Katy Perry: The Skirt

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Stuck in an elevator with Katy Perry.
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 08/01/2011
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Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I'd love to hear some feedback as per usual. please feel free to leave me a comment in the COMMENT Box at the end of the page. You see those big empty stars too? Maybe bump those up to five full ones? We wouldn't want them to be empty now would we? All alone like that? You're not a monster are you?

This author would like to thank: TNP, Thee_Disciple, MaitreNuit and DarkLord Z for always being able to proof read my crap.

Author's Note: Just a quick heads-up, the story is based in London, so there may be some terms that slipped the net. Just a quick FYI, we call elevators 'lifts' over here ;)

Also, not sure why it's a bit zanier than most. Does it work? Feel free to tell me!

This was going to be awkward. Here I was stuck in a lift with Katy Perry who was now missing a skirt. Hey Jacob, how does that happen? I hear you're shouting from behind the screen, well I'll tell you...

Katy had walked into Radio 1's main building to promote her latest album and had caught the elevator to the top floor. She had finished with the interview and her entourage had caught the first one down. As a worker in the building, I was forced into the second one, which just so happened to be with Katy. She had only just made it in when the skirt had torn.

But, that wasn't all she was wearing. Katy had on a tight electric blue top that had a delicious plunging neckline that showed off her fantastic double D breasts and made sure all the attention was on her. Just under that, she had on a very thin skirt that flowed down to her knees and seemed to float in the air's breeze. Her waist wasn't in a good position to show off her fantastic ass, hips and thighs, but she didn't really need to as all the attention was on her fantastic tits.

However, as she jogged into the lift, tits bouncing up and down and all, the doors had closed suddenly and caught her skirt. As we went down, it tore the thin fabric clean off of her sultry body and left her in her exotic black, satin panties.

She had yelped, as you can imagine, and covered herself up while I put on my best chivalrous face and covered my face, saving her one little bit of embarrassment. A few seconds passed and eventually she started laughing.

I turned back to face the room, she still had her hands over her crotch and she was red in the face but that was from all the laughing. Realizing how dumb the situation was, I joined in with a slow chuckle that eventually evolved into a full belly laugh.

"That is something from fucking Penthouse!" The 'California Girls' starlet said with a big grin. Bending at her knee to pick up the tattered fabric, holding it out at arm's length, she smiled and shook her head before dropping it onto her right fore arm.

I laughed with her until the moment passed, the laughs slowed to a singular laugh before stopping completely. With a big grin on my face, I decided to look at the floor, ignoring that I could see Katy Perry's unmentionables. Stealing quick glances at her, I could barely contain my erection. One of the most desired women on the planet was standing in front of me in her panties and practically just a bra too. This really was too good to be true.

"Hey, listen. Once we get out of here, you can have my jacket. Wrap it around yourself and you should be OK." I said, still focused on that delightful... What was that? A vomit stain?

She was looking at me, that much I could tell and I think she was smiling, or rather a grin. "Thanks so much. I was having nightmares about the tabloids. Katy Perry in knickers shocker!" She said with an adorably terrible British accent.

"Hey, no problem." I said with a grin, looking to my left I had chance to admire myself. Yes, I'm that egotistical. I'm screaming towards my late twenties, currently sitting on the precipice at twenty five. I wasn't dressed to impress today. Clad in my very favorite blue hoody (that was currently wrapped around my waist), long denim jeans and a Led Zeppelin shirt that showed off my adequately muscular arms. I stand at about six foot and my figure shows it, I'm well proportioned, I think is the right way of putting it. My short brown hair was gelled up in a selection of random spikes. Freshly shaven, thank you for asking and I have baby blue eyes which little old ladies take great pleasure in telling me that they are just lovely.

Taking a risk, I tried to make eye contact with her. But she seemed to busy rummaging through her handbag for something. Her phone? I dunno. Looking up at the LED display I watched the numbers creep by. We were on the very top floor and heading down to the lobby.

Suddenly, the lift shook, vibrated and finally lurched to a halt slamming me against the side wall. Katy wasn't so lucky and lost her balance in her heels; she crashed to the floor and shook her head in disbelief. She was about to say something when the lights cut out, then they came back on again, only noticeably dimmer. It must be the emergency power.

