Kate Returns Home Ch. 24


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Nina's face reddened. "I've always been somewhat wary of that event," she admitted. "I've felt that I hadn't helped my long-range prospects at the company."

"On the contrary," Kate suggested, "I know that your supervisor, Roberta, recommended you and this was reviewed and approved by Janet, so I doubt she would have sent you on this assignment if she didn't have confidence in you."

"I do hope so, Colonel," Nina responded, "but I do also hope she wasn't just taking advantage of a chance to send me away."

"I can't answer that," Kate admitted, for her part, "but based on what I saw, I'd want you here and would be pleased if you found it to be in line with your expectations. That Sergeant First Class grade could be extended if you get my drift. Also, keep in mind that we think enough of you to move you laterally from outside into a responsible noncom position here without any training by the Service."

"That makes me feel very good," Nina smiled, "because I might indeed find staying here very congenial, although I suspect the Service doesn't equal our pay scale."

"I know that we don't," Kate conceded, "but the Service has other benefits to offer--even compared with an outstanding company like Goose Cookers. We don't have layoffs and I would suggest there are good prospects for promotion."

"Thank you, Colonel," Nina replied. "I appreciate your insights. Can you give me an idea of my duties?"

"I think we will take advantage of your outstanding disciplinary skills, Nina," Kate responded, "but you will meet with 1SG Wendy to go over our procedures and to explain how you will be assigned. I'll walk you over to her office now."

They both stood and walked out of the office together, Kate mentioning to Grace where they were headed. Grace waited until they were out the door and called Wendy to let her know they were on their way to her office.

When Nina reached Wendy's office, the First Sergeant had already received an e-mail note from Kate. Wendy smiled as she rose to greet her new noncom. Kate had explained that she was on a visiting fellowship from Goose Cookers and that she had been placed as a Sergeant First Class. Kate emphasized that she had seen Nina discipline executives at Goose Cookers and that she was an expert disciplinarian. Then Kate said she would leave Nina with Wendy to orient her. She smiled at them both and departed as they saluted.

"Don't worry about saluting until you're in uniform," Wendy said with a smile. "The Colonel was definitely impressed with you," she greeted Nina. "How would you feel if we had you serving as the prime disciplinarian of the cadre? You would get those retrainees here who had defied the barracks sergeants and needed to have a major impression made on them," Wendy continued.

"I've been disciplining lots of employees during my time at the company," Nina replied shyly. "I am adept at spanking, caning, whipping, the martinet and strap. I also administer punishment enemas and make use of figging and nettles. I do understand you have a toilet box here. I haven't used that but it sounds fairly straightforward in terms of disciplining."

"Are you capable of communicating with a subject of discipline to get through to them what our goal is?" Wendy asked. "We want these retrainees who get into trouble here to realize that we can make them extremely uncomfortable but we're looking for them to turn over a new leaf. So, we embarrass them, often in front of their peers, and sometimes humiliate them. Your role is to punish them severely when it seems that is the only course left to us.

"However," she added, "we want you to speak with them and try to find out what their issues may be. If they are being severely disciplined because their home commandant has specified that treatment in their orders sending them here, you will need to honor that sentence. But you need to get them to realize that this is their last chance, and they are ruining their chances by acting up."

"You're right," Nina responded, "that this is different from what I've been doing. At our discipline office, we do follow what the employee's supervisor has recommended. I like being able here to discuss their situation with them. At my company, it too often is pure retribution for bad behavior. There's generally resentment against me and the supervisor and everyone else in the chain."

"I think you can learn from us, and we can benefit from your experience," Wendy summed up. I'm glad you're here, SFC Nina," she smiled.

Wendy called a meeting of the cadre. When they arrived in her meeting room outside her office, she introduced SFC Nina and explained that she was here on assignment from Goose Cookers, where she was a senior disciplinarian.

"SFC Nina is an expert at carrying out major discipline and severe punishments," 1SG Wendy announced. "I think we will benefit from her being here to assume this responsibility. Previously, SFC Denise has usually been responsible for this function. I have agreed to release Denise to accompany COL Rachel on a field assessment, so she will be gone for several weeks. She will orient SFC Nina today and then SFC Nina will be filling this position. When Denise returns, we will consider SFC Nina's future assignment."

