Karen's Slavery Ch. 04


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"The staff are all very well paid; even the maids make at least $100,000 per year and since we supply housing in the chateau, and all food, liquor, medical expenses and private schooling for children if and when they have any, they really spend very little of it. The rest is invested, along with our money, in shares of our holding company. Trust me, the Mistress and I are very good at investing, so their nest eggs are doing quite well. Of course they all also get the benefit of each other as well as slaves like you to play with. Given all that, we will probably only ever have any staff turnover when someone finally decides to take their money and retire elsewhere."

"As you know, the US is not as safe as it once was. Despite our relatively low profile, with our wealth, we are still targets. Jack travels with the Mistress anytime she goes anywhere alone, as a combination driver, assistant, bodyguard and lover. He is an ex-SEAL with a Masters degree in business; after he left the SEALs, he went into executive protection part-time while getting his advanced degree. Not only that, but both the Mistress and I could probably still qualify for most elite military units at this point and away from the compound, we're almost always armed. And yes, we are paranoid. Because of that, as I said, we generally keep as low a profile as we can, other than participating in the occasional slave auction of course," he concluded with a smirk.

"The house and grounds are computer-monitored with artificial intelligence algorithms, as well as at least one security officer on monitoring duty for the basement, the grounds and the rest of the house at all times. The monitoring computers have no WIFI or connections to the internet, so they would be very difficult to hack. The top of the wall is electrified, and there are two lines of ground monitors just inside the wall. By the way, the first set will send a painful tingle through your collar if you get too close; the second will knock you on your butt. The electricity at the top of the wall would likely be fatal, so I would discourage any thoughts of escape."

"So, any questions?"

Karen was struggling to take all this in and really had no questions, at least at the moment, so she shook her head.

"Very well; by the way, Mai, the normal staff rotation will resume tomorrow. Let Chloe know." The Master explained, "As we pointed out, we have a staff of twenty, so I developed a computer program. Each day, the program selects two staff, three now, to enjoy the slaves' 'favors' that day. You have every Saturday off, because we will usually either have parties or at least the Mistress and I both here to use the 'playroom', as well as the day before a party for preparation and two days after each party to recover. That typically means each staff member got one or now maybe two days each week with you slaves. When their name comes up, the selectee can either accept, postpone, where their name goes back in and the next person is selected, or decline. Our submissives usually decline, unless their 'Master' insists. Some 'Masters' love having their submissives submit to a slave; they think it heightens the humiliation. They can also swap positions, if, for example a Master and his submissive both want to come down. If you entertain two on one day, you get the next day off. With a third slave here, I had to completely reprogram the algorithms, but it is back up and running now."

"Do, do we come in here?" asked Karen nervously.

"No, usually this is straight sex, although they can bring vibrators, nipple clamps, anal plugs and such if they want. Still, it is always much less intense than the 'playroom'. One other change, you can discontinue your lessons with Chloe and Mai. Some of the female staff complained to the Mistress that I was discriminating against them, because the men were getting to come down and get blowjobs, but they weren't. So we will send two of our female staff down each day instead."

Karen listened to all this quietly, realizing there was no point in protest. She noticed, though, that Mai looked disappointed at this last announcement and realized that Mai really did like women instead of men. She knew from earlier conversations that the male staff frequently preferred Mai to Chloe and she now realized that this was likely one of the reasons. Conversely, the female staff frequently preferred the heterosexual Chloe probably for the same reason; making the slaves do something that they found distasteful. While she was thinking about all this, the Master had been idly stroking his cock, which now began to harden.

"I think we're ready for the next session. Everyone finish your drinks and we'll get started," he ordered.

The positions were the reverse of last time. The Mistress was still lying on her back, but this time it was Karen on her hands and knees with her head down in the Mistress's cunt. Mai was now lying on her back between Karen's spread-out knees, with her head directly below Karen's cunt. The Master was straddling Mai's slender body behind Karen, lubing up his hard cock and Karen's asshole. Satisfied, he placed the fat head of his shaft at her asshole. "Ready?" he asked.

