Kathy Wants Our 'Old Life' Back

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My wife returns to the 'Whore on Poppy St.'
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The flight back to Los Angeles was uneventful, letting us get some much needed rest from the active honeymoon we just experienced in Hawaii. Visiting only two of the largest six islands in the chain, Oahu and Kauai, we crammed in as much sight seeing, body surfing, snorkeling, sun bathing, hiking, fucking and love making that we had time for.

Yes, there is a difference between fucking and love making...and we did both, or at least my wife did, thanks to her Australian friend Dave. After making love to me for the past six days, on our last night...she fucked Dave! Quite a show was put on for some voyeuristic hotel guests as Dave loaded up my wife Kathy with his sperm while they were enjoying the hotel's jacuzzi.

Now settled in back home, my wife wanted to talk. I had a pretty good idea of what she wanted to talk about, but I acted innocent when we sat down after dinner on the first Friday night that we were back in L.A. After we cleaned up the dishes, I grabbed a beer for me and mixed a rum and coke for her, while she went into the family room to roll a joint.

Joining her in the family room, I handed her drink to her and sat down to enjoy my beer on the other side of the sofa. Before lighting the joint, she took a healthy swig of her drink, came over to my side of the sofa, planted her tongue in my mouth and grabbed my crotch!

Yep, I had a feeling we were going to talk about sex...and I was right. Still sticking her tongue in my mouth, she managed to unbuckle my belt and slide my pants off before straddling me in the process. She was dressed in her usual late summer attire of shorts and tank top, sans bra, and I was soon enjoying the skin on skin contact. In fact, I was enjoying it so much, I was getting aroused. Then when she climbed off my lap, slid down to the floor on her knees and put my cock in her mouth, the blood was no longer in my brain.

Her talented tongue had me closing in on an orgasm in no time...and then she pulled her mouth off my cock and sat down on the sofa next to me saying, "OK...let's talk!" What the fuck was this? She spit in her hand and started stroking me while looking me dead in the eye, "I want to play again!"

Obviously, she wanted to go first, so I let her.

"Do you remember when you used to go pick up Burt at his house and bring him to the motel to fuck me? Well, I never told you this, but it really made me feel like a whore! And you know something else?" she said, bending back over and taking my cock once again in her mouth, driving me to pull her off for fear of losing my load in her mouth right there and then.


"Yeah, I know I was acting like a whore fucking all those guys while we were separated that last time, but this feeling was different. This was actually my husband who was picking up some man to come fuck me. I felt like a whore and you were my pimp. It made me hot!

"I want to do it again."

"You want to do what again?"

"I want to feel like a whore again!"

Not totally unexpected, but her statement still caught me off guard. Before our Hawaii trip, it had been quite awhile since the last time we played sex games with Burt. When that relationship ended on a sour note, Kathy wasn't too keen on playing around with anybody else, so we just kind of let it drop and didn't talk about it...until now.

"Are you sure you want to? I know you had fun with Dave in Hawaii, but I felt that, before that happened, you had changed your mind about involving anyone else in our sex life since things ended so badly with Burt."

"Yeah, that sucked, and I was pretty bummed out about it for a long time, as you know, but letting Dave use me in the hotel hot tub, where someone besides you could have been watching, made me feel like starting up our old life again."

Our 'old life' consisted of us renting a motel room, where I would leave Kathy in the room to apply her 'street walker' make up and put on her lingerie, while I drove to Burt's house to pick him up. Charlie, Burt's wife, had no idea that instead of him and I going out drinking, we were actually headed to the motel so he could fuck my wife.

Unfortunately, Burt wound up turning into an asshole, bringing that relationship to an end, but also leaving me with no one to fuck my wife on a regular basis. Kathy's feelings had been hurt by some of the things Burt said to her when that happened and she didn't want to pursue another sexual relationship with anyone else. My loss, as watching Burt between my wife's naked wide spread thighs, driving his dick inside her and using her as a cum dump was something I really looked forward to and enjoyed, as did she. I don't know why it turned me on so much and, to be honest, I don't really care why, but it did and when Kathy and I mutually decided to let her have fun while I watched and joined in, our sex life had changed for the better.

