Kasper's Den Ch. 01


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"Oh... um is this the resort? I didn't know there was a resort. We just got in last night. I didn't mean to trespass," I said and looked around like I'd missed an off limits sign somewhere.

"No, this is the filming compound. The resort is up the beach a little. We've been here all week. My father invested in one of the reality shows filming here so we're down checking on it to make sure it's legit. Not the gay men one, the Arab business one. It's to win an internship with my father's company. We thought it would be a good way to promote tourism in the kingdom," he said and reached for another piece of melon.

"Here." I slid my tray towards him and took a sip of my hot tea. It was stronger than I expected, and I turned my head to the side to cough.

"Are you alright?" he said and reached over to pat my shoulder. He squeezed my shoulder with a firm grip and then reached down to unclip my badge.

"Kasper Lane. What kind of name is that? Danish? Action hero?" He asked with a chuckle as he studied the badge. I shook my head.

"It's from a video game, Kasper's Quest. Some old one my dad liked to play in high school. Nothing really special about it," I admitted.

"It's cute... It fits you. I'm Amir. It means prince, or a person who gives orders," he said and offered his hand. It raised his thin tank top just enough to perfectly frame a smooth, defined pec and pointed brown nipple. I reached to shake his firm, assertive grip. I was instantly stirring in my shorts. I took another sip of my tea to cover my nerves.

"You do seem princely... kicking commoners out of your resort," I laughed.

"I wouldn't kick you out. They were drunk though and loud. The resort has some families so it just wasn't proper behavior. I don't think you'd be like that. Though you might get kicked out for getting melon in the pool," Amir laughed and picked off a small chunk that had fallen onto my shirt. He lifted it towards my lips and pushed it through.

A speaker in the distance rambled on with a cast call for "End of the Rainbow." That was the name Michael had chosen for the show. I looked at Amir and sighed. I wasn't ready to go, but Michael would be pissed if I blew off the wardrobe and stylist people.

"That's me... I guess I have to go. You can finish the breakfast if you want," I pushed the croissant towards him and started to get up. Amir reached over though and put his hand on mine.

"Wait. Um... why don't you meet me for dinner tonight? The food here is rubbish. I can order us something better... please?" Amir's playful smile had evaporated at seeing my quick exit. I got that sudden ping in my chest that told me he liked me back.

"Yeah?" I felt my face burn with blushing as an uncontrollable smile spread across it. "I'd like that."

"Take this card. It will get you into the resort and up to the penthouse suites. I'll get another one. Top floor suite marked 'Hamad.' It's my family name. I have the production schedule so I'll know when your break is," he said and fished a shiny gold card from his pocket. It felt like real gold. My heart leapt as he pressed it into my palm.

"Sure thing! I'll be there!" I skipped off and turned to see him take my tray of food to the nearest trashcan. He probably had a private chef up there.


The rest of the morning was a lot of waiting amongst a sea of bitchy muscle daddies. It was a throng of middle-aged white guys except for one latino and one black guy. Everyone looked like action stars, but talked like mean girls. It was a back and forth of verbal cuts and jibes like they were old enemies or best friends. It felt comfortable to be back in a room of guys like some of my friends back home.

Everyone seemed to know each other and mentioned clubs in Miami. I guessed I was the only Californian. Since I didn't fit in with their look, it was assumed I was part of the crew and everyone ignored me. I really was a last minute addition.

One guy came and took my measurements and then an hour later I argued with the hair guys who wanted to bleach my already light hair. They trimmed the ends of it and used a light coloring. They pulled it back in a low ponytail and added a small red ribbon that made me look like a young fighter from the revolutionary war.

Wardrobe wasn't much better. The first guy dressed me in this red polo tucked into khakis that looked like a school uniform/ target employee. It made me look like a helpful child. I raised an eyebrow at him and he just shrugged as though he didn't know what to do with me. The main guy came and they argued over me in french.

The main guy stripped me down completely, ignoring my protestations. He handed me a pair of designer label red briefs that had a thick waistband. He pulled up a pair of white jogger pants that hung just below the waistband of the briefs and then put a black t-shirt over me that had a red stripe across the chest to match the briefs. The shirt clung tight to my chest. I kind of liked the look. It added a hint of definition to my scrawny frame.

