Kate Returns Home Ch. 12


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Kate spent some extra time in the shower and fixing her hair that day. It did have a full auburn sheen to it. She felt she was looking pretty good all around. As the presiding officer, she asked the class of 25 to rise. Then she told them that she was especially proud that this class had exceeded the performance of any previous one.

She thanked the cadre as well as CPT Elaine for the effort that they had put into conducting the classes every day. Then she announced that the unit was now privileged to have the traditional award conferred on the top-rated member of the class presented by the Service's ranking uniformed officer, the Chief of Staff, GEN Annette.

Annette stood and addressed the group from the podium. She outlined the purpose of the Disciplinary & Retraining Unit. Then she got to conferring the award: "I'm privileged," she said, "to announce that this class's top performer and winner of the award is SGT Nicole, referred from Hergolia Camp. SGT Nicole has had her ups and downs but has been recognized as a thoughtful and highly effective barracks sergeant, capable of powerfully stimulating fine performance by her charges. She also has shown how to use disciplining effectively. In fact, she deserves he amazing reputation in the Service as the toughest barracks sergeant at the toughest camp. I do not mean to take anything away from her two Commandants, CPT Elaine and CPT Helene, who have made it possible for SGT Nicole to shine as she has.

"I want to praise her for sticking to her task here, which was to emerge successfully from this retraining program," Annette declared. "I was delighted to hear that this wonderfully clever woman was doing her best here, and that best is very good indeed. Please come forward, SGT Nicole, to receive your well-deserved award."

Nicole stepped up and Annette first placed the award badge on her uniform. Then she embraced Nicole and wished her the best in her future with the Service "which I'm certain will demonstrate the confidence shown in her."

Nicole was invited to speak briefly in accepting the award.

"I wasn't happy to be sent here," she said, "as I had had unhappy experiences in this unit previously. But everyone made it possible and enabled me to exceed my own expectations. I want to thank CPT Helene, who is here today and is the superb Commandant of Hergolia Camp, where I have spent most of my career thus far. When I had gotten myself into trouble, she referred me here and for that, I'm very grateful because I might well have been shown the exit.

"And then I truly want to thank MAJ Kate, our Commandant here, who was determined to end the bad feelings that had existed between us, and her kindness redounded to my benefit as I was able to focus on achieving the top academic and practical performance in my class," Nicole told the audience. "I'd like them both to come over here." When they did, Nicole in turn hugged each woman and kissed her. The audience applauded. She then added that she owed special thanks to CPT Elaine, "for always standing up for me even when she had to send me here once for retraining before after she had sent me here as a consultant and I made a royal mess of that."

Then GEN Annette took the podium again. "I want to inform you that MAJ Kate has rewarded SGT Nicole for her outstanding performance in this class by restoring the rank she had earlier achieved but had lost: she will now again be a Sergeant First Class." The audience erupted in applause and Nicole had trouble refraining from losing it with tears.

* * *

Kate had invited SFC Nicole, CPT Helene, CPT Elaine, 1SG Wendy, and GEN Annette to lunch after the graduation ceremony. She spoke briefly to them as an elite group, saying that she had never been prouder of what her unit had accomplished than when it succeeded in assisting such a talented officer as SFC Nicole to get on track toward realizing her great potential.

"We fell into an unhappy relationship which was resolved by positive efforts by both of us," Kate observed. "I am sorry that it had ever proceeded to such a state, but I'm all the more encouraged that we have resolved our differences and I wish her nothing but the best."

Nicole asked to respond and said, "MAJ Kate was key to my being able to focus the way I did here. I don't think I'd have achieved what I'm enjoying today without her great willingness to make this work, and it did. Thank you so much, my dear Major."

After the lunch was over, Nicole came over and asked if she could speak privately with Kate. The Major invited her to come to her quarters so they could converse privately. Nicole then left with her.