Nobody questioned 1SG Wendy, which was standard for the unit. Anyone who wanted to know more or present an alternative knew to see Wendy alone in her office. Denise came over and introduced herself to Nina. She told her she had heard how competent she was from LTC Kate and CPT Nicole, since they both had visited the Goose Cookers disciplinary office.

Then Denise took her to the "treatment room" and explained the different "treatments," i.e., punishments, that had been authorized for use in the unit. After she had gone over the list and handed a copy to Nina, Nina responded that she was familiar with most of them. She asked how busy Denise was with this work.

"We usually have about two or three serious cases a week," Denise told her. "So, I also spend time on duty in the toilets. When the retrainees are wearing vinyl panties with plugs that are locked, they have to be unlocked and supervised in using the toilet. Then we have to make entries on what functions they performed in at the toilet.

"If any of them resist or make trouble, you are authorized to keep them locked up until you feel they have improved their attitude," Denise continued. "Yes, I have had several women lose control because of their stubbornness. Usually, they are surprised to learn that losing control or resisting in any way can lead to their being in the locked panties for a longer time, or being sent to the treatment room for further disciplining."

"This is all intended to get them to learn proper behavior," Denise observed. "Most of them do, because they know they will be thrown out of the Service if they don't conform. One of the treatments you will administer, for example, is a severe caning--12 strokes, with figging and nettles. The final punishment is the box, which is reserved for truly abhorrent behavior."

"The other cadre will be happy to work with you whenever you need support," Denise advised. "Take advantage of that because you will need them at times. SFC Linda is a good friend of mine and I would suggest you consult her when you feel the need, since I'll be away for a while. Also, SSG Barbara and SSG Jennifer."

"I know you were visited at your company by CPT Nicole, whose camp I will be helping to assess," Denise informed Nina. "Nicole was a sergeant both at her camp and here. She knows how to discipline severely and effectively. However, she has gotten into trouble by going out on limbs. Don't ever succumb to having sexual relationships here. It does happen and people get away with it, but it is against regs and can get you into trouble.

"Having it off with your roommate here is allowed," Denise added. "You will find out who your roommate will be later today. If you want some advice about her, ask me then. I owe you the straight story and you'll get it from me," she smiled.

Nina thanked Denise, who had one last piece of advice.

"You're actually in a good position in this assignment," Denise told her, "because you will always receive an order with specification of offense and suggested punishment. It's good to try to stick with that suggestion because you can always refer to it if any questions arise. Of course, you may feel differently about any individual case after you speak with the person who has been sent for punishment."

Denise also indicated what the order would look like. "It will briefly, very briefly, state the reason for punishment. Then it will suggest a specific Treatment as we call them. For example, Treatment N2: 12 strokes of the cane, to be followed by a spanking if the recipient does not behave well during punishment," she said. "I'll give you the book that lists all the approved Treatments."

She showed Nina around the treatment room, which was where punishments were imposed. There were cases with all kinds of canes, whips, and other punishment implements.

"I guess the mere contents of this room must have an impact on the people sent here for disciplining," Nina asked.

"I think it does," Denise answered. "When they see all this stuff, they start to rethink their intention to resist or refuse to respond when I ask them questions."

Denise's phone signaled a message and she read it to Nina: "Here's one that just came in: PFC Priscilla is being sent to you by SSG Jennifer for refusing to take down her disciplinary panties to use the toilet in front of the sergeant. This is simple because the sergeant needs to be there to record the results of her toilet use, i.e., what she did in the toilet. The sergeant suggests a sound spanking. Sounds like the PFC may be either frightened or very nasty but it's part of the retraining program here."

There was a knock on the door. "I'll handle this so you can observe," Denise told Nina. "If you were in uniform, I'd have you do it." Nina said she appreciated being able to watch Denise carry out the punishment.

Nina opened the door and Denise stood up.

"PFC Priscilla reporting for discipline, Sergeant," the tall, redhaired woman announced.

"Very well, Private," Denise responded. "I've received your order for discipline. What's the problem? Everyone who's sent here has to be unlocked to use the toilet if they are in control panties or otherwise observed and the results of their toilet use recorded. That's the protocol here."

"The sergeant seemed to be skeptical because I didn't come in holding my crotch like I had to go desperately," PFC Priscilla answered. "She told me that if I abused the system by asking to use the toilet when I really didn't need to, that would be reported. I confirmed that I did need to go. She seemed annoyed and told me I would have to spend some more time in the waiting area. I sort of lost it and said I hoped I didn't lose control in my panties waiting."