"Oui Oui! This is good!" The man said proudly, but then pulled at my hair. He undid the colonial era ponytail and mussed it up. The hair crew yelled at him from across the room, but he shot them the finger and went on. He drew my hair back into a loose knot and secured it with one of those clips you use to hold together a stack of papers. It was a style I would have labeled "Carefree industrial." I looked pretty hot.

I got a fresh pair of white tennis shoes with red stripes and I was off towards the set. They were doing cover photos for promotions and the opening sequence. I'd helped Michael with some modeling shoots before so I knew how to take direction. Those had been for local products and clothes, but this time the product was me.

He had me get in some questionable positions. I kept up with him, but slightly protested when he had me straddling the diving board with my pants slid down and looking back at the camera so my ass was on full display. He smiled like he was surprised I'd let him get that far.

I got a quick break then and pulled my pants up. The line of ready muscle daddies behind me were eying me with new interest. I was cleaned up and now it was apparent that I was their competition and not production help. I ignored their glares as my stomach rumbled. It needed lunch.

After a quick sandwich, I had to film some opening scenes of me mingling with the guys. Michael had written me ridiculous lines. I was supposed to be a young troublemaker. I had to say things like "Fuck off, grandpa," and tell one guy, "Sorry, man. I'm not in to expired meat!"

I wasn't entirely comfortable with that, but I did my best. I kept apologizing to the guys when the cameras cut, but they now saw me as a prime target. I was sure I'd have a drink or two thrown at me on the show.

I was in the middle of one of the scenes where I didn't have a line when I saw Amir walk in. He was dressed up this time, a tight pink button-up shirt tucked into nice black pants with shiny black dress shoes. His hair was slicked back with gel and he looked like a realtor. I was just hanging around in the background so I suddenly piped up with "I have to piss!" I got a few awkward glares and the director waved me out of the scene.

I made my way over to Amir. He was with an older man who must have been his father. The father was a big Arab man with muscles and an expensive suit. He noted my words with disdain and said something to Amir who glared at me to echo his father's distaste.

"Hi! I didn't expect to see you here!" I said to them and noted Amir's eyes studied me with the same interest he'd held this morning.

"We are investors," he said a haughty glare. "We go where we please."

"No, I just... I was going to head over when we finish up," I said and smiled dumbly. He was so handsome, so different from the guys I normally hung with. He looked so grown up in his dress clothes.

His father kept his eyes on me with that judgemental look of distaste. He leaned towards Amir and said something in his language. Amir answered back and looked at me with confusion. The disdain in his eyes was gone. He was interested, but looked conflicted. His father disapproved of me. I could feel it radiate off of him and my heart sank.

"I don't know you. Go back to your show, little gay... they are calling you," Amir said with cold detachment as though he was trying to convince his father he'd truly never seen me before.

I looked back towards the show and Michael was motioning for me to come back. They were on a break, but he waved me with a flash of urgent anger. I turned back to Amir and his dad.

"You are ok, little one? You look upset? My son hurts you?" Amir's father suddenly seemed to care. He looked between us, searching for the truth.

"I don't know him, father! I didn't do anything. I swear! I don't know you!" Amir asserted again, but looked at me with a flash of guilt. He really was ashamed of me. I should have known better.

"Fine... Guess I was mistaken... I don't know you either... I thought you were a nice guy. I was wrong," I said. I felt tears pushing at my eyes. Of course a guy like that wouldn't be interested in me. I lingered for just a second as our eyes locked.

"Apologize. You've upset him," the father said to Amir. He believed me. He looked at me with genuine care as though his son regularly hurt boys like me.

"Wait... I upset you. I apologize. Where did we meet?," Amir said as though he'd had a sudden change of heart. As our eyes stayed locked I saw the look of interest return. He swallowed hard and gave a quick glance back to his father. I used the pause to make my escape. He clearly wanted to talk to me but knew his father didn't approve. I didn't want to be his secret. It was a shitty thing to do.

