Kate the Kid Ch. 05


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Madame Beth who'd once worked for Ruby, hurried out. "Kid that's Willie Anderson. They call him Black Death around here. They say he killed his master when he was eight, lived as a fugitive slave out here, and now he's making a name for himself as a gun fighter. He's modified his Colt, super fast."

"Thanks Beth, but I can take him. You ready?" She called down to Willie.

"Sure I..."

His eyes rounded at something behind her. Before Kate could turn around someone yanked on her collar and she stumbled back into a hard body.

"You'd shoot a woman?" Rafe yelled at her opponent.

"Shit man, that's the Kid," Willie yelled back. "This don't involve you."

"The hell it doesn't," Rafe growled and plucked her hat off. The sudden action made her hair fall and most of the crowd gasped.

She tried to stomp on his foot but Rafe anticipated the move and sidestepped.

"Sorry man, I had no idea. No harm, no foul, okay?"

He was apologizing to Rafe! Dying of embarrassment Kate resisted screaming as Rafe nodded and dragged her away. The crowd stared as he took her awkwardly all the way back to the hotel.

He picked up a key from the clerk who did his best to ignore Kate's cursing and struggling, and then they climbed the stairs and were inside a room.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" She yelled.

"Saving your ass. You're supposed to be protecting Jerome, not drinking, gambling, and doing your best to get killed."

"You let the whole goddamn world know I'm a woman! This time next week everyone will know!"

He shrugged as if that meant nothing.

"You idiot! This is my life, this is how I earn a living! Who will hire a woman now to track down bounties? You tell me!"

"You'll survive, which is more than I can say for gun fighting. That man down there was serious, he-"

"So am I! The week before I met you I won two gunfights with men twice as experienced as Willie down there. I would have smoked his ass too, MacNeil. What the hell is it with you? You're not my brother, you're not my father, you're nothing to me!"

"Damn it, I'm just trying to help you!"

"No, you patronizing SOB, you're trying to treat me like some weak little woman. I'm nothing like that! I can skin a mule, I can win a gun fight. Hell I was a scout on the damn Oregon Trail! I'm not some little girl who needs protection. Do I seem like a child to you?"

He stepped closer and stared down at her. "No. No you don't."

She opened her mouth to yell again and he did something that shocked her to her core; he kissed her.

His mouth was hot, searing, and he took advantage of her parted lips and slid his tongue inside. Her head swam and she tasted whisky and man, felt his stubble scratch her. His hands were buried in her hair, cupping her head, angling her for a deeper kiss.

Kate was lost.

In all her life the only other man she'd ever kissed had been Lone Wolf, and it had never been like this. They'd both been young, soft, inexperienced in so many ways. All thoughts of him disappeared as Rafe pressed her body into his, his muscles making her feel small and soft, all the things she feared.

Just when she worried she would surrender completely he yanked back, and a soft protest escaped her lips before she could stop it.

"You don't like me, you're very nervous around me. I don't trust you, and I've been told by my friend that if I so much as look at you too long he'll beat me to a bloody pulp.

"So tell me, why can't I stop thinking about you, about this? Why do you kiss me back? Why do you dream about me?"

She blushed furiously and swallowed, her throat dry, her palms sweaty, her body feeling heavy and aching. "I- I don't."

"Don't lie to me, Kate. The other night you said my name in your sleep. Why do you hide it like some simpering virgin instead of this woman of the world you say you are? What game are you playing?"

Furious Kate didn't answer, she just grabbed her saddle bag and stormed out, heading for Beth's whorehouse hoping there was a room for her. She couldn't wait to dump Jerome off and escape back to Chicago, now if only she could figure out how to erase the memory of Rafe MacNeil, and the way he kissed.


The next morning Rafe avoided Jerome by setting out to find Kate. If her past actions were a good indicator he knew he'd find her in the whorehouse. That pissed him off more than anything in recent memory.

So entered prepared to do battle.

The madam stepped up with a yawn and a smile. "A bit early, mister. Come to collect your lady?"

"She's not my lady," Rafe growled.

"That's not what you told the town, last night."

"I was trying to save her fool butt from a gunshot. Now is she here?"

He tried to move past her but the plump woman put a hand on his chest. "Mister, Kid's a friend of mine. She's not out looking for fights, hell, she's planning to retire after she gets your friend to her friend. Don't muck it up for her."

