Kapoor Sisters - After France Ch. 06

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Kareena makes a bold move with Romeo.
4.2k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/27/2020
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[Part 6]

In the morning, Karishma brought her breakfast again. Kareena looked up at her and raised her eyebrows. Karishma nodded.

"Did you...?" Kareena asked.

Karishma shook her head "Madhu did."

"Oh!" Kareena was disappointed.

Putting the tray down, Karishma opened her cage "I am just kidding. Yes, I did."

She bent forward and showed Kareena trace of Romeo's white cum on her tongue.

"Mmmm!" Kareena leaned forward and kissed her. They sucked on each other's tongues for a while.

"God, it tastes so good!" Kareena breathed.

"I know." Karishma said with a cheeky smile "I have been eating it a lot. And I love it!"

"Lucky bitch!" Kareena made a face then laughed and picked up the fork.


For some nights now, Karishma was bringing Kareena warm milk at night with vitamin tablets. That was usually just before Kareena was supposed to sleep. Tonight when Karishma arrived with the milk, Kareena was waiting and looked disappointed to see her.

"He didn't come tonight." Kareena said with a sad face "He didn't work me out."

Karishma nodded "I know, sis. Your blood pressure is fine now. So, you didn't need a workout."

"But...can you ask him..I would really like..." Kareena didn't know what to say. She was confused and sad.

Kareena spent half that night in deep thoughts. She was not having withdrawal pains any more but she felt a deeper pain. Finally, she cried herself to sleep in the early hours of the morning.

Lara woke her up and took her to the bathroom. She gave her a plastic box to give her urine sample. Kareena knew what that was for. She complied.

When Karishma came down with her breakfast, she looked at her with questioning eyes without saying anything. Karishma nodded.

That was something Kareena had not expected. She smiled wide "Really?"

"Yes." Karishma confirmed.

She took the tray from Karishma and uncovered the dish. Today's breakfast was cooked chick peas on toast with tea. Kareena smiled as she saw the clear globules of Romeo's cum in the chickpeas.

"He doesn't hate me, then." Kareena grinned.

"No, why would he hate you?" Karishma said "He never hated you."

"Then, I am happy." She picked up the fork then remembered "Oh wait."

As usual she kissed Karishma to taste the fresh cum on her tongue. Then she ate the breakfast, enjoying every bite and making a moaning noise from time to time.

Madhuri came with lunch and stayed back to chat with her. Lara came down as well and sat with them.

"You seem to be doing well." Madhuri said "Definitely looking more healthy than when I joined."

Kareena nodded "Yes. I think the drug is out of my system. We'll know when the test results come but I feel better now."

"That is so lovely. Sir is happy that it didn't take longer." Madhuri shared "I think you didn't take it for too long, that has helped."

"I should not have taken it at all. I was so stupid." Kareena admitted "If he had not caught me..." She shivered imagining how bad it could have gone.

"He was very worried about you in the beginning." Lara told her "The doctor scared him. She said it was a new drug and highly addictive, even more than heroin and ecstasy. So, he is happy that you have made a good recovery."

After hanging her head in shame for a moment, Kareena said "I must apologise to him and thank him for all that he has done for me."

Lara nodded "You will probably get the chance tomorrow."

"He won't come down tonight?" Kareena knew the answer but she had hoped.

Shaking her head, Lara said "I doubt it. He is busy with a new project, and you don't need the workout any more."

"But he will come tomorrow?" Kareena asked.

"No, I don't think so," Lara explained "but you can say thanks when you are out."

"Out where?" Kareena was having trouble understanding.

"Well, once the test results come tomorrow, he will let you go."

"Let me go?" Kareena felt her heart sinking "Let me go? Why?"

Now Lara didn't understand "Well...why not? He can't keep you in a cage forever."

Madhuri said "You also don't want to live in the cage for the rest of your life, right?"

Kareena tried to find a reply "No, yes, I mean....well, I thought....I thought...now that...I am well, I can you know....will be his whore."

Again, Lara shook her head "You don't want to be his whore, so he's not going to make you."

"I didn't say I don't want to be his whore!" Kareena said sharply.

She was struggling with this idea that Romeo will simply kick her out. She had kind of assumed that now that Romeo was nailing her, she was de facto his whore. After she got well, she expected that he will properly take possession of her. She was ready for it and envisaged her life that way.

