Kate Returns Home Ch. 18


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"I think you've stated this situation nicely," Vivian answered, "and now I feel better about it all. I'll admit that I'll always cringe at tampon ads, even if they are dealing with a function women have no need to feel ashamed or secretive about. I still have qualms about these young women in uniform, whom I understand are among our best correctional officers, exposing themselves, no pun intended, in this way."

"I know we will be aware of this concern in future," Janet replied. "And I hope you will not hesitate to contact me if you find anything we are doing, in print or on screen, needing our review. I'm now sorry in one sense about this, but I also feel it's something I need to get over as well, because the women coming up now don't have the hang-ups I have, and I'm certainly not suggesting that you have them."

"Thanks for coming, Janet," the President concluded the meeting. "Please convey my highest and best regards to all your staff, especially Eleanor here in the capital, whom we enjoy seeing often. And Valerie, would you arrange for me to have that lovely young Major Kate come to see me sometime soon? Janet, I want to see in person how she felt about the experience."

"I'm sure you'll be charmed by her," Janet answered, "as I and everyone in our organization who met her was."

Kate was surprised about the call from Valerie. She'd never been summoned to a meeting with the President before. Valerie told her that Vivian would like to meet her at the exclusive women's club for lunch the next day. Kate managed to retain her composure long enough to accept and agree to meet her there at 12:30 P.M.

Kate of course appeared then in a clean uniform. She was ushered into a corner table which was only partly visible to the others in the dining room, and Vivian stood when Kate walked in.

"Major," she said, "I'm so glad to meet you. I've heard so much about you from Annette and Eleanor have been so impressed by what I hear."

"Madame President, I'm so honored to be invited here by you," Kate said. "It's quite an honor."

They sat and ordered. Then Vivian, after some small talk, told Kate she was concerned about whether she felt used by the commercials.

"No, Madame President," Kate answered clearly, "because I had respect for Goose Cookers, and they did for me."

"I'm now aware that these kinds of ads are becoming quite common," Vivian replied. "I'm not quite sure how comfortable I am with them, but I wondered how it struck you."

"I'm not sure I would want to do a tampon ad," Kate answered, "although many well-known women have done them. It would not comfort with how I see those of us in uniform."

"Did this one affect that view of women in uniform?" Vivian rejoined.

"I thought this one was light and could appeal to woman of all sizes and shapes," Kate responded. "I even thought it improved our image because we've found that people tend to think that we people in uniform are so utilitarian so that we wouldn't even wear panties other than white ones."

"I felt that if people realized that I liked to wear some pretty pale blue panties," Kate continued, "they might not regard us as stick figures."

"I do like your imagination," Vivian said with a smile. "And you also seem to be encouraging women to think more independently."

"I do have to credit Eleanor at Goose Cookers with discussing this aspect of the ads with us," Kate allowed. "She is creative in her thinking as well as her design."

"Yes, she is a wonderful, clever lady," Vivian agreed.

"I also thought that we even brought some dignity to lingerie as something women could focus on without feeling sleazy," Kate observed.

"You've impressed me, Major, with your thoughts on this," Vivian told her. "You should now that I did have Janet in for a chat and did feel after hearing her, that this was clearly a business decision."

"Oh, I certainly feel that's so," Kate replied, "but Janet and her company do have a way of dignifying things like this, too."

"Maybe I was a little too susceptible to my own thinking that this would make those of us who are corrections officers in uniform even seem cool and trendy," Kate smiled. "I guess I respond often to Goose Cookers and their products by thinking that they tend to seem like fun."

"You've relieved a great deal of my concern," Vivian said. "I'm so glad we were able to meet like this and discuss this in a wider view, like we have."

They finished their lunch, which consisted of nice salads, and the President then asked Kate if she could drop her at her building.

Kate grinned and said it would be an honor.

They stood and walked out together, preceded out the front door and followed by Vivian's entourage. They both got into the rear seat of a limousine and sped off to the Corrections Service headquarters, where Vivian told Kate she had thoroughly enjoyed meeting her and hoped to see her again soon,"

"It was my pleasure entirely," Kate thanked her. "I was so pleased to get to speak with you."

Kate got out and turned before the door closed and saluted the President. Then she walked to her office.

CPT Elaine greeted her when she arrived.

"Heard you were lunching with the Prez," Elaine said in a light vein. "My, we have risen to the true top level, haven't you?"

Kate smiled and told her she had been worried about the meeting.

"She took me to lunch at the club, so I figured I couldn't be in too much trouble," Kate related. "And if she were truly pissed off, she just could have told Annette to read me the riot act."

