Kate Returns Home Ch. 14


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"You know, Kate," Kathryn confided, "I've placed an order for a whole line of period panties for your unit. 1SG Wendy requested it and you must have signed off. They just came in and I'd love to bring a few pairs up for you to give them a try while you're having your period."

Kate thanked her and said she'd like to try the new panties.

"I'm very glad you brought this up, dear," Kate said to her, "because I'm just not ready to announce even to my closest friends in the unit that I'm having my period."

"You'll have them as soon as I go to my suite and bring them back," Kathryn assured her. "Don't ever not ask me for something. I can order all of this totally legitimately."

* * *

Nicole did wake up in time to check out PFC LeeAnn, still in her bed in the dorm. She had awakened and was trying to wait until the time was up for her to go to the latrine.

"Come with me," Nicole ordered her.

LeeAnn was now frightened at what this hard-nosed noncom was going to make the retrainee do, all because she asked a question Nicole hadn't liked.

When they got to the latrine, SSG Barbara was on duty. Nicole told her she was taking LeeAnn to use the latrine, since Nicole had put her on restricted use. Barbara said fine, she pulled the record up on her screen, and entered the permission Nicole was granting on her own order.

After Barbara unlocked LeeAnn's panties and the three of them proceeded to the toilet, LeeAnn pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet. Nicole stared at her crotch and reacted, "PFC, you've done well. I see no stains. Please go ahead and do your business for as long as you need."

LeeAnn was surprised that Nicole was being so pleasant for a change. She released her pee and sighed that she could now relax and let it flow. Then she became embarrassed, and her face was red because she now felt that she was going to do Number Two.

She told Barbara and Nicole that she was also going to have a bowel movement.

"That's OK," the now solicitous Nicole told her. LeeAnn felt the log sliding out and she winced in embarrassment as it made a splash in the bowl. She took some toilet paper and carefully wiped herself. Then she pulled up her panties and asked if she could now have a pad again.

"No," Nicole said sternly, then smiled and said that she was taking LeeAnn off the twice-a-day punishment restriction as of right now.

"Thank you so much, Sergeant," LeeAnn said to her. "I'm so happy and hope from now on I can do exactly what you want and expect."

"I've been impressed by your fortitude," Nicole said, "so I think it's only fair that you get a break here and I'm therefore ending your restriction. Go on back to the dorm and get the two hours more of sleep. I'll see you around."

LeeAnn was still amazed that somehow, she had managed to get on the right side of the mercurial SFC Nicole. She happily walked back to the dorm and plopped onto her bed and quickly fell asleep.

* * * *

Nicole submitted her request to arrange a visit to the disciplinary office at Goose Cookers. She told Wendy that she thought they should be aware of any new ideas that the firm had come up with now that it was disciplining its own employees.

Wendy thought for a moment, then told Nicole that she thought this was a good idea so she would not only sign off on the request but would hand-carry it to MAJ Kate for approval.

"Thanks, First Sergeant," Nicole said. "I'm glad you think that this makes sense."

"I think you can keep proving your value to the unit," Wendy responded. "This can get complicated but I'm sure that if it gets to WO3 Kathryn, she'll set it up right away for you. Don't get too excited yet, because one of the officers might try to grab this. I think I can take care of that, but I can only go so far."

Later that morning, Wendy went over to Kate's office and asked Grace if the Major would be able to see her.

Grace buzzed Kate and then nodded to Wendy to go into Kate's office.

"I have an unusual request for you to sign off on, Kate," Wendy said by way of introduction. She and Kate functioned well as a team together and when it was just the two of them present, were on a first-name basis.

"Our SFC Nicole wants to visit the relatively new disciplinary operation at Goose Cookers to learn if they've come up with new approaches," Wendy said. "I think it makes sense for her to observe them and bring back anything we can use."

"I'm thinking that Nicole is beginning to prove that I was right to take her back," Kate said.

"I do have to tell you something she recently was involved in," Wendy announced. "A retrainee asked her if a method Nicole described really worked in practice. Nicole got pissed off and put the PFC on two-day, twice-a-day toilet restriction."

"We haven't done much of that, have we?" Kate asked.

