Karina's Correction


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"I was looking at schools to go to. That's why I was late, okay?"

Arian relaxed his stance and shifted his weight back. "Good for you but you had since yesterday afternoon to do that. I bet you were trying to decide on an excuse not to come to work, couldn't find one you hadn't used, and just came in. Tell me I'm lying."

She couldn't. It was too close to the truth and their relationship was at the point where he would detect any fib she tried to slip by him. She was finding it difficult to elude her past, her poor habits.

Karina said, "I can't work if you're holding me here chastising me!"

Arian shooed her away. "Go ahead. This isn't over. I'll see you tonight."

She was too relieved to work. Probably the most relief she was going to get that day!

During the dinner rush, tickets were flying out of the printer and Arian noticed Karina was speeding from the fryer for chicken and fries, to the oven for biscuits, and to the drink machine to pour tea and squeeze a lemon over it. She kept repeating the same circle and, with the bubbling oil permanently in her face, her skin was damp and she was sucking air.

Arian grabbed an apron and stood next to her. "I'll help you."

Karina didn't break stride as she refused to acknowledge his presence or anything that had gone on between them lately.

It was awkward but not a word was passed between them for a half an hour. Nothing outside of him giving her job-related direction. She was drowning in orders and appreciated the help but she kept that to herself.

When it was break time, she dropped her apron and dashed to the break room.

She sat on a stool and realized she didn't have the butt plug Arian gave her! She fumbled through her handbag to see if she dropped it in there but nope! She couldn't seem to avoid getting herself in trouble.

"This day keeps getting better," Karina said to herself as she shoved the handbag away. "I hope he doesn't ask me about it because he's going to be super pissed. Giving him a triple-layered chocolate cake wouldn't save me now."

She sighed and let her head crash to the table in frustration. She heard her phone buzz in her bag. She had ten missed texts from people praising her for the peanut butter cookies she gave to her mom for the community bake sale. She had her share of adversaries, many she created, but also admirers as well. The "they're the best cookies I've ever had" messages brought a semblance of joy to an otherwise shitty day.

Karina couldn't help but wonder how bad her spanking was going to be now. Something, a small something, stirred between her legs to the thought even if Arian's hands left her ass throbbing. There was no malice in the way he disciplined her and she found some comfort in that. Still, it hurt!

Sometime after the restaurant closed, she was sweeping the kitchen and caught a glimpse of some flowing sandy locks through the serving window. When she focused on the person they belonged to, she hissed like a cat and dropped the broom. Rae, with her three-times-a-week manicured nails and purple polish, was looking at her. And she had the nerve to wave at her through the window! Oh, Karina was seething. Rae gave her a come hither and Karina was all too happy to oblige. Exhausted and pissed, she was ready to unleash it all upon her.

She bypassed the window and burst through the swinging door to the dining room.

Before she neared her, the scent of the women's perfume section at the local department store smacked her.

There she was in a button up dress shirt that matched her nails and white skirt. She appeared to have come from work. It was strange. There was no scowl or dented forehead on her.

Rae flipped her tresses away from her eyes. "I know you don't care much for me but I heard about your doughnuts. I heard about what a great worker you can be. You could be so much further along if you would apply yourself and let go of pettiness."

It was like a question mark appeared over Karina. She was expecting hostility, almost wanted it, but there was a hint of care but firmness laced in her voice.

"You don't know me or what I've been through," Karina said. "You stand there looking all perfect with your degrees and your nose pointed at the sky. I don't have anything in life."

Rae scoffed. "Oh, quit your whining. Boo-hoo. You have a lot. A job, people that care about you, and a talent for baking I hear. You don't see what you have because you're ungrateful. I hate that attitude in people. You'll stay where you are in life until you realize what you have."

Karina wanted to fight against it but she couldn't. She did have a lot to be thankful for but she only saw the worst in every situation. Despite the text messages she'd seen earlier, she was still feeling like she didn't measure up. She felt like life threw her to the wolves on purpose since she grew up without her biological parents. Still, here she was with a chance to go to school.

Karina knew she needed discipline but this wasn't the time to let those words out. Not with her perceived rival in front of her!