He raised a dark brow at that. "And just how is keeping her in tact harming her?"

She smiled and shook her head. "You know what I mean. I've known Kid for years now. I've seen her handle men twice as scary as you like they were simply bad puppies. You got her scared and there's only one reason I can reckon. You want a tussle with her."

"That's none of your business."

She sighed. "Believe it or not it is."

His heart froze. He knew it; Kate was earning money by night in the oldest profession. "Oh, really?" he drawled, prepared to do battle.

"I love that girl like a sister and I'll de damned if I let a brute like you deflower her and scare the hell out of her. She deserves to retire, marry a good man, have a good life. Don't take that from her."

He was stunned, unable to move or speak for a long moment. "She, I- deflower- what?"

"She's a good woman, with a good heart. Unless you want to make her an honest woman, you stay clear of her. You hear me?"

With horror he thought of lying in bed with her, touching her, creeping into her room, kissing her. And she was the simpering virgin he accused her at playing at. No wonder she was scared of him, he probably looked like a crazed rapist in her eyes.

"You didn't know?" the madam asked with two raised brows.


She laughed and then backed up. "Son, you're about as out of your depth as a man can be. Don't be fooled by that tough girl exterior, the Kid is human underneath it all. She's a good person, she's great at what she does. Just stay out of her hair and it'll go smoother."

"You expect me to let her get killed over some stupid card game?"

"Look, I was young once, believe it or not, and I know how girls think. Kid doesn't think she's the same as the rest of us, but she is. You come into her life with that pretty face and those muscles, you start taking care of her, and she's gonna get ideas in her head. She's gonna have dreams that a man like you can't fulfill."

"A man like me?" He wasn't sure why he was insulted, just that he was.

"You're good for a night, she's gonna need someone there for the long haul. Now why don't you run along, I'll wake her up and send her along. And mister, if you're heading back to Frisco you'll know soon enough that Kid has friends like me in every town, and we're watching you."

Feeling six kinds of an ass, Rafe left.


Something was different in the air. Kate could feel tension between Jerome and Rafe and so during the long trek she did her best to ignore them. Dan and Billy talked companionably, Dan's eyes searching as did hers.

She looked for trouble but didn't find it, and in the afternoon she'd run ahead to Shiprock to wire Finnegan for help. Someone was hiring to kill Jerome, and someone was sending those wires from Boston. Finnegan had family back there, friends, if anyone could track down the source it was him.

She rejoined the group but rode scout and dropped back every so often until they pulled into Nos Pos, Arizona. Another small town this one was a little more bustling. Cowpokes black and white mixed with Indians trading, Chinese were heading east for work along railroads. Rooms were sparse and again they ended up with two to share between the five of them.

Since Rafe, Dan, and Kate were sharing sentry duties they decided to split the night in three and share a room, leaving Jerome and Billy to doze in the other.

Rafe took the first shift by drawing the low card, and he left with a strange glance at her and Dan.

Dan watched him go with a puzzled frown. "Kid, he's trouble."

"Tell me about it. He single handedly ruined my gun fighting career in one night. The second Izzy and Jerome go on a honeymoon I'm going to shoot off something he'll miss."

Dan laughed at that. "I mean he has the run of Texas. The governor hires him, for Chirst's sake. He's one of the heaviest hitters, taking jobs from all over the east. He's awful suspicious of you, anything you wanna share?"

"I told him about my little 'bank robbery' and the only other bounty on me is an old horse stealing charge. It's years old, from Chicago, I'm not even scared to go back there. I don't know what he thinks I did, but he treats me either like a criminal or a simpering little miss."

Dan frowned deeply at that. "Just how in the hell is this guy friends with one of the biggest American shipping magnates? They seem like an odd pair."

"And Izzy and I aren't?"

He smiled at that. "All right, so circumstances make strange bedfellows. So did you wire Finnegan?"

"Yeah. By the time we get to Frisco we should have a name."

"I hope to hell so. I don't know about you, Kid, but I feel better when I'm hunting than when I'm being hunted."

"You ain't kidding," she said, and turned off the gas lamp.


The air was chilly. They were in the high plains, near the desert, and when the sun wasn't close it was darn near freezing, even in the summer. It was an early start she was after, and Billy obligingly put a fresh team on and loaded up.

Something told her there would be more trouble that day, and so she changed her plans.


"Yeah?" He yawned wide.

