Kate Returns Home Ch. 22


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Once the punishment had been completed, SGT Georgina took SGT Geraldine and escorted her to 1SG Louise's office. SGT Kendra remained to supervise SGT Geraldine's barracks. Her glare let the inmates there know that she would brook no misbehavior. She was 5-10 and weighed about 180 lbs.

When the others reached 1SG Louise's office, the First Sergeant asked SGT Geraldine if she was all right.

"Yes, top," she answered crisply. "I should have stepped in right when he said what he did, so to have forestalled the other inmate's response."

"You can't always do the perfect thing when stuff like that happens," 1SG Louise said warmly. She opened the small refrigerator behind her desk and pulled out a split of Taittinger champagne. Then she picked up three small glasses from the cabinet on the wall, opened the bottle, and then poured its contents into the glasses.

She handed them to SGTs Georgina and Geraldine.

"This should make you feel better," she smiled. "Don't get hung up on stuff like this. It's going to happen. But you have to be firm in the barracks. MSG Penny and I served here with CPT Nicole when she was a barracks sergeant. She knew how to get the message across that she wouldn't stand for any acting up of any kind. It also helped that she's beautiful and she also knows martial arts moves.

"She's a great role model," SGT Geraldine responded. "I felt very honored that she extended herself to take the action she did in front of the whole inmate population. She also told me I should call for help when I'm outmatched."

"I think she's going to be very good for all of us," 1SG Louise commented in response. "I don't know her deputy, 1LT Cynthia, but I think she's just what the Commandant needs: someone who knows her well and can make sure she stays within bounds. CPT Nicole would get into trouble when she was a barracks sergeant because we couldn't control her sometimes and really, there wasn't anyone else then to do it. I hope you both realize that MSG Penny and I are here as backup for all of you in the barracks.

"I also wanted to inform you about a note I received from CPT Nicole," she continued. "She said she thought I should consider putting the inmate who punched you into the box. How do you feel about that?"

SGT Geraldine was forthright in saying, "I would consider it, Top, but I would come down to leaving things as they are for now. I think we've made an impression on him. I'm going to speak to him to make sure he understands that I'll give him a chance to clean up his act. But if he screws up again, I'll let him know that one, he could end up in the box, so that what he got from SGT Georgina here was just a sample of what he can expect, and two, that he'll get recycled and spend a lot more time here."

"That sounds good to me," 1SG Louise responded. "Know your capabilities. You're small but you're tough. You'll have a problem physically taking on some of the bigger inmates because like this guy, they have an advantage in reach. So, put your mind toward establishing your dominance in how you behave and what you say."

"Thank you, First Sergeant," SGT Geraldine replied. "I'll make sure to do just that, to the best of my ability."

"That's all we can ask," 1SG Louise said, again smiling.

* * *

Some weeks passed and GEN Annette called COL Rachel in and advised her that it was likely she would be scheduled to visit Hergolia to find out how Nicole and Cynthia were doing.

"I don't need to tell you that I took a chance with Nicole," Annette said. "I tend to agree with both my wife Eleanor and with LTC Kate that Nicole has great prospects, but we all know that she's gone off course more than once. Find out how everything is going there for me."

"Will do, boss," COL Rachel grinned. "Every time I go out there, I'm glad I'm not stationed there, but that gives me a perspective to check it all out. It's so far away that stuff stays there more than at other facilities. Also, they are pretty close there: Nicole promoted Louise to 1SG and Penny to field first. Those two have done well in integrating everyone else in cadre into their way of doing things. The good part is that between them and Cynthia, there are people there who can speak directly to Nicole when necessary."

"Agreed," Annette said. "Do you need an aide with you? I'm thinking of a noncom from Kate's unit."

"Yes, I'd appreciate that," Rachel responded. "I've done these on my own, but in this case, which would be very useful for me."

"OK," Annette said. "Talk to Kate and see whom she suggests. You can send me the name and I'll have the orders cut."

"Thanks, boss,' Rachel smiled. "I'll do my best on this."

"Your best is very good, my dear," Annette said as she stood, and Rachel saluted, about-faced, and walked out.

* * *

Kate had an opening or two with the departure of Nicole and Cynthia from her unit. She spoke to Eleanor about it, and Eleanor spoke to Janet, asking her, "Do we have anyone in the Disciplinary Unit who might want to join Kate's outfit? It would make us look good; I think."

