Kaycee Ch. 03: Evolution of a Fantasy


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We did shut down the email account, tossed the burner phone and didn't renew the ad in Northwest Swingers. Although we suspected we may be heading in a new direction, we weren't in a hurry. In fact, we got back together with Larry and Elisa (Bob and Carol) Fredricks for a wonderful long weekend down in Palm Springs at the Desert Shadows Resort (Raffles having been sold and converted into a gay resort in the interim). We rented a two-bedroom condo in the resort; over the three days we kept to ourselves, sunbathed au naturel and continued to soft-swap. (I'll admit to being especially pleased when both Larry and Elisa complimented me on the progress I was making with the strength training.) We had so much fun - and were so comfortable around each other - that we made plans to spend ten days the following year in St. Martin at the nude resort.

One day, while working out at the club, Sean looked troubled. Being a typical guy, I didn't inquire; being a typical gal, Kaycee asked Sean what was wrong.

"Lisa broke our engagement yesterday."

I wanted to congratulate him on dodging that bullet but knew better. Kaycee said all the proper things. She invited Sean over to our place for dinner Saturday evening.

Saturday started as one of those gray, overcast, wet, chilly Portland mornings. Neither of us were in the mood to run in the rain, so we headed to the gym to workout. Sean wasn't working, but that was OK since we'd been working with him twice that week on some new routines. We left the gym two hours later, both of us feeling muscles we didn't know we had before that day.

Normally, Kaycee would soak in our tub for a while after such a workout, but today, with a guest expected, she spent the afternoon cleaning the house while I got the BBQ ready and made a salad.

Sean arrived promptly at five-thirty with two bottles of Oregon Pinot Gris and a bouquet of flowers. Kaycee gave him a welcome hug; she was wearing a nice boyfriend sweater with a hint of cleavage and a knee length skirt.

I shook Sean's hand. "We missed you at the club today."

A cloud passed over Sean's face. "Had to move all my stuff out of the apartment I shared with Lisa. She kept the place, I moved into an efficiency down on 14th."

Kaycee gave Sean another hug. I wanted to tell him how lucky he was to be rid of her, but my mother once warned me, "never bad mouth a friend's or family member's ex, if they get back together, you'll be the bad guy" so I just said, "Sorry, buddy."

We three sat down with our cocktails and Sean gave us a short rendition of the breakup. It seems Lisa's father is some big shot attorney and never cared for Sean. Daddy's little girl pulled further and further away from Sean. They hadn't been 'intimate' (Sean's word) in a month or more. Sean suspected something, followed Lisa one night to another man's apartment. He knocked on the door, after the guy answers the door, Lisa comes to the door and hands Sean his ring back. Turns out the guy is some junior partner at Daddy's law firm.

I excused myself to start grilling the salmon filet. Kaycee got up, gave Sean another hug and this time a kiss on the cheek, before getting the salad out of the fridge so it could get tossed with olive oil and vinegar. Watching the small exchange between Kaycee and Sean, even though it was an innocent kiss, started my cock swelling. Outside, a fantasy popped into my brain which made it swell some more. When I came back inside, Kaycee noticed it.

She leaned against me in the kitchen. "What's this about, mister?" as she ran her hand against my pants.

I didn't answer, but Kaycee ended up answering her own question. She lowered her voice. "You're kidding? Me and Sean? That's what's getting you hard?"

Just then, Sean came into the kitchen, oblivious to what he interrupted. "I'll open the wine."

I walked back outside to flip the filets.

The dinner conversation switched from Sean's recent breakup to more pleasant topics - movies and sports. All through dinner, Kaycee had her foot in my lap, her toes rubbing my crotch. Dinner was finished, so were both bottles of wine; Kaycee was telling Sean about today's workout and teasing that it was his fault she was so sore. "I'd give anything for a good massage."

Sean didn't take the bait; but I did. "Sean, didn't you tell me you took lessons and would have been a massage therapist if you hadn't gotten into training?"

"Yea, but that was years ago."

Kaycee didn't let him off so easy. "Please, Sean. I won't be able to get any sleep tonight with the way I'm feeling." (Yea - I caught the double meaning.) "I'm sure you remember enough to help a poor girl out."

Kaycee ran upstairs to put on something different for her massage; I went into the kitchen to pour three aperitifs, even though we were all feeling the effects of the wine. Kaycee came down wearing one of her more conservative two-piece bathing suits and a beach towel.

Sean was obviously still hesitant. "I don't have any massaging oil."

"Will body lotion do? Tony, could you go into our bathroom and get my Aveeno?" She gave me a wonderful kiss as I handed her the drink and headed upstairs.

