Katie's Alien Encounter

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Aliens abduct a young woman for sexual experiments.
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(WRITER'S NOTE: Yes, I know. This story idea is a cliché. An alien abduction of a human female who is subjected to sexual testing. I admit it. However, I've considered writing a story on this topic and finally came up with something I enjoyed writing. Hope you enjoy reading it.)

Katie Moore knew that being a military wife would involve stress and loneliness. At this point in her two-year-old marriage, the loneliness was winning. Her husband Matt had been overseas for three months, the longest separation of their marriage. Katie wasn't stressed about his safety; he was in Japan. But being apart from her man was challenging.

She had a part-time job as a computer specialist and was friends with several other wives, so her life was busy. It was being alone at night and having no sexual outlet that sucked.

Katie was a 25 and a looker. Her friends said she looked like actress Aubrey Plaza. She saw the resemblance but thought her body was better. Katie was 5-foot-6, 125 pounds and wore a 34-c bra. She worked out regularly and she was trim and fit. When Matt and she were together, he couldn't keep his hands off and they had sex almost every night.

Without that male companionship, Katie had ordered a dildo, a vibrator and was watching a lot of porn -- an activity she had not tried before. She was stunned and impressed by the amazing variety of videos to choose from. She frequently masturbated and usually had at least one orgasm during each session. It "trimmed her horns" but it wasn't like having sex with her husband.


The alien spaceship had been stationed above Earth for months. It was cloaked from any observation technology possessed by any country. The occupants and their craft came from a galaxy far removed from Earth's solar system.

The aliens had been observing and studying planets in several solar systems. They were particularly puzzled why they were not able to find life forms or civilizations that had advanced like they had. The observation of homo sapiens had started to focus on the humanity's obsession with sex beyond the need for procreation. These observers from afar, unfamiliar with life on Earth, had difficulty understanding why the basic process of reproduction had been coopted into many aspects of life and how those aspects often created as many problems as the pleasure derived from sexual acts.

The aliens had begun by studying the male species. The conclusion was it was simplistic regarding its sex drive. A few of the captives had been transported back to the home planet to join the collection of species from other planets. As the alien visitors started observing females, they decided they were much more interesting.

The aliens had downloaded Earth culture and customs into their individual data bases so they understood how and why females were attractive. They used that knowledge to monitor which women they would select for their studies. The first 100 or so had provided more data and had pleased the aliens. Their race did not differentiate sexes and sexual desire was unique. But as they learned more from their experiments on females, they began to understand why and how a female could be sexually aroused and pleased. Their superiors on the home planet had become curious about female sexuality and ordered more tests.

Women who were transported to the ship and then returned had no memory of what happened. The time they were gone was less than an hour in Earth time but could be several days on the ship. The ones who were transported back to the alien planet simply disappeared. Law enforcement investigated but were baffled and stumped by the lack of clues.

The aliens observed millions of females. They were amused that Earth's computer and telecommunication networks were so easily monitored. The visitors were able to filter and flag information that provided clues for which women might be the best candidates for observation.

The deadline was approaching to bring aboard a new candidate. The alien in charge of screening looked over the list of possibilities and narrowed it to a final list. He showed that to the commander. He selected the one that had the best qualities.

Katie Moore.


Tuesday had been a full 8-hour day. Katie was working a flex schedule, which was fine with her. Some days 4 hours, some days 8, some weekdays off. After three months being on her own, not having a rigid routine was fine.

She drove home expecting to have a chill evening -- binge watch one of her shows, probably pleasure herself with some porn and her toys. She wasn't scheduled to work Wednesday.

Katie checked the fridge and the shelves to make sure she had what she needed to whip up a simple dinner. She poured a glass of wine, kicked off her shoes and spent a few minutes relaxing as she checked her phone for texts and emails.

The 3-member alien raiding party had tracked Katie's trip home. They teleported from the ship to her home's back door. Their technology silently unlocked and opened the door and they glided through the laundry room and into the kitchen. Two moved to one side of her chair and one to the other.