"No, Kate, we haven't," Wendy said. "I feel we put the retrainees through enough without piling stuff like that on. But Nicole was within her rights as cadre, although personally I thought she lost her cool."

"There's a nice end of the story, though," Wendy added. "Nicole got up early and the PFC couldn't use the toilet for another few hours without incurring punishment. Nicole found her in the dorm and took her to the latrine and OK'd her use of the toilet without more punishment. Then she ended the twice-a-day restriction then and there, saying PFC LeeAnn had responded well.

"I think LeeAnn was quite surprised, having learned how nasty Nicole can be," Wendy commented. "But I'm pleased that she exhibited some human feelings and realized she might have overdone it."

"You're right of course," Kate replied. "I think we're going to have to keep an eye on her for a while. I think she's trying now to be useful and not a pain in the ass, but it may take some time, and some reinforcement or encouragement from us."

"My thoughts exactly, Kate," Wendy responded. "Thanks for your O.K."

Wendy stood and made her exit, thanking Kate again. When she got back to her office, she sent word to have SFC Nicole report to her immediately.

Nicole showed up promptly and Wendy handed her the signed request.

"You can take this down to WO3 Kathryn in procurement," Wendy said. "Now keep up your good work and give these retrainees a little more slack. I was pleased that you ended the restriction on LeeAnn early, but I want you to work on your empathy a little more. I'll only say this once--you were on the edge when you whipped her cunt. I didn't tell the Major about that, and I won't. I do really think you're going to be very successful as well as helpful here--keep focused on the goal, though."

"Thanks so much, First Sergeant," Nicole said, grinning. "You're the best."

Wendy let her face show a slight smile and she waved Nicole a good-bye.

Nicole walked across the campus to WO3 Kathryn's office. Kathryn was very welcoming and gave the signed request a careful look.

"So, you're going to Goose Cookers headquarters?" she asked. "Fine, we probably can learn a lot from them. You don't know Eleanor, do you?"

"Not really," Nicole responded. "I've heard of her. She works for them, right?"

"Yes," Kathryn told her. "She's their chief creative director, very sharp. She's based here. I'll get your orders prepared and your transport arranged. Do you want to fly down there tomorrow?"

"Sure," Nicole said.

"Give Eleanor a call at their office here in the capital," Kathryn told her. "She'll give you a good idea of why they started this and what they're trying to do with it. Eleanor has a history. She was convicted of adultery some years ago when that carried severe punishments. The court ordered that she be infibulated for a year. Do you know what that is?"

Nicole shook her head.

"It sounds like a medieval punishment," Kathryn said. "It's been abolished now. But she had her labia closed up with rings for a year by a Corrections Service surgeon. Grim, isn't it?"

"Omigod," Nicole exclaimed. "And they think I'm severe! That is terrible."

"It was, she only had a very small hole, too small for her to fuck and barely big enough for her to menstruate--but she turned out well," Kathryn continued. "The officer who was in charge was none other than our present Chief of Staff, GEN Annette, then Senior Correctional Officer at the Supreme Court. She tried to treat Eleanor as well as possible, got her opened up down there the minute her sentence was served, and they became close friends.

"Not too long ago, they were married. I just wanted you to know that so you don't say anything that would piss her off. She's a very nice person and very talented. If she can also set it up for you to meet Janet, whom I know you've heard of, accept that right off. Janet is one of the smartest and best-connected people in the Women's Republic. It won't hurt you for her to know you."

"Thanks, Warrant Officer," Nicole said, "you've been so wonderfully helpful. I really appreciate it."

"That's ok, Nicole," Kathryn said with a smile. "I like your balls, not to offend. I want you to do well, too."

Nicole went back to her office and telephoned Eleanor's office. Her creative assistant, Beverly, answered the phone and after asking Nicole to hold, told Eleanor that a woman from the Corrections Service was calling her.

"Yes, this is Eleanor," she said, picking up the phone.

Nicole explained who she was and that she wanted to visit Goose Cookers' disciplinary office to learn what they were doing that the Disciplinary & Retraining Unit of the Service might learn from. She explained that WO Kathryn had suggested she call Eleanor.

"That's fine, Sergeant, is it?" Eleanor said.

Nicole told her that she was indeed a Sergeant First Class.

