Kelly's Bit on the Side


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"I must be a bitch if I'm out to commit adultery."

Gus laughed and said there would be more than one point of view on that. "I say go for it."

"I bet you would," she said and they both laughed.

"Don and I have a boat in the marina but there's an outside chance we could be seen boarding by someone who knows Don. But I have the keys to my parents' big old-fashion heavy-displacement boat they rarely use and then only in summer. I keep it clean inside and check the moorings. I am regularly seen boarding by other owners and caught on security camera so me taking a guest aboard would not be noteworthy because anyone at that marina could think you're my husband."

"That sounds great. Call me sometime when you get the urge to do it."

"This Saturday morning. Don will be at golf."

"Okay," Gus said, sounding pleased. "I look forward to it. Now let's exchange personal details. We know practically nothing about one another. I would like to know about the woman I am about to have sex with."

"That makes good sense. And I would be more comfortable knowing about you."

They talked for over an hour.

"Well since you really like pecan pie I'll bring one for morning refreshments on Saturday. We won't be taking the boat out. Oh here are the directions to the mariner jetty. Call me when you are at the gate blocking access to the jetty. I can unlock it remotely with password access to a switchboard near the mooring. I'll arrive early to do my housework."

"Look, this is a new experience for you," he said. "Is it okay if we use the word darling and other endearments?"

"We will work up a passion so I would think so. What do you call your sister's friend?"

"Darling and that kind of thing."

"We let's do the same. We shouldn't have sex if we act like strangers. Bye."

Kelly didn't cut the call until she heard Gus stumble over "B-bye." She smiled and then thought this was probably why everyone didn't commit adultery; it was rather complicated.

She was wondering what to wear on Saturday when the phone went.

"Hi, it's Gus again. It's my lunch on Saturday."

Kelly sighed and asked how long did he need to fuck her. "Don has to be at golf for tee-off at 7:00 so I go to the boat after he leaves. You are meeting me there at 8:00. Eight to eleven in three hours, giving you time to go home and get ready. So how long do you need to do it?"

"Um I wasn't thinking. Ten minutes I guess if we were in a hurry."

"No long and slow please darling."

"You called me darling."

"Bye," she giggled, cutting the call.


Kelly wore just bra and panties, a dress and slip-ons so there would be no complications when he undressed her. Perhaps he wouldn't undress her, just pull down her bra to get at a nipple and roll her panties aside. Oh no, she wanted a complete seduction to make it all worthwhile.

She sat in the wheelhouse waiting and suddenly there he was, onboard and knocking on the sliding door.

They kissed, rather well she though.

"Someone was coming through the gate and so I entered with them."

"Well welcome aboard. Want a beer or something before we do it?"

"Nah, but listen Kelly. If you just want to talk about it and perhaps just pet a bit that's okay with me. I don't wish to rush you."

"Gus, every since we arranged this liaison I've been thinking of you fucking me. Please, may we get on with it?"

"Oh yes, sure. All the time did you say?"

"Yes, day and night and even when Don was pumping into me."

"Oh god, you have it bad."


Kelly led him into the saloon and said, "We can do it here but would be more comfortable in the master's stateroom."

"The stateroom them. That's a fancy name for a bedroom on a boat."

"Jesus," Gus said in awe, looking at the four-poster bed in the teak-lined cabin. "This is unbelievable."

"Don and I had sex in here the first time I brought him aboard, a week after we first met."

"Interesting but... er...?"

"You don't want me mentioning Don? That's okay. Let me feel what you've got."

It grew in her hand, still covered by his khaki shorts.

"Wow, can I reach up a leg to feel it better?"

"Unzip me," he choked.

"Oh right. Pull a tit out if you wish."

Gus couldn't believe how confident Kelly was committing adultery for the first time, or about to commit it, although technically she already she was. Er wasn't she?

He sighed in satisfaction when a tit popped out thinking she may have been the first woman he'd been with to use the word tit in the early stages of seduction. She had his cock out and was cooing at it, jerking it. He hoped he wouldn't fire prematurely. But she saved him from that possibility.

"Gus let's get up on to the bed and do it. I'm sufficiently moist and have been so for most of the week. I want you inside me before I lose confidence. I've tried very hard to maintain forward momentum."

"Right let me rip off your clothes... er I mean remove them. I can't wait to see your body, especially your legs. I'd like to come over your feet one day soon."

Kelly gurgled into pre-orgasm readiness and would have many orgasms during the next couple of hours.

As they watched the long fat cock begin disappearing into her, Kelly was highly colored and breathing heavily. Gus rubbed a finger around her clit and then lightly over it. She shuddered into three orgasms but he didn't appear to notice, looking at her enlarged areola and proud nipples.

"You have great tits."

She wanted to eat him whole but instead said, "Thank you darling. You are really filling me. It feels sooo good."

He looked so proud she just had to hug him but that released him into a pumping frenzy. She clung to him, unable to return thrust because it was too intense for her. She was protected and had told him a condom wasn't necessary and the arrangement was for him to spray over her belly. After only two minutes on the job he began turning purple so she flopped back on to the bed. He simply erupted. It caught her mouth and she swallowed without thinking, and into her left eye and over her hair. God what a mess.

He grinned proudly and passed her a towel but then entered her again and resumed banging. Kelly had expected him to rest, but no he was just as hard and as thick as beforehand. She'd been about to tell him she had two rules about sex: she didn't swallow and no ass. But he was into his rhythm and it felt so good. She had some of his cum on a finger so licked it. It didn't taste revolting so swallowed, having read men liked to see women doing that. She caught his rhythm, moving her ass and at first she just though his finger had just scraped by, but no, his little finger was worming into her asshole.

"Ohmigod. She had to stop him.

