Karen Likes Being Nude at the Gym

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But she comes to love being nude out in the world even more!
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On a mild March evening, Karen was wrapping up her workout as she usually did, with a few intense minutes on an elliptical machine before rewarding herself with some time in the gym's hot tub. The churning hot water never failed to relax her after an invigorating workout, and the fact that membership at the gym was only open to women had made her, like many of her fellow gym members, comfortable treating the hot tub and sauna as clothing-optional zones. Besides the general vibe of the gym being more relaxed without everyone obsessing about how they looked, she enjoyed having the choice to just strip down, rinse off quickly at the shower next to the tub, and hop in without having to go all the way back to the locker room to change into yet another type of clothing.

As she peeled off her t-shirt, sneakers and socks, yoga pants, panties, and sports bra, it occurred to Karen that on this particular night it really wouldn't have made a difference if the gym was open to men, since she seemed to be the last member in the building. The idea that she might dare to get naked if there was even a slight chance of being spotted would have seemed far-fetched before her most recent vacation, but the combination of being on her own a long way from home, some recent bad luck in her love life, and a bit more alcohol than she was accustomed to had led to some surprising behavior on her part; nothing she regretted, but not at all like her usual cautious nature.

Just the thought of having a vacation, especially one including travel to another country, seemed like something from another life. In the last year she had been hit with a complete shutdown of her workplace for several months, then a stressful period where the dental practice where she worked was allowed to reopen, but with a plethora of new safety measures. Now, over a year into the pandemic, she was working full time and more as the practice was busy catching up with all the procedures postponed during the shutdown. A speedy trip to the gym most nights after work helped keep her stress level tolerable and kept her in shape for the hoped-for day when she'd finally be able to get away on another vacation.

Once her last bit of sweat-soaked clothing had been removed, Karen paused for a moment to check herself out in one of the many mirrors lining the space. Without getting conceited about it, she was pleased with the body her frequent gym sessions had produced. "Well, the gym time and maybe also the boob job," she thought, "Doctor Acedegua did help tone up my breasts but I took care of the rest!" She had reason to be proud; if not for a few laugh lines near her eyes anyone would guess her to be no older than her early thirties, not just a few years short of fifty that her driver's license insisted she was. She had even been mistaken for her daughter's sister a few times, which she and Brianna often joked about. Even though she wasn't currently looking for a relationship, she enjoyed being noticed by men on the rare occasions when she wore one of her more eye-catching outfits.

Karen eased into the tub, settling at a spot where the pulsating jets of water were particularly pleasing. She was pretty sure twenty minutes on her own at this spot would be likely to result in an orgasm; a hopeful look at the clock shut down that pleasant idea since she only had a little more time than that to shower and change before the gym's 7:00 PM closing time. "Maybe some other time, if I have the place to myself again, I could cut my workout short..." she thought as she moved on a few minutes later to have her shower.

The shower room was a big open space with two ways in or out, one opening leading to the main workout area through a couple of turns to allow for privacy and another door leading to the locker room. Once she was inside the shower area she tossed her wadded up clump of clothing in the direction of the locker room, to be dealt with after her shower. Lost in a pleasant daydream, she didn't notice the janitor trying to get her attention until the third time he loudly cleared his throat!

The janitor had a hard time getting Karen's attention as he stayed in the main workout space, careful to stay out of sight beyond the corners of the shower room entrance. "Excuse me, Miss," he began, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I need to go pick up my son from his soccer practice. If you don't mind closing the door as you leave, I'll trust you to close up."

Karen walked slowly towards the opening, keeping track of the sightlines as she approached. Naked, with soap suds still sliding down her body, she answered nervously, "Isn't there anyone else working tonight?"

"Sorry, no. The owner left an hour ago. I'd let my son wait but there's a thunderstorm warning so I'd really like to go." the janitor replied.