"It's too easy to blend into towns, and keep our schedule. Can you ride?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We need to buy some mounts when we stop for lunch. I think we should send Billy, the coach, and a gun ahead, you me and another ride alone. Feel up to camping?"

For all his masculinity, Jerome paled. "Kid, I think I'd rather be shot."

"Izzy says you arrive in tact, and so I'll deliver you."

She rode off then, scouting the trail. When the sun burst it'd be hotter 'n' hell, so she best check to see how many gulches and washes were flush. If it was dry, they'd stick to the towns, if they were wide, then her plan would work.

She found a wash flush and cool with mountain water and smiled. Dan wanted to be the hunter? Soon they'd have their chance.

At midday she watched Jerome spend more money than she'd ever seen, save when Izzy bought the Rockport. She advised him on horseflesh, Rafe on clothing and supplies, both of them on a gun. Since Dan was closest to Jerome's height it was decided that he would go on with Billy and the coach.

They switched clothes in the boarding house, and when Kate saw Dan in Jerome's suit and bowler she let out a low whistle that had her old friend blushing. "Hell boy, you clean up good."

"Yeah, you should try it Kate. I bet Finnegan I'd see you in a dress before the year is out and it looks like the bastard might win."

She hugged him, doing her best to ignore the other men, and wished him luck. He climbed in the coach and Billy sped away.

Turning back she was surprised, but grinned at Jerome. He no longer looked a tenderfoot, but like a fierce gunslinger. "Izzy'd swoon. You ready?"

Rafe cleared his throat. "You sure this will work?"

"Now that Jerome's been honest, of course it will. We ride for two days letting the world see it's Jerome with us. We switch again and Dan takes his place. When the ambush comes we'll have three of the best guns in the west."

"I trust her," Jerome said, and fluidly mounted his horse.

Kate mounted up, and when Rafe followed, kicked Sweet in gear and entered the open plains in good spirits. It felt good to be in charge again, in command.

"Kate," Rafe called.

She wanted to dig her knees into Sweet's sides and spur him on, but she knew it would look childish and so she let him ride up alongside her.

In the rising sun he was easily the most beautiful man she'd ever seen, his looks enhanced by the deep sadness she saw in his eyes. "Kate I'm sorry. I was worried about you, I had too much to drink- hell, there's no excuse. I've been an ass, plain and simple."

"Yes, you have," she said simply and kept staring forward.

"Look, would you slow down?"

She dug in her knees a little and Sweet's pace picked up.

"Slow down, Kate. Damn it, I said slow down."

His mount came astride and he jerked the reins from her grasp. With one sharp pull of muscle he stopped the horses, and she whirled to the side.

She found herself nose to nose with him, his green eyes peering so deep into her she feared he saw all her secrets. She licked her lips, nervous, and his pupils broadened.

"Jerome's fallen behind," he said, and dropped her reins, sidestepping his mount back.

"Oh." Looking back she saw Jerome awkwardly moving his horse towards them.

"Kate, can we start over again, just you be Bella's friend and I'll be Jerome's. Nothing more, nothing less."

She looked at his outstretched hand, free of the glove, and stared for a long moment. "Is this some sort of a trick? Capitulation since Jerome's already told me those foolish secrets you made him horde?"

"I'm trying to do the right thing, Kate. We're here to keep Jerome safe, not pick on each other. You've proven yourself, let me."

She looked between his face and hand before finally pulling off her own glove and shaking it. He had a firm grip, and where their flesh touched she felt a tingle.

"What's this?" Jerome said as he finally caught up. "You two playing nice?"

Kate jerked her hand back and blushed, tucking her hat brim lower. "Looks that way. Jerome, I thought you said you could ride."

"Purebreds, when I went hunting in upstate New York. This mongrel is barely more than a carriage horse."

She reached over and stroked his horse's snout, and the fussy animal quieted. "Horses sense your mood. You must be worried."

"I feel exposed out here."

"City folk," she found herself saying to Rafe as if he was a friend. "This here is safe. Terrain is flat, we can see for miles. No one can sneak up on us. Your cities have too many places to hide."

"But you live in San Francisco."

"Only part of the year. Come on now, let's get moving."

They rode in silence, eyes constantly scanning, and it was Rafe who finally called for a meal break, and rest for Jerome. They made camp and Rafe built a small fire for coffee and biscuits. Jerome rested and made several vulgar comments about his backside while Kate led the horses to water and pulled her bow out.

