Kajal Agarwal has a Problem Ch. 02

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Romeo solves Kajal's problem and acquires two new whores.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/21/2018
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Two days later...

Romeo was sitting in P. V. Murthy's office in Hyderabad playing Words With Friends on his smartphone. He knew it would be a little while before Murthy will see him. Murthy was a young director and still drunk with his power. He would make Romeo wait to establish his own authority and superiority. Romeo didn't mind. He was beyond these games. If he wanted he could establish his power right here, right now in a second. But he had come all this way to resolve the situation not make it worse. So, he took out his phone and settled down for a long wait.

But neither Murthy nor Romeo had counted on one thing.

His popularity. People feared Romeo, they respected him and also loved him. Well, kind of like a father figure of the industry though Romeo would protest that he was not old enough to be a role model like that.

The fact was that people knew him. The news of his presence in Murthy's office spread like wildfire around the whole set. And people thought it a golden opportunity to meet the legend or renew their acquaintance with him.

People included pretty much everybody from set technicians to extras. Anyone who was not busy with the current shot found some excuse to slink away and peek into Murthy's office. The DOP came and said hello, and two of the three 3 cameramen.

A pretty girl who did script supervision came and introduced herself. She greeted him with a full-on French kiss, acting boldly for once in her life. She told everybody for weeks how wet she became when Romeo's tongue entered her mouth.

Even two extras who had only a bit part in the film, took the golden opportunity to say hello to the great director. Both of them were pretty and were wearing skimpy clothes for the shot. The hugged him and kissed fully on the lips, inviting his hands to explore them. The prettier of them, called Bruna Abdullah, was bold enough to ask if he would mind sharing his number.

Instead of h is own number, Romeo gave her the number of his home office and told her to talk to his secretary Amrita Rao. He told her to call and arrange a meeting after she was done with this film. She was wearing a very brief two-piece bikini and while they were chatting Romeo's hand was actually inside the back of her bikini bottoms, kneading her bare ass cheeks. The way Bruna had quickly opened her legs to give him full access to grope her, she was very ready to come under him.

After the girls were called to set, there were a number of other people that came and went, even including some spot boys. Some of them wanted autographs and photographs, some only wanted to meet the hotshot director.

Romeo, being a people's director, never showed attitude, especially to the industry people. He met everybody cordially, including spot boys. He joked with the clapper boy, and signed all the autographs anybody wanted. The girls seemed thrilled to kiss him but he infused as much warmth into a handshake with a male technician as well. Hot girls were lining up to greet him though. They thought it was their chance to make an impression.

Hottest of the lot were the two heroines who were working side by side with Kajal Agarwal in this film - Anushka Shetty and Tamanna Bhatia. While Tamanna was in a very skimpy top and micromini skirt, Anushka was wearing a jacket that covered her upper body. Her skirt was very short though.

Romeo got up and turned to meet them as they came in. Anushka was the first to greet him. Just before entering into his arms she opened the jacket and Romeo saw that there was no top, and no bra. She pressed her full, firm, bare, hot tits on his chest as she hugged him tight. Instead of kissing him hard, she brought her mouth to his, pressing her lips lightly to his and then let him take the lead. She opened her lips the moment his tongue touched her bottom lip. The kiss turned out to be hot and electrically charged.

Tamanna tried to match Anushka's performance and while failing to meet that level she still managed to convey to the senior director that she was a good actress and knew that her place was under her director.

While they stood and chatted in general terms, Anushka stepped close to Romeo, stood beside him and took his hand in hers. She opened her legs and placed his hand square on her bare ass under her short skirt. All of this without breaking her stride, talking about the plot of the movie and plans for its promotion.

Even though the door of the office remained open, the two girls, especially Anushka, made no secret of the fact that they were available to Romeo right then, or at any time he wanted. They did have to go when a small of group of people arrived, seeking to meet the filmmaker.

It took Murthy 35 minutes to gather what was happening, 5 minutes to finish the take and put the shooting on hold and 2 minutes to run to his office. There he shooed everybody out except Romeo, shook hands with him and sat down in his own chair.