Her emotional attachment to Burt, plus some of the things I found out about their relationship from him that happened while I was off doing my own thing fucking around, helped put an end to our fun with him. She took that ending rather hard, confirming some of my inner thoughts about the two of them, and she expressed no interest what-so-ever in finding someone else to fuck.

So when my wife told me she 'wanted to feel like a whore again', my shit eating grin came back! Our 'old life' was coming back, and we would need to find new characters to fill in the rolls of my wife's lovers. Given how beautiful (not just MY opinion) she is naturally, when she applied her 'street walker' make up that turned out to be a pretty easy task.

"How do you want to do this?" I asked.

While keeping me hard with her hand and lowering her head to take my cock in her mouth for the third time tonight, she muttered, "I dunno, that's your job to figure out!"

Her mouth covered the head of my cock just in time to catch the spray of semen as I welcomed the 'Whore of Poppy Street' back into my life.

I would have to be much smarter playing our sexual games this time, because last time I blew some great opportunities to watch my slutty wife in action. She was more than willing to play the role of my little whore, unless I pushed things too far, too fast. So, to get what I wanted out of this, and for her to have fun too, I needed to come up with a game plan that worked for both of us...and I did.

She likes dancing, drinking and fucking, so incorporating all three into my plans seemed to be the smart way to go. I had been on several adult websites lately, and found an advertisement for a new club that had recently opened about a year ago, not too far from us down in Orange County. The ad suggested it was a nice place to meet new people. An ad like that, on a website like that, could only mean one thing - swingers. It did go on to say that Fridays were 'Ladies Night' and single men were welcome, where the other nights were for 'couples only'.

We pulled into the parking lot of The Zebra Lounge on the following Friday night around eight. It was a stand alone building, one street away from John Wayne airport with plenty of parking in the back. The lot was about 3/4 full when we got there and watched several cars pull in behind us as we went inside.

Imagine the 60's on steroids! The decor reminded me of some places I visited in San Francisco while in the Navy and even had a mini disco ball above the dance floor. The DJ was playing a mixture of hard and soft rock that encouraged people to get out on the dance floor, where several couples were showing off their moves. Women in the club were dressed semi-formal and showing a lot of skin. Cleavages were bouncing around, while thighs and the occasional panty shot were proudly displayed. After all, people were here for one reason, to play and have fun, the same as us.

During our little talk last week, my wife made it clear that she wanted me to take control of this next chapter in our lives, trusting me to stay within the guidelines that we set up and all she wanted to worry about was enjoying the new cock(s) I provided for her, so when she saw the new outfit I bought for her to wear tonight, she didn't object.

The 2" above the knee black leather skirt that I bought for this adventure, had a slit cut up the side about 4 inches and the red sleeveless blouse (was a size too small on purpose) buttoned down the front, to show off as much or as little cleavage as she wanted, thanks to help from her red push-up bra. Tonight she was in her knee high black boots, black stockings and a short mid-riff length white jacket, to complete the outfit.

Not withholding my prejudice opinion, she looked HOT walking into that club!

My selection of her wardrobe tonight had the desired effect, as I noticed quite a few heads turning in her direction when we were looking for an empty booth towards the back of the club. A few booths just past us was the hallway leading to the restrooms.

The dance floor was the only part of the club not carpeted. The hallway to the restrooms had some interesting wall decorations that seemed a little odd, I would have to ask the cocktail waitress, who had just taken our order, if she knew what the strange decorations were. But for now, the DJ started playing one of our favorite songs and we headed out to dance. Being a fast song, there was no touching until she twerked up against me right at the end. Just a hint of what lies ahead.

We'd have stayed on the dance floor for the next song, but I noticed the cocktail waitress heading to our booth with drinks, so, taking my wife by the hand, we headed over to meet her. Perfect timing, because the next song sucked as far as dancing goes and we sat down to start enjoying our alcohol.

The men in the club were all dressed casually with some in dress slacks and shirts, while others had jeans and button down shirts. Nice attire for a place like this...but the women were a different story. Sitting there, talking and drinking with my wife, we witnessed just about every type of outfit that a woman could wear out in public.