She scanned the dining room and the rows of tables and chairs were spotless. The tiles were clean and freshness filled the air. It appeared the rest of her coworkers had finished their work and took off. It didn't seem anyone else was in the restaurant and her stomach twisted in knots because she was about to get it. She wasn't entirely sure what "it" was this time and the suspense was killing her.

The kitchen door swung open and Arian appeared. Karina wanted to run but she didn't. People investing in her was new and she couldn't ignore it.

Arian walked around to inspect the night crew's work and likely to make sure they were the only ones still there.

Each second that passed was causing the tension to build within Karina. Whatever was going to happen, she wanted it done!

Arian walked by, snatched Karina's hand, and walked her to the rear of the dining room where the lighting was low away from the windows. No words but with the way he walked with such purpose, none were needed! Rae followed at their rears.

When they were in the back corner, he let her go and stood in front of her with Rae over his shoulder. Karina's fingers and knees couldn't stop shaking.

Arian was looking directly at her and the pressure was so intense that she couldn't match the eye contact.

"I'm not going to give you a speech," Arian began. "You know what you did and you know what you need to do."

Karina pleaded, "I'm trying! Really, I am!"

Her voice was breaking and she glanced at Rae, which shook her nerves more.

Arian said, "You need to try harder. All I want to know is do you have your toy in like I told you? Come on, let me see."

She couldn't move! She feared what his reaction was going to be when he found out she didn't have it! And she sure didn't want to strip in front of Rae!

When she took too long to respond, Arian held her around the back like he was giving her a hug but that wasn't the purpose of the embrace.

He pointed at Rae. "Pull her pants down. See if she's learned to follow simple directions."

Karina just sealed her eyes and waited. She was so nervous, she thought she was going to fall apart. She wiggled her ass but she was firmly in his grasp.

She felt Rae fidgeting with the button on the front of her pants. Karina shifted her hips around but she couldn't escape Arian's grip.

Once Rae popped open her pants, she tugged her zipper down. Karina wanted to stop her hands but she realized Arian had her arms pinned to her sides.

Rae wiggled her pants to her knees. She gave her a couple of spanks on her panties before pinching them at the sides and pushing them to her knees, too. Karina was beyond mortified but she had to take it. She could feel Rae's hand on her butt cheek as she pulled it aside to check for the toy that wasn't there.

Rae rose up to speak to Arian. "No, she doesn't have it in."

"Punish her for it."

Rae pulled out a chair, sat, and escorted Karina to her lap by her wrist. Karina peered at Arian who was looking at her with a blank stare lacking any emotion. She took a breath, looked ahead, and awaited the inevitable.

Rae gave her twenty swats to her left cheek first and switched to her right with twenty more. The smacks and pops to her flesh began to sting and Karina tried to squirm off her lap but Arian held her legs to keep her still! Rae spanked her for the next minute but with more intensity. Karina's ass was sizzling and crimson. Being spanked by Rae made her not want to ever be bad again!

"Oww! Please, I'm sorry!" Karina whined. "I'll be a good girl from now on, I promise!"

Arian didn't acknowledge her as he leaned and gave her a few more swats as Rae held her in her lap. His spanks were harder and Karina squinted and clinched to absorb the smacks the best she could.

Arian stood her up and said, "You need to make up with Rae, now."

Through sniffing, Karina asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Arian looked at his friend as if to say she had the answer. "Tell her, Rae."

She was a bit meek herself with expressing what she wanted. It appeared this was new to her as well.

Rae gazed at Karina. "I want your lips and tongue between my legs eating me."

Karina had never done anything like that with another woman though the thought crossed her mind a few times. If she was to do that, she wouldn't have expected it to be with Rae.

As Rae sat, she held her skirt at the bottom and hiked it above her waist revealing her white panties. Arian gave Karina some space. She hesitated but lowered to her knees between Rae's legs. She remained there on all fours for a few moments. She was trying to talk herself into doing it.

Arian brought his palm to her ass. "Now, Karina!"

That pop got her to make up her mind pretty quickly!

She extended her tongue to Rae's panties and licked it. She gave her another long lick and Rae was squirming in her seat. Karina pulled the lace aside and there wasn't a hair to be found. Her arousal was obvious from the sweetness of her scent and how moist she was. She licked from her clit, through her slit, and to the bottom. Karina glided her tongue back up, through the pinkness inside, and stopped on her clit where she sucked and swirled her tongue over it. Rae was purring and couldn't keep still. Karina widened her mouth, pressed her tongue inside, and moved it all around.