Kajal Agarwal who was now free as the shooting was on hold, followed Murthy and entered his office without asking for permission. She kissed Romeo slowly but with a full, intimate feeling, showing an easy familiarity. She had genuinely missed him in the last 2 days. She had not let Murthy nail her. She wanted to first see how things will resolve, in the meantime she had made excuses to not spread her legs for him.

After the kiss, Kajal waited until Romeo was sitting down and then casually placed her butt in his lap. Murthy's eyes opened wide like saucers. Romeo noticed that, he gently moved Kajal off his lap and told her to go back to the set. She complied after pouting first.

Romeo knew that the matter he had to discuss was extremely delicate, you just didn't meddle in another man's project. Having Kajal there would have made it even more difficult to resolve. That's why he had sent her out.

But it turned out that it didn't help. Murthy really resented Romeo being there even before he said anything. Once they started discussing, he was downright rude. No matter how gently or delicately Romeo tried to talk about it, Murthy came back with a rude response.

"I know it's not my place to tell you how to run your project..." Romeo began.

"Then why don't you keep your fucking mouth shut!" Murthy screamed.

After trying for half an hour when Romeo saw that there could be no compromise, he decided to cut his losses. Instead of being rude to Murthy he simply wished him a good day and walked out.

Kajal was not far from the office. She looked up as Romeo came out. He shook his head. Her face fell. With a reassuring look at her Romeo walked out of the studio.


The next morning when Murthy came to the set he found that the camera had not been started, the lights were not in the place, the jimmy was turned off and parked in a corner. He hunted down his production controller and asked what the hell. The controller, an elderly man called Ahuja, simply told him to talk to the producer.

Producer Thadani never used to come to the set other than on payday. Today he was in his office. He received Murthy gravely and explained to him that their financers had pulled out claiming market losses.

Murthy made a few calls to financers and producers that he knew. He got a flat no everywhere. Everybody had a different and genuine-sounding reason to not be able to help Murthy but there was a pattern emerging.

"Are you really that stupid, Murthy?" Thadani said after watching Murthy flounder around for half an hour "Can't you see this is a direct result of your meeting with Romeo yesterday?"

"You think he shut down our project?" Murthy didn't want to believe it.

"Even a child in the industry today knows that you behaved badly with Mr. Romeo yesterday. And today you don't have a project. Why do you think that is?"

"That's not fair. That's bullshit!"

"No, what's not fair, Murthy, is that I didn't piss off the big man, and yet, I lost my project. What's bullshit is that the 700 people who were working on this film yesterday didn't do anything to anger the big director, but still they will have to find a new job at a moment's notice if they want to feed their families."

Thadani left Murthy sitting there with his head in his hands. And that's how his wife found him an hour later when she walked in.

"What's going on? Why is there no shooting?" she asked.

Murthy's wife Namitha was a successful actress herself. She was a little heavy in the body, but she made sure to keep it all tight with regular gym sessions. Her face was her best feature, it was soft and pretty without being severe. Her lips were soft and plump, men often stared at them. She usually wore red lipstick to highlight her sexy lips.

Namitha was always careful to dress in tight, skimpy dresses that showed off her tightly toned body to advantage. Being slightly bigger than normal, slim actresses, she also had big boobs and a big but shapely ass. Today also she was wearing a form-fitting tight minidress that ended just 2 inches below her ass. It was skin tight and showed her curves well. The fabric was stretched tight enough across her butt to show that she didn't have any panties on under the short dress.

Within two minutes she had found out all about the situation. Murthy tried to downplay the sex-scene angle and Namitha didn't object or question. She already knew about it from the grapevine. She took Murthy home saying there was no point in them staying at the studio right now.

One hour later, she moaned as Murthy rolled off of her naked body. She turned to the side and caressed his cheek "Baby, you are so good!"

As a rule she strictly controlled how much Murthy could fuck her. Normally it was about once or twice a month. Not that she didn't have a high sex drive, she loved sex. But rest of the time she used to watch porn and use her vibrator to bring her pleasure. Those orgasms were hot and intense. With Murthy she was never able to orgasm because his cock was not so big and he never lasted long. Like most Indian men, he didn't know the meaning of the word foreplay. And like all smart wives, Namitha knew how to fake an orgasm. She was a good actress.