I went back to the show without looking back. I felt the room card he'd given me in my pocket. I'd find a way to get it back to him. I was pissed, hurt, sad, horny. I went through my scene with a vengeance. I didn't need to play like I was an angry, disrespectful kid anymore. I had my motivation. I delivered Michael's lines and even tossed a tray of cookies one of the guys had baked. They wanted a troubled kid. I gave it to them.

"That was brilliant! I knew you could do it, Kasper!" Michael praised when we wrapped. It was still early, and the sun was just beginning to set behind the hills.

"Thanks... I'm going to grab some dinner." I stormed off and headed back towards wardrobe. The guys were gone so I didn't return the clothes. I just grabbed my old stuff and headed back towards the dorms. I was still furious about Amir and a little heartbroken that I'd so quickly felt something for him when he so clearly didn't deserve it.

I didn't know what I was going to do, but I needed to forget about Amir and his stupid father. I made it all the way back to the dorm when I noticed Taj sitting at a picnic table in a lit patio area. He was reading a book and listening to something with those big headphones DJ's wear.

"Hey man!" I said when I got close to him. His head snapped up and his face lit with a smile.

"Kasper, my friend! How fortunate. I study the English. See?" Taj lifted one side of a textbook to show the cover. I laughed. He was such a boyscout. Here he was, this hot hunk in his prime a thousand miles from his girlfriend and of course he was studying and being faithful.

He was only focused on getting back to her and providing a better life. He was doing everything he could to make a life for the future he desired. Here I was heartbroken over an Arab guy who had barely smiled at me and thought I was garbage. My priorities were fucked.

"Can I help?" I offered. He instantly lit up and his chest puffed with excitement.

"Ah! Yes, Kasper! Yes please!" Taj rocked back and forth with excitement as he pushed his book to the right and slid over to make room. He took off his headphones and I heard a soft female voice reciting English phrases.

"Irregular verbs," I said as I read his textbook page. "Yeah I can do this, sit/sat, fall/fell, break/broke... Easy stuff."

I spent the next hour lost in English with Taj. I loved the way his eyes lit up when I got him to understand something. I never realized how fucked up my language was. It had no sense, crazy rules, and a million exceptions. Taj looked at me like I hung the moon. He was so handsome, yet it was strange. I had this big, hunky straight dude just eating out of my hand as he hung on every word, pronunciation, explanation. I probably could have leaned down to his lap and sucked him off if I wanted. He was captivated.

But I didn't. He was so beautifully vulnerable and lapped up anything I offered him. But his motivation wasn't me... It was a girl back home, a chance to rise from the struggle and provide for her. I'd never taught anyone anything before. It was a humbling responsibility.

"I uh... I gotta go. I need to fix something," I said suddenly when I realized what I needed to do. I needed to stand up to Amir. He didn't get to treat me like that. I realized it when I saw the look in Taj's eyes as he understood my explanations. I deserved better.

"You are ok, Kasper? You are upset?" He asked.

"I'm good! Thank you, Taj! You're the best!" I said and leaned into his chest. He slid his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"You too, Kasper. You are special boy. Do not be out too late. We work in the morning, ok? You are young and need sleep!" He said as I wormed out of his arms and tore off towards the resort.

I found the path that led up to it just past the cafeteria where I'd met Amir that morning. He had seemed so nice and I looked at the picnic table as anger bubbled inside me. He was so handsome, tall... dark... handsome. How could I have fallen for it? I pushed past and followed the signs up to the Zimbali Rock resort.

The night air hit me with a chill when I got up to the empty guard's booth. I walked right through and saw a large, modern hotel with glass balconies and white stone lit with tribal patterns. It looked beautiful and peaceful with just the sound of crashing waves behind it.

It wasn't until I made it inside the hotel and went towards the elevators that a guard stopped me. I showed him the card Amir had given me. He nodded towards an elevator and then followed me inside. He punched a button on it and then left to go back to his post. I fumbled with the card as the elevator rumbled upwards. I wanted to throw the card at Amir, tell him he wouldn't have to worry about hiding me anymore, and then leave. I didn't care how much money he had, he couldn't treat people like that.

I made it up to his floor and found their suite. It had their name printed inside a card holder by the door in gold script. I knocked on the door and looked around at the wide hallway decorated with tribal art and an enormous bouquet of colorful flowers arranged atop a wide circular table.

