Keeping the Trophy


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She stopped and looked at me like she was expecting some kind of response or comment, when I didn't say anything she continued on.

"Obviously I need to explain Will. He wasthe catch in High School. He was good looking, the quarterback of the football team, Homecoming King; you get the idea. I on the other hand was a short, boy shaped girl with braces and freckles through most of high school. None of the boys would even look at me, much less Will Hart. We heard all of the stories, he was in high demand with the ladies and they were lined up for the action with him. I could only dream about having a date with him, and so it went for most of High School. This all changed my senior year; I started to "bloom" so to speak. I filled out in all the right places, the braces came off and the freckles didn't seem all that important anymore. The big problem was my total lack of experience up to that point and a set of parents that watched me like a hawk. I had joined FFA because I was so horse crazy, Will belonged because his folks owned a large farm east of Riverdale and all the farm kids seemed to belong to FFA as a matter of course. All of a sudden after the Christmas break of my senior year Will the "Thriller" as we secretly called him, began to notice me and would occasionally stop and have a friendly chat. I was the most thrilled school girl in Roosevelt High just from him talking to me. I started going out on dates with a few other boys during this time but he never asked me out. I was still very shy and got teased a lot about having a secret crush on him."

She stopped for another sip of water; I guess confession is thirsty work.

"My "history" for want of a better term, with Will was short and abbreviated. It was on the FFA graduation party hayride for the seniors. The FFA head teacher arranged each year for a hayride for the seniors that circled the entire town and wound up at the school with a party and dance. I found myself at the very back of the wagon under the straw with Will and a half dozen or so of the other really popular male and female seniors. Will was very attentive and I was eating up the attention, here I was in a one on one situation with Will the "Thriller". I had been included in the popularity "inner circle" and my head was spinning with the wonder of it. One of the other boys produced this large bottle of a fruity tasting wine. I had never even had a sip of an alcoholic beverage up to that point and shyly declined when the bottle was offered. The others teased me about being a goody two shoes and a baby, so naturally I relented and had a drink. It tasted a lot like a fizzy cool-aid so I had a bigger drink. The bottle was passed around a couple of times and pretty soon I was woozy and everything was kind of out of focus. Will put his arm around me and we started just talking and holding hands then a little blow in the ear teasing and finally full on kissing and necking. I was very much a novice at this boy/girl thing and Will was very smooth and experienced. At first everything was gentle and slow but suddenly he has his tongue halfway down my throat and he had my breasts out pulling and rubbing my nipples. I was shocked, I had never done anything like that before and I yelled for him to stop and pulled away. He just kind of smiled and looking around at the others, had another drink out the wine bottle then handed to me. I remember being embarrassed at acting like a "little kid" so I took another great big drink and don't remember much after that other than having some very new and pleasant sensations going on with my body."

Lyn stopped talking, her mouth opened and closed a couple of times but words didn't come out, she was obviously in a difficult place "Jim I'm having a hard time talking about this, we've never really talked about our sexual experiences before we were married and it makes me horribly uncomfortable to do so."

"Lyn, although neither of us was what you would call "experienced" when we got married we weren't complete virgins either. What we did before we met was accepted as being in the past at the time we decided we loved each other and to marry. Also by now we should know each other well enough to talk about anything without trepidation. I feel comfortable with telling you anything and I am disappointed that you don't feel comfortable about telling me things. Maybe if we had been more open with each other we wouldn't be having this conversation now." Then I shut up and looked back at her, waiting for her to continue.