"I'd also like us to move in the other direction, too," Janet answered, "and get someone good from Kate for our unit. But I'll check this out."

Janet spoke to her disciplinary chief, Roberta, who saw that this could increase the reputation of her unit, so she suggested to Janet that Nina from the Goose Cookers disciplinary unit might be a good fit.

"She's very quiet but highly professional, not at all squeamish, and I hope you might either be willing to let her go and stay with Kate's outfit or leave it open for her to return to my staff if that's what she ends up wanting," Roberta told the executive vice president.

Janet had Nina sent up to her office. She outlined the prospect of Nina being detailed to the Corrections Service in its Disciplinary and Retraining Unit.

"We think you will learn from them and probably show them some things they didn't know as well," Janet told her. "It will look good on your record. You may decide you like it there. We can deal with that."

"I have to ask you, Ma'am, if this detail is because I was assigned to discipline you a while back?" Nina asked quietly but assertively.

"Not at all," Janet replied, "if only because you disciplined me highly effectively and it was what I had asked for. Your supervisor recommended you and I would regard this invitation as a plus all around."

Nina then asked if she would get at least a sergeant's rank if she went there.

"I can't say that now," Janet said, "but I will pass the word to the Service people that you should get that.

Nina smiled and said, "It sounds like this will be good for me and for the company. I'll do it."

"Good," Janet smiled. "Be assured that there will always be a place for you here. The detail will be for a term but as I said, they may offer you more once you've been there and they see you at work."

Nina thanked her and Janet stood to indicate she could leave.

* * *

Meredith, Kate, and Eleanor returned to Meredith's modest auto and then Kate was dropped off with her case at her family residence. She thanked them for a nice visit and a finale "which I guess may have been more comfortable for me."

Only Marie and Jan were home when Kate entered the house where she had grown up. Marie smiled and took Kate in her arms and hugged her. Jan walked in and welcomed Kate with a nice grin on her face.

"We must now call you Colonel, my dear, I assume," she said lightly.

"I'll always be your loving stepdaughter, Mom," Kate answered with her own broad smile.

Kate went off with Jan to go over the various forms that had been awaiting her signature as the household's "responsible woman." She only put in a rare appearance like this one at the house, so quite a few routine papers were stacked neatly for her review,

She inscribed a careful full signature on the marriage documents for Deirdre and for Steve's immediate needs. While was flipping through the paperwork, something she was quite accustomed to doing in her capacity as a unit commandant, Jan updated her on disciplinary matters.

"I did have to spank Marie last week for leaving her underwear in the bathroom and Deirdre got two strokes when she failed a spot panty inspection. Knowing Kate was always interested in the particulars, she added that Deirdre had obviously neglected to wipe at least twice after using the toilet.

"Number One or Number Two," Kate followed up.

"Both, I'm afraid," Jan responded. "Maybe you need to speak with her before her marriage ceremony."

"What about Dad and Steve?" Kate inquired.

"They've been pretty good," Jan reported. "You know men--they can't avoid leaving skid marks. So, for a week, I made them wear panties both for training and discipline. They knew they'd be punished if they left stains and it's also the case that most panties stain more easily than men's underpants."

"How did they do?" Kate asked, with a whimsical look on her face. She found the very idea of her father and brother in panties amusing and arousing.

"They became more attentive," Jan noted. "I let them out of the panties after a few days, but your brother confessed to me that he liked the feel of them on his body. I felt myself warm to that because I get true feelings from the men. Not that this is news in this family, but I took him to bed with me that night."

"You did?" Kate exclaimed, with her eyes rolling at the idea of her stepmother rolling in the hay with her brother. Yet she knew that everyone in the household had it off with one another.

"Don't look so shocked, Katie," Jan laughed. "You're not here so much so you might forget what it's like. By the way, he hasn't lost any of his ability to please a woman."

"I hope you won't be angry if I follow your excellent example, Mom," Kate confessed.

"Katie, I know you're up there in the capital with your big job and all the deference you must get in your unit, but you must be lonely and miss both Harry and Glenda," Jan said softly. "Go to bed with Steve Jr. It'll be good for you."

"OK," Kate replied, "that's nice of you to suggest and I might just take you up on it. I've been looking through the papers here, though, and I see you got into a little bit of trouble with the bank. Did you forget to update your balances?"

Jan's face turned red, and she was almost in tears. "I was going to tell you, Kate," she said slowly, "but it seemed so stupid of me that I was ashamed."