"I do think she may have thought I had been enticed into the ads," Kate continued, "but I actually helped her to see that I felt it could do us some good in recruitment."

"Kate," Elaine answered, "you were simply great in those commercials, but it was very shrewd of Eleanor or whoever thought it up to have Nicole in there because she came off as sexier. I mean that as a compliment. You looked cool and secure when in uniform with her in things like garter belts."

"I think women could relate to me," Kate said. "At least, I hope they can, and have."

A few days later, Eleanor passed on the word to her. "The President spoke to Annette and told her that she was now quite happy about the ads once she had the chance to meet you and discuss how you felt about them," she said.

"Whew," Kate answered. "Great to hear that. I was on edge going to see her."

"Relax," Eleanor told her. "I wouldn't be surprised if this definitely gives you a boost."

Kate didn't question her further but was still surprised a few weeks later to learn she was on the President's promotion list, submitted to her by Annette, to move Kate up to Lieutenant Colonel. This made Kate feel even happier that she had done what she did, and that she had apparently pleased the President at their lunch meeting. Now she had achieved the level her mentor and model, COL Rachel, had attained.

"I knew you had it in you when I pushed for you to take my place," Rachel said when they got together after the list came out.

"Thanks, Rachel," Kate said gratefully, "your confidence in me gave me what I needed to do well in the Service. You were just the best, and I genuinely appreciate everything you've done for me."

"Just keep on doing what you've been doing," Rachel advised, "and don't be afraid to try new things like you just did even if they seem edgy at the time."

Rachel was having a quiet drink with Kate in Kate's sunny suite in the Bachelor Officers' Quarters of the Service headquarters in the capital. Kate then looked dreamily at Rachel and asked her if she, Kate, could show her some appreciation in another way.

Rachel nodded as she put on a wide grin and took Kate by the hand into Kate's bedroom. There, she invited the 27-year-old darkhaired new lieutenant colonel to undress her. Kate enjoyed that assignment, carefully unzipping and unbuttoning Rachel's skirt and blouse and then unhooking her bra, slipping it off her shoulders, and gently taking her panties down and off.

Rachel lay down on the bed on her back. Kate quickly shed her own clothes and then crawled between her mentor's legs and applied her oral talents and tongue to Rachel's dripping red-haired pussy. Kate loved the taste of Rachel's pussy and lavished her attention on her labia and then her clit, finally insinuating the tip of her tongue into Rachel's tight vaginal opening. It took her only a few minutes for Rachel to enjoy a long, slow cum as Kate kept up her ministrations.

* * *

CPT Elaine, Kate's deputy, and Grace, her civilian secretary, both of whom were older, significantly older in Elaine's case, than their boss, organized a little office party when LTC Kate first arrived there. She was greeted with small pastries, fresh-made coffee, and a large platter of sliced fruit and cheese.

CPT Elaine had invited COL Rachel and WO3 Kathryn to the party. It turned out that Kate's old classmate and now Commandant of Hergolia Camp, CPT Helene, was in town, so Elaine included her as well. The cadre were all there, too, and Elaine made some brief introductory remarks praising Kate's leadership. After she finished, and others were about to speak in the same vein, Kate called a halt and said everyone there knew her, so it wasn't necessary.

"Everyone, please enjoy what's on the reception table, relax for a while, and have some of the punch," Kate declared. Rachel said she really needed to say a few words, so Kate relented for her old boss.

"I'm speaking because I hired then 1LT Kate to be the first deputy I ever had in this unit," Rachel began. "Kate was my first deputy and I put her on right out of OCS," Rachel said. "She was on top of things from the beginning and I'm delighted the Service has seen what I did and promoted her again. Good luck, Kate, you're the best!"

Kate thanked Rachel and said she appreciated the kind words. SFC Nicole asked to say a few words and Kate told her to go ahead.

"I started out on the wrong side of then MAJ Kate and I learned fast that that was not a good place to be," Nicole said. "I was put through the wringer and finally realized that MAJ Kate was looking out for me even when I had done a lot of bad stuff and some of it undoubtedly should have frosted her on me forever. But she saw that I might have some potential and put up with a lot of stupidly silly behavior. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be in the Service today. Thanks so much, LTC Kate,"

1SG Wendy was standing and quietly asked Kate to allow her a few words. Kate knew she could not turn down any request from Wendy because they were rare, and she was a first-class person as well as a great First Sergeant.

Kate nodded to her, and Wendy spoke. "I've been here a long time," she said, "like COL Rachel and CPT Elaine. I've known LTC Kate since she was here in OCS run by this unit. I also know something you all may not know about Kate: she also manages two separate households as the responsible woman. And I would be remiss in noting that she manages this unit superbly.