"Good, Sergeant," Eleanor then said. "I'll call and set this up. Can you fly down tomorrow if I can get them to make some time to see you?"

Nicole said she would be able to go tomorrow.

"Hold on then," Eleanor replied. She punched in Roberta's number to speak with her, the director of the disciplinary office. When Roberta picked up, Eleanor explained to her that they had a request from the Service for Roberta to brief an officer from Disciplinary and Retraining on how Roberta's office was functioning.

"I want to send her down to see you tomorrow," Eleanor continued. "Would you make some time to go over your operation with her? We like to maintain good rapport with this office at the Service. I know its Commandant, Major Kate, very well. The woman who's sending SFC Nicole is our procurement officer at the Service, WO3 Kathryn. You can see why we want to keep her happy."

Roberta said it would be fine. She suggested that they have Nicole picked up at the airport and brought to her office at Goose Cookers.

"Great," Eleanor said. "I'll send you a confirming e-mail. 10:30 sound good?"

Roberta said that would work and Eleanor passed on the time to Nicole on the phone.

"Ask Kathryn to set up your transport order and then send me an e-mail and I'll make sure you get picked up at the airport down there," Eleanor told her. "Have you ever been to our headquarters before?"

When Nicole said she hadn't, Eleanor offered to arrange for her to see Janet, Eleanor's boss and the woman who ran the company.

"Tell Kathryn to put that on her transport order and give the order to our representative who will meet you at the airport tomorrow. So, let's have lunch when you get back. Send me an e-mail and we can set that up. Glad we can help.

Nicole thanked her and said that would be wonderful. Eleanor said she looked forward to meeting Nicole after her trip to Goose Cookers. Nicole replied that she would call her immediately upon her return.

"Excellent," Eleanor said. "Have a great trip."

Nicole thanked her again and after the call was over, went back to report to Kathryn so she could complete arrangements.

When Nicole returned to Kathryn's office, she told Kathryn that Eleanor had been very helpful. "She got on the phone and set it all up," Nicole said, impressed.

"She's a very capable person," Kathryn said. "Nicole, listen to me. This little excursion can do you a lot of good. You're meeting people whom I regard as major players in the women's network here in the Republic. Even though Janet isn't here but is based down at Goose Cookers in the second city, she's one of those major players."

Nicole said she grasped that this was operating on a high level. Kathryn nodded her agreement. She handed Nicole her orders and her transport voucher.

"Just get yourself early to the airport so you make this flight that will get you in around 10 A.M. They'll meet you and you'll be right on time," Kathryn advised her.

Nicole set her alarm and woke up early. She showered, completed her ablutions, and dressed in a good clean uniform. Then she drove to the airport and reported to the Corrections Service desk there, where a friendly woman handled her paperwork and gave her a boarding pass.

"We're able to skip security," the woman, SSG Alexandra, told her. "They have you on the late flight back, so you may have to kill some time in the airport there. There's a Service lounge where you can wait. It's a good idea to go there if you have some time."

"Thanks, Sergeant," Nicole said with a smile. She was excited by this trip.

When her flight arrived at the second city, Nicole saw a woman carrying a sign with her name on it. She walked over and mentioned that she was SFC Nicole, and the woman invited her to join her. They proceeded to her car, and she was driven to Goose Cooker headquarters.

When they arrived, she introduced herself to Nicole as Jamie. "I'm in the creative department, and it says here that I'm supposed to take you right to the disciplinary office," she said.

"Yes, that's what I'm here to see," Nicole replied. "I'm part of the Service's Disciplinary & Retraining Unit."

"I don't want to be quoted," Jamie said, "but they are a tough bunch there. But you must be used to that."

Nicole grinned, thinking about her own tough reputation. "Yes, people in my unit think I'm like that, which can be useful, but I'm trying to expand my sensitivity."

"I won't get into it," Jamie said, "but suffice it to say that I've been sent to that office, and I'm not looking to go back there anytime soon."

Nicole smiled, and thanked Jamie for her telling her that. Soon, Jamie pulled into the firm's garage and parked. She escorted Nicole through the check-in process and then to the disciplinary office. When they arrived there, a very solid-looking woman who introduced herself as Roberta welcomed her. Although Roberta was stocky, Nicole noticed that she dressed very well; since she was not slight, she didn't overdo it, either.

