Kate & Jim


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Jim made pass-after-pass to get to remove her once proud patch of curly red hair, "That's it for the clippers, Kate," Jim said, running his hands over the stubble, "I'm going to get a bowl of ice for the finish. A brief soak in the tub will help soften the remaining hair.

"You have done this before haven't you, sweetheart?"

"Many times."

From the tub, it was back on the vanity top where Jim lathered Kate's pubis Mons and carefully shaved her plump pussy twice making sure it was smooth.

Jim finished by rinsing Kate's now exposed plump pussy lips with cool water, followed by cold water and finally an ice water soaked hand towel to sooth, "Not so fidgety beautiful. I know it's cold."

"It's freezing, but it feels nice," Kate replied standing and stroking her bald pussy as she looked in the mirror behind the vanity.

"I love it. You can be my pussy barber," Kate said smiling, remembering her thoughts about Jim in the blonde wig and now the double entendre.

"I want you to lick my pussy," and it would be Kate's first time.

"Yes, Ma'am and its bedtime. You need to get off that foot, wait, why are you grinning from ear to ear? Now what's up?"

Kate told him about her first day when she was sitting in the chair with her pretend cup of tea, and had Jim laughing as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

"I take it that you wouldn't wear a blonde wig for me?" Kate asked while nuzzling his cheek with hers'.

"No, but don't get any idea's my imaginative little lady; I love everything about your red hair," Jim answered, putting Kate gently on the bed.

Jim started by kissing her mouth and face all over, followed by her neck and behind Kate's ears. Kate was stroking her now bald pussy with her fingers.

Jim worked his way down to Kate's breast licking and sucking, he was driving her crazy....she wanted his tongue in her cunt.

Jim licked and kissed her all the way down, kissing and licking Kate's hairless pussy. Jim made her gasp and moan when he parted Kate's lips and thrashed her clitoris with his tongue.

Kate had no idea that it would feel so good, this being her first time. Kate's hands were in her hair and on Jim's bristly head, enjoying the contrast.

Kate was squirming and wiggling all over the bed while arching her back to push her musky and sweet dripping pussy into Jim's face as he licked with abandon.

Building as a ripple Kate's orgasm washed over her with a turbulent wave of selfish pleasure....Jim wasn't finished with Kate yet. The taste of Katherine was driving him wild, as Jim held back his urgent need.

Jim rolled Kate over on her side and then entered Kate from behind, pushing his rock hard cock up to his balls into her welcoming and dripping pussy.

Jim came almost immediately as he pumped her slowly in and out, as not to hurt Kate's sore foot. Jim pumped her with his pulsating cock until his orgasm overtook him, filling Kate with his seed.

Kate turned to him and touched his face as they embraced. Jim held her gently, and to Kate's amazement Jim was still hard.

They made love to one another, slowly and gently, unhurried and after, Jim stroked Kate's hair until she fell asleep, with him soon to follow.


Jim woke up in the middle of the night comforted by the sleeping form of Kate pressed up next to him. Jim touched Kate's face gently as not to wake her, realizing that he was falling in love with her.

It was exactly like being with Gina, again, experiencing those tender caring feelings. Both women were similar in temperament, yet so different.

Gina was pugnacious and feisty with a sharp tongue when angry; except with him; well sometimes. That was easily corrected.

It wasn't easy winning Gina over. They met in advanced chemistry as lab partners. She wouldn't give Jim the time of day outside of class.

Gina was smart with a perfect grade average and strikingly beautiful. Gina auditioned for and was given the lead roles because of her passion and talent; she was that good.

Gina could be sweet and charming, but would deliberately intimidate the young college men trying to date her when they crossed the line.

Jim joined the drama club using Gina as a reference without her knowledge. Initially, Jim joined to be near Gina and to win her over.

As luck would have it, Jim discovered during the tryout he had genuine aptitude for acting, getting the part of "Fred" in "Kiss me Kate".

Gina didn't like it at all and wanted to drive him out of the drama club. She berated Jim, made fun of him during the tryout in front of the soon to be cast and the director, however it backfired; everybody thought Gina and Jim were acting.

Jim gave it back to her laughing. Gina slapped his face hard, and he was still laughing when he grabbed her and kissed Gina's lips.

Gina threw some punches at his nose that he blocked with the palms of his hands, which made her all the angrier.

Jim kissed Gina again, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He carried her off the stage and out of the building kicking and screaming to the applause of everyone in the auditorium.

The next day, Jim got a visit from Gina's two older brothers, Vincent and Nick. Jim held back, pulling his punches. He did not want to hurt them or embarrass them in front of their baby sister; all three of them were bruised and bloody as Jim fought them to a standstill having winded them.

Afterward, Jim shook their hands, thanked them for a good old fashioned fight. Surprised they didn't know what to think about that....thanking them? They had no intentions of going another round with Jim, not without help.

