Kate and Jake Ch. 12


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"Hmm..." murmured Madeleine, as she looked down, and took a moment to think.

"What's up, Maddy," asked Jake.

She looked at him and then at Kate, and said, "Kate, you know how you said we can say anything in a family situation? Is that really true? Can I say something and if you and Jake think it's off the planet then we just forget it, and you don't think badly of me?"

"Y-e-s?" queried Kate, drawing the 'yes' out as she wondered what might be coming next, although she was confident it had nothing to do with incest, after her last outburst on the matter.

"W-e-ll," said Madeleine, with and intake of breath, and a grimace consistent with a feeling of impending doom. "I doubt that I would feel comfortable doing it with Jake, while you were down the corridor, alone in your room, wishing you had someone to be doing it with too, and that would spoil things for all of us."

"I see," replied Kate, pensively. "So, what did you have in mind, Maddy? I hope you're not going to suggest..."

"No, nothing to do with Jake... no incest, I promise you... I'm not that much of a masochist that I want to go there again. No, well... I was just thinking... well, you know I'm bisexual, right? -- and you said you were bi-curious, so I was just wondering if this might be a good time for you to see what it was all about. I'm Jake's fuck buddy, and if I can help, just until you have a new boyfriend, I'd love to be your fuck buddy too. You two could go to your own rooms, and I could visit you first and then finish off in a glorious manner with Jake after that, hopefully leaving you more satisfied than you would be with your vibrator. Please don't be mad at me."

Kate covered her hand with hers, and, looking longingly at Madeleine's magnificent breasts, said, "I'm not cross with you Maddy. That's a very thoughtful thing you're offering, and since it's been a long time for me (only two days, unbeknown to Madeleine, but seemed like an eternity to Kate), and because I am bi-curious, if it were just up to the two of us, I'd take you up on your offer in a flash. But, just as you're worried about what Jake and I might think of you for suggesting it, so too am I worried about what Jake would think of his mother if I said yes."

Jake spoke up, "Don't be silly, Mum. Go for it! Look at it this way. If you say no, then Maddy and I won't enjoy ourselves, and you'll be left high and dry, in your room alone. None of us will be happy. You've got my blessing, Mum, if that means anything."

"It does, Jake. It means a lot to me because you're the man of our family now. Okay, since you two are obviously agreed, I'd be silly to spoil everyone's night by saying no, but, Maddy, you have to promise me this will remain top secret between the three of us."

"That goes without saying," said Madeleine.

"Okay, well it's settled then," said Kate. "Let's not linger here, or I might get cold feet and change my mind," and as if in unspoken agreement, they picked up their robes, but didn't put them on, and walked hand in hand, all three of them, to Kate's door.

Jake gave them each a hug and a kiss, kissing Madeleine sweetly on her lips, and his mother on her cheek, and walked off down the corridor to his room. As Kate and Madeleine entered Kate's bedroom, still holding hands, Madeleine said:

Did you notice Jake's cock after he finished hugging and kissing us?"

"I did," replied Kate, "I think you're in for a very good time after we get through here. C'mon," and they hopped onto the bed. "This is my very first time with a woman, Maddy, so in this instance you'll have to be the teacher. I'm too nervous to take the initiative."

"It'll be my pleasure," replied Madeleine. "Now you just lie down and make yourself comfortable, and let me do all the work. Then, later, you can copy what I do to you, on me." Kate lay down with her head on a pillow and Madeleine said, "Now close your eyes. It won't be as confronting for you that way, and will certainly relax me if you are not watching me doing things."

Kate closed her eyes and did relax as she felt Madeleine's hands softly running all over her body. After the initial touch, which made her flinch reflexly, she started to like it, and tingled all over.

"You're gorgeous for a mature woman, Kate," said Madeleine.

"I'm only thirty-four," objected Kate, eyes still closed.

"I know," agreed Madeleine, "but you have to realise that for Jake and me, thirty four is, in this case, literally a generation older than us, and you're Jake's mum as well, which puts a whole new perspective on things. Having said that, you're definitely the most beautiful woman I've ever been to bed with."

"Thanks. How many have you been with?" asked Kate.

"Without counting them off, about half a dozen. A couple were more serious, longer term relationships, while the others just happened along the way, and went on for a wee while."