"What the fuck?" I cursed aloud, forgetting where I was. Casting a quick glance over at her, I quickly corrected myself. "Pardon me. Let me help you up."

Katy was on the floor on her side; her dainty hands were rubbing her sore ass through her panties.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Thank you." She added, taking my overly large hand and gingerly regaining her feet. For the first time Katy's eyes looked into mine. My God she was gorgeous.

Rubbing her ass softly, Katy almost moaned her next speech pattern. "Ohhhh... My butt."

Smiling to myself, I made my way over to the panel and pressed the emergency contact button. There was a few second of silence before a worried man's voice came on over the speaker.

"Yes? Can I help you?" It asked, he sounded a bit like Frank Oz.

"Yeah, we're trapped in one of the lifts." I said, casting a quick glance up to the row of lights that indicated the floor we were on. Sadly, they were all dark and typically I couldn't remember how high up we were. "I'm not sure what floor we're near."

"Ah yes." Closer to Sir Ben as Gandhi now. "We're having one of the floors remodeled on the fifteenth floor. That may have something to do with it. How many people are in your lift?"

"Just two of us." Rather stupidly, I looked back into the cart to check. Realizing how dumb I looked, I turned back to the speaker.

"I'm sorry, but that makes you low priority. We have fifteen people trapped in lifts all over the building. You'll just have to sit and wait. The power has been known to come back on. If not, you're probably looking at an hour or so. Hit the button if you have any more questions." Then the line went dead. Delightful.

"OK, we sit tight and we're low priority? I imagine we'll probably have an hour or so to kill. Are you OK?" I asked, walking back to her.

"A little sore." Katy chuckled at least she wasn't freaking out. She looked around for any form of entertainment before sighing and shaking her head. Looking over at me, she beamed with a big grin. "TGIF right?"

Smiling, I nodded my head. "Yeah. I actually had plans tonight too."

"Girlfriend?" She asked, looking over at me.

"Nah, we broke up a while ago now. It was going to be me and some of my buddies out for some drinks by the Thames. How can you not in this weather?" I asked, smiling politely.

"It's funny, is this warm over here? Because this is just another day back in L.A."

"Yeah, it's been pretty warm all week but this has been a scorcher."

As Katy played around with the skirt in her hand, I couldn't help myself. I had to look at her tits. They were imprisoned in that top she was wearing. It looked like it was too tight as her jugs pressed against the fabric. I couldn't quite tell but I'd hazard a guess at her not wearing a bra and her tits being roughly double D's. I was never good at guessing sizes but I was always more than willing to study pictures of naked ladies, to study. Yeah, that sounds plausible. Study.

The air was cool in the lift, but with what little experience I had being trapped in a lift I would imagine it was going to get very hot very quickly. As my eyes danced down her cleavage I could see her two nipples pressing against the fabric, begging to be sucked. The young superstar didn't seem to be aware of that fact as she looked around the small room.

We were standing opposite each other, and the lift was nothing fancy. Well, it was fancy for the building we were in but not very fancy with some of the places I had stayed in before. It had a very sterile inside look to it, with handle bars that ran around the middle of the room, about waist high. There were also two mirrors on each side of the small room, to the left and the right of the doors if you were facing them from inside.

I must've been staring because the 'Hot n Cold' singer coughed politely in a 'Hey buddy, my eyes are up here!' manner. I looked up and grinned in a 'caught trying' fashion, she smiled and waved it off. Smiling at each other again, our eyes seemed to dance away from each other as we tried to find something to do.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katy lick her lips, making the ruby red shine of her lips seem to shine even brighter. She pursed her lips as if blowing a kiss towards me, and whenever I took a quick glance she seemed to stop it. Was she trying to flirt with me?

I glanced over again as she shifted in place. Putting both of her hands on the guard rail behind her, she bent over ever so slightly at the waist and let her tremendous cleavage fill my hungry eyes. My head had turned to the right ever so slightly, but my eyes could still see all of her actions.

She smiled sexily and stood up, leaning on the guard rail she bent forward ever so slightly and pushed her impressive bosom together. She certainly knew what she was doing as she rolled her head in a circle, making me sweat. The things I would do to those tits.