Katie caught a quick glimpse of the intruders and opened her mouth to scream. Before she could make a sound, the alien to her right aimed a device at her that emitted a wave of energy. She was paralyzed. One of the aliens removed the cell phone from her hand and his companion helped lift her to her feet. The third alien signaled the ship and in moments the foursome was transported back aboard.

The commander met his three subordinates and congratulated them for the efficient capture. The leader gazed at Katie and commented on the quality of the catch. Two aliens from the examination team arrived and carried her inert body to the examination room. They laid her on a table and one of them attached two small communication buds to her ears. The other placed a flat disc on the inside of her elbow and touched a button. Her arm twitched as a micro sensor was inserted. It would track her vital signs and would disintegrate when she returned home.

After a few minutes, the paralysis wore off. When Katie regained her senses, she felt as though she was floating and that her brain was not processing information. She looked around the circular room. The walls were blank and there were no doors or windows. The only furniture was the low padded table on which she was sitting.

"Hello? Where am I? Anybody hear me?" She said the words, but she didn't hear the words. It was if they never left her mouth and stayed inside her mind.

"What's going on? Somebody, please answer." Again, silence. She was breathing rapidly and was beginning to panic. Had she been kidnapped? If so, who did it? Well, she thought, at least that part of my brain is working.

Then she heard a voice in her head. It wasn't like she was hearing the voice it was if the voice was coming from inside her brain.

"Katie Moore. We are visitors from a planet many solar systems from yours. Our people are much more advanced, and we have made it our mission to study and learn about other worlds. We have been observing Earth for many of your years.

"The sound of your voice has been muted. We have provided you communication ear buds that transmit your thoughts to us and our thoughts to you."

Katie was about to ask, "what do you want with me?" when the voice interrupted.

"We wish to observe you and conduct some tests on you. You will not be harmed. Of late our studies of your planet have focused on female sexuality."

Her "WHAT THE FUCK?" left her mouth and the alien communicating with her responded. "That comment is typical from your species."

Katie stopped trying to speak but thoughts were racing through her mind. "Aliens... The stories and myths are true?... I've been abducted... Tests?... Female sexuality... Holy shit... What kind of 'tests?'"

The alien monitors transmitted and translated all those thoughts. The communicating with Katie paused as the flood of her thoughts flowed into the data banks.

Then the alien resumed transferring information into her brain. "We are about to begin. Please relax. Resistance is futile. All our previous subjects communicated that they enjoyed the experience. We hope your time here is pleasurable."


After the last transmission was implanted in her brain, she thoughts of what was going to happen were cascading like Niagra Falls. She had so many jumbled images and ideas of her fate that she was having trouble sorting them out. Her brain waves were recorded in the data banks that quickly provided a profile of her thinking compared to previous subjects.

The light in the room suddenly increased. Katie was unaware that the brightness enhanced her image on the video monitors in the control room. The entire room appeared as 360-degree high-definition 3D. The aliens in the control room floated in the air, relaxing in anticipation of viewing another human female go through the testing protocol.

Katie suddenly felt pressure circling her wrists and ankles. She looked at her wrists and saw nothing. Whatever force was holding her then lifted her in the air and she was suspended a few feet above the floor, her arms held straight out and her ankles about a foot apart. Instinct told her to struggle but her movements were restricted to twisting and turning her torso. She remembered the words that had seeped into her brain. "Please relax. Resistance is futile."

A yellowish beam was projected on her body. It appeared to be scanning as it moved over her arms, her body and her legs. Then the beam narrowed. Katie noticed it was pointing at her blouse. She heard a faint crackling sound and felt her blouse loosen. The top button had disintegrated.

"Oh noooo. Please. Oh fuck." Her thoughts of panic and reluctance transmitted to the control room. "She reacts like the others," one of the technicians commented.

The beam moved to each button and in seconds her blouse was bereft of buttons. There was one button remaining, but it was on the part of her blouse still tucked in her skirt.