They had spend some time talking about the problem but were not getting anywhere. Murthy tried to call a few more people in the industry but without any use. He was shocked at how many people already knew that his film had stopped. Finally Namitha had suggested that he "needed to relax". And they had moved to the bedroom.

Now when he was satisfied and relaxed, Namitha said "You know what you need to do, don't you, babe?"

"What?" Murthy asked unnecessarily.

"You have to call him." She said also unnecessarily. He knew it, and even some people he called earlier had suggested it.

"Maybe I can get finance elsewhere?" Murthy said without much conviction.

"Baby..." Namitha got off her back and straddled him. She moved her hips slowly so her pussy was gently rubbing on his small, limp dick. She knew how to make him listen to her.

"...why are you trying to make things worse? Maybe you can get finance somewhere. But what if your crew walks off the set? Would you be happy only then?"

Murthy's eyes opened wide "That can happen?"

"I am sure he can do that. He's very powerful. And how will you shoot without a heroine. Kajal took a plane to Bombay this morning. You think she'll come back without His permission?"

Namitha had done some calling of her own and found out much more than Murthy knew. She was still trying to break it to him gently.

"You think she's gone to him?" Murthy asked naively.

"I am sure he owns her if he didn't already."

"Fuck! What should I do?" Murthy was finally realising that he was playing the losing game.

"Call him and work out a compromise."

"What kind of compromise?"

"Well, you could say you'd use a body double in the sex scene if he would let the project continue."

"Oh, I hate this! Why should I take his permission to do my own fucking film?"

With some more pussy massage and some judicious words, finally Namitha got him to call Romeo.

His secretary answered the phone. She said Romeo was busy and she would give him Murthy's message.

This thrust Murthy into a panic mood as he put the phone down.

"What if he doesn't take my call?"

"He will. He will. You may just need to chase a bit." Namitha said and turned her face to hide her worried expression.

"Baby, he doesn't need to do anything. It's me, I need to get my movie finished."

"He won't stop you from making the movie, babe. He's just busy. You know he's a big, powerful director, maybe lots of stuff to do today." Namitha's words were hollow and she knew it. She already knew that the need was her husband's. Romeo could simply ignore the situation and move on with his life. Kajal could very well join his next project. But Murthy's project will be doomed, and so will Murthy.


In the next two days Murthy called Romeo about 20 times. Either nobody picked up or Romeo's secretary Amrita Rao answered and told him that he was busy.

Once when Amrita was on, Namitha took the phone and talked to her.

"Honey, this is really important. I am sure you know the reason, but if you don't I am happy to tell you. You are his secretary, I am sure you know everything."

"Ma'am, he's auditioning an actress. I can't disturb him. You are a successful actress yourself, I am sure you know what that means."

"Of course. But do you have any idea how long it will take?"

"I am not sure, ma'am. Could be 2-3 hours."

"Really? He can audition a girl that long? He must have great stamina."

"You have no idea, ma'am!" Amrita replied, talking woman-to-woman.

"You are right. I can only imagine." Between them they both knew that they were talking about Romeo fucking a girl in audition.

Amrita giggled.

"Look Amrita, only you can help me. It's very important that I should talk to him. Important for me and my husband, I mean. Can you suggest any way I can do that?"

For the next 2 minutes, Amrita spoke and Namitha listened.

"Thank you so much, Amrita. I love you for this!"


The Athenaeum club had been on that corner on that road in Bandra for 80 years. It boasted of a membership that was distinguished and refined. The sitting room in Athenaeum was so large that the residents of a big Bombay chawl (tenements) could have moved in there and found it spacious. It was meant to be a social environment where people could relax without falling over each other. Each sitting area was so far from the other that people could not have conversations across them even if they shouted.

On Friday afternoon, Romeo was sitting in one such sitting area, leaning back in a large, comfortable arm chair. The upholstered leather chair would have reclined easily to the point where he could sleep in it but he was reading something and also had Amrita Rao on his lap.