When they reached Kate's suite, Nicole thanked her again, and then hugged and kissed her. Kate thanked her for her praise but felt she had only done what she should have done. Nicole said she regretted that she had behaved so badly in connection with Kate's husband's referral to Hergolia. She then asked Kate to discipline her on this, her greatest day in the Service.

Kate told her that she was very moved both by Nicole's apology and her compliments. "Are you sure that this is what you want on this day, Nicole?" she asked.

"It may sound crazy," Nicole responded with a grin. "But this is how I get all the bad stuff I may have done out of my system so I can go on. The honors I received today were fantastic and I really didn't expect to receive them even though I did work hard. Thank you, by the way, for being willing to overlook that slip I had with Cynthia the other night."

"You had done so well, impressed everyone who mattered, and all in all, behaved so marvelously, Nicole," Kate said warmly, "that I had no trouble taking the position I did. Now if you truly feel you need this, I'll carry out your request."

"I do, Major," Nicole re-stated.

"Do you have any plans for the rest of today and for tomorrow?" Kate asked her.

"Not especially," Nicole answered, "but may I ask why you wanted to know?"

"What I'm contemplating may take a little while to be truly meaningful," Kate said rather directly, "so I need to know if you can stay here for an extended period."

Nicole found herself both frightened yet aroused by trying to determine what the Major might have in mind.

"Part of the discipline is your not knowing just what may occur," Kate continued, "so I suppose you will have to go in for the duration or not."

Nicole decided that she would find submitting to Kate in this way more than stimulating. "Sure," she replied, "but my only reservation is going back into that box."

"If you agree to stay," Kate said coolly, "you won't ask any more questions but no, you will not be in the box."

"I'm in," Nicole then said with a smile.

"Very well," Kate said. Then she asked Nicole to unzip and remove her uniform skirt. Nicole complied.

Kate then sat down on one of her chairs and beckoned Nicole with her finger to stand in front of her. She then took Nicole's panties down and had her lie across Kate's lap. Kate then began spanking her on her pretty bottom. She now and then stopped to feel Nicole's furrow through her legs, pressing an insistent finger into Nicole's charming pussy and cute anal opening, and then told her she was getting quite wet.

"That always happens when I'm punished, Major," Nicole admitted with a blush. So, then Kate had her bend over the dining table in Kate's front room. Kate picked up her favorite thin cane and after testing its flexibility in the air and tapping Nicole's lovely bottom, delivered six powerful, stinging strokes that had Nicole in tears at the end.

"You now will serve some corner time," Kate told her, as she helped her stand and held her hand walking her to the corner. "You will keep your nose in that corner. Those in the corner do not speak unless requested to do so."

Nicole felt ashamed standing in the corner with her panties at her knees. After she had been there, afraid to move lest she let her nose fail to stay pressed onto the walls, for about 15 minutes, Kate came over and again reached between her legs to check how wet Nicole was. She felt a rather sopping pussy.

Then she unbuttoned Nicole's blouse and took it off, followed by her unhooking Nicole's white bra and slipping that off her shoulders. She pulled Nicole's panties all the way down now and had her step out of them. Kate then walked her into Kate's bedroom where she had Nicole lie on her back on the daybed at the side of the room. She then attached leather cuffs to Nicole's arms and ankles and strapped her four appendages to the four corners of the bed.

Placed in this position from which she could not move, Nicole began to feel frightened. She had a strong personality but was now in a different environment than she had been accustomed to knowing.

Kate unhooked the leg cuffs from the daybed but left Nicole's legs in them. Then she lifted Nicole's legs up and hooked the cuffs into two hooks on the wall. Nicole was now placed in the infamous diaper position, her cunt and asshole totally exposed.

Kate reached over to a side cabinet and withdrew a small ginger stick which she slowly inserted into Nicole's anal opening, leaving only a wide portion which served as a handle. Nicole was now figged, and soon the ginger's juices would start to flow from the stick and sting her anal canal inside.