Karen crept closer, peeking around the first corner of the entrance. With the janitor apparently still completely outside the passage, she shuffled beyond the first bend, closer to the workout space. "Okay, sure, you should go, but what would I need to do?" she asked.

"Thank you so much!" he replied, "It should be easy, everything is already put away and all doors are locked up, except the locker room, which just needs to be closed to latch and be locked up. All the lights and pieces of workout equipment are on timers, so all you need to do is type in a code at the back door keypad, 0912. You'll have thirty seconds after entering the code to open the door, get out and close it again before the alarm will rearm and go off if the door is still open."

Karen moved slowly toward the last turn before entering the workout area, straining to hear the janitor over the sound of the shower. She reached the edge of the opening as he was finishing his explanation of how to deactivate the alarm. "He's got to be right around the corner," she thought, "This is probably a bad idea, but I'd kind of like to see what this guy looks like!" As far as she knew the janitor never started cleaning the gym until after the last member left, so she had no idea who might be on the other side of the wall. She gripped the edge of the wall, now the only barrier between them, with her right hand and leaned over, extending her head, right shoulder, hip, and part of her right leg past the edge of the wall! Her right breast was beyond the wall as well, but her arm folded up against the end of the wall sheltered most of it from the startled janitor's view. "What was that code again?" she asked, smiling at the portly balding man.

"Umhhh, aahhh it's 0912," he answered, "thanks again."

"No problem, good night," she said, watching him head out the back door. Even though he had turned out to be closer to Danny DeVito than Antonio Banderas, she enjoyed how much her fairly mild flash of skin had flustered him. "Oh, Karen, you're AWFUL," she laughed to herself once he'd disappeared out the door, "teasing that poor man that way," though she knew she'd been teasing herself at least as much as him. She wondered if she might have come a bit further out from the wall's edge if he'd been better looking, shivering a little just thinking about it!

Knowing she had the gym to herself Karen walked all around, even carefully peeking out the glass front door for a moment. She was tempted to test her theory about the long-term capabilities of her favorite hot tub jet, but not knowing what time the lights would go out and not wanting to try picking her way through the workout equipment in the dark, not to mention trying to get dressed in a pitch-black locker room, she decided to call it a night. She walked back to the shower area and finished up the shower the conversation with the janitor had interrupted, finally getting the shampoo rinsed out of her long brown hair. She turned to go to the locker room, noticing for the first time that the door was closed.

And latched.


Since her clump of sweaty workout gear was nowhere in sight, she guessed that when she tossed the wadded up clothing toward the doorway, her aim had been a little too good, whacking the door on the way into the locker room, hard enough to knock it loose from the doorstop now sitting uselessly on this side of the door, allowing it to swing shut.

With all her clothing, workout wear as well as work clothes, securely locked away on the other side of the door, Karen didn't see any options for covering herself up in this area. The shelves full of towels provided for use drying off after a shower were also inside the locker room, thus also of no use at all.

Karen didn't panic; she was sure she could find something to wear if she looked around long enough. Leaving a trail of dripping water as she went, she looked everywhere she could for some sort of covering. With all the office, storeroom, lounge, and janitor's closet doors locked and everywhere she wasn't locked out of already searched, she found only two pieces of clothing, neither of which was ideal. The first item was an extra-small coat, clearly owned by a woman several sizes smaller than herself. The coat was promising only in that it was just about long enough to cover her butt and her pussy, provided she didn't bend over. At all.

The only other item was a seriously cropped t-shirt in a pretty thin fabric, similarly sized or maybe a bit smaller. She smiled and wondered if one of her fellow gym members had kept the top as a souvenir of their participation in a wet-t-shirt contest; she couldn't think of any other situations where the tiny garment would be appropriate, unless one of her fellow gym members worked as a stripper! "I suppose that's not such a far-fetched idea," she thought, "some of the girls I see in here definitely have the body for it." She set the unlikely two piece outfit on the front desk and looked around some more, thinking that even though it would look odd, if she could just find one, a large towel might allow a more modest trip to her car than either or even both of her current options would.