Having just finished a 3-week shooting schedule today, he was relaxing and looking at the shot list form the shoot with satisfaction. His right hand was on Amrita's bare back caressing gently. She was wearing a backless top and a short skirt as was her usual habit to wear around Romeo so he could have easy access to her. Club members who were usually quite reserved people had become used to seeing pretty girls with him and visiting him. The other members also were mostly businessmen, politicians and other power players so they had no shortage of girls themselves. It was Romeo's fame and the high profile girls who went with him that made him special.

Amrita was slowly kissing his neck and rubbing her soft tits into his chest while he checked the shot list to see what they had covered and what to tell the editor. Amrita was quite hot herself and she knew her boss was hard as she could feel his thick cock rubbing in her thigh from below. She was hoping to get him to take her into his room and fuck her.

Most members used the club rooms for entertaining privately. Some of the prominent ones had their rooms permanently assigned to them, like Romeo. Amrita was just about to start begging in Romeo's ear when she spotted Namitha turning a corner and walking towards them.

Romeo also saw her from the corner of his eye and looked up. Namitha was wearing a long cream-coloured, Chanel-branded skirt that just tied on her right hip and left her right leg fully bare. The skirt fabric was thin and translucent. It clung to her legs with every step she took. Her top was black with a single strap over her left shoulder. It was thin and made of silk. It barely contained her heavy breasts without a bra and her nipples were poking through it very visibly.

When she came a little closer, Romeo noticed that the skirt was clinging to her pussy mound as she took a step. It was very clear that she had no panties on under the sexy, skimpy skirt. Her 7" high heels were spiky and sexy, the 4" high platforms were adding to her height.

She didn't say a word as she walked right up to Romeo. There she knelt down and took his left leg between her knees. Romeo could feel the heat of her pantyless pussy on the bottom of his shin. Namitha slowly ground her pussy on his leg and placed her face on his thigh. Her pussy was wet as it rubbed on his shin.

Inserting his fingers into her silky, loose hair, Romeo took a soft but firm grip and pulled Namitha while getting up himself. Without saying anything he simply took her to his private room upstairs.

He closed the door behind him and guided Namitha to go on all fours on the low bed. She complied to his wordless command easily. Romeo stood behind her on the floor and opened his pants. Namitha's body shivered as she heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down. She stayed in place with her legs open. Romeo lifted her skirt up and sank his long, hard cock into her wet, tight pussy.

Then for the next one hour the only sounds in the room were her moans and screams. Romeo drilled her hard. He pushed his thick shaft deep into her tight cunt until his thighs were pressing into her ass. Then grabbing her hips, he pulled out slowly, all but the cockhead. Namitha moaned again.

And then she screamed as he drove his long, meaty beast hard and fast into her tight pussy. Namitha was good to her husband and let her fuck him regularly. But in practical reality, it was only once a month for a few minutes that he fucked her. She spread her legs for every single director who wanted her. But even that happened may be 2 or 3 times a year. The result was that Namitha was quite tight.

Her body was heavy but very firm and toned as a result of her strict gym regime. This also contributed to her tightness. And right now she could feel every vein in Romeo's massive cock as Romeo penetrated her with smooth, powerful strokes. She had started by grabbing the bedsheet with both hands. Now she went down to her elbows to take the brunt of his thrusts.

With each stroke he pounded her deeper and harder. Her pussy was feeling like it was being ripped apart. Namitha grabbed a pillow and sank her face into it. She could feel his balls slapping her pussy mound with the precise, hard, thrusting strokes as he conquered her. And then she felt something she had not felt for years.

Namitha's body started to heat up, not just her pussy but her thighs, her ass, her tits, everything started to feel warmer and buzzing as if with an electric charge. Namitha had been faking her orgasms for so long that she found it unbelievable that she was about to cum with a man's dick inside her.

It happened with a sudden and furious jolt. Romeo's dick slammed into her cunt and suddenly, without warning, her pussy exploded like a ripe fruit smashing to the floor. Her juices gushed out and soaked his dick. She whimpered like a wounded gazelle while he pounded her hard and her pussy simply throbbed uncontrollably. It went on for what seemed like minutes.