With no choice, Karen reluctantly answered "Yes, Master."

The Master took a firm grip on Karen's hips and slammed all eight inches of his cock into her ass in one brutal stroke. Karen screamed into the Mistress's cunt and tried to rear up. However, the Mistress had anticipated this and grasped Karen's head firmly. Despite Karen's struggles, she kept her head where it was, giving Karen a personal demonstration of the strength she had witnessed days earlier in the exercise area.

"Keep licking," the Mistress ordered. Karen tried, but groaned as the Master completely withdrew his cock and then screamed once again when he drove it back in. He did this several times. Eventually Karen was just whimpering rather than screaming and he began a slow ass fucking.

"Push back with your asshole when I'm driving in," the Master ordered, "and then tighten when I'm pulling back. If you do that, you'll relax your sphincter and tighten the channel when I'm pushing in. That will hurt you less and make it better for me as well. Tightening when I'm pulling out will hurt you more, but makes it better for me and I'm the one I care about, so do it."

Karen did her best to comply. After about twenty minutes of this, Karen could only groan and lick. Her ass was in agony and her tongue was tired. Every so often the Master would pull out and drive his cock into Mai's waiting mouth, fucking her mouth for several strokes before returning to Karen's now-gaping asshole. That helped with the lubrication some as well as giving Karen a few minutes of respite. In the meantime, Mai was licking Karen's cunt. Karen had to admit that the licking and penetration were getting to her, despite the pain. After another couple of minutes, she couldn't hold back, cumming with a scream into the Mistress's cunt and, for the first time, spraying Mai's face with her own cum. Her scream pushed the Mistress over one last time. The spasms from her orgasm also heightened the Master's pleasure and he picked up the pace. Her orgasm finished, the Mistress pushed Karen's head away and rolled over.

"No more, no more" she ordered. "Mai, why don't you take my place?" Mai eagerly complied, sliding out from under the Master's legs and taking the Mistress's position beneath Karen's head. "Now lick her," the Mistress ordered Karen, moving back next to her husband to watch him fucking Karen's ass.

Karen struggled to comply, although at this point her mouth and tongue were both exhausted. Fortunately, the Master finally came soon thereafter, and while his cock was still spasming, flooding Karen's bowels with his seed, Mai also came. Karen collapsed gratefully, her head still in Mai's crotch.

The Master waited a few seconds and then withdrew his softening cock from Karen's ass. Karen could feel that her poor asshole was still gaping. "Isn't that cute?" the Mistress commented. "Look how wide her little ass is still gaping with all your cum dripping out. Mai, get back here and start cleaning her up." Mai complied as the Master moved around to Karen's head and stuck his cock in her face. Obediently, Karen began licking it clean, finally taking it deep in her mouth and sucking out the last of his salty cum. In the meantime, Mai was taking her time, licking Karen's cunt and ass, sucking the Master's cum up. Despite herself, Karen came again, the convulsions forcing the last of the Master's cum out of her ass and into Mai's mouth.

"Well, that was fun, but now it's time for your lashes. I believe Mai is owed twenty-eight and Karen is owed thirty one. However, I just remembered, I still owe Mai one stroke from our last session. We'll do the standard right tit, left tit, cunt and asshole distribution. Mai, that means you will get seven on each for the first twenty-eight. Where do you want the extra stroke?"

"I, I guess my left tit, Master," Mai said hesitantly.

"Very well; Karen, you will get eight everywhere except one area. Which area do you want to spare?"

"My puss..., I mean cunt, Master."

"Great; now if everyone will step over to the 'TAC Machine', we'll select the instruments." The group moved over to a table with what looked like two slot machines. Although Mai already understood them, the Master explained for Karen's benefit. "I bought these slot machines and had them modified. The 'TAC Machine' helps decide punishment instruments for your Tits, Ass, and Cunt, hence the name. The other selects which toys to play with. I haven't come up with a name for it yet, other than the 'Toy Box'. On the 'TAC Machine' there are four wheels, each with space for twelve pictures. There are two pictures each of a whip, a riding crop, some birches, the cat-o-nine-tails, a belt and a blank space. You simply pull the handle and whichever instrument is displayed gets used on that area. The first picture is for the right tit, the second the left, the third the ass and the fourth the cunt. If you get all four of the same instrument, your strokes are halved. If you get a blank space, those strokes are omitted completely. If you get all blanks, not only are all strokes omitted, but you get a pass on your next appearance in here. Clear enough?"