Karen had just about run out of places to look, with no towels or anything else resembling clothing anywhere to be found. She had no choice but to give up searching when the lights went out. Groping around until she made it back to the front desk, she felt her way back to where she'd left the two insufficient pieces of clothing. Insufficient as they were, they were now essential. She wrestled the cropped t-shirt over her shoulders and tugged it down over her chest, covering her boobs, as best she could tell in the dark, down to a point just below her nipples.

The coat wasn't any better a fit; there was no possible way it was going to close in front, leaving at least 6 inches of open space between lapels. The two garments combined to cover her chest fairly well, but as open as the coat was she was sure her pussy would be on display; she managed to find a magazine she could carry to cover what the coat wouldn't. With no lights on anywhere to assess just how scandalous her borrowed ensemble looked, she resigned herself to walking to her car this way,

Karen felt her way out of the entrance and office area, working her way toward the workout room. When she reached the workout room she began to feel fairly confident that she could make it to the back door without any further complications, and might have done so if she hadn't tripped over the end of a treadmill. She stumbled and took a few hops, but kept her balance and stayed upright. "Whoa, that was close," she said, her heart racing almost as much as it had been when she was giving the janitor a little show! Having lost her bearings while hopping around, she took shorter steps to avoid tripping over anything else, which worked for obstacles on the floor, but didn't help much when the problem was a lack of floor; she proved unable to walk on water, toppling into the now quiet but still fairly warm hot tub.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" she shouted, standing up, wading to the edge of the tub and climbing out. After taking a minute to calm down, Karen realized she was lucky to have avoided hitting the edge of the tub as she fell and doing herself some real damage. Besides thoroughly soaking her and what little clothing she was wearing, her plunge into the tub had cost her the magazine. "I'll just have to cover up with my hands," she said, imagining just how weird that was going to look. The one positive thing about taking her unplanned dip was that she now knew exactly where she was, and how to get to the back door from her location. She found the alarm panel, which thankfully had a lit keypad. She punched in 0912 and saw a light change from red to green. Hoping she'd correctly followed the instructions the janitor gave her, she pushed the door open.

Karen peered out the open door, trying to get her bearings; the alley seemed much brighter than she'd expected until she remembered that Daylight Savings Time had begun the day before. She'd never been in this alley, which ran the full length of the block, so though it was a little scary to consider walking out in the twilight dressed as she was, but she was glad to be able to see what obstacles she would have to avoid on her way to her car. She stepped out of the door, holding it open, and tried to remember what was at either end of the block. As she was thinking over her options, one abruptly disappeared. Her thirty seconds of the alarm being disabled came to an end, announced by the high-pitched wail of the alarm! Startled, she let go of the door. Instantly recognizing her mistake, she lunged to grab it but slipped on some sort of goop on the pavement, spinning around and falling against the door as it closed.

And latched.


With one lapel of her borrowed coat firmly caught between the door and its frame.

Pinned against the door by the too-tight coat, she writhed and wriggled, struggling to get out of it before the alarm drew police or whatever security the gym hired to see what was going on in the alley. During her struggle, the alarm stopped, with no obvious sign anyone was on the way to investigate. Once she had freed herself from the coat, Karen tugged and yanked, trying to get the coat loose, without success. She shuddered as she realized that now whichever way she left the alley, she'd be doing so while wearing nothing but a much too small, much too cropped scrap of a t-shirt.

Beyond the shortcomings the crop top already had when she'd found it, her dunking in the hot tub had rendered the thin material all but transparent. She tugged at the top, trying to cover as much of her boobs as possible, but stretching the thin fabric just highlighted the effect her misadventure was having on her nipples. She could hardly believe it, but it definitely looked like she was becoming aroused by having no choice but to leave the alley and make her way back to her car more or less naked! She wondered if she might actually look less obscene if she just ditched the top, but resisted the surprisingly strong urge to get rid of her last bit of clothing, thinking it might be less outrageous once it dried out.