"Everybody does this kind of thing, Jan," Kate said kindly. "But you do need to tell me about it when it happens. I'm afraid I need you over my lap," she then looked directly at her stepmom as she issued the order.

Jan felt like a naughty girl as she lifted her skirt and tucked it into her belt. She stood in front of Kate, who was seated on a large chair now, and felt Kate put her thumbs in the waistband of Jan's beige control panties and tug them down her thighs.

Kate patted her lap and Jan lay down on Kate's flannel skirt. Kate adjusted Jan until she felt her stepmom was lying comfortably across her stepdaughter's lap. Then Kate began the spanking in earnest--peppering Jan's bottom cheeks with spanks. After a fusillade of about 40 spanks, she let her finger move down between Jan's cheeks and through her furrow between her legs.

"You're quite wet, sweetie," Kate observed. "I suppose this excites you. I do spank hard. Does that bother you?"

"No, Katie," Jan managed to reply in a stumbling tone, "I needed the correction and being spanked by you always excites me. I don't like being spanked but when you do it, it always turns me on. Even though I've been naughty, I hope you might spend the night here and spend it with me in my room."

"I think that can happen, Mom," Kate smiled broadly. She was getting a lot of positive vibes and felt her own arousal rising fast as she thought of these cool older women--Janet and Jan--who wanted her.

"I'd better excuse myself," Jan said with an air of urgency. "I just realized I've waited longer than I should." She stood up.

"I'll come with you," Kate chimed in. "Let's use the ensuite one in your bedroom."

Jan was only slightly surprised that Kate wanted to observe Jan's toilet use. They walked quickly to Jan's well-appointed bathroom and closed the door, taking care to lock it.

Jan still had her panties down and skirt up, so she just plopped herself down on the toilet seat and let fly with her pee, which rushed out of her hairy pussy and made a loud roar as it hit the water in the bowl.

"I'm a little embarrassed, Katie," Jan said as her pee stream tailed off. "I have to make a doody now and it may be a big one. I hope this doesn't bother you. Sometimes they do smell."

"Turn around on the seat facing the wall and hover over the seat when you go, Jan. Please go ahead," Kate assured her. "You're talking to a corrections officer, admittedly now of fairly high rank, but one who has pulled toilet duty, so I've watched many women piss and shit in front of me."

After Jan turned around, with the knowledge that Kate would now see her doody emerge directly from her anus, Jan winced as she let out some loud bubbly farts. Kate watched as she excreted a long bowel movement. First, she saw the tip poke out of Jan's hole, which had pooched out to allow the turd out. Then the rest slid out quickly.

"Let me see it before you flush," Kate said in a tone that brooked no deviation from compliance.

Jan stood up, her panties on her thighs and her dark bush still dripping from her pee. Kate looked in the bowl and there was a solid dark brown leg that was at least ten inches long, but mostly smooth.

"You can go ahead and wipe now, Jan," she said. Once the supervision began, she called her stepmom Jan instead of Mom.

Jan wiped and her face remained flushed. "You're the first person, Kate dear, who's ever witnessed my pooping since I grew up. Even before he cheated, I never let your dad watch me on the pot."

"I love you, Jan," Kate said heartily, "and I hope you know that I feel real love for you even when I need to spank you." She didn't add what she was thinking: that she was highly aroused by watching her stepmother make her doody.

Jan was about to burst into tears, so Kate had her stand and then Kate took her in her arms and hugged her, followed by her kissing Jan on her mouth. It might have seemed funny since Jan's panties were still down on her thighs, but once they ended their embrace, Kate reached down and fingered Jan between her lower lips.

Jan was about the same height as Kate--both were relatively tall--but she was finding it hard to stay still as Kate manipulated her lady parts. Her clit was now on fire, and she was even afraid that if she got overly excited, she might involuntarily release some more pee, or worse yet, another turd from her bottom-hole.

However, Kate softly petted Jan's clit until Jan's orgasm burst upon her and she let out a few muffled screams, this time of joy.

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HottieOlwenHottieOlwenover 1 year ago

What a beautifully depraved world the Women's Republic is! Your imagination knows no bounds, Susan and you manage to introduce so many lovely perversions into each and every chapter of this long-running saga. I enjoyed the little tease you left us in this chapter, and I do hope that it won't be too long before Kate takes Steve jr to bed. 5 stars (again!) for this effort.

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