"Yes, you have." Lara corrected her "You have said that many times. You have said so several times in front of me."

"I am sorry. That was before. Are you angry with me?"

Lara softened her tone "No, I am not. I was, I mean all his whores including me, we were really pissed off at you because you were rude about Sir. But when you apologised about it, we forgave you."

"Thank you. You girls are so amazing. I don't deserve to be his whore." Kareena's eyes were leaking now and she was struggling to keep a hold on her voice.

"Have you told him that you want to be his whore?" Madhuri asked softly.

Shaking her head, Kareena said "No, I thought he knew, I thought it was clear when he fucked me that I was submitting to him."

"Well, I think, because you said before that you didn't want to be," Madhuri tried to analyse it for Kareena "he maybe ignored it and only focused on your workout?"

"Maybe." Kareena agreed "Will he accept me if I ask him now?" She looked hopefully from Madhuri to Lara.

Madhuri deflected "I am a new whore in his stable, I can't really say." She looked at Lara.

With a slow shake of her head, Lara said "I can't say. Nobody can. He did make you his whore in France, so he obviously likes you. Then you said you were nobody's whore, so he didn't claim you. Now, it could go either way. Depends how he feels."

Kareena didn't say anything. She was deep in thought. The one thing she wanted more than anything seemed to be not in her hand and it seemed very doubtful for her to get it.

"Do you want me to send someone to your flat?" Lara changed the topic "To clean up? It's been closed all these days. And maybe they can clear out the drugs if there are any?"

For a moment, Kareena was unable to answer. She didn't want to leave here. The thought of going back to her empty flat seemed horrifying to her.

Then she shook her head "There are no drugs there. Only in my purse."

"Yes, Sir found those and gave to Dr. Jenni." Lara told her.

That night, Kareena didn't sleep much. Every time she fell asleep she had a dream where she was alone in a lonely place like a forest, or a desert or in a coal mine, and she woke up scared.


Her sister came down with breakfast and asked "Why are your eyes red, Bebo?"

"Didn't sleep well." Kareena said simply.

"Did you have pain?" Karishma was alarmed.

Kareena shook her head.

She looked at the tray of breakfast. It was eggs and buttered toast today. She could see Romeo's cum on it clearly. But the thought that this might be the last time she ever had it was eating her inside. She didn't touch the breakfast, nor tried to kiss Karishma.

Instead she asked "Is it true he will let me go today?"

Karishma nodded "Yes, isn't that great? He has given me permission to go with you and get you settled back in your flat. Actually he suggested it."

"Is he this kind and considerate with everybody?" Kareena wondered out loud.

"Of course. That's why everybody loves him." Karishma asserted "His whores love him the most. We would do anything for him!"

"He won't make me his whore?" Kareena asked in a hopeless tone.

"No, no, you are ok, Bebo." Karishma reassured her "Once the urine test result comes, he will let you go."

"But if I don't want to go?"

"Ummm...I don't know, sis." Karishma said uncertainly "He had asked about you when I moved in, but recently he hasn't. He has asked about your health regularly but that's it."

Kareena stopped. It seemed to her that the more she asked about it, the more it became clear that she had fucked up her chances of becoming Romeo's whore forever.

She had the breakfast and loved tasting Romeo's cum on her food. And she cried at the same time thinking she won't be able to have it tomorrow.


Karishma came back before lunch.

"Bebo, your test result came back negative." She said opening Kareena's cage door "You can come up and have lunch with us, then you and I will go to your place."

She took a key out of her pocket and told Kareena "Turn around, I will get your collar."

"No, it's ok." Kareena said "Leave it on."

"What? Are you sure?" Karishma asked.

Kareena nodded silently then looked up at Karishma.

"Will he be there?" Kareena said then corrected "Will Sir be there at lunch?"

"No, Sir is in a meeting. I think it will run for a while. It's just us whores eating together in the main dining room."

Following Karishma upstairs to the main floor, Kareena was lost in thought.

"He's in the office or here?" Kareena asked.

"In the home office. Director called Indra Kumar came to see him for something urgent."

As they were just about to enter the dining room, Kareena stopped and turned "I want to see him."

"Who? Indra Kumar?" Karishma asked with surprise.

"No, stupid, Romeo Sir."