"Yes, Master," Karen replied, thinking about it and hoping for a good pull.

"Great; Mai you're senior, so you get first pull."

Mai stepped up and pulled. She got cat, blank, riding crop and birches.

"Good pull, Mai," the Master commented. "You got a blank where you had selected the extra stroke. So you get seven lashes with the cat on your right tit, nothing on your left, seven lashes with the riding crop on your asshole and seven lashes with the birches on your cunt. Too bad about that last," he said in mock sympathy. "OK, Karen, your pull."

Karen stepped up and pulled, praying for blanks. She didn't get any; instead, she got birches, birches, whip and cat. Karen turned white, thinking about what that meant.

"Oh, not so good Karen; well, better luck next time. Shall we get started? Mai, you're up first for your right tit."

The Master moved them over to a low padded flattened half oval. It was raised a foot or so off the floor and then the top curved smoothly into a semi-oval. Knowing what was expected, Mai sat down on the floor with her back to the oval. The Mistress knelt down and fastened a heavy strap just above her hips. Mai then arched her back over the oval, stretching her arms back over her head..

"Take her hands, Karen and pull her back tightly. We want her tits stretched out and pointed at the ceiling. Then hold her tightly while she gets her lashes. If you let go, you'll both be punished," the Mistress said.

In the meantime, the Master had retrieved the cat and taken a position next to Mai's right side. He presented it for Mai to kiss, and then stepped back. "Ready?" he asked Mai.

At her nervous nod, he brought the cat up and then viciously down directly on Mai's right tit. Mai shrieked and tried to jerk her hands out of Karen's grasp to cover her abused tit, but Karen held on. Sobbing, Mai managed to choke out, "One, Master."

The punishment continued. By the end, Mai's entire small breast was covered with welts and darker blotches where the knotted tips had struck, and although red and visibly throbbing, the nipple was rock hard. A sobbing Mai was released.

"Your turn, Karen," the Mistress said.

Nervously Karen assumed her position, watching the Mistress tighten the strap above her hips and feeling Mai grab her outstretched hands, bending her back over the oval. In the meantime, the Master went over and retrieved the birches.

"These are fiberglass, but they are exact copies of a real bundle of birch switches. I had a three dimensional laser scan done of real birches and then 3-D printed them to be exact copies. These feel the same, but last a lot longer. Are you ready?' he asked.

"No, you bastard, and I'll never be ready," Karen thought. However, what she said instead was "Yes, Master."

The Master presented the bundle for Karen to kiss. Karen did so, cursing mentally. The Master stepped back and brought the birches down on Karen's right tit.

For a moment, Karen's brain seemed to freeze, unable to process the sudden outrageous pain caused by the stinging blow, feeling like she had just been stung by dozens of bees. That only lasted a split second and then she shrieked as the pain and stinging finally penetrated to her brain. Desperately, she unsuccessfully fought Mai's hold on her hands, trying to bring them up to protect her vulnerable tit. Unable to move very much, all she could do was whimper and beg as the Master raised the birches again. The birching continued. By the end, Karen had lost control of her bladder and was sitting in a warm pool of urine and sobbing. The Master gave her a minute to collect herself and then started on the other tit. The first stroke there was even worse, since Karen now knew what to expect. Finally it was over and Karen was released.

"Mai, you and Karen clean up this mess," the Mistress ordered, pointing to the cooling pool of urine. Karen started to stand up and look for a cloth or mop, but Mai understood what was expected. She dropped down on her knees and began licking the liquid up. The Master swished the birches meaningfully and Karen hastily followed suit. Once they were finished, it was Mai's turn again.

