Just You and Me and Sis Ch. 03


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I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled as I felt his lips on one of my nipples. He was pushing his hard cock into me like it was the last thing in his life he would ever do. His sucking on a nipple was feeling so good, I almost wet the bed.

"I'm gonna cum...are you ready?" he asked as he looked into my eyes.

"Oh god yes...please, take me with you," I pleaded.

Mikie began to move faster and harder as he held my legs up to his chest. I was pushing my body off the bed with each stroke.

"Ah, ah, ah, oh baby I'm almost there," I whimpered.

This man didn't stop or even worry about his own orgasm. His only concern was for me to be pleased.

My next words were the ones that sent him over the edge into ultimate bliss.

"None baby, cum now," I whispered.

As if on queue we both came like gang busters. All that could be heard was, "Ah, ah, ah" and

"Oh my god, NOW."

Finally Mikie slowed down as he watched my face to see if I was happy. Oh I was more than happy. I was on cloud number nine hundred and thirty seven. I felt like I was floating on air.

He stayed inside of me until his cock was completely soft and fell out of on its own.

As he moved and fell next to me on the bed he tried to control his breathing.

"Oh god that was magnificent," he whispered to me.

"Yes, yes it was," I said with a smile on my face.

Mikie reached over my body and pulled me to him as he nuzzled my hair and neck and drifted off to sleep.

I just gently reached to the covers as I pulled them up and over us. Before I could say 'blessed be' we were both sound asleep.

As I have said, this went on 5 nights a week between me and Mikie. Maddy wasn't jealous as I thought she might be, she was dating the young Marine she met at Olive Garden.

One night that Mikie decided to go back to his room so I could stretch out on the bed, she came in and wanted to talk to me.

"Mom, I know that I haven't been coming in here with you and Mikie a lot lately but this Marine I've been seeing has been taking a lot of my time," she said softly as she sat down on my bed.

"Sure honey they tend to do that when the young lady they are dating is as pretty and as sexy as you are," I remarked.

As she gazed at me with love in her eyes; they dropped to my growing belly.

"Mom, your belly is growing so fast," she said as she reached to touch me.

"Yes, it is honey," I replied as I smiled. "A couple of more days and we will find out the gender of this bundle of joy."

As we finished talking my eyes began to close.

"Mommy, I'm going on to bed, see you in the morning," she whispered.

I only moaned as I drifted off to sleep.

My dreams were here and there, not making much sense at all. As day light woke me up I stirred in the bed. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up over my head. I kept my eyes closed as I tried to go back to sleep. I finally managed to succeed and drift on back to sleep.

Finally about noon I heard the phone ring and when I realized what time it was as I reached for the handset.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Mom, its Mikie. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Okay... just woke up sweetie," I replied.

"I'm on my way home. I'm worried about you," he said.

Before I could say anything he was gone.

I rolled over and threw the blanket off of my body as I went into the bathroom to take a shower. Before I stepped into the tub I looked at my body in the full length mirror. "Hey, not bad for a 30 something pregnant Mom," I thought.

I step into the shower and for the first time since before Robbie had died I began to sing. A lot off key and I never could carry a tune in a bucket but who would hear me anyway.

It seemed that the sun was shining just for me. The birds outside the window were singing just for me, a little Mary Poppins going on in my head.

Just as I was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair I heard Mikie, "Mom, do you mind if I come in?"

"Why be shy now honey?" I replied.

Mikie stepped into the bathroom and causally avoided my body with his eyes.

"What is going on Mom?" he asked as he began to examine the contents of the medicine cabinet.

"Well, Mikie this is called your Mom taking a shower and washing her hair," I said a bit sarcastically.

He finally glared at me. "No, Mom you know what I mean," he said as I bent over to rinse the shampoo out.

My long hair hanging down over my head and water running through it; I could see Mikie through the clear shower curtain liner and he had his arms folded across his chest and a very determined look on his face. I swung my hair up and felt it slap against my back as I looked over at him.

"What baby doll?" I said as I grabbed a towel to wrap around me.

"You, sleeping so late," he said as I swear he began to tap his foot in anticipation.

"Oh honey I'm fine, I was just tired that's all," I replied.

"Okay that's final then, I'm going to stay in my own room until the baby is born or until "I" have a chance to talk to the doctor in a few days," he sounded like a pissed off Father to me.

