Kate Returns Home Ch. 39 - The Finale


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"Oh, sweetie," Jan said, "I love feeling your steaming pee on my face. It's so delightfully strong because I know you've been holding it in for us."

After a long and satisfying pee, Kate's stream dribbled away. Glenda leaned up and began to lick her between and on her labia. She tasted the somewhat salty pee taste but also some of Kate's own secretions mixed in with it.

When Glenda and Jan finished licking her clean, Kate suggested that they stand up and step out of the tub. They did just that and Kate hugged them all together. She was dressed, having put her panties back on and let her skirt drop. She clasped them and then insinuated one hand between Glenda's legs and the other between Jan's.

She was moving her fingers over their clits and probing into their vaginal openings. Nor was she surprised when she could feel both of them experience surging orgasms from their excitement. Then they cleaned up, redressed, and emerged with Kate from the bathroom.

Kate now smiled at Harry. "Please come with me, darling," she asked him. "I'm not leaving you out of this show of appreciation."

They proceeded into her bedroom, the largest and best-appointed of the three in the house. Kate suggested that Harry strip and lie down on his back. While he did that, she managed to shed her clothes too and seeing him on his back and fully erect because of the excitement she had inspired, she mounted him, facing him as the cowgirl she enjoyed playing, and slid his hardness right inside her wet channel.

She began to move up and down on his firm rod. Harry had missed having it off like this with her when she was away in the capital. Yes, he was permitted to go to bed with Glenda, but Kate was someone very, very, special. He was imbued with delight that this wonderful, sparkling woman was married to him.

Meanwhile, Glenda and Jan showered, helping each other by soaping. Jan enjoyed cleaning the younger Glenda, and Glenda admired Jan, who served as Kate's deputy for the family when Kate was away from home, which was most of the time.

Then, after they dried off, Glenda laughingly put her arm around Jan and brought her to Glenda's own bedroom. Jan moved into the warm bed and Glenda followed her. They were in each other's arms and kissing and hugging. Glenda began stimulating Jan's cunt and Jan deftly and gently teased Glenda's happiest place, her clit.

Harry was aroused enough to last about ten minutes, which was what Kate desired, since she intended to nap once he came inside her. He began stroking her between the legs and she was unable to resist his ministrations. Kate exploded as she was wont to do and yes, she squirted too. Then she bid Harry good night and rolled over on her side and was asleep within another minute.

The three rallied later and went out for a quiet meal at one of their favorite spots, Katie & Laura's Grill. They were delighted to find Eleanor and Janet there, who invited the three to join them. This was a special treat, especially for Kate. Janet was of course aware of the announcement as well as the impending promotion and took Kate aside to congratulate her without disclosing anything.

"They know about the promotion," she told herself. Eleanor joined the two and added her blessings. "I'm so excited about what this can mean for you," she whispered in Kate's ear. Kate could tell instantly that Annette did not keep anything like this from her wife, so she correctly concluded that Eleanor knew about Kate's likely rise to head the Service when Eleanor's wife retired.

"I suppose, unrealistically, we can assume no one else knows what we know?" Kate quietly asked Eleanor with a grin when they had a moment alone.

"Mostly true, I suspect," Eleanor answered. "But I've learned never to assume that my boss doesn't know everything I know, and more. Even this one." She smiled.

"I should have remembered that," Kate laughed and kissed Eleanor.

"Enjoy this promotion," Eleanor said. "You deserved it."

"Thanks so much, Ellie," Kate replied. "Your saying that means so much to me."

Kate was tired from her drive and her workout in bed. However, when Eleanor indicated to her that Janet had invited both of them over to her place for un peu d'après, she realized that this was close to a command performance. She told Glenda, Harry, and Jan that she had to go with Eleanor and Janet now and would see them all later. She apologized but let them see that she needed to do this.

They arrived at Janet's charming apartment--Kate had followed in her sports car and drove behind Janet into the private garage beneath her building. They took the direct elevator to Janet's expansive residence.

Once they were there, Janet quickly but casually prepared nightcaps for all three of them. As a toast, she said, "This is for Kate, and we couldn't be happier to hear about your promotion and to our further expectations for you."