"So, you're quite experienced with girls then. Tell me, how does this girl-girl sex affect the way you relate to Jake, or other men?"

"No worries there, Kate. Lesbian sex is great, and it's allowed me to keep in balance for six months or more, but I have to have the real thing eventually, and given a choice, I'd take a man over a woman any day -- if he's a good lover, that is. A female lover is always better than an uncaring or self-centred man who does nothing to satisfy his girl. If it were just you and me, this would be all I need to keep going for a while, but with Jake just down the hall, and knowing what he has to offer, I'm looking forward to you and me getting off together, and then being finished off in fine fashion by him. Now, enough talk... just shut your eyes and enjoy" -- and Kate did just that.

She felt Madeleine's hands all over her again, this time examining her more closely, even parting her labia and inserting a finger to feel around inside. Kate was hot and wet down below, and was luxuriating in the waves of tingly feelings which were coursing through her body as Madeleine probed her. Madeleine was pleased with the responses she was eliciting, as Kate became progressively more and more slippery inside as she responded to the fingering.

While keeping a finger inside Kate, Madeleine lay down beside her and put her other hand on Kate's nearside breast, and palpated it. Kate rolled her head to one side and sighed. This was so good -- Jake did those things to her too; nothing new about that; what was new was that it was a very attractive, and very young, woman doing these things to her -- a first for her, and such a major turn on!

Madeleine whispered, "Can I put my mouth on your breast, Kate?"

"Don't ask, just do whatever you want with me." replied Kate, and then stiffened slightly, with a sharp intake of breath, as she felt the moist warmth of Madeleine's mouth close over her areola and nipple. Madeleine managed to suck nearly half of Kate's breast into her mouth and give it a good tonguing, which caused Kate to roll her head again, and moan unashamedly. While Madeleine concentrated on Kate's nipples with her tongue and lips, she reached down and inserted one finger inside. Kate was tight, but after working her for a minute or two, Maddy managed to squeeze a second finger in, all the time sucking her nipples.

"Your nipples are growing -- they're twice as long as when I started."

"I'm not surprised," replied Kate between inhalations.

Madeleine kept up her oral assault on Kate's breasts, and also energetically stimulated her down below until Kate stiffened, took Madeleine's head between her hands, arched her back, froze for a good twenty seconds, and then came violently, and audibly.

Jake, who had been lying on his bed waiting for his turn with Maddy, was casually handling his almost fully erect cock, imagining what was going on down the hallway, and eagerly waiting his turn with Madeleine. On hearing his mother cry out, he involuntarily gripped his cock tighter, and it rapidly reached full erection. It was all he could do to resist the urge to masturbate it.

"Good on you Mum!" he said quietly, and then, "...and good on you too, Maddy for doing such a good job on her, and so soon."

Back in Kate's room Madeleine said, "That was quick!" and moved up so they were face to face. "I know you are probably only interested in the girl-girl sex, and not the lovey dovey stuff, but would it be all right if I kissed you?"

Kate was so blown away by what had just happened at the hands of another woman that she just nodded, and Madeleine slowly lowered her head, with a smile on her face, and a glint in her eye, until their lips touched. She kissed Kate softly on the lips, then a little harder, and then, taking her cue from what she had recently experienced with Jake, proceeded to kiss Kate all over her face, including her now closed eyes.

"That's lovely, Maddy. Where did you learn that way of kissing?" asked Kate, recognising the manoeuvre as being her, and Jake's, favourite ways of kissing when making love.

"From Jake. I'm a quick learner."

Kate smiled. Her son had indeed done well and remembered all that she had taught him. "Shall I do you now?" she asked.

"Nope, not yet. I'm being selfish. I had a plan of action and you going off early wasn't part of it. You just relax and let me enjoy the rest of what I was looking forward to doing."

"Okay," said Kate with a smile. "You're spoiling me."

"You've already spoilt me by giving me the best afternoon and evening of my life," replied Madeleine, and went back to Kate's perfect breasts. "I can't get over how gorgeous your tits are, Kate. I think, when I'm a doctor, and can afford it, or maybe get a medical practitioner's discount, I'll have a breast reduction operation."