Some were in skin tight slacks, showing off obvious g-string panties, some were in Daisy Duke shorts without panties but with plenty of butt cheek showing, while the majority were either in skirts or dresses. Cleavage and exposed skin were the norm, with some dressed so slutty that they would give any hooker a run for her money, and the outfit Kathy had on fit right in. When she crossed her legs, the slit in the side of her skirt hiked up far enough to expose the tops of her stockings and the tight fitting push-up bra gave her enough cleavage to attract any man's attention.

Not sitting too far away from the hallway that led to the rest rooms, we were soon noticing the smell of good smoke coming from the back. The waitress told us it's pretty normal on the week-ends for people to hang out in the hallway and light up their favorite weed, and tonight they were just getting started. It was the club's 'Designated Smoking' area and it sure smelled sweet.

When our second drinks were empty, we got up to do some more dancing after ordering the next round. We had a couple of drinks with dinner before getting to the club because Kathy gets sick if she drinks on an empty stomach and tonight...well...tonight, my wife getting sick was not in my plans. No...tonight we were going to re-visit our old life style and I needed her healthy, horny and available.

The dance floor was now packed and we had to squeeze our way in this time. I heard my wife cry out, "OOhhh" and looked up quickly enough to see a man's hand grabbing her ass as she was moving to the music. Only for an instant, then he was gone and she continued dancing as if nothing happened. She knew she was getting laid tonight, she just didn't know by whom, or by how many. All she knew was that tonight it was her one and only job to provide her husband with the messiest creampie(s) that she could...and she wanted to get started.

It took the waitress about four good songs before I watched her head back to our booth with our drinks. As tightly as the dance floor was jammed, anybody could have been dancing with anybody at this point, so I left Kathy dancing while I went to pay for the drinks. Over the loud music I managed to ask our waitress, "What the strange decorations in the hallway were?"

She replied, "Give it another half hour and you'll see for yourself!"

Well, okay, guess I can wait to find out, but her answer only wetted my appetite. Right now, I had to get back to my wife on the dance floor.

Not seeing her at first, I finally found her sandwiched between two men near the middle of the dance floor, grinding to the music. Instead of cutting in, I got close enough to watch while pretending to dance. This is what we came here for, and now that it was happening, I wanted to enjoy the show.

Liquor and pot makes my wife's clothes fall off, and the two drinks we had at dinner, combined with the two here at the club along with the smoke from the

weed in the hallway, had the desired effect on my wife's libido. The current fast song had her bumping and grinding with a tall, skinny white guy in front of her, while a husky Mexican fellow was dry-humping her from behind. Damn, I guess un-accompanied females didn't stay that way very long on Ladies Night!

A slow song came on next, so me and the Latin dude, not having partners, had to leave the dance floor while my wife chose to stay dancing with this tall stranger, wrapping her arms up around his neck and laying her head into his shoulder. Not much of a pretty boy, he had rugged good looks which Kathy had a weakness for.

Heading back to our booth, I noticed my wife's 'dry-humper' head into the booth right next to ours. Catching only glimpses of my wife with her new dance partner, I decided to introduce myself to the gentleman that she turned away. He was sitting with a couple in the booth (who turned out to be his cousin and girlfriend) as I offered my hand, "Hi, I'm Mike."


"Never been here before. How about you?"

"Yeah, I usually make it here on Fridays, cuz they let us single guys in. This is my cousin Carlos and his squeeze Lupina."

"Hi. Man, I saw you out there humping that gorgeous slut from behind. Does that type of shit happen here all the time?"

"Only on Ladies Night, man, that's why I come. These freaky hot wives come out here to get some extra dick and they just love my Mexican banana. They get a whiff of it and come running! You watch dude, before the night is over, I'll have that red haired slut back in the hallway."

"Back in the hallway? What the fuck does that mean?

"Dude, really? Did you see that shit that's on the wall back there? Well, it folds down into a small seat and you can adjust it up or down."

That explains the strange wall decor, but what the fuck was it for? I decided to go find out for myself, "See ya."

It was now way past the half hour my waitress told me to wait and see, besides, I had to pee anyway. The hallway itself was about 6' wide and it went back another 20' or so before it angled to the right and reached the restrooms. These fold down adjustable seats started about half way down and had two on each side, evenly spaced apart. The front part of the hallway was where people were smoking weed and the back part was for 'other' activities.