They clinked glasses and sipped cocktails. Janet rarely prepared any drinks other than gin-and-tonics, but this time she made an old standby for them, stingers. Kate enjoyed trying this specialty of Janet's, never having tasted the cognac and crème de menthe concoction.

Janet rose. "Kate, we've loved and admired you from when we first met you," she began, "and we thought you were a comer from the start, in the best way. As you might suspect, we have good reason to anticipate that this is far from the last of your promotions. We also believe that you have an unusual aptitude for knowing what kind of discipline works best and how to effect that. We enjoyed the chance to see your husband and wife, who are charming.

"For us, we would like to show our respect for you by submitting to you. Both Eleanor and I would wish for you to discipline us now in whatever manner you decide is appropriate. " She stopped there and awaited Kate's next words.

"Thank you again, Janet, and you as well, Ellie," Kate responded. "Frankly, I feel you two should be disciplining me to make sure I don't acquire a swelled head. But I imagine there may be a good occasion for that soon. So, go ahead now and lift your skirts above your waists or if that is unwieldy, unzip them and slip them off."

Eleanor proceeded to lift her dark green skirt above her waist and slipped it under her belt so it would stay up. Janet unzipped hers and now was standing in her lovely pale blue briefs while Eleanor was sporting a sexier candy-striped bikini.

Kate sat down on a comfortable armless chair and looking at Janet, patted her lap. The powerful force behind the company Goose Cookers lay across Kate's skirted lap, after Kate had expertly lowered her panties, and softly petted Janet's white bottom. Then she delivered a hard spank right across both bottom cheeks. Janet was surprised and let out a small scream.

Kate kept spanking her, aiming at her cheeks alternately, until they had grown rosy. Then she told Janet to get up and Eleanor took her place. Eleanor's panties came down with Kate's hands facilitating their fall. Then Kate ran her fingers through Eleanor's cleft, from her bottom crack through her vulval furrow to her needy clit. Kate then started spanking her, gradually raising the power and speed of her spanks. After Ellie's bottom was also reddened, Kate had her stand.

Then she directed the two to climb onto the couch on all fours and bend over. This gave Kate a delightful view of all of their feminine charms between their legs. She drew her thin cane from her handbag, flexed it and then swished it as it whistled in the air. Lastly, she laid it across Eleanor's bottom, drew it back and gave her a fast caning, wielding the implement to apply quick, stinging strokes that formed a pattern of parallel lines on Eleanor's bottom cheeks.

After six, and before she had reached the tender base of Ellie's bottom, Kate had her rise and then moved behind Janet's wider bottom. She placed the cane on Janet's bottom, drew it back, and fired a strong stinging stroke down the middle. Janet screamed because this was a powerful hit. Kate gave her two more--one above and the other below the first. Then she delivered two diabolical crisscross strokes diagonally across the first three.

Not only were these painful but they would form diamond bruises that would last much longer. Janet was proud of her ability to restrain herself from crying out during this imposition. Kate finished her off with another powerful stroke right down the middle.

This mighty stroke cut through Janet's will to resist crying out. She did cry out and then managed to get herself under control. Then she smiled and thanked Kate, "You understood that I needed this, Kate. Thank you."

Eleanor joined in thanking Kate. "You're the best, Kate," she grinned.

Kate felt very pleased that these two friends, really colleagues, appreciated her disciplining them. She was very lucky, she thought, to have friends who so enjoyed being severely caned as they were.

Kate indicated that the discipline was now complete. Janet smiled, thanked Kate on behalf of both of them, and invited her to join them in Janet's delightfully appointed bedroom. Janet and Eleanor had little to remove before they were in their panties and Elanor helped Kate shed her clothing until she was clad only in her sweet white satin briefs and matching bra that she had put on especially for today's journey home.

Eleanor lovingly unhooked Kat's bra and then caressed her lush, firm breasts. Kate responded by cradling her face between Eleanor's own nice pair, perfectly proportional to her smaller frame. They both moved over to softly lick Janet's sturdy orbs until her nipples grew firm and pointy.

Janet assisted Kate's getting under the covers into her bed. Eleanor followed her there. Eleanor then had Kate turn onto her back, spread her legs, and watch as Eleanor crawled between them and began licking Kate's vulva brazenly. Kate responded immediately to this stimulation and soon went into a spiral of orgasms.