"Hey, I'm fine. There is nothing wrong with me," I said. I tucked the towel around my ever growing boobs and as I walked past Mister MOM I slapped his cute back side.

"No, I mean it Mom, you could go into labor while I'm at work or even worse yet, while we're making love," he said as he turned to follow me.

"Or I could wait another few months and go into labor after dinner or at the grocery store or

in the shower or as I'm driving somewhere," I reassured him.

"Mom, you are carrying my first born child, your first grand child/third child. Whatever you want to call him or her," he said sternly.

"Honey, I have already had 2 babies, just incase you didn't notice, your sister and you. The chances of me going into labor at any one of those places is like1 trillion to 1, or something ridiculous like that. But I will add it to the list to ask Dr. Barnes if it will make you feel better,"

I remarked.

Mikie lowered his arms from across his chest and reached to the front of the towel and he pulled lightly and there I was in my still damp birthday suit plus a basketball in my belly.

"You are so beautiful Mom," he said as he smiled down at me. He pulled me into his arms as he began to kiss my neck and ended up at my enormous tits.

"Thank you baby," I sighed as I ran my fingers through his hair.

I knew exactly where this was going to lead and that would be the bed. I had avoided the ugly stretch marks syndrome with Mikie and Maddy; I was hoping I would with this baby too. Every night that Mikie stayed in my bed he rubbed cocoa butter lotion on my extra large belly. The other nights I did it myself. But I must admit I loved it when he did it. He'd get down and talk really softly to my belly and tell his baby how much he loved them. So much of Mikie reminded me of Robbie.

As he was walking with me to my room we began to talk about names again. I still had about 3 months to go before I could even think of labor etc. Mikie and I were starting labor coaching that night.

I made a roast for dinner, but it was just me and Mikie. Maddy had yet another date with her


As I was cutting up veggies Mike was talking about his idea of where to put the cradle in my room. I asked him why did he think it would be a good idea to have the baby in my room?

"Well, because then you don't have to walk down the dark hall in the middle of the night," he


Now I must admit that did sound like a great idea.

He moved some things around in the living room for me that afternoon and even made me a salad for lunch. As he was putting things in the dishwasher I noticed his cute butt. It turned me on just looking at him, his biceps budging against the sleeves of his shirt.

The roast was ready about 6 so we sat down at the kitchen bar and ate. It just seemed so strange that Maddy wasn't here.

Note to self: find out this Marines name.

As I was finishing my dinner Mikie got up and put the dishes in the dish washer. Afterwards he made 2 bowls of ice cream. And as a joke he put a kosher pickle in my bowl of cookie n cream ice cream. I just looked at him and laughed. And no I didn't want sardine chocolate milk shakes either.

We stayed up and cuddled in the den as we watched some things on the DVR. Within about 30 minutes I was asleep in his lap.

I did hear the TV go off and the next thing I knew I was in my bed with Mikie undressing me. "Bed time already," I thought. I was naked as I felt him pull the comforter up and over me. I drifted back to sleep just in time to feel the bed move and his hands reach around my back and come to rest on my belly. No, foreplay tonight I thought to myself.

My days more or less went like this on and off for the remainder of my pregnancy.

In early April Mikie and I got to meet the young Marine when Maddy brought him to dinner. All this time we had called him 'the Marine' or 'Maddy's b/f'. Tonight as we all sat down to a catered dinner we were introduced to Specialist John Matteson.

As Maddy and Mikie were clearing the table after dessert he helped me out of my chair and I took his arm to be escorted into the living room. "How formal," I thought. He was only 30, just a few years younger than myself. Of course he looked delicious in his uniform, don't they all?

As we were talking he said, "I'd like to talk to you about the baby."

I wasn't shy about my condition so I asked him, "Exactly what do you mean, John?"

He cleared his throat but still continued to speak softly. "Maddy explained to me about the Father of your baby. That he is your son."

"Yes, Mikie is my baby's Father. I have no problem with people knowing that. In fact, I like them to know that he is," I continued as I smiled.

"May I say Maggie, I admire you and Mike for doing this. He will be forever by your side to help you raise this child, I'm sure," he remarked with a nice sized grin.

"Thank you John, I appreciate your openness in this matter," I answered.

