and came back down ten minutes later. I'm not a big pizza person so after two pieces and a Corona I was done. I told the kids to knock themselves out and went into the den to check my e-mails. A few minutes later Ruth came into the den.

"Steve, I'm sorry about last night. You were right; Don did call the police on you. He thought you had beat me up and told the police that. I informed him that it was none of his business but he felt he was just trying to protect me. I had a long talk with him today and told him that he is a friend and that's all he will ever be. That if he had any other intensions to forget about them because it wasn't going to happen. I told him in no uncertain terms that I was in love with my husband and planned to grow old with him." She bent down and kissed me.

"Hon, I'm sorry about the last two nights and everything else. It seems like everything's been going nuts since I found out that Kristy was fooling around on Tim. I was hoping that the two of them could work it out. Hell, I even suggested to Tim that he surprise her with dinner tonight. They're both working late and I figure it would show her how much he really cared for her." At that Ruth turned white and ran out of the room. I heard her say shit as she ran towards our bedroom. Not really thinking anything of it, I went back to my e-mails.

When I finished up, I went looking for her. I found her sitting on the bed just staring out into space.

"You ok hon?"

"I'm ok, Kristy's not. She asked if we would watch the girls tonight for her. I told her no problem," she said still in a daze.

"Oh I get it, the two of them are probably making up as we speak. That dirty dog, I guess my idea worked out better than I thought." She just looked up at me.

"Kristy has been fooling around with someone at her work. She's been staying over once in a while so she can be with him and tonight when Tim brought her dinner he walked in on the two of them. Thank God they were still dressed but her blouse was wide open and she'd already taken off her bra. I guess it got really ugly and the police had to be called. I told her she was playing with fire but she wouldn't listen to me."

"Holy shit, I never knew."

"Steve, you weren't supposed to, remember?"

"She called me to ask if I could watch the girls but I haven't a clue where she is right now."

I grabbed my phone and hit Tim's number on my speed dial. It went to voice mail. "Tim, this is Steve. Call me as soon as you get this message; I just heard from Ruth what happened." Short and right to the point.

"Steve, I'm sorry I got us involved in their mess. I was just trying to be a good friend and not judge what she was doing. I knew it was wrong and should have convinced her to break it off when it first started. Steve, it didn't start off as anything sexual, it just ended up that way."

"That's why I wasn't comfortable with your relationship with Don. It may not have ever gone as far as Kristy's, but I wasn't about to take that chance. You're mine, and I'm not about to share you with any other man in any fashion." We kissed again and for the first time in the last week I wanted to make love with my wife, swollen face and all.

"Dad, Tim is here and wants to talk to you," my daughter screamed up the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?" I said walking out the front door and closing it behind me. "Ruth said you walked in on Kristy and some other guy."

"Can you believe it? I thought she was working and I picked up Italian, including wine. The guard gave me a smile and a high five and let me upstairs. I snuck down the hall and yelled surprise as I went through her door. Jesus Christ she was sitting on her desk kissing this guy with her damn shirt open."

"What did you do?"

"I threw the food at them and hit that asshole with the bottle of wine on the back. You know, those bottles are a hell of a lot stronger than I thought. I hit him twice, once on the back and once on the forearm when he put it up to block the second blow; I think I broke his arm, well I hope anyway. Well, with all that screaming going on, people rushed into the office and the next thing I know the security guard and the police were there. I don't know what happened to Kristy, but I was escorted out of the building. I drove around for about an hour to cool down and now I'm looking for her."

"I don't think it would be a smart move on either of your parts to talk tonight. Why don't you go home and try to chill out. We'll keep the kids here tonight and take them to school in the morning. Don't do anything dumb tonight, Ok?"

"Steve, I've got to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth. You didn't tell anyone about what I told you, did you? I mean, not even Ruth did you?"

"I told no one, not even my wife."

"I thought maybe she'd found out and was paying me back; you know getting a bit of revenge on me," he said still pacing back and forth. "It looks like she was doing this on her own and I can only guess for how long."