Again she fidgeted with her rings, and then without looking directly at me took up her story where she had left off. "My mind was kind of disconnected from my body as I was aware of what Will was doing but I didn't seem to have the ability to resist. We necked for a while with Will getting bolder and bolder until he had my blouse unbuttoned and was kissing and sucking my nipples. No one had ever done that before and my body loved it even while my mind was screaming for him to stop, that this was wrong. But I didn't resist, I just moaned and let him do what ever he wanted. Finally I came out of my fog with my panties down around one ankle, my legs spread wide with a finger jamming in and out of my pussy. Will whispered in my ear to get ready for a "thrill from Will" then he rolled over on top of me and I felt something pushing up against my crotch. When I realized what it was my conscience finally overcame my desire and I struggled to get up. When he tried to hold me down I struggled even harder and I guess something in my system didn't like the sudden motions because I puked directly up into his face. With all the ensuing yelling and screaming the teacher driving the team stopped to investigate the uproar. I remember desperately getting my panties back on before the teacher came back to where we were, all the while voiding the rest of my stomachs contents on anyone within a six foot radius. You know the rest of the story, the teacher called my parents and I was taken home in utter embarrassment and grounded forever. I only saw Will one time after that, during and for a few moments after our graduation ceremony. He kidded me some about getting sick and missing the thrill of getting my first fuck from him. He also told me I owed him a pair of panties as a trophy even though we didn't really have sex. He even wrote it in my yearbook but unless you knew the story you wouldn't know the specifics. And that is the story of me and Will" she said as a finality to her story. That's all there is to tell" then with an expectant look she met my eyes and waited.

I returned her look for a moment before speaking "That's some story Lyn."

"It's not a story Jim; it's true, it really did happen that way. I'm not making it up, you've got to believe me, I didn't have sex with Will, and I really did vomit all over him!" She made her case pleadingly.

"Oh, I believe you, I'm sure it happened just that way."

"Then why do you have that look like you think I'm lying about it?"

"Because I am not concerned with what you might or might not have done with an old boyfriend in high school. That was way before we were married and strictly speaking, it's none of my business. What I am concerned with is what you have done with the Shithead for the past few days; I am especially concerned with what I saw happen here tonight!"

"First, tonight is the first night since I have been in Riverdale that Will and I have been alone together. We went out as a group, we stayed as a group and I went home with Bob and Maggie. You can ask them if you want to check."

"Yea so what? What I saw here tonight is cause enough for me to pack up and go home alone! Whether you got together with the cocksucker last night, tonight or later this week is irrelevant. You have been planning to hook up with him for weeks and it wasn't just for reminiscing about old times either. How dumb do you think I am?"

"Jim, I admit that I made plans to see Will while I was here and I was looking forward to it, I would be lying to you if I told you I wasn't. But the thought of having sex with him never, ever entered my mind. Tonight just sort of happened by accident. We were all relaxing and talking about things that had happened while we were in school and having a good time. I over did the drinking a bit and by the time the others decided to go home I was in the mood to party. Will said he would stay with me and bring me back to Bob and Maggie's later. As we talked and danced I kind of slipped back to twenty years ago and I guess for a little while I was eighteen years old and a senior in high school again. That's all there was too it. I'm sorry for what happened and I admit I made a mistake but there was never any sex intended or promised, I swear nothing was going to happen!" She looked at me with anguish and tears. "I don't blame you for being mad but I love you and only you. Please, don't talk about ending our marriage over this, it's not that serious!"

We sat and just looked at each other for a moment, Lyn reading my face for some kind of sign that her petition was successful as I in turn, tried to fathom what was going on in her mind. Was she telling the truth? What had really transpired over the past month up to this moment? As I sorted out in my mind what Lyn was telling me and what I had seen tonight I idly listened to the sound of Mike locking doors and stocking his beer supply for tomorrow's customers. Strange the things that will divert your concentration.

Chapter 4

"Lyn, I think you and I have a serious gap in our basic beliefs of what being married means if you think what I saw you doing with Will tonight was nothing serious. It may have been "not that serious" to you but it was as serious as a god dammed heart attack to me. Did you really think I wouldn't mind you dancing in the dark grinding your crotch up against his dick and swapping spit with that smarmy son-of a-bitch? What line of reasoning made you think it was OK for him to stick his tongue down your throat and maul your tits and suck your nipples?" By now I was loosing the control battle again and was lashing out at her in rekindled hurt and anger.