"Kasper! You are very late. I should punish you. I waited and the dinner is cold, but come inside and eat!" Amir proclaimed happily when he opened the door. His face was lit up with a wide grin as he took me in.

"I came to yell at you..." I said softly as I took in his handsome eyes. He had on a tight grey t-shirt with a deep v-neck that showed his smooth, muscled chest with just a few sprouts of hair. His hair was combed back, but still a wavy black mess of curls. His eyes looked me up and down as he wagged his eyebrows. He was gorgeous, I felt my stomach flutter.

"You look so nice, Kasper. You dressed up for me?" He said, ignoring my words. He reached and took my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine. His grip felt warm, safe. It ebbed my angry mood. I forgot why I was upset.

"The show... dressed me..." I faltered in my anger as he pulled me inside. He had that way of staring into my eyes that made me feel fluttery, like someone of note thought I was worthwhile. His touch sent a rush of happiness through me. He squeezed my hand and I felt so safe, so at home with him. My head started to swim and I lost all traces of anger.

"You look amazing! Wow!" Amir exclaimed as he closed the door behind us. He slid a hand around my back and pulled me in to kiss me on each cheek.

"You... too," I stammered and forgot my words. "I uh... You look so good. You were so... so mean to me today." I fumbled through my half-hearted, angry speech.

"I was? I apologize. I insulted your melon? I will never do it again, sweet Kasper," Amir laughed as though he had no idea what had transpired that afternoon. "My parents are in their room resting, but we have food in my room. Come and eat." He pulled me through the living room to a bedroom with huge windows that overlooked the dark night.

"Nice place," I said as I followed him. He laced his fingers between mine and pulled me over to a small table set up with covered dishes and two wine glasses filled with something dark.

"I ordered you some American food and iced tea. It's melted though. I can call for fresh if you want. My family already ate dinner. They are in their room for the night so you won't meet them... but I waited for you," Amir said. It reminded me that I was something he was ashamed of. Of course he would keep his parents away from me. What an asshole. I felt my anger rising again.

"Yeah well you don't want them finding out about me so I'll be quiet. I'll be your secret," I said as he pulled me towards the table.

"What do you mean? We won't disturb them! They are in for the night. Nothing to worry about," Amir said happily. He'd sneaked me in quietly to his room without them seeing. He really was hiding me. I started to get angry all over again... but that hot chest and perfect ass. Half of me was furious, but the other half just really wanted to suck him off. He was gorgeous.

"Look... I'm not even hungry. I just came here to... well it's not important," I started.

"To what? Of course it's important. You are here! This is important! I'm glad you came," Amir said with a look of confusion.

"You're hot, dude. And... you obviously like me. I clearly like you. Why don't we just get down to business and then I'll sneak out quietly and no one has to know," I offered. I'd lost my resolve and the horny part of me was taking over.

"You only want to..." Amir started and a look of disappointment fell over his face as he awakened to what I was saying.

"Suck your dick. Or whatever you wanted to do. Just... let's not pretend we need to have a date here or that you like me for more than sex. You're hot. So fucking hot. I seriously spent all day thinking about what it would be like. So let's just get down to it... ok? No need to pretend," I offered a smile and put a hand on his chest.

"Ok Kasper... whatever you want," Amir said though he didn't sound excited. He let go of my hand and I realized he'd been holding it the whole time.

He reached down and pulled at the button on his jeans as I dropped to my knees. He pulled at the flap, and I looked up at him, rubbing my chin against his bulge. I reached forward with my teeth and bit at the golden zipper. I pulled it down with my teeth as his hand came to rest on my head. He pushed back the loose wisps of my hair as I looked up at him. There was sadness in his eyes.

"This is what you want? Just my cock?" he whispered like he was sad and confused that I wouldn't put up the charade of us developing into something more than a quick fuck.

I nodded and rubbed my chin against his fly. I felt his cock thicken up. I put my hands on the back of his thighs and rubbed up to his ass. I buried my nose between the teeth of his zipper and rubbed it against his silky briefs as I inhaled his musk. He was clean, but had the normal boy funk of sweat and a hint of piss that had escaped his attempts to shake out the last time he'd urinated.