The Master moved the girls over to the "ass-bench" he had used on Karen's first day. Mai took her position, kneeling against the short wall and bending forward over the forward-sloping incline. She was strapped around each of her spread upper thighs to the wall as to the forward sloping incline. In the meantime, the Mistress had moved over and selected a thin, whippy riding crop. As usual, she presented the crop for Mai to kiss and then the Master used the control to rotate Mai so that her ass was facing the ceiling. Without being asked, Mai reached back and spread her ass cheeks, totally exposing her asshole, which was still slightly open from the earlier activities.

The Mistress raised the crop and brought it down on the right side of Mai's ass crease. Karen winced at the sharp sound of the impact, but Mai merely grunted and counted the stroke. The next stroke was on the left side with similar results. Karen was standing at the side though and Mai had turned her head and was facing Karen; Karen could see tears beginning to form in Mai's eyes. The third stroke was directly on Mai's puckered asshole and that one did elicit a shriek. Still, Mai managed to count the stroke. The processed continued until all seven had been delivered, although the last three were all to her asshole, which was now visibly throbbing As they unfastened her, Karen was astonished to see not only a pool in front from Mai's tears but also wet streaks down the front of the padded wall from where Mai's cunt had been pressed.

"Your turn Karen," the Master said. Karen slowly moved into position and the Mistress secured her while the Master replaced the riding crop and selected a fairly short whip. "This whip is fairly thin and we've split the tip into three. That way it will still hurt like hell, but hopefully not break the skin. Poor Chloe; she was the only slave we had when I first got this and went through a hard time until I got good at gauging the force I could use without drawing blood. Kiss it," he ordered. Karen complied and then waited in dread as the Mistress used the control to elevate her ass. "Not too high," the Master commented. "If her asshole is facing straight up, it's hard to target it properly with the whip." The movement stopped. After a moment the Master said impatiently "Spread your butt, Karen unless you want more strokes." Trembling Karen reached back and spread her cheeks, holding her breath in anticipation of the pain.

There was a sharp "crack" and the entire area around her asshole exploded into pain. Karen shrieked and let go with her hands, rubbing her asshole frantically and was astonished that it wasn't flayed and bleeding.

"See? I told you I had gotten good at gauging the force I could use. By the way, since you let go and didn't count, that one won't count. That means I still owe you eight more, so get your fucking hands back in place."

Already sobbing, Karen complied. Somehow she made it through the rest of the strokes without letting go or losing count. Still sobbing, Karen was released.

"That was intense, but I think that's enough for tonight," the Master said thoughtfully. "We'll take the rest of the strokes under advisement. If you're good, maybe you won't get them. You slaves are dismissed. Have a good evening," the Master finished. He and the Mistress exited through the far doors, not bothering to get dressed. Mai helped Karen to her feet, picked up the half-empty champagne bottle and two glasses and moved to the door leading back to their quarters.

"Come on," she ordered, "We'll give you a quick shower, put you in the hot tub in the courtyard and the three of us can finish this champagne." Not sure what else to do, Karen followed.

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 2 years ago

This is a superb story. I'm really enjoying in. On the other hand, ""The staff are all very well paid; even the maids make at least $100,000 per year and since we supply housing in the chateau, and all food, liquor, medical expenses and private schooling for children "

Why should the slave girl give a shit? Her abusers are well-paid to abuse her? Woohoo, I'm still not seeing why suicide isn't the superior option here? I'm giving this 5 stars because it's a really fun story. I'm just confused about the fact that the slave girl carries on like it's a meaningful option.

Cindy1001Cindy1001almost 9 years ago
Very good

I never was good in biology, so I cannot comment on that, but having mentioned that you are not a bdsm-practitioner, I really admire you for your imagination and vivid details. And of course a wonderful narrative. Applause

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I enjoyed it a great deal and am really looking forward to the next chapter. 5 Stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Basic anatomy

You can't push a dildo past the cervix unless she's in labor, the opening is like the size of a pinhole. It takes five seconds to Google that, its disturbing that you don't know it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Better yet - get an editor and rethink the whole thing.


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