In obvious pain she responded to my grilling "Jim please stop it! I didn't set out with a plan to do something against you and our marriage, I just got carried away for the moment but I kept things under control. It's just that it was hard to stay focused between the drinks and the wanting to go back to being young again if just for a little while. I've told you, there was no sex, there were no plans for sex and no matter what my state of mind there wouldn't have been any sex! I would never have allowed it! Will knows I am happily married with a family and I'm sure he respects that!" Then she just looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I picked the panties up and held them in front of her "Do you know where I got these?"

She turned her head away and down and whispered "no".

"I took them away from Will; they were in his jacket pocket. I sat and watched you pull your legs up onto the seat in the booth, hike your dress up. Pull them down over your feet and hand them to him. I sat and watched you give him a good long close up look at your pussy. After he took a good long smell of the crotch he stuffed them in his jacket pocket." I answered with the tempo and finality of a teacher instructing a small child. "I really seriously take exception to the things we've talked about up to that point but they pale in comparison to you peeling off your panties and giving them to another man." Oddly I found myself in that zone where my mind said I had all the time and space and power in the world. I had patience, I was calm, and I was in control and whatever happened would be because I willed it to happen. "So Lyn, you want to explain why you gave your panties to your old classmate Will that you weren't going to fuck?" Then I waited.

Eventually she responded just barely above a whisper "because I promised him."

"You promised him? What do you mean you promised him?" I asked incredulously.

Again the nervous twisting of her rings and a quick glance at me "I know you are aware that he called the house a couple of times over the past six weeks. You even answered the phone once. We talked for quit a while each time, frankly I was immensely flattered that he even remembered who I was, much less would take the time to call and ask if I was coming to the reunion. Anyway, our conversation eventually got around to the hayride incident and he reminded me that I still owed him a "trophy". I pointed out that it had been a long time ago, that I was married now and that I didn't think it would be a very appropriate thing to do. He just laughed and said there wasn't a statute of limitations on trophy taking and that we could talk about it at the reunion. He teased me some about not having changed much from the shy girl I was twenty years ago, then he let it go at that. Tonight he brought it up again and wouldn't let it go, he reminded me that the last time we ever saw each other was during the signing of the yearbook and I had promised him the next time we saw each other he could claim his trophy. He accused me of going back on my word and that it was the least I could do after puking all over him on the hayride. We had a bit of a verbal dual back and forth until I finally relented and told him I would give him a pair of my panties for old times sake. Then he started in on having to earn them, that they weren't much of a trophy if all I did was give him a pair of my panties without them really representing something special."

At that point I was sorry that I had let Shithead off so easy in the parking lot and promised myself that if the opportunity presented itself that I would rectify my oversight. "You know what he was after don't you Lyn?"


"Well say it. Say it so there is no misunderstanding between us later on when we're trying to come to grips with this bullshit."

"He was hinting at wanting to have sex with me. But I made it clear that wasn't going to happen!"

"Hinting! Hinting! The son of a bitch wasn't hinting at anything! He was waging an all out campaign to get into your pants and fuck you! Hinting you say! God dam it Lyn, are you really that fucking naive?" I was on the boil again. Just as soon as I got everything back under control she had pushed the right buttons to set me off again.

"No Jim, it wasn't going to happen! I told him no way! I said that if he kept it up I was going to call a taxi and go home and not see him or speak to him ever again. Finally he agreed that if I would give him the panties and (here she flushed a brilliant crimson in embarrassment) and give him a good look at my pussy he would drop it!"

"And so you did what he asked?" I asked shaking my head in wonder.

"Yes, I didn't want to hurt his feelings and after all, I did promise him he could have his trophy. Truthfully, how important are a pair of panties and someone getting a look at my pussy in the grand scheme of things" she answered in a way that made it sound like it was the honorable and logical thing to do. "Jim I gave my word!" Then she sat and looked at me expectantly as if she had just explained everything.

I sat stunned for a moment, unable to believe what I had just heard "Lyn, either you think I am the dumbest bastard in the world or you are the most naïve thirty eight year old woman on the planet!"