I smiled to myself, knowing full well I could really get my rocks off if I got to bone her. Of course, this was a very big hypothetical 'if' as I was, for lack of a better word, a common man. She was, quite possibly, a multi-millionaire why the fuck would she want to sleep with me? Maybe she was horny? Maybe she wasn't getting any with her boyfriend, fiancé, husband whatever.

She certainly was flirting with me, but was that just to pass the time? I know I would if I was her... Then again, if I was her I probably wouldn't leave the house, I'd be too busy masturbating over how awesome my life was and how great it was to be me... If I was her... That's difficult to convey in writing, let's get back to the lift shall we?

"So you were just going to go get wasted after work?"

She asked, breaking the silence of our naughty grins. Looking over at her, I had been struggling to keep my neck from snapping after spying on her from the corner of my eye. Being able to look at her was a welcome relief, she smiled as I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I was looking forward to a nice cold beer too."

"But you're stuck in here with me." She said with a big grin on her face, offering me her hand to shake. "Katy Perry."

"Jacob Stewart." I said with a matching smile, gladly shaking her hand. "I suppose there are worse places right?" I said with a grin.

My God. Am I flirting with Katy Perry? She really is hot. Nice ass... A nice pair of legs and a fantastic, gift from the heavens in her tits. There was another stir in my trousers as I shifted from foot to foot.

"Fuckin' A right?" She said with a big cheesy grin, she didn't seem all too bothered about the fact that she was just clad in her panties.

"Right... Hey, how come you're not more... I dunno? Trying to cover yourself up?"

"I beg your pardon?" She asked, cocking her head to one side.

I pointed at the fact that she was just clad in her panties. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Oh, I got you! Yeah, it's weird, I do all these Maxim or FHM shoots in barely anything that I just kind of get used to it. Sometimes, when I'm home alone I forget to wear anything!"

Oh God take me now. I said to myself, which made her grin and grind her foot into the floor playfully.

"Well, Jacob... Any ideas on what we can do for an hour?" She asked, smiling a flirty grin over at me. Was she flirting too?

I laughed and looked at the floor. "I have a couple of ideas but I don't want to get slapped. So... The only way I could touch that one would be with a ten-foot pole."

"Well... A ten-foot pole may be a bit much..." She said, a mischievous grin danced across her face. "What about a smaller pole? Say eight inches?"

HOLY SHIT. She was flirting with me! A no good lower levels guy? Nearly a complete stranger?

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It had been a while since I had to flirt, so I desperately tried to think of something clever to say. Gunning to keep the conversation going in the direction that both I and apparently, she appeared to want it to go. Patting myself down, as if feeling for something I spoke up.

"Never mind, don't have either of those on me anyway."

Being the brash individual I am, I began patting down my pockets again. Not really certain of how she'd react, I patted down by my crotch, making sure to flatten the denim showing off my hard-on. Katy's eyes locked straight on to the dick and didn't waiver from it. She licked her ruby red lips, after getting a good look at its hardness.

"Nope. No ten-foot pole here I'm afraid."

Katy was quiet for a few moments as she stared at my crotch. "You're hard..." She whispered, her eyes not leaving my groin. "How did that happen?"

How I answered this next question was probably going to change the entire mood of the lift.

"Your tits. They made me hard." I said, looking down her impressive cleavage, I grinned and nodded towards her melons. "It's not like they're hidden."

Katy looked down and realized that she had bent over and he could see down her magnificent valley. In a raspy whisper, she brought her arms forward and pushed them together. "And just what about my tits made you so hard?"

Not being able to break my lock with her tits, I spoke softly. "Do you really want to know?"

She nodded like a sultry demon. Slowly, my eyes drifted up to meet hers. Katy stepped forward, closing the gap between the two of us. She put her arms on either side of me and pushed her luscious body up against mine, her tits crushing against my chest.

"Yes... Tell me..." Katy groaned, leaning up to my ear, her lips mere centimeters away from my ears. Her tongue snaked out from her lips and traced her soft, juicy lips, just grazing past my ear.

"God, I want to fuck them." I groaned as she brought her face around to meet mine. Her soft forehead rested on mine as animal passion almost took over.

"You want to fuck them?" She asked, her lips so close to mine, she seemed to get off on teasing me.

Biting my lip, I nodded my head desperately.

"Well... Not just anyone gets to fuck my nice, big titties. Can you handle a blowjob?" She asked, tracing my chest with her right index finger. Slowly, her finger made its way down to my belt buckle tracing the silver hold.