Then Kate asked Janet if she could help Janet reach the marvelous sensory plateau to which Eleanor had taken Kate. Janet nodded happily and Kate began playing with Janet's pussy. Janet had plenteous hair on her mons and Kate teased her skillfully through her pubes and let her finger dance across the sensitive tip of Janet's clit.

Janet loved being treated in this fashion after being disciplined, so she moved her bottom in rhythm happily. Eleanor came over behind her and began licking at her darkly recessed anal opening, reaching around to pet her breasts. Janet was rapidly reaching her climactic moment and soon showed the signs that she had passed into a stage of mellow thrill.

Within another half hour, all three were asleep in each other's arms under the covers. Kate rose early and knew she needed to get back to her spouses. She quickly dressed and left a nice note for her friends thanking them.

Then she drove to her house and walked in as Harry and Glenda were making breakfast.

"Oh, here's our naughty little playgirl," Glenda tut-tutted. Harry's eyes gleamed at the sight of his wife still wearing her clothing from the previous day. Kate said how glad she was to see and be with them but suggested that she recognized that she would have some punishment coming for her deserting her partners in marriage.

Glenda laughed and said she was quite pleased that Kate realized she had been a naughty girl. She suggested that Kate accompany her to the bathroom. They soon were in Kate's ensuite bathroom and Glenda ordered her wife to shed her clothing and lie down in the bathtub on her back.

"You need to change anyway," Glenda commented. "I imagine those panties must be steaming from all your excitement over the past 24 hours."

She picked up Kate's shiny white undies and sniffed the crotch. "Ooh, it's quite strong, my dear," she grinned evilly. She ordered Kate to smell the gusset of her own soiled undies. Kate grimaced, then smiled: "Right, mine don't stink." Then she climbed into the tub and lay down on her back.

When Kate was so positioned, Glenda took off her little undies and squatted over Kate's face. Kate noticed the blue-white string hanging out of Glenda's hairy pussy.

"Oh, you have your period now," Kate exclaimed.

"That I do," Glenda conformed. "Now, you can taste it for yourself." She carefully extracted her tampon by tugging on the string that Kate had noticed. The soaked tampon popped out of her cunt and Glenda placed it under Kate's nose. Kate sniffed at the strong-smelling plug and dabbed her tongue on it, finding Glenda's menstrual taste more metallic than her own. Then, Glenda squatted over her face, and released her strong, hot, morning pee stream.

The hot pee almost scalded Kate's pretty face but she managed to swallow much of Glenda's steaming yellow liquid flow. Kate leaned up to lick Glenda's still-flowing pussy. Kate warmed now to the pungent taste of her wife's menses. She licked Glenda's vagina heartily and was rewarded with a face that resembled a painter's red palette.

Glenda reached down and held her labia apart so Kate could curl her tongue up into Glenda's flowing vagina. The combined power of Glenda's pee and menses almost overwhelmed Kate's senses as she licked and smelled her wife's most intimate place.

Kate was further surprised when Glenda managed to release a last spurt of pee that served to wash the menstrual blood off Kate's face. Glenda stood up and helped her wife stand and they hugged in the tub. Then they climbed out and showered together, enjoying the chance to soap each other, and helped on another re-dress.

Kate completed whatever forms that Harry and Glenda needed her to sign as the household's "responsible woman," and then Kate drove over to her family house to see her stepmother, father, as well as her brother, sister, and their spouses. She told them about her promotion, and everyone cheered. Then she smiled and added, almost as an afterthought, that she was signing all the approvals and other papers they had prepared in advance of her visit, without asking any questions.

Lastly, she smiled some more and said that there would be no discipline awarded or given during this visit. "I know that sometimes you all think I'm something of a visiting tyrant but because this is a very happy day for me, I want you to feel good too."

Kate returned to her own house where she spent the day with Harry and Glenda, mostly in bed. They all cherished the time they had together, but her spouses were uncertain about what moving to the capital would mean for them. Before she left, Kate said she'd be back in touch when she could disclose more, but that if what she expected to happen did occur, it would benefit all of them.