Karina stopped and looked up at Arian as if to ask for direction.

He said, "Take her panties off and really get your tongue in there."

She tugged on her underwear, swept them off, and attacked her with a flurry of licks while holding on to Rae's legs. After Karina ate her for a few minutes, Rae drew her legs into her breasts while voicing her delight.

Arian maneuvered near Karina and pulled out his cock. She noticed it while pleasuring Rae and started to suck it while holding it at the bottom. She moved her head up and down while her tongue was sliding over its length. As he growled like a bear, she sped up her movements and he grew in size in her mouth. She fondled his sac, rubbing his balls through her fingers. He could hardly stand anymore as he buckled to her attention. The more she pleased him, the more it took her mind of the pulsing in her ass cheeks.

"I'm going to fuck you in the ass, Karina," he whispered to her.

She had a feeling that was why she had to wear the plug but it made her tense a bit given his size. Maybe even a little scary. But, she braced herself for it and trusted him to know when and how to be gentle with her.

On all fours, while looking at Rae, she felt the tip of his cock slide into her pussy and a wave of excitement rushed throughout her when he fully penetrated. He fucked her for a minute. It was amazing while it lasted but he stopped quicker than she would have liked.

He eased his cock into her ass. Rae was stroking Karina's black strands alongside her face before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Karina wasn't sure what to think about that. It was like she was admiring her beauty and trying to soothe her.

It hurt more than Karina could handle and she reached behind herself to grab him. He got the message and added more lube. The cool sensation of the lube caused her to tingle!

When Arian was finally inside and took her, she became more comfortable with it little by little and gave herself to him. She'd never been more vulnerable or dominated in such a way but there wasn't anyone else she trusted more to do it.

He began moving faster and going harder with his hips meeting her backside each time he drove deep. She dug her nails into the carpet as her moans came louder as well.

Rae popped open the buttons on Karina's shirt. She yanked the bra away from her breast and rubbed her nipple between her fingers. When she pinched it and gave it a tug, and with her ass being taken, it gave her some pain but immense pleasure at the same time. Her pants were still at her knees and the fact they were keeping her in place along with Rae playing with her nipples was driving her nuts! It caused her to shout loud enough for someone passing by the restaurant to hear!

"Are you alright?" Arian asked.

"I'm okay," Karina said with little confidence behind her words.

He stopped going as hard as he picked up on that.

Arian kept slow and steady as he began to become more audible himself when he burst inside her ass and everyone collapsed while trying to retrieve their breaths.

Karina laid there with a million emotions within, a wet pussy, moistened skin, drenched hair, and with her ass hurting so good inside and seared outside. She could do no more than lay there.

After a few minutes, Arian stood up and said something to Rae. They talked for a bit out of Karina's earshot before he returned to her.

Arian returned and lifted his hand. "Stand up and get dressed." After she did, he said, "Do you want to say something to Rae?"

Karina walked over to her and said, "I'm sorry for being rude to you. Do you forgive me?"

"Yes, but I hope you learned your lesson. I don't want to hear about you being a bitch anymore. I want to hear about how well you're doing in college."

"I'll will."

Rae smiled and went home. Karina began to think she was possibly wrong about her.

Arian appeared next to Karina and had to use his thumb as Kleenex to her tears. The entire experience was overwhelming!

He spoke softly to console her. "We only want what's best for you, Karina. Do you get it?"

She sniffed and ran a finger through the corners of her eyes. "Why do you care about me so much? No one else has."

"It's because I see so much in you that you don't see in yourself. You're a really good person."

He gave her a real hug this time and she held him and didn't want to let go. They stood there for a whole hour.

He let her know that he was leaving HAT chicken—he was promoted to be manager at another location. It was bittersweet but Karina encouraged him to go for his dream because that would make him happy. She told him not to worry about her because she was going for hers. That brought a smile to his face.

She would go on to be quite the model employee. She stopped being late, quit harassing her coworkers, and worked her ass off. Arian even went with her to register for her classes. All seemed great but after a while, she began to fall back to the old Karina's ways. She craved that man that dominated her, turned her life around, and showed her a better way to live. Only he could keep her in line. A trip to the HAT chicken on the other side of town was in order...

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