The beam circled her waist, crackling as it sliced through her blouse above her skirt. Her blouse now hung slightly open, revealing her bra and cleavage. The beam then moved to each sleeve, slicing the material to the collar so that the sleeves fell away from her arms.

The beam cut through the collar at the back of her neck and completed its precise movement to the previous incision at the bottom of her blouse. The separated garment fell away and drifted to the floor. Katie gasped at the feeling of being stripped so efficiently and precisely.

The apparatus moved down Katie's back and started on her skirt. She heard what the now familiar sound and felt the waist loosen as the beam separated the cloth. It quickly moved in a straight line to the hem. Her skirt fell away.

Katie felt goose bumps forming and her breasts were rising and falling as her breathing quickened. She had to admit that being restrained and stripped in this manner was more arousing than frightening. Some of the porn she had enjoyed watching involved some sensual bondage scenes. Those thoughts transmitted to the data bank and several lights flashed indicating a match with previous test subjects.

The beam moved up her back to the bra strap and made quick work of dissolving the snap. Katie could feel it loosen from her breasts. The beam moved to the front and separated the bra cups. Her shoulder straps were snipped. Her lacy bra cups barely hung from her quivering mounds. Her nipples were rock hard and were helping hold the lacy scraps on her mounds.

The strip of her blouse that had been tucked inside her skirt, held by the single button, fell away when the button eliminated. The beam's final task was at her hips, cutting the thin strips of fabric of her panties. They fluttered to the floor. Suspended and nearly naked, her ruined bra barely covering her mounds, Katie knew she was quite the sight.

The room suddenly went pitch black. It was the darkest dark she had ever experienced. "What's happening?" She spoke those words and again she heard nothing. A voice in her head, different than the previous one, said "Beginning Phase Two."

The light came back as suddenly as it disappeared. Katie was briefly blinded by the sudden change. When her vision returned, she was frightened by what she saw.

A large blob about four-feet high and a similar width was in front of her. Its unblinking eyes were on two stalks, giving the appearance of two periscopes. Other than that, there were no features that resembled a face.

"What the fuck is this... thing?" The original voice returned in her mind. "Please don't be frightened. We developed this on our planet. It is designed to probe and elicit reactions through contact. We have modified it to suit your species."

The blob started vibrating and different colors were coursing over its skin. Katie's eyes were glued to the... thing... her heart beating in her chest.

The blob shifted shape from a large ball to more of a cylinder, gaining height until its eyes on the stalks were nearly level with Katie's. Then she saw wiggling tentacles appear, emerging from the back of the creature. They waved in the air then extended themselves in the direction of their target.

"NOOOO, leave me alone, stay away, don't touch me."

At first, she saw half a dozen tentacles but soon she couldn't keep track. They varied in size from a couple of inches thick to maybe a quarter inch. Soon they were all over her body. Two quickly nudged under her bra cups and pushed them off so she was fully exposed, then started poking and prodding her mounds.

Some of the tentacles had hollow tips like mouths. Others had ends that looked like suction cups. Others were blunt ended but had a small aperture which was emitting a liquid. The thinnest had soft filament in a brush-like shape on their tips.

The larger tentacles snaked and wrapped around Katie's arms, legs and torso. The touch was cool, smooth, soft with an underlying strength. There was occasional squeezing to gauge areas of her body. Otherwise, the appendages were gentle and somewhat sensual in their exploration.

Katie closed her eyes and tried to suppress a moan. She felt like all her nerve endings were on high alert and her memory flashed on some of the BDSM porn she had enjoyed. While most of that type of porn focused on the restraints, light whipping, nipple clips and abuse, she had most enjoyed where a helpless woman had been pleased with soft touches, oil, nipple play.

Those thoughts, of course, went into the control room's data banks. The machines hummed and lights flashed as the information was analyzed. The alien in charge of the creature in the exam room telepathically sent it instructions.

The tentacles that produced the fluid increased their production and Katie's body was soon covered. One approached her mouth, but she shook her head trying to avoid contact. Another tentacle wrapped around her neck and squeezed. She started gasping for air and soon relented. The first tentacle rubbed over her lips and soon the liquid flowed. It pushed against her lips, and she opened her mouth and more of the goo was deposited.