Where the last seat on the right should have been, I saw a man and woman talking there.

Looking closer, I noticed that only one of them was standing!

The pair of heels wrapped around the outside of the man standing there, was starting to bounce up and down. I was in front of the other seat and managed to get it to work, while finally figuring what they were used for. This chick was sitting on the seat getting fucked!! So I stood and watched for a little bit, before squeezing by and using the men's room.

My wife was waiting for me back in the booth when I had finished, and she wasn't alone!

Her dance partner was sitting next to her in the booth, while Juan was standing at the end, with his beer in hand.

"Honey, this is Alex...and you've already met Juan!"

Juan's eyes got real big when he realized that the red haired slut, whom he promised to get in the hallway before the night was over, was my wife. Then, to his relief, I smiled, shook his hand and pretended the conversation had never happened. Doing the same with Alex, both men soon felt comfortable enough to the point that Kathy and I didn't pay for another drink for the rest of the night!

In fact, they were comfortable enough to ask Carlos and Lupina to join us in our booth, where we put each woman in the middle between two men. It was like, for this night, right here and right now, we were all good friends. Good friends who liked to dance...and fuck. Juan, Alex and even Carlos kept Kathy pretty busy on the dance floor, sometimes by themselves and sometimes as a duo.

By the time I finally got the chance to dance with my wife again, she was drunk and high from the smoke, so it came as no surprise when she stuck her tongue in my mouth, grabbed my crotch on the dance floor and said, "I'm horny!"

"I can tell. I've been watching the guys feel you up on the dance floor every time you left the booth. But here's a little surprise for you. When we get back to the booth this time, ask Juan to take you to the hallway."

"Huuhh?...What?...What hallway?"

"Don't worry about it, just do it!" I told her and we headed back to the booth.

Taking her hand and handing it to Juan, she slurred, "My hubby says I should ask you to take me to the hallway, whatever that means."

Smiling at me while he took my wife's hand and led her away, I smiled back and simply said, "Enjoy."

Alex seemed a little pissed that Juan got to use her first, but I reassured him that waiting his turn would be a good idea. Watching Juan escort my wife into the hallway with his hand on her ass, and her's on his, I decided to follow and watch. Two of the first four 'special wall decorations' were in use when Juan led my wife down the hallway, so they went to the last one on the right.

Kathy had used the ladies room earlier, but that was before any of the adjustable seat wall decorations were being used. As the first two were now in use, Kathy and Juan had to squeeze by to get to an empty one. Being too drunk to pay attention to anything happening around her, she held onto Juan's hand tight until he stopped in front of one of the seats and pulled it down from the wall. She was clutching his arm while he adjusted the seat height for her.

"WWhhaatt are wweee doin'?" she managed to stammer just before Juan stuck his tongue in her mouth. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck as she pulled him down to return his kiss. While his tongue was still in my wife's mouth, he turned her around and sat her on the little seat, moving between her married white thighs, "Whattt are youuu doinn'?"

"Look around you, lovely lady", Juan said, removing his tongue from her mouth while also removing her white jacket.

Kathy had a poor time getting her eyes to adjust to her surroundings, but when they did, she saw some quick movement just off to her left and tried to focus on what was happening. It was then she noticed the woman on the seat next to her was getting fucked! She watched as the well endowed young man was slamming his hard cock into this cougar's cunt as hard and fast as he could...and her moans were getting louder.

The slit up the side of my wife's leather skirt was now an asset to Juan in his attempt to fuck her. It allowed him to peel the top half of her skirt back and give him full access to the married white pussy that was underneath. I don't know where Kathy's panties were, but she wasn't wearing them as Juan lined up his potent Mexican banana with her cunt and buried it deep inside her!


Her legs jerked out as this rugged Latin stranger sank his 9" of brown, woman-pleasing meat deep inside her with one thrust. Kathy's juices had been flowing most of the night from all of the drinking and dancing. Couple that with the pot smoke she was inhaling and Juan had no problem burying his cock inside her balls deep with a single thrust.