They ended their frolicking in bed with some long hugs. Kate told both Harry and Glenda that she deeply loved each of them and hoped they still felt like that with regard to her. She and Harry had a long, delightful time with him inside her, and Glenda donned a strap-on and enjoyed the chance to fuck Kate with it.

Kate left early the next morning, drove back in uniform to the capital, and walked over to the headquarters building, where Annette's staff oriented her to her new duties as First Adjutant. Annette told her she'd like her to retain her position too as Commandant of the Disciplinary and Retraining Unit, although whatever she wanted to delegate to MAJ Elaine would be fine.

Kate found herself spending more and more time in Annette's office suite where she had a spacious office. She hit it off with the staff, who warmed to her engaging personality and clear competence. Two months later, Annette called her in.

"I've been hoping for this day, Kate dear," the Chief of Staff said with a smile that did belie a mixed view of her impending retirement. "Let me read you the communication I just received."

She picked up a formal-looking document with a Presidential seal at the top.

"Off ice of the President of the Women's Republic

"I am pleased to announce that on the occasion of GEN Annette's retirement after a splendid career of service to the Republic in its highly regarded Corrections Service, it is my distinct honor and privilege to appoint COL Kate as the Chief of Staff of the Corrections Service effective immediately. COL Kate is hereby also appointed Acting GEN.

By the President


/s/ Vivian

Attest: Patricia, Secretary of Corrections"

Annette then took out two glasses from the cabinet above her credenza and poured a generous jigger of Campari into each glass. Then she opened the refrigerator behind her desk and added a few ice cubes to each drink and finished them with some seltzer water.

"To you, dear Kate," Annette said with obvious pleasure, "and to your continued success in this latest of major career challenges which you have done so well in mastering. By the way, the President and the Secretary told me in confidence, which includes you of course, that your full promotion will follow in a matter of weeks."

Kate thanked her profusely and was delighted when Annette said she would be hosting a small dinner that evening in Kate's honor, which Kate accepted and said she would be delighted to attend.

After they finished their drinks, Kate left the office after Annette's senior secretary Kimberly told her that they realized she would be going back to her old office to put her things there together.

"Let us know when it's ready and I'll dispatch a courier to transport it here," Kim, as everyone of a certain rank, which included Annette and now Kate, but few others, called her.

"Thank you, Kim," Kate smiled. "You'll be hearing from me then."

'Please give us a few hours to prepare the new office here for you," Kim replied. "I also wanted to congratulate you. In the short time you've been with us here, we all have been delighted. We really do look forward to working with you if you want us." This was a reference to Kate's absolute authority to hire and replace her staff.

"I want all of you to stay and continue to provide the superb support you have given GEN Annette," Kate told her.

Kate almost floated over to her old office in the Disciplinary and Retraining Unit. When she entered her suite, she was greeted by MAJ Elaine and Kate's secretary, Grace, both smiling widely.

Kate thanked them both and told Elaine she did need to speak with her in the inner office. Elaine proceeded to that office and awaited Kate. Kate then spoke with Grace, thanking her for her wonderful presence in the office.

"I can't transfer you to my new office yet," she said, "and when I can, it will be only if you wish to join me there. In the interim, I would like you to help orient and support my successor."

Grace thanked her, said it had been a pleasure to work for her, and wished her all the best in her new domain. Kate then went into her office.

She looked at Elaine. "Darling, I hope you will come with me as First Adjutant. You've been the best anyone could be in your post here and I truly want you with m if you'll come," Kate said with a wide smile. "By the way, there'd be a promotion in it for you, too."

Elaine told her how happy she would be to keep working with Kate and that she still was grateful for Kate's bringing her to this unit after Elaine's years commanding Hergolia Camp.

Kate spent some time emptying her desk and packing her personal things. Then she had 1SG Wendy summoned. When Wendy arrived, she congratulated Kate as the new Chief of Staff and told her how much she admired her personally.

"Coming from you, Wendy," Kate glowed, "that's the best present anyone could give me." They hugged.

"Elaine's going with me to be my Adjutant," Kate informed her. "Until the new unit commandant is appointed, I want you to hold things down here. If you need any approvals--I know you won't need any help[ in running things--just call me or Elaine."