"Good gawd," she thought, "it tastes like semen." She quickly deduced that if the aliens had abducted males, they had acquired sperm samples to artificially reproduce it.

The control room registered that, and the commander noted her analysis. "This human female has commendable comprehension. What are the sensors collecting regarding her sexual responses?"

A technician quickly responded: "Heart rate is increasing. Nervous system is processing tactile contact at a high rate. Data indicate that the subject is experiencing high levels of pleasure."

Two of the thin tentacles were near Katie's ears and she shivered as the soft flagellum began swirling in and around her ears. Two other thin strands were lower, lightly brushing the sensitive skin of her neck and upper shoulders.

She felt a pleasing sensation on her breasts and glanced down to see two thin tentacles wrapping around her tit tips just outside her areolas. Their skin seemed to adhere to Katie's. The appendages squeezed slightly, puffing her nipples. The soft filaments then started brushing over her hard nipples.

"HOOOLLLLLY... SHIT... GAAAWWD," she wailed through clenched teeth, the mental reactions again transmitted. Her torso quivered. The feeling of the fine thread-like material made her upper body shiver and the teasing sensation traveled in her nervous system straight to her pussy.

Almost simultaneously, two more thin tentacles were snaking between her legs. One deployed its filaments up and down her slit, lightly teasing her labia while the other moved to the top of her mound and deftly explored her clit bud.

The soft sensation on her nervy nub was too much. The tantalizing touch was completely new -- yes, it was alien -- and her body erupted. Katie's head tilted back, mouth open in a silent groan, her back arched and her hips thrusted up and down as her orgasm crested.

"Excellent," the commander commented, "how did that register?"

"One of the strongest of these orgasms we've recorded and interesting because, obviously, it's only the first." The aliens didn't smile but the satisfaction regarding the testing was shared via their thoughts.

Katie's skin glistened and her body quivered and quaked as she recovered from her climax. The blob had no intention of pausing.

Two of the tentacles with the suction cup endings moved to her breasts and covered her nipples. The sucking power was strong, and Katie's sensitive nubs were soon growing even harder. The suctioning alternated much like milking or suckling. The small tentacles with the flagellum turned their attention to the sensitive flesh just outside where the suction tentacles were operating.

One suction tentacle covered her lips and simulated kissing while another moved to her pussy and latched on to the top of her mound. Soon her clit bud was throbbing as the appendage applied its suction. Her body writhed against the restraints as her mouth, breasts and pussy mound were pleasured. Meanwhile, other tentacles roamed over her arms, legs, torso, ass, lightly sliding over her sensitive flesh. There was so much tactile contact Katie was approaching sensory overload.

The alien monitoring her vital signs reported. "Subject is approaching maximum nervous system response. Only a few previous subjects have achieved this level."

Katie's breasts were heaving, from the stimulation and from her heavy breathing. Her clit was pulsing as it was manipulated by the sucking tentacle. She could feel secretions seeping from her pussy and dribbling down her ass crack. Katie knew her body and could feel she was ramping up for another climax.

That feeling was enhanced when she felt a blunt object pushing against her mound. One of the larger tentacles slid up and down her slit, pushing against her slick labia. Her protest was a muffled gurgle against the suction tentacle that was attached to her lips.

Katie couldn't see what was trying to enter her, but it felt thicker than any cock she had encountered. The tentacle was patient but persistent. It moved up and down her pussy, slowly pushing its way between her labia, which eventually were pushed to the side to reveal her delicate labia minora.

The tentacles stimulating her lips, nipples and clit increased their efforts which pushed Katie's nervous system to the edge. The prospect of having a strange... alien... object fucking her provided the mental arousal to add to the physical.

A second orgasm engulfed her body sparked by the stimulus of her lips, her nipples, her clit, the large object pushing against her vaginal opening. Her squeals of delight were muffled by the tentacle sucking her lips as her body writhed in pleasure.