Kate did not pick up her cane, despite Nicole's having expected that to happen. Instead, she took a feather and started to lightly run it down Nicole's exposed furrow and poke it into her vaginal opening and then barely touch her clit, which raised Nicole's desire for sexual satisfaction greatly.

The ginger fig was now starting to irritate her and feeling increased pressure from her bladder's needing to be emptied, she wasn't sure for how long she could hold her pee in. She knew she wasn't allowed to speak and couldn't move her arms.

But she didn't want to pee right on the daybed. She got up the courage to utter "need to pee, badly" to Kate who told her she would need to hold it for a while. Nicole shook her head from side to side to communicate a negative answer.

Kate left the room and returned with a small bowl, which placed directly under Nicole's cunt so that if she released her urinary sphincter, she would pee into the bowl.

"You can go into the bowl," she said very calmly.

Nicole was red-faced with shame that she was going to pee right like that so her stream would flow into the bowl, making a noise, and right in front of MAJ Kate.

Finally, she realized she had to grit her teeth and pee. She relaxed her incredible holding action, and her pee began to emerge, building into a strong stream that bubbled into the bowl and began to fill it. Nicole felt wildly humiliated by her having to do this in front of anyone, especially Kate.

When her pee tailed off and ended, Kate picked up the bowl and set it on the side shelf. Then she reached down and slowly withdrew the ginger fig from Nicole's anus. Nicole let her breath out.

Kate picked up a little martinet from the shelf and lay it against Kate's red bottom. She drew it back and fired and the strings lashed into Kate's bottom. She struck again and one or two strands landed further up and grazed Nicole's puffy labia, at which contact Nicole screamed.

Kate put the martinet down and picked up a sliver of soap from a bowl next to the one with Nicole's urine in it and which was filled with water and soap slivers. She carefully grasped the soap sliver and replaced the fig with it by inserting it carefully, so it did not break, into Nicole's anus.

Nicole knew that the soap stick would accentuate the irritation caused in her rectum by the fig. She was still afraid to speak for fear of incurring more strokes from Kate's little martinet or possibly something even worse.

Kate smiled and told her she could speak if she so desired. Nicole was starting to lose her cool, which was what Kate wanted, which was to see if the smooth exterior could be penetrated.

"I'm impressed by your disciplinary talents, Major," she managed to say. "You make me feel like a rank amateur despite my reputation as a sadist at Hergolia."

"Do you consider me a sadist?" Kate inquired in a rather distant voice.

"No, Miss Kate, Major," Nicole hurriedly assured her. "In my silly way, I guess, I'm complimenting you on your obvious skills and competence."

"Thank you, my dear," Kate responded in the sincerest voice she could muster.

"I do feel that you have been disciplined to the extent that you requested and that I agreed to," Kate added. "I'm going to release you, but I think we might have to insert some solution in your rear to relieve the soap stick's effects. So, after I undo the straps, come with me into the bathroom."

Released, Nicole followed her as directed. Kate had her kneel next to the tub and hold her cheeks brazenly apart exposing herself yet once again. Kate took a small bulb enema and filled it with some tepid water. She inserted the nozzle into Nicole's cute hole and gently pressed the bulb to inject the water into Nicole's anal canal. It was a small enema, designed only to rinse the soap left by the soap sliver out of Nicole's rectum.

Kate then withdrew the bulb and told Nicole to hold her anal ring tight. She held out her hand and assisted her to stand and then had her seat herself on the toilet. Kate did not want her to have to hold the enema in for long, so she urged her to release and expel.

Nicole knew this would be highly embarrassing. She was going to expel the enema water from her anus and who knew what else might flow out as well. She let her sphincter relax and a small stream of water began to flow out. It was dark colored and only as the stream continued did an occasional brown piece slip out as well.