Licking her thumb she tested the wind and felt the direction and speed. She ripped one quill from an arrow, and put the rest on her back. She had seen big horn sheep a ways back, too big for a midday meal, but in the brush she knew javelina were near. Though they resembled boars they were technically closer to horses, but they cooked like pigs and cured well.

It took ten minutes of quiet waiting but a young male wandered into range. Testing the wind again she aimed, and it was a quick painless kill. She was far enough from camp to dress the animal there, leaving the entrails for bears and bobcats so they'd keep away from the fire.

Then she dragged the hog back.

Rafe and Jerome stared at her like she was a native god there to place a curse. "We can cook enough for supper, and smoke the rest while we teach you to shoot," she addressed Jerome.

Rafe built the fire up as she began to peel off the skin. "What is that?" he asked.

"It's like a pig, tastes the same. I know how to cook it."

She put on three steaks from flank over the large fire, and they ate quickly, sopping the juices with warm biscuits. Jerome told stories of exploits in the city dodging youths on penny-farthings and local crazies in phaetons.

She cut strips to smoke as Rafe showed Jerome the basics of gun ownership. By the time she joined them he knew how to load and unload, and handle it safely.

"Want to try shooting?" she asked.

Jerome grinned at her like a boy with a toy. "Hell yes."

"Easy now," Rafe said and stepped between them. "He needs to learn how to clean it, first."

"Cleaning won't do him any good when someone's shooting," Kate said pointedly, and she expected Rafe to argue, but to her surprise he put his palms out in surrender and stepped back.

"Let the lesson commence then."

"All right, Jerome let's start easy. See that big bush over there?" She pointed west.


"Shoot it, any part of it."

He missed it by half a mile, in her mind's eye. "You, ah, shooting with the right hand?"

He held up his left. "Sure am. Let me try again."

Half an hour later they'd determined he was useless with a pistol, but an idea formed in her mind. He'd mentioned hunting, and so she found Sweet at the water, laying down in the shade, and pulled her rifle from her pack. It was brand new, culled from a Navy shipment. She'd modified it so it shot smokeless, and it was her baby, but if he could shoot that she'd be happy to loan it.

She walked back to see Rafe shoot the hell out of a poor little bush demonstrating to Jerome, who was looking at him as if he'd spoken the lesson in Latin.

"Here," she said, and thrust the rifle at Jerome.

He holstered his gun and took it, and while they watched shot three small bushes completely out of the ground. When he was done he grinned.

Kate grinned back. "Holy hell, the rifle works. All right, you two grab the horses and I'll pack up camp."

The only scrap linen they had was a shirt of Rafe's, the one he'd torn the sleeve off for her when she'd been shot. She picked it up to rip it into pieces, but she caught his scent. Limes, leather, sweat. Making sure they were out of sight she held it to her nose, and closed her eyes. The smell of him made her body melt, and she moaned softly.

A twig snapped nearby and she jerked the cloth away. Her eyes met Rafe's and he blushed almost as deeply as she did. She quickly ripped the shirt and rolled the smoked meat inside, then doused the fire.

No one spoke when Jerome led Sweet to her, she just packed her saddle bags and mounted fluidly. "We'll make camp early tonight, give you a rest, Jerome. I know a good stream and we can all get a bath if you're of a mind."

With that she pulled forward, leaving them to stare after her.

"What happened? You sneak up on her in camp?" Jerome asked his friend and did his best to get his mount to obey him, though she stepped to the side instead of forward.

Rafe leaned down and stroked her flesh much as Kate had done, and with a soft whinny, the animal moved forward. "I saw something strange, a private moment. Didn't mean to. Jerome, can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," Jerome responded, patting his six shooter with a wide grin.

"Ha ha. Do you think I'm a bad man?"

His friend snorted. "You're one of the most honorable men I've ever met, my best friend. That's a very strange thing to ask, why?"

"Someone told me I was bad, that I shouldn't even hang around Kate or sully her reputation."

Jerome laughed. "She's a crack shot, a good rider, a bounty hunter, smart, tough, sleeps in whore houses- what reputation is there to sully?"

"You know what? You're right. I'm going to double back a short way and keep lookout. I'll catch up." Rafe turned then and rode off, wondering. Kate was a virgin? He couldn't believe that, but why would the madam lie?