Kate opened her eyes, inclined her head a little so she could look down at Madeleine's face, which was smiling up at her, and said, "Don't do that, Maddy, at least not until you've met the man you're going to spend the rest of your life with. No woman is happy with her breasts. Women like me admire women with larger breasts, like you, and vice versa. I'm turned on by your gorgeous boobs, and it seems Jake is too -- a lot of men are... and it would be a shame if you made them smaller, and then met Mr Perfect, who just happened to be a big boobs man."

"Good advice," agreed Madeleine, and then started to kiss her way southward.

Kate put head back down on the pillow and quivered in anticipation of what Madeleine would soon be doing. Madeline also tingled lustfully as she manipulated one of Kate's breasts with one hand, caressed Kate's slender hip with the other, and felt the texture of her flat belly under her lips and tongue.

Kate stiffened, and gasped, when she felt the heat of Madeleine's breath, and then the wetness of her mouth, on her womanhood. Madeleine heard a sharp intake of breath when she slipped a finger inside Kate's vagina, and another in her pert, tight, little ass.

It was all too much for Kate, and as Madeleine squeezed and massaged her breast; as her tongue was being devastatingly effective on her external genitalia; as her finger went in and out, and round and round, in her vagina, while another was firmly embedded in her ass; Kate's mind went round and round like a whirling dervish, out of control and spiralling upwards to another, inevitable, orgasm.

Jake heard the scream from his room, and then a cry, followed by some unintelligible utterances. He had been waiting for some indication that they might be finished, and that Maddy might be coming to him soon, but unless he was mistaken, that sounded very much like his mother... again! On the one hand he was disappointed, because he knew his mother would insist on equal rights, and on giving Madeleine an orgasm, if she could, but on the other hand he was so happy for his mum; that her first girl-girl fantasy experience was such a good one. His main challenge now was to keep his hand off his cock, lest he ejaculate prematurely, and diminish his ardour for what he and Maddy planned to do soon.

"Definitely your turn now," Kate insisted. "Maddy, I have been bi-curious for a long time, so thank you for making my first experience with a girl so wonderful and amazing. I'm no longer nervous, but I am a bit brain dead after all that, so if it's all right with you I might just do exactly the same things to you. I think I would pretty much copy you, anyway, because from the minute I saw those magnificent boobs of yours, I've had an almost irresistible urge to touch and kiss them. Want to swap places?"

They did, and Kate now felt free to get up close and personal with Madeleine's lovely big breasts, in a way she would not have been comfortable with if she had played the man's role first. She moved them around, marvelling at the mobility of them. Her own were nice to touch, but relatively fixed to her chest, not able to be moved much, but she was able to move Madeleine's around in tight circles like you might roll a large ball around in circles on a table. Kate then pushed them together to visualise what they might have looked like when Jake was about to insert his cock between them, and quickly ascertained they would have totally engulfed his erect member, hiding it from sight. The thought of that turned her on, despite her two orgasms. When she started kissing them, Madeleine muttered something and sighed. When she started biting, licking, and sucking on Madeleine's nipples, Maddy rolled her head and moaned. When she inserted one, then two fingers inside, Maddy tensed for a moment and whimpered. As she aggressively suckled on Madeleine's breast, Kate found herself being turned on too, not only by the heat of the moment, but mostly by the breast itself which was firm but soft; nice and big to play with; and, to Kate's mind, simply awesome.

Madeleine visibly and audibly, got higher and higher, and then plateaued, maintaining an excruciatingly high level of arousal, but just not breaking through that threshold and achieving the frustratingly elusive orgasm she so badly needed -- perhaps because she was not new to girl-girl sex, she just needed that little bit of extra stimulation.

"Kate, would you mind going down on me now?"

Kate didn't answer, but smiled, and just like Madeleine had done, left a hand on one breast, while she kissed her way southwards. Kate had never touched another woman in a sexual way, let alone applied her mouth to another woman's vulva, so it was an exciting experience for both of them when she stuck out her tongue and ran it up and down the length of Madeleine's slit. She was soon enthusiastically eating Madeleine out, and Maddy was responding outrageously. Kate then inserted fingers into vagina and anus and heard a sharp intake of breath from above. As she went round and round inside Madeleine's sexual orifices, round and round on her wonderfully pliable breast, and round and round on her clitoris with her tongue, Madeleine was twitching and writhing almost out of control, and then she came! She stiffened, half sat up, as rigid as a person with tetanus, held her breath for a full thirty seconds, and then let out a wail that Kate had no doubt Jake must have heard clearly -- maybe the neighbours heard too. Kate had to remove her mouth from Madeleine's pussy for fear of being knocked out by her convulsions and flailing legs as she rolled this way and that, flexing and straightening her legs, thrashing around with her arms, and all the time uttering unintelligible nonsense.