The part gradually wound down. The cadre enjoyed the refreshments, but then began to make their way out. Finally, Kate was talking to Kathryn and Elaine. Kathryn whispered something to Elaine and as Grace was putting away the last party supplies and food, Elaine told Kate that she and Kathryn had a present for her.

"We need to go over to my rooms, however, for this," Kathryn said, very directly.

Kate wondered what they were up to, but these were two of her closest friends in the Service, so she led the way, after thanking Grace for all she had done to make the party fun and a success.

When they reached Kathryn's well-appointed rooms, she looked happily at Kate as she remarked, "Kate, the one thing you haven't been given is your promotion spanking. Who better to observe this tradition than your two close friends in the Service?"

Kate grinned and said she supposed this was all right, although she added that it hadn't been anything she's looked forward too.

"Give us a chance and you'll see," Elaine speculated.

"Now, Miss Kate," Kathryn proceeded, in stern tones, "we do need to have that uniform skirt unzipped and slipped...off, that is."

She carefully pulled down the side zipper on Kate's skirt and when it fell, she picked it up and placed it neatly on a chair. Then Elaine unbuttoned Kate's uniform jacket and took that off. Kate's blouse was unbuttoned and also removed.

"I thought I was being spanked, not stripped," Kate exclaimed.

"Get across my lap, darling," Elaine told her. In her bra and panties, Kate complied with Elaine's order.

Elaine then pulled Kate's plain white cotton panties down just a little below her bottom. It looked for all the world like Kate had misbehaved at home and was having her panties lowered for an impromptu spanking.

Then Elaine began to spank Kate, placing her spanks all over Kate's lovely bottom until it started becoming rosy. Elaine softly ran her finger down Kate's anal crack and through her furrow.

"Miss Kate is very wet down there," she proclaimed to Kathryn. "Do you think this is exciting her?"

"I think she needs some more spanking, so come over here now, Kate," Kathryn said peremptorily.

Kate was now over Kathryn's strong thighs. For good measure, Kathryn unhooked Kate's lacy bra and as she removed it, Kate's gorgeous tits were freed.

Then Kathryn began spanking Kate hard, and Kate was starting to feel it and cry out. Kathryn spread Kate's legs on her lap and spanked her on her anal rosette and then moved her hand down further and slapped her pussy a few times.

She then felt Kate's vulva and remarked, "I do think this naughty girl, now a Lieutenant Colonel, gets off on this." She helped Kate to her feet and then the two friends walked her into Kathryn's bedroom. Kate was bent over the edge of the bed, her red bottom sticking out obscenely.

Then Elaine picked up a small thin cane and tapped it on Kate's bottom,

"Here's how it goes, Kate," she began. "1 for the second lieutenant and 2 for the first. Three for the captain and four for the youngest major in the force. That leaves five good ones for this new wonderful lite colonel." She then applied the cane to Kate's red bottom, with the series of one, then two, three, four, and finally five strokes. By the last five, Kate was screaming. Elaine handed the cane to Kathryn, who delivered the fifth and last of the lieutenant colonel strokes, right at the base of her bottom where she was most sensitive near her thighs.

"THWACK" went the cane and Kate roared at the hurt. Then the two women pulled her to her feet and embraced her together as they held themselves together with her.

"Kate, we did this because we love you," Elaine said with expression. They lay her down on the bed and Kathryn moved between her legs and gave her a huge, deep kiss on her lower lips. She was able to insinuate her tongue into Kate's sopping vagina and that was enough to bring Kate off, making her forget for a moment the pain in her bottom.

Elaine then asked Kate to turn over on her tummy, which Kate was happy to do to relieve the soreness in her bottom. Then Elaine crept up between Kate's spread legs and kissed her on her cute little anal button. She licked her for a while and as Kate's anal ring opened, Elaine managed to insert her tongue inside Kate's anus.

"Oh, Elaine," she cried out, "that feels so good!"

Kathryn no joined them in bed, and they held each other in their arms and kissed--on all of Kate's orifices. After some time enjoying each other closely, Elaine reached for some cream and she and Kathryn took turns rubbing it softly on Kate's beleaguered bottom.

Kathryn then picked up the silver oak leaf signifying the rank of lieutenant colonel and attached it to the end of a silver butt plug which she slowly inserted into Kate's anal cavity.

"You're now a full-fledged lieutenant colonel, darling," she announced, "and we couldn't be happier for you."

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HottieOlwenHottieOlwenover 1 year ago

Yet another very stimulating chapter. I'm loving this serial.

chthonicjourneyschthonicjourneysover 1 year ago

You make the bathroom such a sexy place. Nicely done.

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