"We're very pleased that your unit is interested in what we've been doing here," she said. "Let me show you around and give you some background."

Roberta explained that this office had been set up by the company's executive v.p., Janet, who was concerned that there had been too many personal problems arising at the firm. She wanted supervisors to have the ability to send employees who had caused problems in their sections to this office.

"We get people sent on a one-shot referral, and others who are put down for weekly sessions for a month or more," Roberta said. "We have the person referred--we get both men and women, but this company is woman-owned and staffed mostly by women--tell us what got her referred here. Some of them are already embarrassed but I tell them that some of what happens may not be to their liking, but the more they tell us, the better we'll be able to provide the services that their supervisor and the firm wants them to receive.

"We have four well-trained disciplinarians who handle the actual sessions," Roberta told Nicole. "I keep an eye on what happens, and sometimes will participate if it seems useful. I'm going to let you talk to one of our disciplinarians, Nina, who can answer questions. I'll see you again after that."

She buzzed and very quickly, a younger woman, with dark hair and a short, well-toned body entered the room.

"This is Nina, one of our best disciplinarians," Roberta said. "Nina, this is Sergeant First Class Nicole from the Corrections Service. I'd like you to give her a rundown on how we operate once someone is sent here. Then show her around and bring her back to me."

Nina smiled and said she was pleased to be able to brief her on their operation. "We have a great regard for your Service and your unit," she said. "You've been doing this for far longer than we have. Have you been the equivalent of what we call a disciplinarian?"

"Yes," Nicole answered. "I've been a barracks sergeant at one of our more challenging camps for male inmates and now I'm with the Disciplinary & Retraining Unit, where staff of the Service who get referred, much as apparently your supervisors send people here. We run regular retraining classes and those taking them usually cooperate, because this is usually their last chance before dismissal from the Service."

"Thanks, that helps me a lot," Nina responded. "We get the referral and based on why a supervisor has sent someone here, and their recommendation, we decide if they will be a one-shot or weekly subject. Anything that was a serious instance of misbehavior tends to get a weekly schedule for a month or two.

"We start by telling them that this will be uncomfortable, and they will find it unpleasant," Nina said. "Women who are much older than I am--the others here are around my age--get very self-conscious at that point. I have to explain to them that how they are disciplined will depend on the attitude they show us. That does tend to calm them down."

She then took Nicole into what she said was a treatment room. There were many disciplinary implements in cases on the wall.

"You can see what we have here," Nina said, "and we have other stuff in the cabinets and drawers. That includes punishment wear--panties, training bras, simple shoes in their sizes--they look like girls' shoes from school, and short skirts and middie blouses. We also have regular supplies of nettles and figs, as well as soothing creams for aftercare."

"Is what you do mainly physical or also psychological?" Nicole asked.

"Mostly physical," Nina said. "Often, though, my boss, Roberta will join me to interview a subject the first time she comes here. We try to probe into what led to her misbehaving. We do find out that people are having trouble of one kind or another at home, and there's some alcoholism and the like. Then we tend to focus on the physical, but we also take time to hear them out on what's bothering them. It takes a while for some to open up."

"Now, for the first session, we will usually start out with a spanking," Nina said. "For many of these women, this comes as a shock. They are told to lift their skirts and bend over the horse, when I will pull their panties down, usually just below their bottoms. I will give them a hand spanking and then have them get across my lap for a hairbrush treatment. I tell them that what happens next, especially if they will be back in a week, is up to how well they cooperate and talk to us."

"It takes them a while to open up," Nina said. "When they do, I decide what is needed. Ones who still have an attitude get embarrassed when I put them into punishment panties and maybe childish clothing like I described before. I will put them over the horse for the cane and may fig them. Those who need it get to have nettles in their panties and put in the corner with their hands over their heads."

"How long do you put them in the corner for?" Nicole asked.

"It varies," Nina said. "I have to decide what they need. They don't realize or accept that the attitude they display and the cooperation they give or hold back on will play a big part in determining how they are disciplined. Sure, it starts with what they did, but then we're looking at what it will take to get them on board to being a valued staff member here."