When she calmed down, save the odd contraction of her tummy muscles as another aftershock took her by surprise, Kate lay beside her and started to kiss her ever to sweetly, while with one hand she gently played with Madeleine's pussy and vagina, eliciting more aftershocks.

When Madeleine could talk, she said, "For a first-timer, you are exceptionally good at this girl-sex thing."

"Thanks, Maddy," said Kate, as she licked her wet fingers dry. She had expected to taste Maddy, and that was one motive for doing it. She did taste Maddy, and found that exciting, but even more exciting was that unmistakeable and unique flavour of semen. Kate chuckled, had another lick of the fingers that had been inside Madeleine, and said, "I can taste my son on you."

Madeleine's hand went to her wide open mouth; her eyebrows were raised, and eyes opened wide. "Oh, no!" she exclaimed through her fingers. "Jake and I both had a shower together when we went to the bathroom to get the robes, before we all met up in the kitchen. I'm so sorry, Kate. I thought I was all clean for you!"

"Don't worry about it," Kate said in a soothing voice. "I'm glad. There's no other way I was ever going to get to taste my son (she lied), and it turns me on to think how his semen got inside you in the first place (truth). Besides, the combination of the two of you tasted delicious."

"You are so wonderful to me, Kate," said Madeleine, and returned her kiss. "Now, as much as I would like to stay here and cuddle you all night, I suppose I had better get back to lover boy before he wanks himself silly. I'm sure he heard both of us."

Kate looked a little downcast, and when Madeleine asked her what was wrong, she replied, "Just being silly, and selfish -- I don't want you to go and leave me here alone. But, at the same time we did make Jake a promise, and as you say, I'm sure he's eagerly awaiting you."

"As I said, I'd like to stay too," replied Madeleine, "but what can we do?"

"Hmm," said Kate as she thought it through. "Well, this is a king-sized bed, so there's plenty of room for all three of us... what do you think?"

"I think that's a marvellous idea! But what about your stance on incest?" queried Madeleine.

Kate made a dismissive gesture with her hand and said, "I'm not going to fuck my son, and he's not going to do anything to me. You and he can have your night cap as planned, but in here rather than in his single bed... unless you are freaked out by the thought of someone watching you, or perhaps helping out by doing things to you -- I mean, it's not incest, you and me."

"I think it's a wonderful idea. If you're not worried about watching your son being bonked by some young tart, I certainly won't be the slightest bit inhibited by having his awesome mum, my new female fuck buddy, in bed with us."

"You're no tart!" said Kate, giving her a playful slap on her thigh for being so derogatory about herself. "Okay, call him and tell him you're ready for him."

"Jake!" Madeleine called out at the top of her voice, and getting confirmation from down the passageway, she followed up with: "Your mum wants to see you." Kate gave her another playful slap for making this seem like it was all Kate's idea.

A moment later he appeared at Kate's bedroom door, his hands clasped together in front of his groin. He wasn't self-conscious about his nudity, nor would he have been shy about his manhood, if it hadn't been as rampantly erect as it was in the aftermath of his mother's, and then his girlfriend's, climactic screams.

---------- oOo ----------

Three in a bed...

Note: if this were a book, this would be the beginning of a new chapter. However, even if I submit my chapters close together, I have no control over how long it takes from time of submission to time of publication. Since readers urge me in their comments and emails to not take too long between publishing follow-on chapters, I decided to continue the story here, below the end of chapter mark (-- oOo --) above.

Kate, still on top of the covers, and still stark naked, smiled at him and said, "Madeleine has just introduced me to the wonders of femo-lesbo-girl-sex in the most delightful way."

"I know, I heard," replied Jake with a smile, removing his hands from his groin to illustrate his point.