"Look buddy I'm going to say this one more time and I want it to sink in. Don't do or say anything stupid tonight. Even if Kristy comes home don't say a fucking word to her. You're upset, and rightfully so, but you're likely to say something you won't be able to take back tomorrow, if you know what I mean."

"Damn right I would. I'd like to take all her shit and throw it on the lawn and start the fucking sprinklers, that would show her."

"And the neighbors and your three kids," I said trying to talk a little sense into him. "You don't know how long this has been going on. Tonight could have been the first time; you won't know until you ask her."

"Steve. I don't want to talk to that tramp, I just want her out of my fucking house."

"Tim, what would you be saying right now if Kristy had walked into your room when you were out of town the last time?"

That changed the look on his face.

"I'm not saying what you or she did is right or wrong, that's none of my business. I'm just saying neither one of you can throw stones right now. Go home, try and get some sleep and keep away from the alcohol, it's not going to help. Tomorrow it's not going to look any better, but at least your temper will be more manageable."

He looked beat. He gave me a hug and walked across the street to his house.

"Kids, we're all having a sleep over tonight," I told them, and they started to hoot and holler. "There will be no staying up all night because tomorrow is a school day. Put the dishes in the dishwasher, get yourselves ready for bed and I'll see you all before you go to sleep." Who was I kidding it would be a party whether I wanted it to be one or not.

"What did Tim say?" Ruth asked as I walked back into our room.

"The kids are spending the night here and you're taking everyone to school tomorrow, but I don't want to talk about those two any longer. They'll work it out or not, I don't care one way or another anymore; it's you and me I'm more concerned about."

"Steve, I haven't done anything."

"I know that or we'd be going round and round about now." I took off my shirt and propped a chair against the doorknob. "Right now I want to make love to you more than I have in ages. We begin our healing tonight and nothing on earth is going to stand in our way."

"The kids, they'll hear us."

"Not if your mouth is doing what I have planned for it," I said kissing her.

She told me to be gentle with her face because it was still sore and awfully bruised; we worked around it. I ate her until she had to put a pillow over her face to keep everyone in the house from hearing her scream as she orgasmed twice. I didn't scream either as she took her time working my tool but unlike her, I had other places I wanted to put my discharge.

She hadn't had top in years, that is, not until tonight. When she said she wasn't comfortable with being on top I told her she'd better get use to it. Showing her how I wanted her to move, I used my thumb on her clit to keep her interested. It took her a few minutes but she finally got the hang of it. And by the way she was moaning I think she was starting to enjoy it; well I was anyway.

"Damn this feels good," I said reaching up to play with her boobs and nipples. "I'm so close," I told her pushing up as hard as I could. Three strokes later I was coating the inside of her vagina. She watched me and ground her pussy onto my dick even harder.

With me starting to shrink, I flipped her over and between my fingers and tongue I finished her off again. Kissing, a lot of kissing was done as we both started to come down. I know she wanted to talk, but right now was not the time for words; actions yes, words no.

"Mom, you in there," I heard the small voice call out.

"Just a minute dear. I'll be there in a second," my wife said getting up and throwing on her robe.

There was a huge crisis on where everyone was going to sleep that night. She took care of it in her usual efficient manner and within five minutes the sleeping arrangements were settled. She dropped the robe and asked if I wanted to join her for a shower; she didn't have to ask twice.

The hot water was almost gone by the time we got out. There was more kissing and a lot more tongue and finger play. She tried to get me up once more but a knock on our bathroom scuttled that. I guess we'd have to sneak in another session if and when the kids went to sleep.

I slipped on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and did the honors this time. Within ten minutes the upstairs lights were out and I was downstairs surveying the damage. I trashed everything that was left and loaded the dirty dishes from the sink into the dishwasher. I did grab two glasses of wine before I headed back upstairs. I found my wife looking at her face in her makeup mirror.