Closing my eyes, I nodded my head. "Yes..." That came out a lot more serpent like than I had intended. Katy smiled and looked down at my crotch.

"If I had a nickel for every time someone said that. Tell you what. It's been a good long while since I've got laid. If you can handle a blowjob and a titfuck, you can do whatever you want with me. Deal?"

"Uh... I... Define handle..." I wasn't really sure what to say. My cock was begging for release and the sultry singer in front of me seemed willing to give it to me.

"Just let me have my fun Jacob." She said with a wicked smile, sinking to her knees, Katy unbuckled my trousers and tugged them to my knees. Undoing the knot on my sweater, she let it fall in a pool on the floor and put it in front of her. Kneeling on the soft top, Katy then reached in and pulled out my dick.

"Uh... Ok..." I agreed, like I was going to do anything else. Bringing my seven inch member into the dimmed light of the lift, Katy seemed more than satisfied with it.

"Very good... A lot bigger than some others I've seen." The raven-headed superstar said, giving me a sexy wink. "You seriously think you can handle a blowjob?"

"We'll soon find out..." That was risky, but it was worth the pay-off as Katy laughed at my remark.

Katy softly started to jerk my dick. Straightening the skin and then creasing it, jerking me off. She tilted her head to one side and then to the other as my dick bobbed up and down to her touch. Satisfied, she leant forward and opened her mouth.

"God, you're beautiful..." I sighed heavily as her warm, wet mouth engulfed my dick. She seemed to blush but that could be because she was sucking my dick. Wrapping her right hand around my dick, Katy took roughly half of my shaft into her mouth. Making a few bobs up and down, she flicked her tongue all over my shaft, making sure to liberally coat every part of my helmet.

"Haven't cum yet. That's a good sign." Katy grinned as she carried on jerking me off. I honestly couldn't have cared less. Noticing my lack of interest, she took my dick back in her mouth and sucked heavily on my head. Her lips hooked under my mushroom of a dicks head, her tongue then flicking all over the soft, sensitive skin.

Taking her lips off of my dick, she looked up at me and then back at my cock. Her hand carried on jerking me off as her lips wrapped around half of my dicks head. With each bob on my cock, she seemed to take less and less of my member in, probably part of her teasing angle.

As she pulled her lips off of my dick again, she looked up at me, carrying on jerking my cock. "How's it going stud? Ready to blow yet?"

I looked down at her and shook my head. "I sincerely hope that isn't it. I'm still ready for fucking those big tits."

Smiling to herself, Katy took my dick in her mouth again and started to bob up and down, taking more of my cock in as she went. As her lips bobbed up and down, she took more of my cock and had to brush past her hand. Putting it on my hip, she seemed more than content to suck my cock like that.

Watching Katy go to work was almost enough for me to bust a nut there and then. However. If you got the chance to fuck the biggest... Natural? Tits in Hollywood you'd want to keep it under control right? Right. I watched her go to work with a renewed passion. Taking more and more of my dick in her mouth seemed to suit her nicely as she moaned.

"Mmmmm..." She moaned through my shaft, looking up at me she flashed me a grin as she removed her mouth from my dick, then using her left hand she pressed it upwards against my shirt covered chest and licked from my nuts all the way up to my helmet. She made a few passes of that before changing her mind and moving back to deepthroating me.

Taking her mouth off of my dick one more time, she looked up at me, jerking me off as she did.

"You're doing really well. Most guys have cum by now. I bet you're not even getting close right?" She said with a big grin as she continued to stroke my cock.

"I hope you're not trying to distract me, because that really wouldn't be fair." Grinning, I looked down at her with a goofy smile.

Shrugging, Katy closed her eyes and started to gently slide her sultry tongue along the swollen head of my cock. She moved her left hand briskly against my shaft, her lips occasionally bumping into her fist as she did so. Grunting, I moved my right hand up and placed it on her raven haired head as she slid her tongue over and around the head of my dick.

"Mmmmm Mmmmm..." Katy moaned seductively as she slid her tongue in a circular motion on the head of my cock, quickly jerking her hand back and forth on my shaft. Sighing heavily, I licked my lips and stroked her hair as she pumped her left hand on my cock while she worked her tongue over the head of my shaft in a perfect fashion.