Finally, the water tailed off and Nicole felt a large turd starting to poke out of her anus. She just let it come and there was a large plop into the bowl. When it was clear she was finished, Kate had her turn around on the seat and proceeded to wipe her clean. She was smelling the turd and the residue that she was picking up on the toilet paper. She finished and deposited it in the bowl.

Nicole stood and seemed to be asking if this disciplining was finished.

Instead of merely ending the session, Kate gave Nicole a kiss on her bottom. Then she took her in her arms and kissed her on her lips. Nicole responded by hugging Kate and asked Kate to take her own panties down so that Nicole could serve her as she wished to do.

They walked back into the bedroom and Kate sat on the edge of her bed and asked Nicole to sit next to her.

Kate now felt a bit self-conscious in reaching under her skirt and lowering, then removing, her own panties. But then she sat on the edge of the bed and Nicole bent down and crawled between Kate's stockinged legs and began to lick Kate's lovely, shaved cunt and cute, recessed bottom-hole.

"Nicole," Kate asked as she was feeling very happy being serviced orally by Nicole on her most sensitive places, "are you bi the way I am? I'm only asking you because you're so nice to please me this way."

"Yes, I am, Major," Nicole said plainly, "I know you're married to a man and a woman, so that does sort of speak for itself, doesn't it? I really, by the way, am so glad that we were able to let bygones be bygones and all that. It is so good being able to know you have confidence in me."

"I do," said Kate, "and I want to ask you a question." Kate was for a minute unable to do that because Nicole's tongue had cranked her up so that she was about to cum from the incredible frenzy Nicole had wrought on her stiff little clit and charming quim and anus.

Nicole looked ready to be asked now. "Thank you for that," Kate smiled, "I think you know you just brought me over the top and for that, I do want you to know I'm not just letting it go without saying how much it pleased me."

"Anyway, I know you take pride in being the best and toughest barracks sergeant at Hergolia," Kate told her. "But would you want to join us here. I'm afraid we weren't ready for you the last time, but you have so much to bring, and you could have an impact on the whole Service if you were with us here. Plus, I know you've had a good experience at the camp, but this is the capital and headquarters. Sure, there's some backbiting and jockeying, but we do look out for each other here. Talk to your pal Cynthia, whom we are very happy to have here."

"Major, thank you for this," Nicole said, seemingly moved. "It does bring us full circle. I'm going to have to think it over. These past few days have been such a whirlwind for me that I have to stop and see where I am and where I'm going. I should also say that I really did appreciate your willingness to discipline me just now. I felt I needed it, and I am very grateful to you even if that seems strange."

"All I'll ask is that you take this matter of joining us seriously," Kate added, "and that you can let me know personally. Just come by and I'll make sure they know that I'm expecting you. It's the least I can do."

"You're a peach, Major," Nicole said very respectfully. "I promise that I am going to give us my top priority and thought."

"You're on a roll," Kate told her. "Think about how you can maximize the impact of what you've accomplished here. I do think CPT Helene would be sorry to lose you if you come with us, but I don't think she would want to stand in your way, either."

"You also moved me," Kate continued, "when you asked me to discipline you and when you pleasured me so wonderfully. Now, you can be sure we're inviting you to join us based on your outstanding performance, but it helps that everyone here likes you a lot and that of course includes Wendy, Elaine, and Cynthia. Even Denise and Linda have seen what you're capable of achieving. I hope you decide to do it."

They proceed to re-dress and SFC Nicole, as she now was titled, left the suite with MAJ Kate, both in full uniform to return to the unit.

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HottieOlwenHottieOlwenover 1 year ago

There I was thinking that this serial had finished after chapter 11. I'm so glad you're continuing with it. This episode was very enjoyable. Kate is such a credible figure, and Nicky reminds me of a friend of mine. Kinky as hell but someone who needs regular, intense discipline. Dare I hope for chapter 13, or would that be unlucky? Lol! 5 stars for this chapter, whether you decide to carry on or not.

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