When I came back down, Kaycee was lying on the towel in front of the fireplace, Sean hovering above. I handed Sean the lotion before putting another log on the fire, lowering the lights and sitting in a nearby chair.

Sean started on her calves and worked his way up her legs. He hesitated when he reached her bikini bottom. "The glutes please, Sean. Those squats and lunges you have me doing are making my glutes scream; I hope the results are worth the pain." Sean didn't reply but reached under Kaycee's bikini bottom to work her glutes.

When he finished there, he started on her shoulders. Kaycee nonchalantly reached behind her and unsnapped the top, slipping it off without exposing her breasts. "There, that's better. Aren't you warm? You have to be dying with all those clothes on."

"I'm dying, but it's not from the fire. What's going on? I think I know, but I'm having a hard time believing it."

Kaycee sat up, her perfect breasts on full display. "Tell him Tony. Tell Sean what you want."

I hesitated, looking directly from Kaycee to Sean. "I want you to fuck Kaycee. I want to watch."

"This is unbelievable. Do you guys have an open marriage?"

Kaycee answered for us. "We've done some non-traditional things. But no other man has been inside me since we've been a couple."

"Why me?"

I answered. "The time is right, we think you're the right guy - we like you. If you can do this and keep it our secret, I'd like you to be the guy who makes my fantasy a reality."

Sean looked at Kaycee, her skin glowing in the firelight, her nipples were hard. "I can keep it a secret. Are you just going to watch?"

"I'll probably get naked. At some point I'll have to have my turn with my wife. Don't worry, I'm not going to touch you, I'm not gay."

"That's good, because that's not my thing either."

Kaycee interrupted the bro talk. "Time to see what's been hiding under that gym-wear all these months." She unbuttoned his shirt and played with his chest. Sean took the opportunity to kiss Kaycee.

It was the first time seeing another man kiss my wife and was as if a torch passed through my body and a fist grabbed my heart. I've never been so jealous in my life. I started to get up from the chair but stopped when I realized I'd also never been so hard in my life.

Looking at Kaycee and Sean, I saw her unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his pants and boxers down his thighs to release his cock. I removed my pants and sat back down - conflicted as what to do - could I really watch this?

They were kneeling in front of the fire. Sean's hands left Kaycee's breasts and went to each side of her bikini bottom, peeling them down. Kaycee shuffled from knee to knee so the last garment was off and she was naked in the arms of our guest. Sean stood so he could get his pants off; Kaycee took advantage of the position to kiss his cock. She looked over at me, smiled, and swallowed his cock right down to his pubic bone.

Was I disappointed or relieved his cock wasn't larger than mine? - I still don't know.

Kaycee kept Sean in her mouth, alternating between kissing or swirling her tongue around the head and engulfing him whole. Sean had his hands on each side of her head, whether consciously or unconsciously, keeping her hair from blocking my view.

"Kaycee, I've never had anyone deep-throat me and it's driving me crazy, I'm going to cum." Kaycee reacted by doing the special thing she does to me when I'm about to cum in her mouth, it never fails to send me spewing; Sean must have felt it, too. "Oh fuck Kaycee, oh fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Kaycee kept his cock in her mouth until he finished, let it fall out and turned to me, opening her mouth to show me Sean's spunk before swallowing.

"Did you like that, Tony? Your cock tells me you did. If you liked that, you're going to love what's next."

Sean was still semi-hard. Kaycee played with it and teased Sean, "Are you going to fuck me now, Sean? Are you going to fulfill Tony's deepest fantasy?" Kaycee leaned back on the towel and spread her legs, Sean was back to his full six or seven inches. "C'mon Sean, time to fuck me."

Sean looked at me and asked. "Are you sure Tony?"


I think I shocked all three of us when the word 'no' left my lips. Kaycee looked at me wide-eyed, Sean stopped before lowering himself onto her body, his hard cock mere inches from Kaycee's pussy.

"Yes - yes - fuck her" The conflict in my mind was resolved, yes, I wanted this.

Kaycee was still looking at me. "I love you Tony, only you. Thank you."

Sean's cock was now touching her wet lips. Kaycee reached down to grab it, spread some of her juices on the head and said, "Now".

There it was - the last barrier to the fantasy that had been building in my head was gone. Another man was fucking my wife. I couldn't touch my cock - as much as I wanted to - I would have cum the moment I touched it. I needed to save all my cum to reclaim my wife.

I can imagine there are thousands of men like me who have fantasized about their wives with other men, otherwise half the porn wouldn't be made. And I guess that a good number of men are disappointed when the fantasy comes true, that watching another man fucking his wife doesn't live up to the fantasy, for whatever reason. That wasn't the case here.