"He's in the meeting." Karishma reminded her.

"I don't care. I have to see him." Kareena set her jaw like a stubborn child.

"Sis, I don't know. He might be angry if you barge in on him when he's working."

"I will take the risk." Kareena insisted "But I must see him."

"Why don't you have lunch first," Karishma suggested "then meet him. He might be free by then."

"No, I could not eat a bite without knowing." Kareena said.

"Know what?"

"Just please let me see him for two minutes." Kareena held her hands and implored her "Please, Sis. Please!"

Turning around, Karishma led Kareena down another corridor and grumbled "You are going to get me kicked out along with you. Serves me right for listening to you."

"You don't have to go in." Kareena offered "You can just show me the office and go. I will take it all."

On the surface, Kareena was very determined but inside she had butterflies in her gut, she was able to walk only because she was hell-bent on doing this otherwise her legs were shaking and she could feel her knees turn to jelly as she walked behind Karishma.

Stopping in front of a door, Karishma turned to face Kareena. Sounds could be heard from inside. This was the home office.

"Are you sure?" Karishma asked her.

Her eyes were met by Kareena's intent gaze. Kareena took a deep breath and swallowed once. Then she nodded.

The door was not locked. Karishma pushed it open and walked in.

"I am so sorry to sorry to interrupt you, Sir, but Kareena really wanted to see you for two minutes."

As Karishma moved aside, Kareena saw Romeo nod and beckon with his fingers. He was sitting in the meeting area of his office that had long sofa's on three sides. On his lap a fully naked Madhuri Dixit was impaled with his cock jammed up her ass. She was moaning as she slowly fucked herself on long, hard cock by moving up and down.

On his right hand, was a girl that Kareena recognised as Kunika, who was used to playing small characters roles or vamp characters in Bollywood films. Her dress was more skimpy than even a bikini. Her legs were open as she sat next to Romeo and her bare pussy was clearly visible to everybody in the room. Romeo's right hand was resting on her thigh. His fingers were rubbing her bare pussy slowly, teasing open her cunt hole and rubbing between her wet labia. She was staying in place, making her body available to the big shot director.

In front of him on the other sofa director Indra Kumar was sitting with Aishwarya and Rani on either side. His expression said that he had been talking and just stopped at this interruption.

Walking the few steps from the door to the meeting area, Kareena took all this in. Her heart was racing uncontrollably. She was breathing so deep she was afraid she might faint. But this was the moment. She was intent on making the most of it.

She stopped about 6 feet away from him, and calmly took off her dress. This she dropped on the floor. Moving slowly and with deliberation she went down on her knees, and then on her belly. Her face was now level with Romeo's foot. Kareena took a deep breath. Then she stuck out her tongue and started licking his shoe. She could hear Madhuri's moans as she fucked herself on Romeo's cock, she could hear the gasp from Indra Kumar and the girls in the room.

But for once, she was not thinking about anyone else. Kareena simply focused on Romeo and licked his shoe. She ran her tongue flat on the leather. She licked it clean from every angle.

"Please, don't send me away!" She said trying hard to make her voice not come out in a mumble "I want to be your whore. Please keep me. Please. I am begging you. Don't let me go. Please!"

To her intense frustration, right now when she had her only chance, when she could beg him for it, she found that her voice was breaking up and she was sobbing. The words coming out of her mouth were so distorted that even she herself could not understand them. The helplessness made her sob even more and she rested her face on Romeo's foot in defeat.

He reached down and pulled her hair lightly.

"Stand!" He commanded.

Kareena got up to her knees and then to her feet. She tried to control her sobs. Romeo looked to the back and his left. Near the desk Aarti was sitting on a chair. He signalled with his head. Aarti grabbed a box of facial tissues from the desk and came over to Kareena.

Aarti wiped Kareena's face, cleaning her tears and the dust from the floor. Karishma came over to the other side and gave her a glass of water. Kareena's hand was shaking so Karishma fed her the water herself. Slowly Kareena got herself in control.

"Yes." Romeo said and quickly Aarti and Karishma moved away from Kareena and went back to their places.

"I could not hear all that you said." Romeo looked at Kareena "But your opening argument was intriguing." He looked at down at his shoe still wet with Kareena's saliva.

"Make your case." He told Kareena "Take as long as you need."