Just as I said that Maddy came in with Mikie right behind her. As she cleared the doorway from the kitchen, "Okay, kids in the room," she said.

We all laughed at that. I thought it was funny. I began to laugh so hard I got the hiccups.

"Maggie, Maddy and I would like to ask you and Mike something," he said as Maddy sat on the arm of his chair.

"Certainly, do go on," I said.

Maddy was smiling so big I could have sworn her face would break.

"With your permission I'd like to ask Maddy to be my wife?" he said as he smiled and looked up at Maddy.

Tears were streaming down her face as I felt some form in the corners of my own eyes.

I smiled at Maddy and at John as I gave my blessing to them to be married. Mikie hugged Maddy and shook John's hand so forcefully I thought he was going to break the man's arm.

As John dropped Mikie's man shake the two lovers kissed and hugged so tightly, I was so proud and happy for them both.

"Maggie, we will not be living together as a lot of engaged people do nowadays. In a way I'm old fashioned," John said with a smile.

"I want Maddy to live here at home until our wedding night, if that is all right with you," John concluded.

"Of course, that's fine," I said. Just then as I rested my right forearm on the top of my protruding belly the baby gave me a nice hard kick. I just jumped and said, "Oh, another country heard from here."

The evening closed with a nice group hug. It was so reminiscent of our family when Robbie was still alive.

John left shortly before midnight and the three of us headed up to bed.

I think the romance of John and Maddy got to Mikie because before I knew it, he was naked and under the blanket with me.

"I'm so happy for Maddy, Mom," he said as he kissed his way down to my breasts.

"Yes me too," I said softly.

Mikie and I cuddled and fell asleep.

I'll not bore you with the details of the rest of my pregnancy but suffice to say that Maddy and John were married shortly after Mary Elizabeth Evans was born.

She weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 22 inches long. She arrived within 3 hours after our last Birthing class. My water broke and Mary Elizabeth was born 2 hours after that.

Maddy was with us as when she came into the world. Mikie was too, but he was out cold on the birthing room floor with a nurse giving him oxygen. Leave it too a man to want all the attention.

The second I laid eyes on her I could see Mikie in her, his eyes, his hair the dimple in his chin, where now in Elizabeth.

Maddy was video taping the birth so when Mikie made it back to the land of the living he could see his daughter take her first breath.

I've seen Christmas' and birthdays' with both my kids. I have seen smiles and tears of joy. I've seen Mikie so happy he cried. But never like this. When they brought him around all he kept saying was, "I'm a Daddy"..... "I have a baby girl."

We got settled into our room and Mikie just laid down and went to sleep. Maddy and I stayed up and talked about how lucky we were to have Mikie in our lives as well as now have Elizabeth too.

When Maddy and John got marriage Mikie was the best man. I was the Mother of the Bride. The night after the bridal shower Mikie went into Maddy's room and they talked for a long time. It wasn't until almost sunrise that I heard her moans of ecstasy. Mikie knew that he loved his sister as much as he loved his Mother and his daughter. They expressed their love one more time, 2 nights before she married John.


Thank you for reading my story. This is the final chapter of my story of Mikie, Maddy and myself. If you like the story please leave me feed back.


Blessed Be, ravenswood

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Diecast1Diecast1about 2 years ago

Great story. Love it. AAAAAA++++++

CrackmplsCrackmplsover 6 years ago
Age errors

You say your 35, 38(?), but then you say it's 2005. Then the crib man comes, and you say you're from the class of 1965, 2005 -1965 =40. If you, in fact, graduated in 1965 average age at graduation 17-18, 18+40 = 58.

Other than that thought it was a good story, though I doubt he would announce to everyone he's the father and risk being arrested.....

SensualleeSensualleeabout 7 years ago
A Story Well Told

Liked it a lot. I'm working on one with sort of a similar plot.

firewolf54firewolf54almost 9 years ago

up untill mattie took off with the marine as you first saymikey belong to her and she love him,what kind of love is that

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 10 years ago
Yes, ravenswood, I liked your story.

Mother/son incest is always the best (for me to read), I do not care so much for Mom to get pregnant but if that is what they want (and, most importantly, you, the author wants) I am all for it, at least for reading about it. I have read others of your stories, I believe, also or maybe it was just this one, I know that I read it before. Thank you for writing.

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