Kaycee was more beautiful than I could remember. Her body reacted to the fucking in a way that out-shown any porn movie I'd ever seen. Everything about her oozed sex from every pore. It helped she was getting fucked by a guy who spent his life perfecting his body and had the surfer good looks of Brad Pitt. Watching the two of them was magical, even when they were kissing as they fucked each other, the jealousy faded and my love for Kaycee grew.

They fucked like that until they came together, Kaycee's orgasm pushing Sean over the top. It was so obvious, there was no faking Kaycee's orgasm and certainly not Sean's as his entire body flexed and shuddered. Kaycee kissed Sean one more time as he slipped out of her. "Sean, I'd like you to stay and watch my husband reclaim me. Then I'd like to be alone with him."

Sean and I switched places. I entered Kaycee and it was like nothing I ever felt before - indescribable. I came instantly, no surprise there, but stayed hard and continued to move in and out. It was a mess, but oh so wonderful. Kaycee kept kissing me and telling me, "I love you" as we made love. She also whispered in my ear, "Thanks for fulfilling one of my fantasies. You watched me get fucked by another man and now he's watching you make love to me. Thank you."

Soon after that, Kaycee had another orgasm and we stopped. Sean was sitting, watching. Without saying a word, he started to get dressed. "I should tell you, I've wanted to do that ever since I first laid eyes on Kaycee. She's so beautiful. I would never go behind a man's back to fuck his wife, but you've made me very happy tonight. Thank you."

Kaycee, still naked, gave Sean a hug. "Are you sober enough to drive home?"

"I'll call a cab. OK if I pick up my car tomorrow?"

I wondered if there would be any nervousness on any of our parts the next day when Sean stopped by to pick up his car, but the subject didn't come up, either that day or the next Tuesday at the gym. We all seemed to remain easy around each other.

We had two more evenings with Sean over the next couple of months. The third time was something extra special. It was the first time we gave Kaycee a double penetration, Kaycee on her hands and knees with Sean taking her from behind, me kneeling in front receiving one of her wonderful blow-jobs. After Kaycee came the first time, Sean and I switched positions.

That was also the first time Sean spent the night with us. In the middle of the night, I was woken when Kaycee elbowed me in the side. I opened my eyes to see her smiling at me while Sean took her missionary. When Sean finished Kaycee sat on top of me, my cock was hard, and rode herself to a quiet orgasm. "Do you need to cum, sweetheart?"

"Not now, wait until the morning. Sometimes it feels delicious being on the edge like this, but only because I know I'll get relief soon. Goodnight, babe." We kissed and fell asleep with her in my arms.

It turns out that was the last time we got together with Sean because the most unexpected thing happened the following week - Lisa came back and begged forgiveness, asking Sean to give her back his ring. Sean didn't agree right away, but they did start dating again. I wouldn't have taken her back, but who am I to judge anyone? I'm the guy who gets off watching another man fuck my wife - so, to each their own.

It was probably a good thing that the threesomes with Sean broke off. It was never our intention for Kaycee to have a regular fuck-buddy because it could lead to feelings - not so much on Kaycee's part because I know she loves me. But I could see how the guy could start to have feelings for Kaycee, she is a very special woman.

After Sean, we cooled it on the threesomes for quite a while. We did get together a few times with the Fredricks, once for ten days on St. Martin's Orient Beach. Ten days of naked fun at the nude resort. Ten days we'll never forget. We kept the rules - no switching partners, but I did get to dance a few times with a naked Elisa and Kaycee did the same with Larry. No kisses (except a few French cheek kisses), no groping, but lots of exhibitions and a whole lot to satisfy the voyeur in me (and Larry) - all in all great fun.

In the next chapter Kaycee and Tony experience a very different adventure. Will it change their relationship? So far, their love for each other has only strengthened. Will it continue to grow or are they starting to play with fire?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. Loved the progression. And, I love sloppy seconds and reclaimng my wife.

Ignore the haters. They tear down but do not contribute.

racfguyracfguyalmost 3 years ago
And so it begins . . .

Kaycee reverts to her true character, a slut, and Tony wimps out and cuckolds himself. Most likely the beginning of the end of Kaycee & Tony.

ZalanaZalanaabout 3 years ago

naughty little tease at the end...you guys are just bad 😄

francemanfrancemanabout 3 years ago

Very nice writing with fewer clichés and being more realistic than the previous stories even if I still do not agree

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 4 years ago

Another nice story progression. Everything is consensual, controlled yet pretty spontaneous so far. The story telling is very natural and believable.

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