Already it was going much better than Kareena had expected. She had feared Romeo would simply say "Sorry, I don't want you." and tell her to go home. Here she was, still in the room, he was listening to her and she had a chance to speak her piece. She knew this was her last chance and she could not afford to blow it.

She held her hands behind her ass and stood with her legs open. That's how he liked his whores to stand in his presence. She took a few deep breaths to control her heartbeat and remember the speech she had worked on in her cage.

But before she could start, Madhuri spoke.

"May I cum, Sir? Please?" She begged.

Kareena wanted to choke her.

"You may cum, whore!" Romeo said, and rubbed her bare back. He continued fucking her ass and kept his eyes on Kareena.

Tearing her eyes away from his hand that was holding Madhuri's mane in his fist, Kareena took another breath and started.

"I know you like me," She looked at Romeo and quickly correct herself "I mean my looks. You like my looks because you made me your whore in France. You told me many times that I was a hot cunt."

"And," She continued after a quick pause "you don't hate me personally. You would not have come to help me if you hated me. I know you think I am an egotistical, stupid bitch who is more trouble than she is worth. And you are right."

She waited for him to make a comment but when he didn't, she continued, raising her voice to be heard above Madhuri's moans "I have been a stupid bitch, and I am not worthy of being your whore. But if you give me a chance," she looked down, collected her thoughts then looked at him again "if you give me one chance, I promise that I won't be that stupid bitch any more. I will try my best to be worthy of being your possession. I can promise that because that's what I want, more than life itself."

Her legs were turning to jelly again. She balled her hands into fists and carried on with determination "All I am asking for is that you give me a chance to prove that I can be a good whore. I want nothing more than to be your possession. I am sure that under your guidance I will be a good whore like I was in France."

Liking where this was going she built on this them "I will be your most obedient bitch. I will wear what you say, I will stay naked if you command. I will cook, clean or suck cock, as you order. I will be yours to use as you like when you like, I just want to belong to you and be your property."

Seeing Madhuri's heaving body, she remembered something "I know I have been stupid and you have probably given my place to Madhuri, but I don't care for a proper place. I will sleep on the carpet, on the floor, or in the cage. I will eat one time a day. I will stay naked. I won't ask for anything. You can make me the most junior whore and I will be happy. I just want to be your property, your whore, with my body, mind and soul."

A tear dropped out of the corner of her eye and she stopped. She didn't want to ramble on in a broken voice again. She had already said what she came to say anyway. It was time for his decision. She wiped her tear and waited.

Romeo gestured downward with one finger. Kareena knew that signal well. Quickly she got down on her knees next to him.

He looked at her upturned face and asked "What do you want to be?"

"I want to be your whore...Sir."

"Even though, as you say, you are not worthy?"

She nodded "I know that. But you are a good trainer. And I promise to do my best to become worthy of being your possession. If you would just give me one chance."

Kareena wasn't sure how it was going. But she felt like she was fighting for her life. She desperately tried to find words that would convince him.

"And what do I get in return for giving you a chance?" Romeo asked.

"My body, mind, heart and soul!" Kareena replied unhesitatingly and with emphasis on each word "I will be yours, completely and utterly yours."

"Hold on." He said and grabbing Madhuri's shoulders started to pound her ass hard and fast. She screamed with his powerful strokes. Her moans made it clearly exactly when he came in her ass. She came right after that and Romeo held her by hair while letting her body move on his throbbing cock. Kareena watched him pound Madhuri's ass and licked her lips.

When he let Madhuri up off his lap, she went down between his legs to lick his cock clean.

Romeo turned to look at Kareena and said "Help her."

"Me?" Kareena was shocked but recovered quickly "Oh, yes, Sir! Yes, Sir!"

She didn't try to get up, but moved on her knees in a semi-circle until she was between his legs beside Madhuri. She dipped her head and licked the base of his cock because Madhuri was sucking his cockhead. Kareena's eyes teared up again as she tasted the familiar taste of his cum on her tongue again.

"Yes, IK, what were you saying?" Romeo said and signalled with his left hand for Karishma to come to him. She walked up to him with quick steps. Standing next to the soft, Karishma picked up one foot and placed her knee on the arm of the sofa.

"I was just saying, I need your advice for the cast, I mean, I want to use Madhuri again in this one, if you would allow her." He paused.