"No Jim, I know for a fact that you are far from dumb and I might have been a little slow on the uptake catching on to Wills agenda but I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill! I apologize for letting things get a little out of hand, OK? So let's drop it please."

Finally my exasperation got the better of me and I had listened to all the bullshit I was going to. I leaned forward over the table so we were looking eye to eye "All right Lyn there seems to be something here that is escaping you, so I will spell it out plainly. You have described your actions here tonight as 'not that serious' and that things just got 'a little out of hand'. Well you should have given some thought as to how serious they might be to me because as far as I am concerned you have cheated on me and broken your marriage vows. Getting a divorce isn't something I mentioned lightly so you need to wake up and get real about what is going on here!"

I continued on "I will not share any part of you, mind, body or soul with another man. The things you did here tonight with your old boyfriend are absolutely, without exception, unacceptable and intolerable to me as your husband. And that bullshit about making him a promise you had to keep, well fuck that! You didn't want to hurt his feelings? Fuck his feelings! I don't give a rat's ass about promises you made to him! Our marriage vows negated any promises you ever made to that shithead son of a bitch!" I was on a roll now and there would be no holding back or compromise. I had thought she was all cried out but she had tears forming in her eyes as I continued my assault.

"Jim please, no more."

"No, you get to hear the whole thing. You say that part of this was brought about because I was too busy with my job and that I wasn't paying any attention to you? You sure as hell didn't mind the fancy house and new cars and upscale neighborhood that you just had to have! Where do you think the fucking money comes from to pay for all that shit Lyn? It comes from a high stress full time job that I deal with every minute of my life! And what did you ever do to keep me interested in you? What steps did you ever take to make me notice you, be more attracted to you? God dam it, you acted like you couldn't care less if I were attracted to you anymore or not. Another thing, how would you feel if our roles were reversed and it was me and my old collage girl friend MaryAnn LaPorte setting here this evening with you watching on from the bar? Would you accept me swapping spit with MaryAnn and sucking on her big tits as 'nothing serious'? What would you think if you watched her slide off her panties and give them to me as a trophy? Would you be understanding about me taking a big whiff of the crotch before I stuffed them in my pocket? I had often wondered if she was blond all over, would you be pleased to watch me check that out personally, for myself? Would it make it OK if I told you I was just going back in time for a little while because I was starting to feel old and not as handsome as I did when I was in high school? That I needed a time out from being married so I could get a little self image pick me up to feel better about myself?" With that I stopped to give her a chance to say something but she was totally unable to form a response.

"Well Lyn, say something!"

After long agonizing minutes she found her voice "What can I say, you are absolutely right. I didn't think about it in any context relative to you or our being married. It was just a lark in my mind. I thought that a little dirty dancing and those other things were just being a bit naughty and not serious as long as I didn't have sex with him. And the thought of you doing those things with MaryAnn LaPorte is unbearable. I would be devastated if our roles were reversed" and with that admission she became silent with an anguished look that spoke volumes about the turmoil she was feeling. I let it just set for a while before I spoke up.

The anger was gone, the fire in my stomach was gone, and all I felt was a sense of loss and remorse. "What do you want to do now Lyn? Where do we go from here?"

She looked up searching "what do you mean where do we go from here? I will do whatever you want, just tell what that is."

"As I see it we have two options and which path we travel down is dependent on you. One, if you think what you did with Will is within the boundaries of acceptable married behavior and I'm being unreasonable then you can continue on here in Riverdale, attend your reunion functions just as you had planned. I will catch a return flight home in the morning and will start divorce proceedings as soon as I can. I told you how I feel about sharing you with someone else and if that is too onerous a condition then no matter how much I love you we need to be released from each other and go our separate ways. I couldn't live with wondering if my wife needed a time out from our marriage and was out being 'naughty' as you described it. In fairness though I wouldn't count on getting a lot of solace from Will for a while because I told him that as long as we were married that I would beat him half to death if I caught him in the same room with you. After we are divorced maybe you two can get together and find out what you missed."