A pleasurable feeling struck. She didn't know what it was but felt obliged to jiggle her fingers around her clit. She liked doing that and just as she got herself off into a spray Kelly realized two fingers were now up her ass and she couldn't remember it hurting. So often had her pencil vibrator up there; her asshole must now be more receptive.

She gushed.

After a rest that included a nap they were at it again, this time doggy. He was great at squeezing her swinging tits quite hard, harder than she'd usually permit Don unless he had her screaming for it. They both ejaculated and that was it; end of the first session of their adulterous affair. No way would she allow Gus to walk away from her now. She must ensure they met again. They could go to a hotel for variation and when Don was away on business there was a track behind the houses she could use after dark to get to Gus's home by torchlight.

"Darling that was wonderful," he said kissing her.

"Thank you. You are a wonderful lover."

He beamed and said it pleased him she was so tight.

"We have much to get right but will get there the more times we fuck. Darling, I think we ought to meet secretly like this once a week, say every Thursday afternoon."

She waited anxiously for the reply.

"That is a splendid idea, more generous than what I'd expected you to offer."

She gurgled, "Oh good. Do you like fucking me?"

"Do I what? I was thinking would you allow me to fuck you all day when I remembered the luncheon. What a great introduction to debauchery. Let's have coffee and pie and go home to get ready. What a wonderful day this is proving to be and I hope you get a lot out of it."

"Oh I will my lover. God I thought your cock might be too big for me but it's exactly right. I don't know about ass."

"No problem because there's no rush. One step at a time."

* * *

Returning home Kelly knew she had some personal issues to face. In most people's minds adultery was a despicable act but that thought had been indoctrinated into them when they were young, similarly to being told when even younger it was necessary to eat spinach or other vegetables youngsters didn't like. The morals and eat-well police seemed to overlook the concept of personal choice. Okay unless there were social values society as we know it could collapse. However, not everyone was refusing to eat spinach or participating in adultery and so it was critical to keep such issues in perspective.

Kelly knew she had an even bigger problem to grapple with. Through committing a single session of adultery she'd found her lover to be more interesting, apparently more compatible and definitely a better lover in terms of delivering satisfaction than her own husband. Against that she had no wish to disintegrate her marriage and family life on the strength of being fucked to her satisfaction. Her children were important to her and would need her when they came home for holidays and Don had been with her throughout building up a strong family base, he and she working as a devoted team. In her mind she had to work a compromise and cheat, hoping to remain undetected, to share herself with Gus and receive the benefits. To her it wasn't a moral decision; it was an intellectual one that could also be rated as a selfish one. But then who wasn't selfish to a degree?

She waited anxiously at home for Don to return from golf. As she'd expected, nothing appeared to have changed. She asked Don how did golf go and he replied he's sunk a couple of unbelievable putts and that had won the game for him and his partner.

"How did your morning go?"

"Extremely satisfying," she answered honestly.

"Good, good. I must get ready. You know this lunch is very generous of Gus. I really think we should get to know him better. He reacts friendly to me but seems perfectly correct with you, more like neutral."

"Oh, do you want me to share my pussy with him?"

Don laughed. "Its eight years since his divorce. In all probability he's forgotten what to do with a pussy."

"It wouldn't bet on that," Kelly said, immediately wishing she hadn't said that.

"Drinking French champagne today every one could get quite well away, allowing you to push a breast against him to test his reaction. If he gropes you'll know he has memory recall but don't be surprised if you are pushed away."

"Go get ready Don. You haven't mentioned my hair and my new dress."

"Oh they look good but you always look good darling. Have you put clothes you think I should wear out on the bed?"

"Yes darling. You know I look after you."

Being face to face with her husband after the unspeakable act and speaking with him without experiencing an over-powering guilt left Kelly with a feeling of déjà vu.

Only old Mrs Mason had declined the invitation to join Gus at lunch. It was a very pleasant four hours and the champagne was great. Everyone expressed best wishes to Gus and thanked him for being such an agreeable and generous host.

Kelly went up to Gus and boldly kissed him and said, "Welcome back into society our friend."

Don came up behind Kelly, bumping into chairs and slurred, "Give him a really sexy kiss darling, see if he has recall."

Also half drunk, Kelly leapt at Gus and bent him over the cleared table and kissed him soundly and everyone watching cheered. Don was smiling vacantly like the town drunk.


"Living with Virginia' was a runaway success. It received good reviews in Britain and by media overseas and an American edition went into print. In England sales were such that after five weeks the novel made it into Britain's top 100 list of best selling fiction in the past twelve months, climbing to position fifty-two.

The steamy sequel, 'Virginia's Replacement' made it to position twenty-one on Britain's top 100 sales in fiction but in America wasn't as popular as the more intense tale about life with and life after Virginia.

For almost five years Kelly and Gus continued their affair most Thursday afternoons and nightly whenever Don was away on business. Remarkably the liaison remained their secret and then Gus met a young female editor at a book launch; it was goodbye Kelly. But in all that time Kelly and Gus behaved exemplary with one another and that perhaps says something for only meeting for sex once a week when committing adultery.

Once Gus left the city Kelly found a replacement because she was now addicted to having a bit on the side. But if she were asked and told the truth she'd have to admit there could be no replacement for Gus. And the truth would be somewhat similar from Gus: he'd never find a superior replacement for Pam renamed as Virginia in the book.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
HATE A CHEATER................................... ......................................

Wiuld have liked to hear about Don giving Gus a severe traumatic brain injury. And the slut wife having a facial disfiguring accident.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Too cold....

Nice build up, but I found the actual sex scenes very cold, distant, almost clinical, I didn't feel any passion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great! Liked the novelty!

Truely ingenious, amusing as well as good. Thank you

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