Jim apologized to Gina, and she ungraciously slapped his face, berating him all over again.

Jim then asked Nick and Vincent's permission to date their sister. They grudgingly did after sitting down with Jim in the college pub over shots of good Irish whiskey, while interrogating Jim about his family.

Gina refused to go with them to the pub. She was absolutely beside herself when they returned and gave her the news. Gina lit into her brothers, lashing them with her tongue.

Vincent and Nick merely shrugged and smiled, looking at Jim as if to say, "I hope you know what you are getting into, pal."

After Jim left, Nick and Vincent told Gina it was out of their hands and to deal with it; you are a big girl now.

Jim and Gina had coffee and pie together after their third rehearsal, the rest is history.

When Gina finally gave into Jim, Gina gave him everything; her tender woman's heart, her absolute unconditional love as well as her hot temper.

Kate has fiery red hair and challenging green eyes that say, "Just try to tame me," Gina eyes are brown, but the message was the same. Jim vowed to himself that he would love Katherine with every atom of his being.

Jim touched Kate's red hair and smiled, thinking, 'Don't worry my love, one way or another your ex-husband will see justice," and putting his arm around her, Jim contentedly drifted off to sleep.


Kate woke up next to Jim's sleeping form the next morning to find his strong arms around her. She felt very safe and secure with Jim Brady. More so than any man she had ever known, except for her Grandpa Jack, but this was a different kind of safe and secure...with Jim there were no limitations.

Kate remembered how she secretly liked to watch Jim working in his yard. In hot weather Jim would remove his shirt. She would watch him lifting or moving impossible loads; tugging, digging or chopping while his muscles bulged and flexed under the strain.

Thomas hired a lawn service that sent out several men for their smaller yard.

Over the years, Kate watched Jim help new neighbors move in. Jim carried heavy furniture that two or three average men would struggle with. Kate watched Jim push his non-running cars up and down the driveway and in and out of the garage as if they were toy trucks or cars.

'My husband, Thomas, while trim and tall, disdained any sort of physical labor,' she thought.

'Thomas the adulterer is on the soft side, and hates to get sweaty or dirty. When we first met, Thomas was very charming, handsome and persuasive. He figuratively swept me off my feet with his money and sophisticated ways.

Jim is as well educated and charming, but down to earth. He can sing and everything and he loves me. What you see is what you get; kind and caring, but sexy rough and tumble tough.

Jim made me shave my pussy bald, and I let him...not that I had a choice. I wonder what it would be like to be really ravished by Jim.

I like what I see....I love Jim Brady....handsome is as handsome does, Katherine.....it's not too late, and about time you followed your heart,' Kate thought as she lightly touched Jim's muscular arms.

Kate remembered the time when she tried to outmaneuver him by inviting Jim to the neighborhood committee meeting saving the subject of his junk cars for last.

Going strictly by the Robert's Rules of Order, the issues on the agenda were discussed and then dispensed with efficiently and politely. Jim's was the last of the new business.

It was discussed openly and Jim was given the opportunity to speak; he remained silent and sipped his coffee.

It was voted on and passed unanimously.

"What do you think of the committee's decision, Jim?

Will you comply?" Kate asked smugly, assuming she won.

There were slices of lemon pound cake and two uncut vanilla pounds cakes on her grandma's crystal serving dish along with other refreshments on the dining room table.

Jim reached over and took one whole pound cake in his big hand and took a bite out of it, smiling, while the committee waited for his answer.

Jim finished that one, stood up, picked up the remaining whole one and simply left....nothing changed....so much for Robert's Rules of Order.'


Three weeks had now gone by, and they couldn't have been happier. Kate was spending time with Jim on the weekends now, although it annoyed her though that Jim would still disappear Saturday mornings to return late in the afternoon.

If it wasn't for that, and not telling her where he was going, things would almost be perfect.

It was a Friday at noon when Kate received a telephone call answering, "Brady residence."

"Is Jimmy at home," a sultry voiced woman asked.

"Mr. Brady is not in, may I take a message?"

The woman simply hung up, confirming Kate's suspicions; there was another woman, and she was looking for "Jimmy", why else would she have hung up.

Jim came home around five in the late afternoon to find Kate with her back to him in the kitchen cooking their dinner. He went immediately over to get his hug and kiss, putting his arms around Kate's waist and nuzzling Kate's face with his.

Kate didn't respond, and he was wondering what was the matter. The previous 21 days was nothing but hugs and kisses.

"Is something the matter, Kate?"

"Nothing at all sweetheart," Kate said, innocently.

"Ok....what's for dinner?"

"We are having lamb stew. It's in the refrigerator. All I have to do is warm it up."

"That sounds wonderful. Are you sure everything is alright?"

"Right as rain," Kate said smiling while the storm clouds of her anger were gathering over her head, "I have a surprise for you. I made you a special dessert. I'm not going to tell you what it is. It will be a surprise. Have a seat at the table and close your eyes."