"It's going to take a week or so for the bruising to go away, and I hope to hell that crease goes away. Next time at least give me a little warning before you decide to go macho on me."

"You know I'm sorry."

"I know that, but I'm going to take full advantage of this at least until it goes away," she said smiling. I handed her one of the glasses.

"You trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?"

"Did that already, now it's time to let you take advantage of me," I answered dropping my shorts.

I think she put more effort into it than she'd had in a long time because within a few minutes I was rock hard and fucking her mouth with my eyes tightly shut.

"Here it comes," I warned her as I started to shoot my load. She never let up and even massaged my balls giving me one last spurt. She did, however, run to the bathroom and spit it out in the sink. Maybe next time she'll swallow. Coming back to the bed she took a drink of wine and put her pillows up against our headboard.

"Now that we have eaten, drunk and made love, do you want to tell me what Tim had to say?"

"Not really, but I did tell him to do nothing tonight, just to wait until at least tomorrow before talking to Kristy. They've got a long road ahead of them even if they decide to make a go of it."

"I hope they do make it, if for no other reason than the kids," she said finishing her glass of wine. "What would you have done if it had been me?"

"Don't have a clue and right now I'm not going to even think about it because it never would have happened," I said looking at her. "So, you up for round two?"

"We already had round two and it's a school night, and with guests in the house we're going to have to get up early," she said shutting off the light. "Do you think you can come over here and cuddle with me without hurting me too much?"

"You really are going to milk every mile out of that injury you can, aren't you?"

"I told you I was. Besides an hour long foot rub is going to make my face feel that much better tomorrow night." I guess I owed her at least that much. We feel asleep and woke up to the onslaught of a million hungry kids.

Ruth never made it into work that morning. She played mother hen to the kids and was a shoulder to cry on for Kristy. She and her fuck buddy were given a real gift by their company. She got a two-week suspension without pay and he was transferred to a different office. Next time they were told they would be terminated. That forced leave of absence would give her plenty of time to consider what she'd done to her marriage.

Tim went to work the next day but took the rest of the week off when he found out about Kristy's work consequences. They sat down the next night and he came clean about his one time indiscretion. I don't know if Kristy came completely clean about how long she'd been fooling around on him because she never told Ruth and I wasn't about to ask Tim. They're seeing a marriage counselor and I know that because I've been elected to pick up the kids from dance every Tuesday and Thursday night. From what Ruth has told me, she thinks they're going to make it but they've both got a lot of trust issues to get over; him more than her.

Ruth still asks me what I would have done if I'd walked in on her and Don going at it. I keep telling her that I'm not sure, but if I hadn't done what Tim did on that sales trip I think it probably would have been a marriage killer. I'm sure hoping I never have to worry about it. However, it does make me wonder why she wants to know. Did she do something she wasn't supposed to have done? Well, like I said, I'm not going to worry about it; that is unless she asks me that question again.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

So the police taze him in his own home, in front of his kids, causing him to lose control of his bowels, and then just leave? On what planet does that happen? 😂

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Never get involved in a other couples relationshio. That includes don't grass them up. You will not be thanked and your relationship is over just as much as it would be if they eventually found out you knew and you hadbt told them.

Moralising is all well and good, but people don't want the truth and they definitely dont want you there at their lowest point of shame and betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

@anon below.

If that police officer used that taser and the MC was white, the Officer would now be looking at getting another job. At every stage he fucked up and escalating without a present and credible threat of violence is an automatic lawsuit against the PD.

Google is your friend, the number of cases is staggering. Clearly american police lack any training.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

If a police officer uses a taser (not tazer), the individual that got tased will be arrested. Always!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Not bad, it leaves enough innuendo to assume Ruth either did go too far with Don, or was considering it. Which makes the MC a bit weak, or at least naive. And I agree with other commenters, the police tasing was way too unrealistic. I actually thought the cops showing up was a good plot device (outing Don and Ruth) but just simply arriving and asking questions was enough to make the scene.

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