Resigned to having no choice but to make a highly exposed run to her car, Karen headed to the end of the alley closest to where her car was parked. She was nervous beyond measure about what she was about to do, but, surprisingly, also a bit excited by the idea. She tried to guess how long it would take her to run from the point where she was about to emerge from the alley to her car, including some time to retrieve the spare key tucked away below the trunk and get inside. "A good two minutes," she thought. "Possibly a VERY good two minutes," she said out loud, amazed that she was beginning to actually look forward to possibly flashing a handful of people as she streaked along the sidewalk. She picked up speed as she got closer to the sidewalk beyond the alley, breaking into a run as she left the alley and turned right onto the sidewalk. In order to move faster than a waddle, she had to let her arms swing in their normal running mode, forcing her hands to abandon her pussy. Considering she was completely naked from the underside of her boobs down to the soles of her feet, trying to cover any single part of her body was feeling kind of pointless anyway.

Her daring soon turned out to be no match for the situation she suddenly found herself in; no more than four or five strides after turning onto the sidewalk she slid to a halt, turned, and bolted back into the alley. She had psyched herself up for a naked run along a relatively quiet sidewalk, not the busy sidewalk seating area for the restaurant on the corner! "How could I have forgotten about that place," she moaned, "I drive by it practically every day!" She had stopped ten or fifteen feet short of the diners, but was pretty sure a few of them had to have seen her!

Worse yet, just before she turned to retreat she noticed the flash of a camera somewhere in the midst of the diners. She couldn't believe anyone at the tables would have had time to catch her in the handful of seconds she'd been in their view. "Unless they were already about to take a photo and I just happened to pop into sight!" she thought, "Did I just nude photobomb someone?" She shuddered to think some stranger might already be posting a photo of her in her current indecent state, but realized there wasn't a thing she could do about it now.

Retreating to the relative privacy of the alley, Karen sprinted back to where she had started before stopping to catch her breath. She was breathing hard, much more so than her short sprint by itself would have caused, "Maybe I've found the secret to getting an intense workout in the minimum possible time," she thought ruefully as her heart raced well beyond the highest rate it ever reached in the gym!

Waiting for her pulse to settle down, Karen thought about her options for getting back to her car, all of which seemed likely to involve her exposing herself in her practically nude state to at least a few people. She could go back to where she'd just been, forcing herself to take the most direct route, wending her way through a dozen tables of surprised diners, not to mention several servers. Just imagining what going through with this option would be like made her shake uncontrollably; she knew there was no way she could make herself do it.

Plan B was to take the same route, but wait until the diners had all left and the tables were cleared, several hours later. She ruled this option out immediately; she had no idea who might come through the alley over that time, and if she was going to risk having an encounter with strangers in her current vulnerable state, she would rather it happen in a less secluded place.

Her only other option was to follow the alley to the far end of the block, at least doubling the distance she would have to streak but probably cutting by at least two-thirds the number of people to see her. She knew the business at the far corner was some kind of office, most likely closed and vacant at this hour, and was pretty sure the handful of other buildings she would need to pass by, flanking the gym, were also likely to be quiet, at least when compared to the busy restaurant.

She headed towards the far end of the alley, keeping an eye on the sidewalk at her destination to get an idea of how busy the route she was about to take was likely to be. Despite having chosen the seemingly safer route, her anticipation of covering so much ground with so little covering her was giving her chills as she neared the sidewalk. She was relieved to only have seen one pedestrian pass by the alley. As she approached its end; she took a deep breath and broke into a jog just before leaving the alley, reaching a full running pace as she turned left onto the sidewalk.

Not making the turn at full speed might have been a better idea; before she had taken two strides on the sidewalk she plowed into a man approaching the alley, knocking him on his butt! She instinctively stopped and asked, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!" and offered a hand to help him to his feet.