Jim sat down, and closed his eyes," Here you go lover, open wide for the spoon," Kate said sweetly.

Jim took a bite, and then spit it out, "Kate! It tastes like soap!"

"It is soap, you lying bastard. Here is your dinner," Kate dumped the entire eight quart pot of cold lamb stew on Jim's head.

Jumping up from his chair with the stew dripping from him, "Are you crazy, woman? What the hell did I do?"

Kate was ready for him with the corn broom in her hand.

"I'm not afraid of you, you lying bastard."

"Kate, put the broom down. If you hit me with it you'll be sorry."

"Wash my mouth out with soap will you, Romeo, well, I beat you to it," She swung the broom at Jim's head making him duck.

"Put that god damn broom down," Jim demanded, taking a step forward and slipping on the stew on the floor to fall on his ass.

As Jim was getting up, Kate hit him in the ass with the broom, and he slipped forward onto his stomach while Kate continued to beat him with the broom.... he started laughing.

"My appetite has been my downfall, ha, ha, ha.

I've just been bested by a pot of lamb stew and a feisty little green eyed redhead with a broom. Isn't it wonderful?

I love you Katherine," he said getting up slowly while blocking the blows with his arm, "I love you with every atom of my being. What a temper you have.....the better to tame you my feisty little redhead, said the big bad troll to the beautiful shrew."

Still laughing, Jim walked carefully toward her to keep from slipping, while stomping his size 14 feet, "Come here, Kate, your Petruchio wants you."

Not knowing what to think, Kate dropped the broom and tried to dart around him. Jim grabbed her, spun her around, and wrapped his arms around Kate as she struggled to get free.

"Let go of me you bastard," Kate shrieked, and in reply, Jim picked Kate up and slung her over his shoulder. He carried Kate to his leather chair and sat down.

Jim flipped the struggling Kate onto her stomach over his knee and pinned her in place with one arm. Jim sat patiently, letting her struggle and curse at him until Kate got tired and lay still.

"Katherine, what exactly do you think I did?"

"You are seeing another woman."

"No, Katherine, not since you moved in. What gave you that idea?"

"A woman called today, Jimmy. You disappear on weekends and don't tell me where you are going."

Jim sighed," Did you ever ask me where I was going? I have lived alone for a long time Katherine and may be a little set in my ways."

"Where are you disappearing to then?" Kate asked, realizing that what Jim said was true; she never asked him once, thinking, 'oops, my temper is going to be my downfall.'

"About a year ago a few of the people from my college drama got together. We pooled our money and bought the old Hippodrome Movie Theatre on Best Street. It was scheduled for demolition. We have been slowly restoring it in our spare time. We hope to get enough interest to start a small community theatre for live plays."

"Who was the woman that called?" Kate asked, remembering that she read about that in the entertainment section of the newspaper, thinking, 'oh, shit.'

"That was Cindy. She dialed our home phone instead of my cell phone. When Cindy realized her mistake, the battery went dead. Cindy and her sister were on the way to the hospital. Cindy called me on her sister's phone to tell me she couldn't make it. Cindy's six year old nephew needed stitches and Cindy's sister was a wreck."


"Yes, Kate."

"Are you going to spank me?"

"Yes, Kate, with my hand, unless you prefer your hairbrush; six good slaps. Do you believe me now? Do you believe I love you, Kate?"

"Yes, Jim."

"Do you love me, Kate?"

"Yes, Sir."

Jim hiked up Kate's dress and pulled her panties down to her ankles. "I can think of a classic play, a comedy that would suit us both after our grand opening starting next month. Are you interested in trying out for the part?"

Kate nodded, knowing what was coming.

"There is one more thing that you should know, Kate."

"What's that, Petruchio?"

"We will be getting married for real one of these days therefore;
Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,
Thy head, thy sovereign, one that cares for thee, (SLAP)
And for thy maintenance commits his body
To painful labor both by sea and land, (SLAP)
To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,
Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe, (SLAP)
And craves no other tribute at thy hands
But love, fair looks, and true obedience, (SLAP)
Too little payment for so great a debt.
For I am he am born to tame you, Kate, (SLAP)
and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate
Conformable as other household Kates, (SLAP)

End of Chapter 1.

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FaithfulToWifeFaithfulToWife8 months ago

I don't consider a story full of insults and physically harm a romance.

However, my main complaint is regarding the writing style. It is so difficult to comprehend. Agree to an earlier comment - how did this story manage such a high rating.

USMCVetUSMCVetover 1 year ago

Outstanding, but unfinished series. You’ve been warned.

maurypmaurypover 1 year ago

i dont know much, but i thought it was very good

Santa51455Santa51455over 2 years ago

Wow just wow. Absolutely great

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

10-08-2021 Another incomplete story on Lit

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