"You may have been in the right, Private, but you have to take a positive attitude," Denise told her. "You should have said that you did need to go and that you didn't intend to waste anyone's time if you didn't. If she didn't allow you and you could wait, you should have followed her direction. If you really needed to go, you should have respectfully asked for her to reconsider and that you were sorry if you had offended her in any way."

"That does sound pretty ridiculous," PFC Priscilla replied.

"It may," SFC Denise replied, "but you have to recognize that you are here to change your attitude. You got into trouble at your assigned camp or center and you were sent here for that reason. We are supposed to not only correct you but to reorient your attitudes. If you respond to what is thrown at you here in an annoyed way or worse, you'll get whacked and you may even get thrown out of the Service. Do I make myself understood? I'm hoping you are accepting what I'm telling you."

"It still seems weird," PFC Priscilla said.

"In many ways, it is, Private," SFC Denise answered. "But when you understand what's happening here, I hope you will figure it out for yourself. Now lift your uniform skirt and bend over the bench there."

Priscilla now did what she was told. She started to realize that Denise was just telling her what the point was of her treatment here.

Denise looked at the woman bent over the bench with her white Service panties on display. She came up behind her and softly slipped the panties down just a little below Priscilla's bottom. Priscilla felt the air on her bared bottom and started to worry about what she had gotten into.

After a minute, Denise picked up a thin cane, held it across Priscilla's bottom without touching the skin, drew it back, and fired a strong stroke. Priscilla gasped. Then after a half-minute, Denise fired a real stinger above the first stroke. Now, Priscilla groaned in response. The third stroke was lower and almost in the crease between buttock and thigh. This time Priscilla screamed.

Now, Denise told her to stand and walk to the corner where Denise was pointing, and stand there with her nose in the corner. Denise came up behind her and said she was going to be figged. Priscilla only sighed. Then Denise took the ginger fig and carefully inserted it into Priscilla's anal opening.

Priscilla did not immediately respond. She knew what would happen, however. While Denise left her in the corner and went into the next room to talk some more with Nina, Priscilla felt the ginger release its liquid within her rectum. She knew it would start to sting and it did. She somehow held off screaming or even crying.

In a few minutes, Denise returned and saw Priscilla was moving her bottom in a vain effort to reduce the sting and maybe even expel the fig. Denise reached down, wearing a plastic glove, and extracted the fig. She told Priscilla she could pull up her panties and let her skirt down. Then Denise brought her into the outer office and signed the papers Priscilla had brought with her, making a few notes on them to state that Priscilla had behaved properly during the administration.

She then dismissed Priscilla and told her she hoped that this experience had indicated to her what would happen if she refused to cooperate in her retraining. Priscilla managed to thank her and say she had learned from what she had told her.

* * * *

Denise received her orders to join COL Rachel on the transport to Hergolia Camp. She felt privileged to be in her best uniform with Rachel as they discussed their project.

Rachel outlined her view of their task. "We are visiting a camp which has had a total leadership shift--CPT Nicole and 1LT Cynthia received direct commissions after having been cadres in the Disciplinary & Retraining Unit that LTC Kate heads and which I formerly did. Nicole was once a barracks sergeant at this camp. She had a reputation as the toughest noncom in the toughest camp in the Service. She also has gotten into trouble. Much of this you are entirely familiar with. I want you to get a line from the noncoms as to how things have changed, if they did indeed change, and whether they think it is for the better.

"I'll talk to some others, like 1LT Jones, who has been at the camp for a while. I'd like you to spend some time with 1SG Louise especially, and MSG Penny. Also speak with SGT Geraldine, who was attacked by an inmate. Look at the barracks, especially the barracks sergeants' quarters. Are they in order or are they a mess?"

SFC Denise said she was fully prepared to investigate as COL Rachel wanted her to do, and that she had no preconceptions.

"I got to know both Nicole and Cynthia when they were colleagues at the unit," she said. "They are both bright women, but they have bent the rules in the past and in some instances, been disciplined for that; at other times, they were not."

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ToalldaysToalldaysabout 1 year ago

As always - very entertaining!

HottieOlwenHottieOlwenabout 1 year ago

This long running saga just gets better and better. Is there no end to the depraved situations you can think of, susangreenway? My mind boggles (and my clit twitches!) as I try to imagine where you will take this story next. Obviously this chapter gets 5 stars.

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